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60-510 Literature Review and SurveyWinter 2008

XML Schema Metrics

Instructor: Dr. Richard Frost

Yanyin Zhang102537020




ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................31. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................42. General Discussion.................................................................................................5

2.1 The purpose of XML Schemas.........................................................................52.2 Why XML Schema Metrics.............................................................................5

3. Survey of Research................................................................................................63.1 Metrics for XML document collections...........................................................63.2 Metrics for DTDs.............................................................................................8

3.2.1 DTD Metrics...................................................................................93.2.2 DTD vs. XML Schema....................................................................9

3.3 Metrics for XML Schema...............................................................................113.3.1 Structural Metrics........................................................................113.3.2 XML Schema Usage.....................................................................123.3.3 XML Schema Complexity and Quality Index...............................143.3.4 A Quality Model for XML Schema Evaluation.............................153.3.5 Metrics for XML Complexity........................................................163.3.6 Metrics for XML Schema Complexity..........................................163.3.7 Summary of Research on XML Schema and DTD.......................17

3.4 Metrics for Software Component...................................................................193.4.1 Component Metrics to Measure Component Quality...................193.4.2 Software Component Reusability Metrics....................................213.4.3 Software Component Reusability Metrics....................................223.4.4 Components Interface Metrics for Reusability............................233.4.5 Metrics for the Integration of Software Components...................253.4.6 Summary of Research on software component metrics................27

3.5 Metrics for Objected Oriented Design...........................................................293.5.1 Summary of Research on Object Oriented metrics......................32

3.6 Metrics for Semantic Web Schemas...............................................................323.6.1 Summary of Research on Semantic Web metrics..........................33

4. Conclusions............................................................................................................335. Acknowledgements...............................................................................................34REFERENCES...........................................................................................................35APPENDIX..................................................................................................................42

Annotations on the Milestone Papers...................................................................42



With the increasing application of XML as a popular data-format in different

communities, the XML Schema is becoming a central component in software

construction projects. The application of schemas varies from being the interface

definitions, or protocol specifications, to being the input to some code generators for

software components. The wide application of schemas has created the necessity of

research in schema metrics for the software engineering process. Particularly, schema

metrics should be developed to enable quantification of schema size, complexity, quality

and other properties for controlling the software processes. Before the application of

XML Schema, DTD was the data-exchange standard in XML Storage, XML Publishing,

and optimization of XML queries. But the shortcomings of DTD limit its further

application and it was eventually superseded by XML Schema. The metric studies of

DTDs are insightful for XML schema metrics research. Besides, XML Schema being as

an artifact of software component, the metrics in software components which started over

three decades ago can provide meaningful illustrations for XML Schema. In this paper, a

comprehensive survey on the research into XML Schema Metrics, DTDs and software

component metrics is reviewed.

Keywords: XML; Schema metrics; DTDs, software components;



XML schemas provide a consistent way to validate XML documents. The XML Schema

grammar specifies a language that constrains and documents corresponding XML. The

greatest strength of an XML schema is that each schema defines a “contract”. This

contract provides the foundation for an application to accept or reject XML data before

operating on that data. XML provides a grammar for parsing a particular file or stream

format. XML schemas provide a mechanism for specifying more extensive grammar

constraints. An XML Schema specifies valid elements and attributes in an XML instance.

Furthermore, a schema specifies the exact element hierarchy [Binstock et al. 2002]. Also,

a schema specifies options and various other constraints placed on the XML instance. In

addition, a schema specifies a range for the value of an element or attribute. Suppose you

have the XML instance shown in Figure 1. It consists of a product element that has two

children (number and size) and an attribute (effDate). Figure 2 shows a schema that

describes the instance. It contains element and attribute declarations that assign data types

and element type names to elements and attributes.

Figure 2 Product schema [Binstock et al. 2002, 21]


<product effDate=”2001-04-02”><number>557</number><size>10</size>


Figure 1 Product instance [Binstock et al. 2002, 21]

<xsd: schema xmlns : xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema>

<xsd: element name=”product” type=”ProductType”/><xsd: complexType name=”ProductType”> <xsd: sequence> <xsd: element name=”number” type=”xsd: integer”/> </xsd: sequence> <xsd: attribute name=”effDate” type=”xsd:date”/></xsd: complexType><xsd: simpleType name=”SizeType”> <xsd: restriction base=”xsd: integer”> <xsd: minInclusive value=”2”/> <xsd: maxInclusive value=”18”/></xsd: restriction>

</xsd: simpleType></xsd: schema>


2.1 The purpose of XML schemas

XML has developed rapidly from its original idea, which is an electronic data interchange

standard, To use in the new type of distributed application of Web Service which use

XML documents for their data representation, XML Schema has become very

convenient for the definition of interface specifications, definition of data models,

protocol specifications and so on. Meanwhile, XML schema is a powerful tool for

contracts specification between different business subjects in the E-business industry and

it is beneficial in verifying an XML document to determine if it is valid according to a

defined set of rules, being a contract with trading partners, providing documentation

about the data in an XML instance, adding some data to the instance, inserting default

and fixed values for elements and attributes, normalizing whitespace according to the

data type and providing a way for additional information about the data to be supplied to

the application when processing a particular type of document. These advantages benefit

XML Schema in its role in software development process and need to be quantified for

ease of maintainability in its development and use.

2.2 Why XML Schema metrics?

All XML Schema applications related to XML documents need to be properly designed,

so that they can be easily maintained for the purpose of XML data to be effectively and

properly used by various applications. Further, schema metrics must be developed to

enable quantification of schema size, complexity, quality and the other properties. In

software engineering, XML and XML Schema documents also have a great impact on the

overall quality of the software. The metrics on them, for predicting quality and

complexity of the software development process, are important components.



Not much research that deals with schema quality and complexity metric. But the

research in software component metrics and object-oriented metrics has been studied

thoroughly. Since XML Schema also can be said to be software components, in this

survey, I will start the investigation from xml and XML Schema metrics, and then survey

software component metrics.

3.1 Metrics for XML document collections

This part of the survey presents the metrics for XML documents, two papers focus on this


There is little research of metrics for XML documents. The most relevant research was

done by [Klettke et al. 2002]. In it, they developed a set of five metrics for Document

Type Definition (DTD) documents to measure the complexity of XML documents. It was

an important first step in XML metrics research. But it focused mainly on complexity

rather than quality. In this paper, the authors did not develop a new quality model, but

used the ISO 9126 quality model [58] and concentrated on the characteristics usability

and maintainability. The first metric proposed in this paper is the size. The software

metric of LOC (lines of code) was applied and developed to evaluate the number of

elements, attributes, entities and notations in the metric. The second metric is to evaluate

the structural complexity. The McCabe complexity [McCabe 1976] was adopted and

added additional edges in the DTD graph to derive a new metric. The third metric

developed in the paper is structure depth. Since a DTD can be represented as a graph.

From the graph, the depth of the leaf nodes on the graph is 0. The depth of all other nodes

is the maximal depth of all child nodes plus 1. The depth of the whole graph is equal to

the depth of the root node. The fourth metric proposed is the fan-in metric. Different from

the depth structure, this metric determines the “width” of each element declaration. It

expresses how many child elements and attributes it has. This value correlates with the

number of child nodes in the DTD graph. The formula for this metric is:

is child node of n}|. The fifth metric is the fan-out metric. It is the


counterpart of the fan-in metric. It is derived from the DTD graph and it counts how often

every element occurs in the DTD declaration or how often an element declaration is

reused. The formula for it is: is parent node of n}|. Both the fan-in and

fan-out metrics can be calculated using an adjacency matrix. In these five metrics, size

and complexity can be applied to complete DTDs. The metrics of depth, fan-in and fan-

out can be determined for each element and attribute of a DTD and for the complete


In [Mlynkova et al 2006], the authors make a thorough investigation of existing XML

data and their real complexity and structure. Different from the formal definition in

computer programming of O(n) or O(n2), the complexities here means counting the

number of each component in a file with its related weight value. The authors gathered

more than a total of 20 GB of real XML collections and studied the relationship between

schemas and their instances. The total number of collected XML documents is 16534 and

the number of XML collections is 133. The maximum size of a document is 1.3 MB. The

median size of a document is 10 KB. In the total collection, the documents with DTDs

accounts for 74.6%, and documents with XSDs is 38.2%. The collection is categorized

into data-centric documents, document-centric documents, documents for data exchange,

reports, research documents and semantic web documents. The authors use 10 logical

categories for better understanding the analysis. Their global statistics considers the

overall properties of XML data such as number of elements of various types, number of

attributes, paths, depths and portion of text in documents. The authors claim that their

results show most of the documents are constructed simply using only a small number of

distinct element and attribute names (usually less than 150). The maximum depth

exceeded 20 only for few specific, recursive instances. The maximum depth of

corresponding schemas is higher but has a maximum around 80. For depth statistics, it

shows that the typical depth is always less than 10. This confirms the previous works

[Choi 2002, Geert et al. 2004] related to maximum depth of XML data. In level statistics,

it focuses on distribution of elements, attributes, text nodes, and mixed contents at each

level of XML documents. The numbers show that the highest amounts of analyzed nodes

are always at the first levels and then the number of occurrences rapidly decreases. The


steep exponential decrease ends around level 20 and then the drop is much slower and

shows more fluctuations. For fan-out statistics, the numbers show that the characteristics

of the graph are similar at each level but with the growing depth it gets thinner. The fan-

in statistics are just an “inverse” of the fan-out characteristic. It indicates that the highest

values of fan-in naturally occur in the doc and ex categories which show more

complicated schema definitions than the rest. The recursive statistics deal with types and

complexity of recursion. The results conclude that XML Schemas cannot be taken as the

only source of information for benchmarking though they are reliable. There is a mixed-

content statistic which further analyzes the structure and complexity of mixed contents

more deeply. They focus on average and maximum depth of mixed content and the

percentage of simple mixed-content elements. The authors claim that the structure of

mixed-content elements is not complex. The average depth is less than 5 and most of

them are simple types which consist only of trivial subelements. Another category is

relational statistics. This pattern can be easily processed in a relational database, or using

relational approaches because they always are a product of various database export

routines. The final category is schema statistics. This statistic analyzes XML Schema-

specific constructs. From the analysis in this paper, the authors conclude that many

pattern usages are not as complex as they are expected to be. In conclusion, the authors

suggest two ways of producing the XML documents, one is by flexible schema-driven

database mapping methods and the other one is to focus on an autoconfigurable XML

processing system.

