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Post on 01-Sep-2020






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CHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER ~ A Jesuit Apostolate in New York City since 1847 ~

FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT March 29th 2020

Call to Worship: Bless The Lord from Psalm 102

Jacques Berthier, Taize©1984 Les Presses de Taize; GIA Publications, Inc.

-vch,xccFcccvg,ccxScccv]ccwxxx\ccchx]cclcxvvlcvvxkcvxgcx]cYxxcx] Bless the Lord my soul and bless God’s ho - ly name.

-ch,xccFcvccg,xccSccccv]ccwxcccccc\xsx]cfcxfxcdxcaxc]ccWxxxcc} Bless the Lord my soul who res – cues me from death.

Entrance Procession: We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder

Text: African-American spiritual Tune: JACOB’S LADDER; African-American Spiritual

-c`v(c þócfxcrxc]ccfxvvrxcc]chxyxcv]chxcrxcc]cdxexcv]ccdxexx]cgcccuxc]cjxyx] 1. We are climb-ing Ja - cob’s lad - der, We are climb-ing Jac - ob’s lad - der, 2. Ev’ - ry round goes high-er, high - er, Ev’ - ry round goes high - er high - er, 3. If you love him, why not serve him? If you love him, why not serve him? 4. Ev’ – ry rung goes high- er, high - er, Ev’ – ry rung goes high - er, high - er,

-c`vv*clxcoxx]cclxcoxxv]cclxvvoxx]ccjxcyxxx]cchxxrxc]cgxex]cwn ¹c]cvvwnc] We are climb-ing Ja - cob’s lad - der, Child - ren of the cross. Ev’ - ry round goes high - er, high - er, Child - ren of the cross. If you love him why not serve him… Child - ren of the cross. Ev’ – ry rung goes high - er, high - er, Child - ren of the cross.

Opening Prayer


First Reading: Ezekiel 37: 12-14

Second Reading: Romans 8: 8-11

I am the resurrection and the life says the Lord;

Whoever believes in me, even if they die, shall never die.

The Holy Gospel according to John John 11: 1-45


The Apostle’s Creed: I believe in God,

the Father almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, (at the words that follow, up to and including the Virgin Mary, all bow)

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the holy catholic Church,

the communion of saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting. Amen


Song at the Preparation of the Gifts:


Lamb of God

Music for Communion:

1. I am the bread of life, you who come to me shall not hunger,

And who believe in me shall not thirst. No one can come to me unless God beckons.

2. I am the resurrection, I am the life

If you believe in me, even though you die, You shall live forever.

3. Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Christ

The Son of God who have come into the world.

Concluding Rites

Hymn of Sending Forth: We Shall Rise Again Text Matthew 11: 29-30, Psalm 23, John 11, 2 Timothy 2; Jeremy Young, b.1948 Tune: RESURRECTION; Jeremy Young; c1987, GIA Publications, Inc.

-c706cüóccccgxcvcgxvctxcxchxcjxc]crxccRxx]ccjxvcjxvcuxcckxcjxc]cT,xx] 1. Come to me, all you wea – ry, with your bur– dens and pain.

2. Though we walk through the dark– ness, e – vil we do not fear.

-c706cckxckxcixcccjxchxc]cgxchxcuxcchxcgxc]crxcctxccfxccdxc]cWnxx] Take my yoke on your should - ers and___ learn___ from___ me: You are walk – ing be – side___ us with your rod and your___ staff.

-c706cvgxvcgxvctxcvcchxvcjxvc]ccrxcvccRxcvx]ccjvxcjxvcuxccckxvcjxvc]cT,xx] I am gen – tle and hum – ble, and your soul will find rest, On– ly good – ness and kind – ness fol - low us all our lives.

-c706cckxckxcixcccjxchxc]cgxchxcuxccchxcgxc]crxccctxcccfxcdxc]cWxcc For my yoke is_____ eas – y and my bur – den is_____ light. We shall dwell in the Lord’s__ house for so man – y years to come!

-c706cgxcfxc]cg,xcFccexchxcgxc]ccfm ¹xcvvvScccMxccgxchxc]cu.xccgxcdxcgxc] We shall rise a–gain on the last_____ day with the faith – ful, rich and

-c706cccRxcccxgxvchxvc]ccjxvvckxvcuxccccc;xvclvxcv]vvck.v ¼xcvJcvvcyxcccdxvcfxvc] poor. Com – ing to the house of Lord Je - sus, we will

-c706vccgxvchxvctxcccrxccc]cbcexcccyxcccdxbcfxbc]cbbgxbchxbctxcccrxcc]cEmxx} find an o - pen door there, we will find and o - pen door.


Presider: Rev. John Mulreany, SJ; Homilist: Ricardo DaSilva, SJ Cantor: Maria Brinkmann ~ Director of Music: John Uehlein

All copyrighted music reproduced with permission of One License/Copyright A-700530 rights reserved. Music reprint license #944. GIA Publications, Inc., OCP Publications, WLP Publications, All rights reserved. CCLI Church Copyright License Number 11540125

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