3.2 Metrics for DTDs

The XML Schema language has a stronger capability than DTD to describe the

vocabularies of XML documents, and has a good chance of being the schema language of

the future for XML. The study on DTDs can provide a better understanding of XML

Schema design. This subsection presents the metrics study on DTDs. There are two

papers dealing with this problem.


3.2.1 DTD Metrics

In the paper [Choi 2002], the author surveyed 60 DTDs collected from the web and

provided statistics with respect to a variety of criteria. In the paper, the statistic study of

DTDs was categorized into local and global properties. For local properties, it focused on

the structure and complexity of the content model. It also studied the properties that

affected the parsing of the DTDs or its ambiguity. For global properties, it was focused

on some properties that might be important in the mapping of the XML into some

database format. In local properties, DTDs were grouped into app, data meta categories

based on their function. The first metric was the syntactic complexity. It defined the

depth function as a rough measure of this metric. Then the determinism of DTDs was

discussed. It applies this standard to analyze the DTDs and find out how many DTDs

were non-deterministic. Also the ambiguity of DTDs was explained. The ambiguity of

DTDs means that the the maping is not unique. For global properties, the reachability of

element was first discussed which means that for each node n, there is exactly one node

reachable from x along the path n. The author claims that separating the unreachable

parts in DTD into smaller DTDs appear to be a better design. Secondly, the recursion in

DTDs was defined. The recursion of the DTD means that it has an element which can be

reached by itself. The linear recursive means that it is recursive and for any reachable

element, this element occurs only once in a content model and the occurrence is not

enclosed in “*” or “+”. Following, the simple path, simple cycle, chain of Stars and hub

were introduced. The simple paths happened in non-recursive DTDs and the simple cycle

happens in recursive DTDs. The chain of Stars means the continuous stars are appeared

in the DTD content model. The hub means an element name with a large fan-in value.

The author collected the fan-in value for data DTDs and meta DTDs and represented

them on graph. The analysis in this paper provides a good reference for other people to

develop the research in XML.

3.2.2 DTD vs. XML Schema

In [Bex et al 2004], the authors claimed that DTDs has some shortcomings and inspected

a number of DTDs and XSDs to answer two questions. (1) Which of the extra feature


/expressiveness of XML Schema not allowed by DTDs are effectively used in practice?

To answer these two questions, the authors firstly discussed the expressiveness of XML

schema. They investigated whether the expressive power of single-type SDTDs was used

in real-world XSDs. The result showed that only about 15% of total investigated 30

XSDs are true single-type SDTDs. The reason for this is that expressiveness beyond local

tree languages is simply rarely needed. The other reason is that because the relatively

new nature of XML Schema and its complicated definition, most users have no clear

view on what can be expressed. Secondly, they discussed the derived types of XSDs.

Two kinds of XML Schema were provided: simple types and complex types. For XML

Schema, the new types can be created by two mechanisms: extension and restriction. The

author made a statistic analysis about application of these two mechanisms to simple and

complex types of XML schema. Thirdly, they discussed the additional features that XML

schema possesses. One feature that XML Schema has is the application of &-operator.

The other is that the utilization of ID attributes and referred to by IDREF or IDREFS for

elements in XML document. In addition, referring to elements can be expressed by

key/keyref pairs and the use of namespaces for modularity is the feature that XML

Schema differs from the DTDs. The last feature is the ability to redefine types and

groups. The fourth question discussed is about the regular expression characterization. It

also answers the second question introduced at the beginning of the paper that how

sophisticated regular expressions tend to be in real world DTDs and XSDs. The simple

expressions were widely used and it indicates the simplicity that the DTDs and XSDs

expressed. The fifth question discussed in the paper is about the schema and ambiguity.

The author applies the term of one-unambiguous to check whether the DTDs and XSDs

used in the paper satisfy the requirement. It is showed that almost all of them meet this

requirement. Only few of them are not. In final, the authors collected total 109 DTDs and

93 XSDs for study. The author applied each metric and standard introduced in the paper

to these samples. The results showed that there is no absolute advantage or disadvantage

that which schema has, this helps the reader to get a better understanding of what the

DTDs and XSDs is.


The conclusion made in this paper is that many features defined in the XML Schema

specification are not widely used, especially those that are related to object oriented data

modeling such as derivation of complex types by extension. More importantly, it turns

out that almost all XSDs are local tree grammars. The expressive power encountered in

real world XSDs is mostly equivalent to that of DTDs. Also it concluded that the data

type of XML Schema overcomes the shortcoming of DTDs that it has the ability to

specify the format and type of the text of an element by restriction of simple types. It can

give software engineer some suggestions to avoid the utilization of complex types when

developing new XML implementations.

3.3 Metrics for XML Schema

This subsection presents the studies of Metrics on XML Schema. There are 5 papers deal

with this subject.

3.3.1 Structural Metrics

With the development of software engineering, metrics for XML schemas are needed for

quantification of schema size, complexity, quality, and other properties, instrumental to

control the processes in which the schema re involved. The first definition of a suite of

metrics for the XML Schema language was provided by [Lammel et al. 2005], the

metrics proposed in that paper range from simple counters of various types of schema

nodes to more involved metrics such as McCabe, depth, and breadth.


Table 1. Overview of XML Schema metrics defined by Lammel et al. [Visser 2006, 2]

The authors in this paper collected 63 schema projects from different IT sectors and each

metric was applied to the schemas. The works done in this paper helped to introduce the

fundamental metrics for the XSD language and identified the basic feature model of the

XSD language at a basic level. At a more problem-specific level, it looked into problems

that are related to the so-called impedance mismatch in data-model mapping which is

relevant for XML data binding.

3.3.2 XML Schema usage

The metrics proposed in [Lammel et al. 2005] mainly focus on size metrics. As an

extension of this paper, the work in [Visser 2006] proposed a number of more advanced

schema metrics that can be applied to measure other properties than size. The metrics in

this paper are all defined over the graph representations of schema structure. Then they

are called structure metrics. The metrics defined in this paper were listed in following



Table 2. Metrics defined in paper [Visser 2006, 8]

Some formulas used in this paper are:

Impurity: , e: denotes the edge and n: is the node;

Instability based on fan: ;

Instability based on coupling: ;

Coherence: ;

In the paper, the authors collected two megabyte file and applied the prototype tool of

XsdMetz to measure the metrics proposed in the paper. It gave some intuitions behind the

metrics and their potential use.


3.3.3 XML Schema Complexity and Quality index

In [McDowell 2004], the authors focused on the quality measurement of XML Schema

and the complexity measurement of conforming XML documents. The authors in this

paper proposed metrics based on the metrics enumerated in [Klettke et al. 2002], they


Number of Complex Type Declarations:

-Number of Text Complex Type Declaration

-Number of Element Complex Type Declaration

-Number of Mixed Complex Type Declaration

Number of Simple Type Declarations

Number of Annotations

Number of Derived Complex types

Average Number of Attributes per Complex Type

Number of Global Type Declaration

Number of Global Type Reference

Number of Unglobal Element

Number of Unbounded Element Multiplicity

Average Bounded Element Multiplicity

Average Number of Restrictions per Simple Type

Element Fanning

Table 3. Metrics defined and experimented in [McDowell 2004, 543]

Based on these metrics, two indices for measuring quality and complexity are proposed.

The formulae for calculating them are:

Quality index= (Ratio if simple to complex type declarations)*5+(Percentage of

annotations over total number of elements)*4+(Average restrictions per simple type

declarations)*4+(Percentage of derived complex type declarations over total number of

complex type declarations)*3-(Average bounded element multiplicity size)*2-(Average

attributes per complex type declaration)*2;


Complexity index= (Number of unbounded elements)*5+(Element fanning)*3+(Number

of complex type declarations)+(Number of simple type declarations)+(Number of

attributes per complex type declaration);

The quality index is intended to provide an indication of the quality of Schema

documents. The complexity index is used for XML documents that are validated by the

XML Schema. Both the values are used to compare with the average index calculated by

the analyzing tool and give a relative indication of quality and complexity.

3.3.4 A Quality model for XML Schema evaluation

Based on above XML Metrics, in [Sumak et al. 2007], the authors propose an XML

Schema quality model for the purpose of assuring a quality XML schema. The model is

composed of following factors.

Figure 2 XML Schema Quality Model [Sumak et al. 2007, 787]

These factors provide a basic framework for programmers when design and analyzing the

XML Schema documents for how to evaluate them a good quality.


3.3.5 Metrics for XML Complexity

In [Qureshi et al. 2005], the authors focused on different ways of determining the

complexity of XML documents based on different syntactic and structural aspects to

lower the complexity of XML documents and improve their reusability and

maintainability. The method proposed by others for measuring the complexity has a

weakness that sometimes it can not distinguish the two different documents which have

same expressions. To overcome this problem, the authors in this paper proposed a new

algorithm of Weight Allocation Algorithm (WA) by assigning weights to the elements of

XML trees according to their distance from the root node (element). Since XML

documents can be denoted as a tree representation by applying the DOM (Document

Object Model). Through a recursive pre-order traversal of the XML tree can get the

corresponding XML documents. The formula used to decide the complexity of a

document is: weight(i)=1, when i=root(ele(D)) and weight(i)=weight(parent(i))+1, when i

belongs to elem(D)-Root(elem(D) where D denotes a given document and elem(D) is the

collection of all elements contained within that document. This can be expressed by

During the calculation process, the value allocation is that the root element has weight

‘1’, all immediate successors of the root element have weight ‘2’, and so on. Weights are

assigned to each element in elem (D) on the basis from the root element. This algorithm

gives some ways of gauging the quality and comprehensibility of XML documents.

3.3.6 Metrics for XML Schema complexity

In [Basci 2007 et al], a new complexity metric for XML Schema Documents was

proposed. This metric was based on the internal architecture of the XSD components.

Different from other methods in measuring the complexity by counting the number of

schema components, the authors in this paper considered the design architecture of XSD.

Each component was assigned a weight value called complexity degree which reflects the

complexity of each component. The total complexity was obtained by summing up each

of component’s weight value. For a XSD, the formula for total complexity is:

. Here, is the total complexity value of all

unreferenced global elements and attributes that is assigned by the weight values of


reflected by their type complexity values. is the total complexity values of

unreferenced global elements and attributes group, and is the total complexity

values of unreferenced global complex and simple type definitions of XSD. Here, the

word “unreferenced” means components that have no reference made within any

component definitions of the current schema. In the calculation process of each variable,

the weight value is defined by the type of group definitions that may have different

complexity weight values. In the paper, the author illustrated the metric by applying it on

a wsdl file and calculated its complexity. The result show that this metric gave better

indication than the metrics which measures the complexity based on the counts of

schema’s each components.

3.3.7 Summary of Research on XML Schema and DTD

Authors Conference/Journal Paper Title Main Contributions

Arnaud Sahuguet Proceedings of WebDB


Everything You Ever

Wanted to Know

About DTDs, But

Were Afraid to Ask

It explores some shortcomings of DTDs and how people actually (mis)understand them. It also give some replacement for this problem.

Byron Choi Proceedings of WebDB


What Are Real DTDs


It analyzes the structures

of XML and provides the

statistics on some

structures of real DTDs

Meike Klettke, Lars

Schneider, and Andreas


Workshops on EDBT


Metrics for XML

Document Collections

Five Metrics are proposed

to evaluate the Schema of

XML documents.

Geert Jan Bex, Frank

Neven, Jan Van den


Workshop on the Web

and Databases 2004

DTDs versus XML

Schema: A Practical


It explores the features of

XML Schema not allowed

in DTDs, and the

structural properties of

two foms

Andrew McDowell,

Chris Schmidt, Kwok-

Bun Yue

Proceedings of CSREA

Press 2004

Analysis and Metrics

of XML Schema

It proposes eleven metrics

to measure the quality and

complexity of XML



Ralf Lammel, Stan

Kitsis, Dave Remy

Proceeding of XML

2005 Conference

Analysis of XML

schema usage

It introduces essential concepts of XML schema analysis based on software code metrics. It analyzes the quantitative and qualitative information for XML Schema.

Mustafa H. Quereshi,

M. H. Samadzadeh

Proceedings of ITCC


Determining the

Complexity of XML


It focuses on determining

the complexity of XML

documents based on

different syntactic and

structural characteristic.

Zi Lin, Bingsheng He,

Byron Choi

Proceedings of ER


A quantitative Summa-

ry of XML Structures

It proposes some metrics

for major structural

properties of XML,

especially the nestings of

entities and one-to-many


Irena Mlynkova, Kamil

Toman, and Jaroslav


Conference on

Management of Data,


Statistical Analysis of

Real XML Data


Analyzing real XML data

and their structure, real


Joost Visser Proceedings of XATA


Structure Metrics for

XML Schema

It proposes a suite of

metrics for XML Schema

to measure structural


Bostjan Sumak, Marjan

Hericko, Maja Pusnik

Proceedings of the ITI

conference, 2007

Towards a Framework

for Quality XML

Schema Evaluation

It analyzes the XML

metrics and proposes a

XML Schema quality


Dilek Basic, Sanjay


OOPSLA 2007 Complexity Metric for

XML Schema Docum-


It proposes a metric based

on the internal architect-

ture of the XSD compon-

ents and considers the

complexities of its build-

ing components.


3.4 Metrics for Software components

XML Schemas are software artifacts that are claiming an increasingly central role in

software construction projects. Schemas have come into use as interface definitions, data

models, protocol specifications and more. With increased reliance on schemas comes the

necessity of properly embedding them in the software engineering process. In software

engineering, the designing XML Schemas play an important role in software

development process. There are lots of researches have been done in software metrics.

The study of software metrics may give some inspirations to XML Schema metrics. In

following part, some researches of software component metrics will be surveyed.

3.4.1 Component metrics to measure component quality

Component-based software development (CBD) requires a considerably different

approach from OO methods. OO methods develop systems by defining functional and

object models, by comparison, CBD methods utilizes commonality and variability (C&V)

analysis, components, component’s interfaces and relationships among components.

Because OO metrics only focus on objects or classes, but component consists of one or

more classes as well as interfaces. Therefore, various metrics developed for OO

programming can’t be applied to CBD equally [Cho et. Al 2001].

In [Cho et. Al 2001], the authors proposed metrics for measuring the complexity,

customizability, and reusability of software components. For measuring the complexity,

the authors proposed a new complexity metric by combining cyclomatic complexity

(McCabe) [MaCabe 1976] is called Component Complexity Metric (CCM). The CCM

was then classified into four kinds of complexity metrics: component plain complexity

(CPC), component static complexity (CSC), component dynamic complexity (CDC), and

component cyclomatic complexity (CCC). The formula for calculating these metrics are


For CPC, , Where:


is calculated by counting classes, abstract classes, interfaces and methods.

: the complexity of each class, and : the complexity of each method.

For calculating Component Static Complexity, it focuses on how complex the

component’s internal structure is. The formula is defined as:

, where Count(R) is the count of each relationship between

classes, and W(R): Weight value of each relationship.

The Component Dynamic Complexity measures the complexity of internal message in a

component with a dynamic view. The formula is defined as:

, here, the formula represents the complexity f each interface


The Component Cyclomatic Complexity is used after the component implementation is

finished. The formula is defined as:

, where is the sum of classes,

interfaces, and interface methods. is the sum of complexity of each classed

contained in a component, and is the sum of complexity of each interface

method. The cyclomatic component method is defined as the number of edges minus the

number of nodes plus 2.

For measuring the Reusability, two approaches were proposed. One is a metric that

measures how a component has reusability. The other is a metric that measures how a


component is reused in a particular application. For the former approach, the formula is

defined as:

, where Count(CCM) is the count of each interface method for

providing common functions among several applications in a domain. Count(CIM) is the

count of methods declared in interfaces provided by a component. The latter approach is

a metric to measure particular component’s reuse level per application in a CBSD. The

formula is defined as:

, where Reuse(C) is the line of code reused component

in an application. And Size(C) is the total lines of code delivered in the application. In the

paper, the authors applied the metrics into several projects in the banking domain for

evaluation. The results show that the proposed metrics help evaluates the development

and testing efforts. It also provides valuable information to component developers,

component assemblers, and application developers.

3.4.2 Software component reusability metric

In [Washizaki et al. 2005], a metrics suite for measuring the reusability of software

components was proposed. The novelty of this metrics suite compared to [Barnard et al.

1998] and [Cho et. Al 2001] lies that the author metrics defined with confidence intervals

that were set by statistical analysis based on a certain number of JavaBean components.

Also the authors combined the metrics proposed in this paper and provided a reusability

model for indentifying black-box components with high reusability. The metrics defined

are: 1) Existence of Meta-Information (EMI), measures whether the BeanInfo class

corresponding to the target component is provided. 2) Rate of Component Observability

(RCO), is a percentage of readable properties in all fields implemented within the Façade

class of a component. It indicates the component’s degree of observability for users of the

component. 3) Rate of Component Customizabilty (RCC), is a percentage of writable


properties in all fields implemented within a Façade class of a component. It indicates the

component’s degree of customizability for users of the component. 4) Self-Completeness

of Component’s Return Value (SCCr), is a percentage of business methods without any

return value in all business methods implemented within a component. It indicates the

component’s degree of self-completeness, and low degree of external dependency for

users of the component. 5) Self-Completeness of Component’s parameter (SCCp), is the

percentage of business methods without any parameters in all business methods

implemented within a component. It indicates the component’s degree of self-

completeness, and the low degree of external dependency for users of the component. In

final, a reusability metrics named Component Overall Reusability (COR) by combining

all above five metrics based on the reusability model. It indicates the component’s degree

of reusability for users of the component.

The component c is reusable if the value of COR(c) is larger than 0. It can be effectively

used for the component selection in terms of reusability when there are several black-box

components implementing the same specification.

In [Potaru et 1. 2005], the authors proposed reusability metrics of compose-ability and

adaptability for software metrics. Both these two metrics were initially designed to for

database components. The degree of compose-ability of a component is intended to

quantify the easiness in combining a component with others. This metric is qualitatively

defined by studying the parameters and return values of its interface methods. A software

component interfaced only by methods with no parameters and no return values has the

largest compose-ability degree because it doesn’t have any external data dependencies.

Another metric measures the ability of a component to accommodate changes in the

environment and it is evaluated by the complexity of its interface.

3.4.3 Usability metrics for software component


The same work has been done by [Bertoa et al. 2004], the authors presented a suite of

metrics for usability of software component based on the ISO 9126 Quality Model. The

authors in this paper pointed out that one of deficiencies that other metrics for software

component lies they don’t consider attributes, even they don’t associate any quality

characteristic to metrics themselves. So the metrics defined in this paper focused on these

two questions. The measurable concepts related to usability metrics are quality of

documentation, complexity of the problem and complexity of the solution. The metrics

for these three attributes are presented respectively. The advantage of propose the metrics

for attributes lies that metrics can measure attributes directly.

As an extension of [Bertoa et al. 2004], in [Bertoa et al. 2006], the authors presents a set

of measures to evaluate the usability of software component and how to validate these

measures. It also proves how the appropriate combinations of measures can evaluate

better the usability of a component than any individual measure. The metrics used in this

paper is proposed in [Bertoa et al. 2004], but the authors conducted experiments for

measuring the understandability, learnability and operability of a set of software

components. The results showed that the understandability depends on the structure and

organization of the manual as well as on the simplicity of the method’s signature. The

learnability depends both the quality of the manuals and the complexity of the

component’s design. The operability mainly depends on a combination of the amount of

information available about the component configurable parameters. The future work in

this paper is to conduct more experiments and to work on analysis model to define the

appropriate quality indicators for usability.

3.4.4 Components Interface metrics for reusability

In [Boxall et al. 2004], a set of metrics for measuring the understandability of component

interface is proposed. For measuring the reusability of components, using some public

and static properties are easier than some properties, like efficiency, safety which require

runtime environment for measurement. The authors in the paper collected 12 component

interfaces written in C and C++ and measured them thoroughly. The metrics proposed



1) Interface size: Argument Per Procedure (APP) measures the mean size of procedure

declarations of an interface. It is defined as:

, where is the total count of procedures that are publicly declared by an

interface. is the total count of arguments of the publicly declared procedures.

2) Distinct Argument Count, it measures the consistency of the naming and typing of

arguments. It is defined as: , where A is the set of name-type pairs used as

arguments in an interface. The interfaces with lower DAC will have arguments that

are declared more consistently.

3) Argument Repetition Scale (ARS), it still measures the consistency of the naming and

typing of arguments. It is an alternative to DAC.

, A is the set of name-type pairs. |a| is the count of procedures in which

argument name-type a is used, and is the total count of arguments. ARS will be in the

range . Interface with higher ARS will tend to be dominated by fewer distinct

arguments which are repeated more often.

4) Mean String Commonality (MSC), it measures the commonality of a set of

identifiers. It is defined as:

, where A is a set of identifiers, n is the count of

identifiers, comb(A) computes the set of combinations of two elements from the set A.

lcs(x,y) computes the longest common subsequence of x and y. If the set of identifiers

has zero or one elemens, MSC is undefined. Sets of identifiers with higher MSC will

have more commonality which suggests that the identifiers have been named consistently

and indicates that a naming convention has been adopted.


5) Mean Identifier Length (MIL) is the weighted mean length of identifiers occurring in

the interface. Median Identifier Length (MeIL) is the weighted median length of

identifiers. It is believed that longer identifiers will tend to contain more information

and be more self-documenting. The results in the paper showed that MeIL appeared

to be better than MIL because it is resistant to outliers.

6) Reference Argument Density (RAD), it measures the occurrence of reference

arguments in an interface. It is defined as:

, where is the count of pass by reference arguments and is the total

Argument Count. A higher RAD indicates that the interface tends to be more difficult to


The interface metrics can increase the understanding of the reusability components. They

can provide some accurate and efficient information for reuse analysis because

sometimes, other source information is unavailable and they can be accessed


3.4.5 Metrics for the integration of software components

Lots of researches focused on reusability of software components. In [Narasimhan et al.

2004], the authors start from the reality and propose a suite of metrics to measure

complexity and criticality for the integration of software components. The complexity

metrics consist of component packing density (CPD) metrics and component interaction

density (CID) metrics. CPD metrics is defined as the form of a ratio of constituent to the

number of components. It is used to identify the density of integrated components. The

formula is:

, where #<constituent> is the number of

lines of code, operations, classes, and/or modules in the related components. The number

of constituent depends on the information that might come from the definition of

component. This is related to the information on the number of classes, number of lines


of code (LOC), number of modules, or number of operations for each component.

Interaction Density Metrics measures the interaction happens at one component’s

interface or through consuming other component’s events. It also happens when a

component submits an event and other components receive it. The interaction density

metric proposed in this paper is called Average Interaction Density (AID). To measure

AID, first the Interaction Density of a Component (IDC) is introduced as the ratio

between the actual numbers of interactions to the available interactions in a component.

So the AID is defined as: , where to is

interactions density for component 1 to n, and #components is the number of the existing

component in actual system. For these metrics, a component with high value of density

indicates the need to utilize high quality professionals to do the design. In this paper, also

criticality metrics for component were proposed. It measures the critical component

existed in software. In a system, a component is called critical if it is a link criticality,

bridge criticality, inheritance criticality and size criticality. The metrics defined for them

are: for links criticality, it is the sum of the number of links connected to a component.

For bridge criticality, it can be obtained from the incidence matrix and identify which

component functions as bridge. For inheritance criticality, the information can be got

from the inheritance tree. For size criticality, it is the number of lines of code, modules,

operations or classes. By getting this critical number, it provides a better understanding of

which component face higher risk than other components. It is an indication of the risk

associated with the component.

As an extension of [Narasimhan et al. 2004], in [Narasimhan et al. 2006], the authors

present two suites of metrics, one is static metrics which measure complexity and

criticality of component assembly. Here, the complexity is measured by using

Component Packing Density and Component Interaction Density metrics. Further, the

complexity and criticality metrics can be combined to form a Triangular Metric. The

complexity metrics can be categorized into two groups. One deals with component

packing density (CPD) and the other deal with component interaction density (CID)

metrics. The metrics are defined as: and


, respectively. The #constituent is the number of LOC, object/classes,

operations or modules. The #I is the number of actual interactions and #Imax is the number

of maximum available interactions. For criticality Metrics, four metrics are presented.

They are Link Criticality, Bridge Criticality, Inheritance Criticality and Size Criticality.

The authors define the Link criticality metrics as the number of components. The bridge

Criticality metrics as the number of bridge components. The Inheritance Criticality

Metrics as the number of root components which has inheritance and the Size Criticality

Metrics as the number of component which exceeds a given critical value. The final

Criticality Metrics is the sum of above four metrics. The other suite is Dynamic metrics

which are collected during the runtime of a complete application. The dynamic metrics

defined in the paper are: the number of Cycle (NC) metric, the number of Average

number of active components which is defined as the number of active component

divided by the time to execute the application, the active component density (ACD)

which is defined as the number of active components divided by the number of available

components. The fourth one is the average active component density (AACD) which is

defined as the where is the sum of ACD and Te is the time to

execute of a function. The fifth one is the Peak Number of Active Components, it is

defined as , where is the number of active component

at time n and is the time interval in seconds. The dynamic metrics are helpful to

identify super-component and to evaluate utilization of components.

Continually as an extension of [Narasimhan et al. 2006], in [Narasimhan et al. 2007], the

authors detailed illustrate the static and dynamic metrics proposed in [Narasimhan et al.

2006] and validated these metrics by using Weyuker’s properties. Most of these metrics

fulfill the Weyuker’s property criteria. Also the authors checked the impact of these

metrics in the context of McCall’s Quality Model. Therefore, it concluded that these

metrics can help component-based developers to identify complexity and criticality in an

integrated system.

3.4.6 Summary of Research on software component metrics

Authors Conference/Journal Paper Title Main Contributions


Eun Sook Cho, Min

Sun Kim, Soo Dong


Conference of APSEC


Component Metrics to

Measure Component


It proposes metrics for

measuring the complexity,

customizability and

reusability of software


Manuel F. Bertoa,

Antonio Vallecillo

Workshop of

QAOOSE, 2002

Usability metrics for

software components

A suite of usability

metrics is defined based

on ISO 9126 Quality


H Washizaki, H

Yamamoto and Y


Proceedings of


A metrics suite for

measuring reusability

of software


It proposes 5 metrics to

measure a component’s


adaptability, and portability

with confidence interval

MAS Boxall, Saeed


Conference of

ASWEC 2004

Interface Metrics for

Reusability Analysis of


It presents a set of metrics

for measuring the

understandability and


VL Narasimhan, B


Workshop of WOSSA


A new suite of metrics

for the integration of

software components

It presents two sets of

metrics to measure

complexity and criticality

of software systems

Geert Jan Bex, Frank

Neven, Jan Van den


Workshop on the Web

and Databases 2004

DTDs versus XML

Schema: A Practical


It explores the features of

XML Schema not allowed

in DTDs, and the

structural properties of

two foms

OP Rotaru, Marian


Conference on

Computer Systems

and Applications,


Reusability Metrics for

Software Components

It proposes metrics and a

mathematical model for

measuring the adaptability

and compose-ability

Manuel F. Bertoa, Jose

M. Troya, Antonio


The Journal of

Systems and Software,


Measuring the usability

of software components

It presents a set of

measures to assess the

usability of software


components for building a

quality model.

VL Narasimhan, B


Advances in Systems,

Computing Sciences

and Software

Engineering, 2006

Detailed theoretical

considerations for a

suite of metrics for

integration of software


It presents two set of

metrics based on static

and dynamic aspects of

component assembly

VL Narasimhan, B


Information Sciences,


Some theoretical

considerations for a

suite of metrics for the

integration of software


It presents two set of

metrics based on static and

dynamic aspects of

component assembly and

evaluates them using

Weyuker’s set of properties

3.5 Metrics for Object oriented design

There are two papers in this paper deal with the OO metrics for software

In [Chidamber et. Al 1994], the authors proposed a new suite of theoretically and

mathematically based metrics for OO design. The proposed metrics include: a) Weighted

Methods per class (WMC), , here is the complexity of the method in

class. b) Depth of Inheritance tree (DIT). c) Number of Children (NOC), this is

represented by the number of immediate subclasses subordinated to a class in the class

hierarchy. d) Coupling between object classes (CBO), is a count of the number of other

classes to which it is coupled. e) Response for a Class (RFC). The value of this metric is

the value of the response set for the class and the response set is a set of methods that can

potentially be executed in response to a message received by an object of that class. f)

Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM). The LCOM is a count of the number of method

pairs whose similarity is 0 minus the count of method pairs whose similarity is not zero.

It measures the inter-relatedness between portions of a program. A high LCOM value

indicates disparateness in the functionality provided by the class. To evaluate the metrics,

the authors applied the criterion proposed by Weyker for each metric. The work in this


paper laid a solid foundation of later software metrics analysis and same to the design of

software systems.

In [Barnard et al. 1998], the authors defined a new reusability metric that can be used to

give values for the reusability of OO code. Before the metrics were developed, the

authors considered all factors that might affect the reusability of OO softwares. All these

factors can be grouped into four categories, namely for classes, for attributes, for methods

and for input parameters. All of these factors are listed below:

Metrics for class

Table 4 metrics for class defined in [Barnard et al. 1998, 37]

Metrics for Attribute

Table 5 metrics for Attribute defined in [Barnard et al. 1998, 37]

Metrics for method


Table 6. Metrics for Method defined in [Barnard et al. 1998, 37]

Method input parameter metrics

Table 7 metrics for Method input parameter defined in [Barnard et al. 1998, 38]

But the experiments showed in the paper that the results conflicted with some published

works which said that the size and complexity of program are relevant to reusability. In

this paper, it showed that only certain factors are relevant to reusability. For example,

some reusable codes don’t necessarily have low code complexity. The authors then

suggested a “black box” approach which is only the interface important for reusability.

The new model is following:


Table 8 The new model for reusability metric defined in [Barnard et al. 1998, 46]

Then the reusability metric is defined as:


or if

cm: the number of methods in the class; ca: the number of attributes in the class;

p: the number of input parameters of method i; CBO: the number of classes this class

coupled to; MNc: meaningful name; MDc: meaningful description; MC: method


For class Low coupling: Low number of calls to foreign classes (should be zero) Low depth of inheritanceGood documentation:Meaninful class name and descriptions, including methods and attributes

For Attributes Simple type-few sub-types Meaningful name and descriptionFor methods Method must perform one function onlyLow number of calls to foreign classes (should be zero)

Method must be robust-full coverage for all input parameters Meaningful name and descriptionFor input parameters Simple type-few sub-types Meaningful name and description


PC: parameter complexity; NF: number of functions performed; NFC: number of calls to

foreign classes. This metric is helpful for programmers to write more reusable code when

working on software design.

3.5.1 Summary of Research on Object Oriented metrics

Authors Conference/Journal Paper Title Main Contributions

Shyam R. Chidamber,

Chris F. Kemerer

IEEE Transactions on

Software Engineering,


A metrics Suite for

Object Oriented Design

This is a milestone paper.

It first proposes six

metrics for OO design

Judith Barnard Software Quality

Journal, 1998

A new reusability

metric for object-

oriented software

It identifies the factors

affecting the reusability

and proposes a reusability

metric for OO software

3.6 metrics for Semantic Web Schemas

The latest study of semantic web schemas is by [Theoharis et al. 2008], in which the

authors analyze the graph features of semantic web schemas (RDF/S). The main finding

in this paper is that the majority of SW schemas with a significant number of properties

approximate a power law distribution for total-degree. To investigate whether the

property exhibits a power-law degree distribution, the authors analyzed the power laws

on two different functions of a discrete random variable (DRV) X, the first one is

Complementary Cumulative Density Function (CCDF) which measures the frequencies

of X values. The second is denoted by Value versus Rank (VR), measures the

relationship between the ith biggest X value and its rank. The result showed that both

CCDF and VR showed a power-law distribution. This provides a good enlightment to

investigate the m of XML schema whether has the same property of power-law


3.6.1 Summary of Research on Semantic Web metrics

Authors Conference/Journal Paper Title Main Contributions

Y Theoharis, Y. IEEE Transactions on On graph features of It’s the first work


Tzitzikas, D.

Kotzinos and V.


knowledge and data

engineering, 2008

semantic web schemas analyzing the property

graph for semantic web


4 CONCLUSIONSIn this survey I have reviewed the current status of XML Schema metrics research and

the metrics for software components. Different claims have been made about the metrics

for XML and XML Schema documents, and the research derived from the metrics for

software components which has been reached a high level. The studies on XML Schema

need to be further improved which mainly focus on the document size, structure,

complexity and reusability analysis. To develop a specialized metrics that evaluate XML

documents is one of future tasks [Klettke et al. 2002]. Schema analysis is a key factor in

software developing, schema-based data management and schema-aware XML

programming. Designing a suite of metrics for schema analysis to analyze its features,

styles, and others becomes an integral part of XML schema-development process, on the

basis of appropriate tool support. This is helpful for future software/schema developers to

express intentions about the complexity, features and styles when they consider them into

designing the schema or software components [Lammel et al. 2005]. Combining with the

latest study on semantic web schemas, such as RDF/RDFS, OWL to see whether the

XML Schema documents have a same property of power-law distribution will be a

subject of continuous research in my following semesters.

5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI gratefully thank Dr. Richard Frost for his invaluable guidance and support I received is

this semester. He teaches me a lot on how to conduct a literature review and how to

compose a survey. I also sincerely express my thanks to my supervisor Dr. Jiaoguo Lu for

his suggestions and help on my research topic.


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A.1 [Visser 2006]

Problem to be solved: A suite of metrics are developed to measure the structural

properties of XML Schema.

Previous work referred to: Metrics developed by other authors to quantify the schema

include size, complexity, quality and other properties. The metrics developed in this

paper is an extension of the work done by [Lammel et al. Analysis of XML Schema


Usage] which proposed 11 size metrics. The metrics proposed in this paper focus on

measuring some properties other than size of Schemas.

New idea: The authors in this paper defined a graph to represent the schema structure.

The components in XML Schema are related to each other, based on this dependence, a

graph called successor graph representation of the schema structure can be obtained. In

this graph, the nodes represent the components (such as elements, types, groups and

attributes) and the edges are successor relations between two components. In the

successor graph, any nodes which are strongly connected can be combined into one

component as a specific notation of module. This kind of graph is called CG. Further,

considering the namespaces, schema documents, or global declarations/definitions, each

of them can be applied to group the nodes of a successor graph into modules. In this

paper, the global declarations/definitions are adopted to develop the GG graph.

The metrics proposed in this paper include: 1) Tree impurity . It indicates the extant a

given graph deviates from a tree structure with the same number of nodes. 2) Efferent

coupling, which is the number of edges from nodes outside the module to nodes inside

the module. 3) Afferent coupling, is the number of edges from nodes inside the module to

nodes outside .4) Fan-in; is the number of incoming edges of a node. 5) Fan-out: the

number of outgoing edges of a node. 6) Instability: it is defined as the fan-out fraction of

total fan which may be interpreted as resistance to change. 7) Coherence: it concerns the

degree to which its internal nodes are connected with each other. 8) Normalized count of

modules: is defined as a ratio of potential module count to the total node in the graph.

Value of 100% means that No grouping has occurred.. Correspondingly, a low

normalized count of modules indicates a higher level of encapsulation. 9) Count of nodes

per module: is the number of nodes in each module.

Experiments/analysis carried out: A prototype tool XsdMetz was implemented in the

functional programming language with functional graph representations and algorithms.

A series of freely available XML Schema up to two megabyte in ascii file size were

collected for analysis.


The Results of all metrics for each file were collected. Statistically, it shows that for all

schemas, the normalized count of modules for the strong components graph is close to

100%, which indicates the a very low degree of recursiveness. Besides, none f the

schemas have more than 3 groups of mutually dependent nodes and the schema for XML

Schema has a very large strong component. But the normalized count of modules for

global declarations/definitions graph has a relatively lower percentage which means the

low encapsulation. For tree impurity metric, it was analyzed on each kind of graphs. The

other metrics, such as fan, coupling, coherence and instability are only applied on each

node or each module only.

Claims/conlusions made: A suite of eleven structures for XML Schema has been

defined based on the graph representations of schema structures. The metrics suite was

implemented and the intuitions in metrics and their potential use in schema assessment

has been described. In future, the validation of these metrics will be focused and the

correlations between different metrics will be figured out.

Papers that refer to (cited) this paper: This paper is referred by 4 times. In this survey,

it is referred by: Dilek Basci and Sanjay Misra. Complexity Metric for XML Schema

Documents. OOPSLA 2007.

A.2 [Mustafa et al. 2005]

Problem to be solved: This paper proposed a new method to determine the complexity

of XML documents based on their structures and syntactic aspects. The purpose is to

lower the complexity of XML documents and improve their reusability and

maintainability by the new method.

Previous work referred to measure the software metrics ranges from simple measures,

such as counting the number of source lines of code, to the more sophisticated one, such

as the number of variable definition/usage associations. Some better known metrics


theory for measuring the software complexity are Crawford’s size metrics, McCabe’s

complexity, structural decomposition metrics and residual complexity metric. For

measuring the complexity of XML documents, since DTDs can be expressed as regular

expressions either by direct mapping of DTDs to regular expressions or by applying some

analyzing tools. Through assigning a certain value to existing symbols and alphabets in

the expression, the complexity of the regular expressions can be evaluated.

New algorithm: The previous work for measuring the complexity has a weakness that

sometimes it can not distinguish the two different documents which have same

expressions. To overcome this problem, the authors in this paper proposed a new

algorithm of Weight Allocation Algorithm (WA) by assigning weights to the elements of

XML trees according to their distance from the root node (element). Since XML

documents can be denoted as a tree representation by applying the DOM(Document

Object Model). Through a recursive pre-order traversal of the XML tree can get the

corresponding XML documents. The formula used to decide the complexity of a

document is: weight(i)=1, when i=root(ele(D)) and weight(i)=weight(parent(i))+1, when i

belongs to elem(D)-Root(elem(D) where D denotes a given document and elem(D) is the

collection of all elements contained within that document.

Experiments/analysis carried out for the algorithm is to test a suite containing 90

different XML documents which have various sizes, areas, nesting levels by

implementing a JAVA program.

Results obtained from the experiments include the total number of elements, number of

distance elements, document size, tree height and the complexity value. The results can

be expressed by applying graphical representations.

Claims/conlusions made in this paper is that some works should be focused on including

the WA algorithm still needs to be improved, some sophisticated methods to determine

the complexity if regular expressions need to be further explored, in-depth analysis of

XML Schemas to overcome the shortcoming of DTDs should be carried on.


Papers that refer to (cite) this paper in this survey is:

Complexity Metric for XML Schema Documents; Dilek Basci and Sanjay Misra;

OOPSLA 2007;

A.3 [McDowell et al. 2004]

Problem to be solved: In this paper, the authors only extended the work by other authors

and didn’t address a substantial problem.

Previous work referred to: [Klettke et al.,2002 ] developed a set of metrics for

measuring DTD documents. The work they did only focuses on the complexity of

documents. It has limitations for evaluating the XML documents.

New idea/algortihm/architecture etc. As an extension of the work done by [Klettke et

al. ], the authors in this paper considered the quality of XML schemas and proposed

eleven metrics for evaluating both the complexity and quality of XML documents. The

eleven metrics were: number of Complex type declarations, number of simple type

declarations, number of annotations, number of derived complex types, average number

of attributes per complex type declaration, number of global type declarations, number of

global type references, number of unbounded elements, average bounded element

multiplicity size, average number of restrictions per simple type declaration, element

fanning. Besides, two formulas were developed to calculate the complexity indices and

quality indices of a XML Schema document by considering all metrics and allocate the

different weight to different metrics.

Experiments/analysis carried out: in this paper, the author didn’t conduct the

experiment for analyzing the metrics. One comprehensive example was shown to give the

illustration of each metric. Also a Metric Analyzer tool was developed to process the

XML Schemas according to user’s needs and the output is metrics and corresponding



Claims/conlusions made: The metrics developed here is not enough to interpreting the

XML Schema. A more systematic approach and classification need to be developed for

different using situation of XML Schemas.

Papers that refer to (cited) this paper: This paper is referred 3 times. In this survey, it

is referred by:

Mlynkova I., Toman K., Pokorny J.. Statistical Analysis of Real XML Data Collections.

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Management of Data, 2006.

Basci D. and Misra S.. Complexity Metric for XML Schema Documents. Proceedings of

Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, 2007.

A.4 [Lammel et al. 2005]

Problem addressed: The authors in this paper claimed that the XML analysis is derived

from the software analysis and of software code metrics. Since XML Schema itself can

be viewed as software component. Starting from this, this paper introduces some essential

concepts of XML schema analysis, and then they are applied to real-world XML schema

usage for a better understanding.

Previous work referred to: The XML schema metrics done by other people only

focused on some structural statistical collections, such as the size or number of element,

complexity and number of types, etc. In [A. McDowell et al 2004], a detailed description

of XML Schema was presented. In [D. Basci et al 2007], the complexity metrics of XML

schema documents was investigated. In that paper, considers the factors of elements and

attributes definitions /declarations as well as their group definitions /declarations to the

complexity of XSD. In this paper, the metrics used to are McCabe complexity [T.

McCabe et al 1976] and a metrics suite for software [J. Power et al 2004].

New algorithm/Analysis: The purpose of XML Schema analysis aims to extract

quantitative and qualitative information from actual XML schemas. In this paper, the


schema usage analysis was based on analyzing for feature counts, idiosyncrasy counts,

size metrics, complexity metrics, and XML schema styles. For XSD Metrics, The first

metrics proposed is XML-agnostic schema size. This metric measure the file size of all

XSD files included to a schema. The second is lines of code (LOC). This metric is

sensitive to line-break style and is sensitive to element-closing style. Both metrics can not

be expected to reveal any XSD-specific insight and they just provide baseline measures

for understanding the overall size category of a given schema project. The third metrics is

related to XSD-agnostic schema size, It includes the number of all XML nodes (both

attributes and elements) and the number of all XML nodes for annotation. (including

documentation and appinfos). The fourth one is XSD-aware counts. It counts the global

building blocks of schema. It includes the number of global element declarations, the

number of global complex-type definitions, the number of global simple-type definitions,

the number of global model-group definitions, the number of global attribute-group

declarations, the number of global attribute declarations and the sum of all of the above.

In practice, the sum of the number of global element declarations and the number of

global complex type definitions is often used in informal conversions. The fifth metric is

the McCabe complexity for XSD. Mcc is a structural complexity metrics and its typical

use is to approximate the psychological complexity of code. Typically, MCC measures

the number of linearly independent paths through the control-flow graph of a program

module. In XML schema, it can be adopted for the schema grammars. It is assumed that

the schema understanding process can be approximated by the number of decisions. The

important decision nodes in XML schema include: choices, occurrence constraints,

element references to substitution groups, type references to types that are extended or

restricted, the multiplicity of root element declarations and nillable elements. For each of

the above factors, the different value is counted when calculating the total MCC. The

sixth metric is the code-oriented breadth. This measures for the number of parties in a

content model. Here, the content model doesn’t necessarily include attributes. The parties

include local element declarations, element references, model-group references, base-

type references, local attribute declarations, attribute references and attribute-group

references. The seventh metric is the Instance-oriented breadth. It tries to approximate the

number of children in actual XML trees, and it must deference model-group and


attribute-group references. It measures the number of children and selectively includes

the attributes. The eighth metrics is the Code-oriented depth. It investigates the level of

nesting in content models and instances thereof. On the other hand, it is the depth of its

content model. The ninth metrics is Instance-oriented depth. It measures the height of

XML trees and it defines the greatest lower bound on the depth of XML trees that are

derivable from a given root-element declaration,.

New Experiment/Analysis: This article is a survey on XML schema usages. The authors

collected 63 schema projects from different IT sectors. Some of them come from

Microsoft Webdata/XML’s internal suite of business-critical schemas. The others were

scanned and obtained freely on the internet. All analysis was based on these schemas.

Result obtained: Each metric was applied to the schemas and the analyzing result was

obtained. The authors listed all result for each metric in a table in the paper and a brief

analysis was carried out. For the first and second metric, they just provide a basic

measures for understanding the overall size category of a given schema project. For

second metric, the amount of documentation varies greatly while the appinfos are only

used very sporadically. For XSD-aware counts metric, the number of highs and lows for

each measure was counted and for #CT measure, a #CT-based categorization table was

obtained as the #CT metrics is biased to the XML paradigm , just as much as the “number

of “classes” is biased to the OO paradigm. Also it measures the number of hierarchically

structured “concepts” in a schema. For MCC metric, the graph sowed that between MCC

and #NODE, there is a weak correlation and the additional information contributed by

MCC was indicated. For Code-oriented breadth, the result showed that half of the

schemas have at least one content model with more than 25 parties. The difference

between “parties including attributes” versus “parties excluding attributes” is visually

striking in at least 10 cases. And there are 11 schemas with a number of parties above

100. For instance-oriented breadth metric, the graph is much similar to that of code-

oriented breadth. For Code-oriented depth metric, the pure nesting of element

declarations is limited to 2 for the majority of content models. There is a single schema

that exercise element nesting up to the level of 14 and the full description depth is


systematically greater. For Instance-oriented depth metric, the result showed that

approximately half of all schemas define a maximum depth greater than 7. With a early

ceasing, there are a good number of schemas with a maximum depth greater than 5. It

was seen that much smaller depth values can be obtained if the glb-depth algorithm was


Conclusions made: This paper introduced all necessary concepts of XML schema

analysis and executed a detailed empirical study of schema usage. At the basic conceptual

level, it introduced the fundamental metrics for the XSD language and identified the basic

feature model of the XSD language. At a more problem-specific level, it looked into

problems that are related to the so-called impedance mismatch in data-model mapping, as

it is relevant for XML data binding. The authors in this paper envisaged that the future

schema developer can easily observe trends for schema metrics along development. At

the same time, the schema developer is able to express intentions about complexity,

features and styles so that warnings can be produced by schema editor when they are


This paper was referred by 7 times. In this survey, it is referred by:

Visser J.. Structure Metrics for XML Schema. Proceedings of XATA, 2006. Felix Michel.

Representation of XML Schema Components. Master Thesis, School of Information

University of California, Berkeley, 2007.

A.5 [Basci et al. 2007]

Problem to be solved: In this paper, the author proposed a new method to measure the

complexity of xml schema based on the internal architecture of the XSD components

rather than counting the number of schema’s each components.

Previous work referred to by the authors in this paper are some procedural metrics for

evaluating the complexity of DTD, such as LOC, McCabe, Fan-in and Fan-out proposed

by [Klettke et al. ]. Also [Mustafa et al. ] proved that the XML documents with higher


nesting levels have higher complexity and more complicated compared to the documents

with lower nesting levels. [Besides, Ralf et al ] measure the structural complexity of

XSDs with the metrics of Tree impurity, Efferent and Afferent Coupling, Instability,

Cohesion, Normalized Count of Modules and so on.

New idea proposed in this paper is that authors consider the complexity of each

independent component which means the internal complexity of each component is

closely related to that of whole xml document. Therefore, a weight value called

complexity degree for each component is assigned. The complexity of the schema

document is evaluated by summing up each of it’s component’s weight values. Based on

design style, a schema may have various number of components declared locally or

globally, or the elements and attributes may be defined or declared in group, or some

user-defined or built-in simple type and complex type definitions. All of above have an

impact on the complexity of XSD. A formula for how to calculate the complexity has

been developed and assigning the weights to each element and attribute according to their

definition type. Element’s weight value is 1 if the element is declared by using < any >

element and anytype. The attribute’s weight value is 1 if attribute is declared by <

anyAttribute > element. The weight value of a simple-type is defined to 1 if it is built-in

simple type.

Analysis carried out to demonstrate the author’s claim is by analyzing a wsdl document

and its XSD file. No other experiments are conducted to support the performance of this


Claims/conlusions made in the paper is that the proposed metric works better than other

methods which are based on counting the number of components since the internal

architecture of XSD documents affect the overall complexity of document. To reliably

applying the metric, the schema quantification should be validated. Lacking of validation

for the metric is one shortcoming of this paper.

Papers that refer to (cite) this paper: N/A

A.6 [Lin et al. 2006]


Problem to be solved: In relational databases, statistical summaries mainly focus on the

distribution of data values. While this technique is applicable to the data values in XML

documents, new applied techniques are required for generalization of the structures of

XML documents. In this paper, the authors propose a suite of metrics for major structures

of XML documents, namely the nesting of entities and one-to-many relationships.

Previous work referred to: Some works have been done for summarizing the structures.

Some of their approaches are graph-based. Also some of them derived for estimating

selectivity of a query workload. There is method that counts the number of simple paths

in XML documents and determines the correlation between paths for estimating the

selectivity of a given query workload. In addition, the method that just proposes

statistical synopses for XML for path query selectivity estimation. Some properties of

real-world DTDs and XML Schemas are surveyed in [G.J.Bex et al. 2004] and [B.choi et

al. 2002].

New Metrics: The proposed metrics for XML structures in this paper are included

following. The number of paths, the length of a path, the number of star edges in the

prefix tree, the number of star edges of a path (implies the number of nested one-to-many

relationship in a tree), the number of recursive /non-recursive element types (measures

the number of recursive and non-recursive element types in a document), the number of

recursive elements of a path (quantifies the recursiveness of an XML document), the

number of a particular kind of star edges of a node (measures the multiplicity of each

kind of star edges of a node) and the skewness of the number of a particular kind of star

edges of a node.

Experiments/analysis carried out: There is no experiments in this paper, but the authors

apply the metrics on a few popular XML datasets. They are XML benchmark datasets,

NASA, SP and some synthetic datasets of XMARK, XBENCH. Here, the XMARK

datasets contain synthetic auction transactions and it allows users to vary the size of the

generated dataset by providing a scaling factor. The XBENCH dataset has four types,


they are TC/SD, TC/MD, DC/SD and DC/ND. Here, TC, DC, SD and MD stand for text-

centric, data-centric, single document and multiple documents respectively.

Results obtained: The results for the survey in this paper are listed as tables in the paper.

The authors apply different metrics on different datasets. They summarizes the result as

that the majority of surveyed XML datasets are mild generalization of relations, they are

not “tree-like”. Further, these datasets are highly skewed. All the datasets are gardly

hierarchical and contain a small number of recursions.

Claims/conclusions made: The metrics proposed in this paper are based on the

derivation of statistics from a prefix tree of XML structures and used simple paths and

star edges. These metrics answer the question of whether an SML structure is tree-like or

relation-like. The analysis results indicates that the structures of these XML documents

are highly skewed, non-hierarchical and mostly non-recursive which means the datasets

are relational-like.

Papers that refer to (cited) this paper: 1

A.7 [Bex et al. 2004]

Problem to be addressed: The authors in this paper claimed that DTDs has some

shortcomings and XML Schema is an extension of DTDs with a restricted form of

specialization. In this paper, the authors inspected a number of DTDs and XSDs to

answer two questions. (1) Which of the extra feature /expressiveness of XML Schema not

allowed by DTDs are effectively used in practice; and (2) how sophisticated are the

structural properties of two formalisms.

Previous work related to: This paper is an extension of the paper of [Choi 2004], in

which three types of schemas were proposed to identify features that are characteristic for

DTDs. They are application, data and meta-data related. Also the content model created

on that paper was used in this paper to consider XSDs beside DTDs. In addition, from a


structural view, the DTDs and XSDs were defined by using tree languages. The

specialized DTD as well as single-type SDTD were defined in the paper using the tree


New algorithm/analysis: The first problem discussed by the author is the expressiveness

of XML schema. It investigated whether the expressive power of single-type SDTDs was

used in real-world XSDs. The result showed that only about 15% of total investigated 30

XSDs are true single-type SDTDs. The reason for this is that expressiveness beyond lical

tree languages is simply rarely needed. The other reason is that because the relatively

new nature of XML Schema and its complicated definition most users have no clear view

on what can be expressed. The second problem discussed is about the derived types of

XSDs. Two kinds of types that XML Schema provides: simple types and complex types.

For XML Schema, the new types can be created by two mechanisms: extension and

restriction. The author made a statistic about application of this two mechanisms to

simple and complex types of XML schema. The third problem discussed in the paper is

additional features that XML schema possesses. One feature that XML Schema has is the

application of &-operator. The other is that the utilization of ID attributes and referred to

by IDREF or IDREFS for elements in XML document. In addition, referring to elements

can be expressed by key/keyref pairs and the use of namespaces for modularity is the

feature that XML Schema differs from the DTDs. The last feature is the ability to

redefine types and groups. The fourth question discussed is about the regular expression

characterization. It also answers the second question introduced at the beginning of the

paper that how sophisticated regular expressions tend to be in real world DTDs and

XSDs. The simple expressions were widely used and it indicates the simplicity that the

DTDs and XSDs expressed. The fifth question discussed in the paper is about the schema

and ambiguity. The author applies the term of one-unambiguous to check whether the

DTDs and XSDs used in the paper respect the requirement. It is showed that almost all of

them meet this requirement. Only few of them are not.

Experiment carried out: In this paper, the author didn’t conduct the experiment. There

are total 109 DTDs and 93 XSDs collected for study. The author applied each metric and


standard introduced in the paper to these samples. The author gives a detailed statistic

data for each sample.

Result obtained: In each section, the author listed the result for the comparison of DTDs

and XSDs. There is no absolute advantage or disadvantage that which schema has, it

helps the reader to get a better understanding of what the DTDs and XSDs is.

Conclusion made: The analysis showed that many features defined in the XML Schema

specification are not widely used, especially those that are related to object oriented data

modeling such as derivation of complex types by extension. More importantly, it turns

out that almost all XSDs are local tree grammars. The expressive power encountered in

real world XSDs is mostly equivalent to that of DTDs. Maybe in future with the

development of technology, the level of sophistication offered by XML Schema will have

a wide application.

The data type of XML Schema overcomes the shortcoming of DTDs that it has the ability

to specify the format and type of the text of an element by restriction of simple types. The

content models in both samples tend to be simple types. It can give software engineer

some suggestions to avoid the utilization of complex types when developing new XML


This paper was referred by 43 times. In this survey, it is referred by:

Martens W., Neven F., Schwentick T., Bex GJ.. Expressiveness and complexity of XML

Schema. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS). Volume 31 , Issue 3, Pages:

770 - 813, 2006.

Mlynkova I., Toman K., Pokorny J.. Statistical Analysis of Real XML Data Collections.

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Management of Data, 2006.

Lin, Z., He, BS., Choi, B.. A Quantitative Summary of XML Structures. Lecture Notes in

Computer Science, Conceptual Modeling –ER, 2006.


A.8 [Choi 2002]

Problem to be solved: In previous research for DTDs, it was assumed that the recursion

and nondeterminism were absence. This assumption brought a problem that it is

necessary to justify these assumptions against DTDs in the real world. For this reason, the

author in this paper collected a number of collections and made a survey to provide some

statistics with respect to a variety of criteria commonly discussed in XML research.

Previous work referred to: DTDs have a wide application in implementing efficient

storage systems for XML and in typechecking programming and query languages for

XML. This work has been studied in literatures. The collection of DTDs in this paper was

implemented by “DTD Inquisitor” which was developed by the author earlier. This

program can read a DTD and identify problems, compute a number of graph-theoretic

properties of it.

New analysis: The statistic study of DTDs was categorized into local and global

properties. For local properties, it focused on the structure and complexity of the content

model. It also studied the properties that affected the parsing of the DTDs or its

ambiguity. For global properties, it was focused on some properties that might be

important in the mapping of the XML into some database format. In local properties,

DTDs were grouped into app, data meta categories based on their function. The first

metric was the syntactic complexity. It defined the depth function as a rough measure of

this metric. Then the determinism of DTDs was discussed. It applies this standard to

analyze the DTDs and find out how many DTDs were non-deterministic. Also the

ambiguity of DTDs was explained. The ambiguity of DTDs means that the the maping is

not unique. For global properties, the reachability of element was first discussed. The

reachability means that for each node Qi, there is exactly one node reachable from x

along the path Qi. The author claims that separating the unreachable parts in DTD into

smaller DTDs appear to be a bettwr design. Secondly, the recursion in DTDs was

defined. The recursion of the DTD means that it has an element which can be reached by

itself. The linear recursive means that it is recursive and for any reachable element , this


element occurs only once in a content model and the occurrence is not enclosed in “*” or

“+”. Following, the simple path, simple cycle, chain of Stars and hub were introduced.

The simple paths happened in non-recursive DTDs and the simple cycle happens in

recursive DTDs. The chain of Stars means the continuous stars are appeared in the DTD

content model. The hub means that an element name with a large fan-in value. The author

collected the fan-in value for data DTDs and meta DTDs and represented them on graph.

Results obtained: In this paper, there is no experiment carried out. The author analyzed

the collection of total 60 DTDs and applied them with the metrics and standards

presented in the paper. Of 60 DTDs, 7 were app, 13 were data and 40 were meta. For

each metric, the author made a statistic analysis and draws a table or a graph to show an

intuitive understanding and a comparison.

Conclusion made: The author in this paper provided statistics on some structures of real

DTDs. The structures were analyzed that may be assumed in XML research. The analysis

will provide a good reference for other people to develop the research in XML.

This paper was referred by 67 times. In this survey, it is referred by:

Bex GJ., Neven F., Bussche JV.. DTDs versus XML Schema: A Practical Study. In

Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB

2004. pages 79—84, 2004.

Mlynkova I., Toman K., Pokorny J.. Statistical Analysis of Real XML Data Collections.

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Management of Data, 2006.

Lin, Z., He, BS., Choi, B.. A Quantitative Summary of XML Structures. Lecture Notes in

Computer Science, Conceptual Modeling –ER, 2006.

Bex GJ., Neven F., Bussche JV.. DTDs versus XML Schema: A Practical Study. In

Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB

2004. pages 79—84, 2004.

A.9 [Sahaguet 2000]


Problems to be solved: With the increasing popular use of XML as data format, the

authors in this paper survey some preliminary results that explore how XML DTDs are

actually being used and how people are actually (mis)using DTDs. Some shortcomings

and requirements for possible replacement are described.

Previous work referred to: DTDs have been invented for SGML. The purpose of it is to

determine whether the mark-up for an individual document is correct and also to supply

the mark-up that is missing because it can be inferred unambiguously from other mark-up

present. This definition is made by ISO. The historical functions of DTDs have been

parsing and validation. It was studied from a database perspective for it can be useful to

trigger optimizations for XML query languages. This was studied by [S. Abiteboul et al.

1999]. Also DTDs were analyzed by applying them for the purpose of storage and

compression because the structure information of XML can be learned in advance.

Besides, some studies were done by using DTD information to create a language binding

from XML to a programming language such as C++, Java etc.

New analysis: This paper is a survey of DTDs. There is no new metrics or architectures

are presented.

Analysis/experiment carried out: The authors collected the DTDs from some

repositories online. For some DTDs which are missing some declarations are cleaned and

then normalized them by expanding parameter entities and translating the DTD structure

into a convenient data-structure. The last step of the analysis is reporting and


Results obtained: The authors analyze the DTDs properties in terms of its structure size,

complexity. Also some specific aspects such as use of mixed-content are analyzed as well

as the graphs were drawn to get some insights. The results firstly show that the most

published DTDs are not correct with missin elements, wrong syntax or incompatible

attribute declarations. Secondly, it shows that a DTD is not always a connected graph.

The third result concerns the encoding tuples. It uses the different operator to create


unordered sequences. Fourthly, it shows that the inheritance via entity references is

purely syntactic and sometimes lead to some cascading mistakes. Finally, it shows that

most of the features of DTDs are not being used, such as notations and fancy attribute


Conclusions made: (1) DTD have all sort of shapes and sizes and are used for many

diverse purposes; (2) DTD features are not properly understood; (3) People tend to use

only one solution to apply DTDs; (4) people use hacks to solve DTD shortcomings,

sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Besides, since DTDs are often a misleading

approximation of the intended structure, it is not a wise strategy to rely on DTDs for

storage, compression and optimization.

Paper referred to: 49 times. In this survey, it is referred by:

Bex GJ., Neven F., Bussche JV.. DTDs versus XML Schema: A Practical Study. In

Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Web and Databases, WebDB

2004. pages 79—84, 2004.

Martens W., Neven F., Schwentick T., Bex GJ.. Expressiveness and complexity of XML

Schema. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS). Volume 31 , Issue 3, Pages:

770 - 813, 2006.

Klettke, M., Schneider, L., and Heuer A.. Metrics for XML Document Collections.

Proceedings of the Worshops XMLDM, MDDE, and YRWS on XML-Based Data

Management and Multimedia Engineering. Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2490:15

– 28, 2002.

Mlynkova I., Toman K., Pokorny J.. Statistical Analysis of Real XML Data Collections.

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Management of Data, 2006.

A.10 [Washizaki et al. 2003]

Problems to be solved: In Component-based software development, it is difficult to use

conventional metrics since the source codes of components cannot be seen, but these

metrics require the analysis of source codes. The authors in this paper propose a metrics


suite for measuring the reusability of such black-box components which is based on

limited information from outside of components without any source codes.

Previous work referred to: Some metrics measure the reusability of OO software, such

as metrics proposed in [S. Chidamber et al. 1994] and [W. Frakes et al. 1996]. But these

metrics require analysis of source codes and can not be applied to black-box components.

In previous works, different version of the definition of software component were


New metrics: In this paper, a metrics suite of five metrics for black-box components was

proposed. The confidence intervals for these metrics were set by using the rating scores

from JARS.COM. The metrics defined in this paper are: EMI (existence of meta-

information), RCO (Rate of Component Observability), RCC (Rate of Component

Customizability), SCCr (Self-Completeness of Component’s Return Value) and SCCp

(Self-completeness of component’s parameter). They measure the existence of meta-

information, observability, customizablity, and external dependency of a black-box

JavaBeans component.

Analysis carried out: The authors define a new reusability model based on McCall’s

FactorCriteria-Metrics issued by ISO for black-box components. This model is structured

in three levels in a top-down manner. These three levels are management level, design

level and product level. The metrics are used at product level. Besides, a component

analysis tool for black-box JavaBeans components in Java language has been developed.

It automatically measures primitive values and calculates the values of five metrics.

There are total 125 JavaBeans components provided and were applied to to calculate the

confidence intervals.

Results obtained: The result of analysis indicate that the components with too high an

observability and a customizability are not reusable. In all samples, the percentage of

components whose values of SCCr are in the confidence interval is 86%. This means that

a user of a component is preferable obtaining the results of the business method’s


invocation by invoking the read methods of readable properties, not by capturing the

return value of the business methods. For SCCp, the percentage of components whose

values of SCCp are in the confidence interval is 22%. It means it is difficult to judge the

reusability only by using the value of SCCp. Also the authors analyze the correlation

between different metrics. The result shows that the metrics of RCO and RCC are

independent of the metrics of SCCr and SCCp. If the understandability of a component is

high, then the adaptability would also be high. The SCCp cannot reflect the portability of

a component compared with SCCr. The user should use only SCCr for measuring the

portability of a component.

Conclusion made: The authors in this paper propose a metrics suite for evaluating the

component’s reusability. Using the metrics and the confidence interval proposed in this

paper, it is easy for users to select the components with higher reusability. This approach

can help and promote the activity of development with the reuse of existing black-box


This paper was referred by 47 times. In this survey, it is referred by:

Narasimhan, VL., Hendradjaya, B.. A New Suite of Metrics for the Integration of

Software Components. The First International Workshop on Object Systems and oftware

Architectures (WOSSA'2004), 2004.

Bertoa, MF., Troya, JM., and Vallecillo, A.. Measuring the Usability of Software

Components. Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 79, no. 3, pages: 427-439, 2006

Narasimhan, VL., Hendradjaya, B.. Some theoretical considerations for a suite of metrics

for the integration of software components; - Information Sciences 177, pages: 844-864,


A.11 [Chidamber et al. 1994]

Problem to be solved: The authors in this paper focus on the problem of managing the

process when do software design and developing. A new suite of theoretically and

mathematically based metrics for OO design was proposed.


Previous work referred to: Lots of work related to object oriented design metrics had

been done. [Moreau. Et al.] proposed three metrics for OO graphical information system,

but didn’t give formal definitions. [Lieberherr et. al] presented a more formalized method

in defining the rules for OO programming style, and the coupling and cohesion were used

in traditional programming. [Pfleeger ] gave the measure of counting the number of

objects and methods to develop a cost estimation model for OO development. There are

also other methods available for OO design metrics. But the weaknesses of these metrics

are short of theory foundation and empirical support.

New idea: A suite of metrics include Weighte d Methods per class, Depth of Inheritance

tree, number of children, coupling between object classes, response for a class and lack of

cohesion in methods are proposed. Different from other methods, the authors evaluated

each metric with a set of criterion proposed by Weyker. Theses properties are notions of

monotonicity, interaction, noncoarseness, nonuniqueness and permutation. ………..

Experiments/analysis carried out: To test the metrics, a tool was developed and the

data were collected by this tool. The data were collected from 2 different organizations.

One is a software vendor and the other is a semiconductor manufacture. Both of them

uses OOD in their development work. The former has a collection of different 634 C++

class libraries and the latter uses Smalltalk programming and has 1459 classes.

Results obtained: All the metrics satisfy the most of the properties criterion. But only the

property 6(interaction increases complexity) is a exception. This implies that the

complexity metric can increase when a class is divided into more classes. This is

confirmed by the engineers and software designers who participated in the study. It

indicates that satisfying this property is not an essential feature for OO software design.

In addition, the metrics of DIT and LCOM don’t satisfy the property 4(monotonicity)

when 2 classes are in a parent-descendent relationship. This is right because the distance

from the root of a parent can’t become greater than one of its descendants.


Claims/conlusions made:The metrics suite developed in this paper provides software

designers and mangers an indication with the design details of an application. It is helpful

for them to solve the architectural and structural consistency problems. In addition, by

using the metrics, the flaws and other leverage points in the design can be identified

earlier. It added the insight about the trade-offs between conflicting requirements and

ease of testing. This suite is the first empirically validated proposal for formal metrics for


Papers that refer to (cite) this paper: this paper is referred by total 1520 times. In this

survey, it is referred by:

Frakes, W., Terry, C.. Software reuse: metrics and models. ACM Computing Surveys

(CSUR),Volume 28 , Issue 2, Pages: 415 – 435, 1996.

Sahuguet A.. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About DTDs, But Were Afraid to

Ask. In Third International Workshop WEBDB2000. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

1997: 171–183, 2000.

Washizaki H., Yamamoto H., Fukazawa Y.. A Metrics Suite for Measuring Reusability

of Software Components. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software

Metrics, 2003.

Cho ES., Min Sun Kim MS., Kim SD.. Component metrics to measure component

quality. Software Engineering Conference on, 2001. APSEC 2001. Eighth Asia-Pacific.

pages: 419- 426, 2001.

Boxall, M., and Araban, S.. Interface Metrics for Reusability Analysis of Components.

Proceedings of the 2004 Australian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC'04),


Narasimhan, VL., Hendradjaya, B.. A New Suite of Metrics for the Integration of

Software Components. The First International Workshop on Object Systems and oftware

Architectures (WOSSA'2004), 2004.

Barnard, J.. A new reusability metric for object-oriented software. Software Quality

Control, vol. 7, pages: 35-50, 1998.

A.12 [Barnard et al. 1998]


Problem addressed: The author in this paper claimed that for both managers of the reuse

library and the developers, a way of measuring the reusability of the component is what

they really need. Only with reusability metric, the usefulness of a component can be

determined. For this reason, the author in this paper defines reusability metric that can be

used to give values for the reusability of OO code.

Previous work referred to: This paper is based on a project an experiment the author

involved to get the result and analyze the developed metrics. The previous work referred

to in this paper mainly focus on the reuse of component and some measurements. In some

literatures, the factors that affect software reusability were summarized. In general, it

includes low module complexity, good documentation, few external dependences, proven

module reliability and so on.

New algorithm/Metrics suite: The new metrics developed in this paper can be grouped

into for classes, for attributes, for methods and for input parameters. For each category,

the metrics were presented for measurement. Or classes, low coupling and good

documentation were included. For attributes, simple type-few sub-types and meaningful

name and description should be considered. For methods, low number of calls to foreign

classes and method should cover full coverage for all input parameters should be

considered. Also the author developed a formula for how to calculate the reusability


Experiment carried out: Two phases experiment was carried out. The experiment 1

was easy and some programmers were involved in writing a apiece of specified object-

oriented code following the requirement. The programmers were separated into 2 groups.

One group was asked to write the code in a very unreusable manner while the other group

members are component on OO and write the most reusable code. The experiment 2 was

much more professional. It analyzes a wide selection of reusable classes (30 classes with

over 200 methods) taken from well used and accepted programming libraries.


Result obtained: The result of experiment 1 doesn’t provide much information about the

classes and documentation. Only few factors, such as Coupling Between Object (CBO)

and Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM) differ from the manner expected: highly

reusable code has low CBO and LCOM while the unreusable code has high CBO and

high LCOM values. The attributes and method input parameters show a general trend that

need to be simple, well-named types for highly reusable codes. From method factors, it

showed that he highly reusable code has methods which perform only one function. From

the experiment 2, the author listed all the classes from the graoh that showed a constant

trend and didn’t show a constant trend. It appears that calls to library classes do not

follow the pattern of having low values for highly reusable classes. For highly reusable

classes, it only has high reusability within its own library language domain but not to

other domains.

Conclusion made: The presented reusability metric in this paper are based on empirical

evidence in which the classes were assumed to be highly reusable. From the experiment,

it can be seen that a class can be regarded as a black box which means that its content are

irrelevant to its reusability and the reuser can only concern its documentation and

interface. This metric is helpful for developer to write more reusable code.

This paper was referred by 8 times.

A.13 [Narasimhan et al. 2004]

Problem addressed: Modern approach to software re-use has been through Component

Based Software Engineering (CBSE). Lots of applications and system are created by

assembling independent components which are developed by various developers. It is

necessary to develop metrics for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of such

applications, including predicting the cost, effort, and time to develop and testing. In this

paper, the authors propose a suite of metrics for measuring component integration.


Previous work referred to: The previous work related to this paper includes the research

in using the software components to build new system and the challenges it poses, the

white box reuse and black reuse of components for system integration. In literatures, the

metric of lines of code was used in counting the size of software; also, counting the

reusability of component was used as a metric. In addition, by focusing on the process

and measurement framework to evaluate the software component was investigated by

other authors.

New algorithm/Analysis: The metrics proposed in this paper include the complexity

Metrics for components, criticality metrics for component and triangular metrics three

parts. In complexity metrics for components, the component packing density (CPD) and

interaction density metrics for component integration (IDC) were proposed. The CPD is

defined in the form of a ratio of constituent to the number of components. The IDC is the

ratio between the actual number of interactions to the available interactions in a

component. IDC=#I/#Imax, where I is Actual Interactions and Imax is Maximum

Available Interactions. Similarly, the metrics for incoming and outgoing interaction

densities can be defined. The Incoming Interaction Density of a Component (IIDC) is a

ratio of incoming interaction used to the number of incoming interaction available. The

Outgoing Interaction Density of a Component (OIDC) is a ratio of the number of

outgoing interactions used to the number of incoming interaction available. For metrics

for critical component, the link criticality, bridge criticality, inheritance criticality and

size criticality have been proposed. For triangular metrics, it is a combination of CPD,

AID and Critical metrics into two-axis diagram of density and three-axis diagram to

represent the relationship among them.

Experiment carried out: There is no experiment carried out in the paper. The author

only used an example of Personal Digital Assistant software to illustrate the metrics. It

has three main components which have corresponding functions. In addition, the authors

proposed an experimental design and gave the expected outcome which wasn’t executed.


Result obtained: Each metric was applied to the example and the corresponding value

was calculated. The result showed the relationship between the metrics and its functions

in the component integration.

Conclusion made: The metrics proposed in this paper is based on a measurement theory.

It will help component-based developer to identify the level of complexity and criticality

in integrated software system. An experimental design was also proposed to validate the

metrics theoretically and empirically. A further study on component metric will be


This paper was referred by 8 times.

A.14 [Alkadi et al. 1998]

Problem addressed: The authors claimed that existing OO design methodologies do not

generally require adherence to design metrics and there is a lack of available methods to

measure the quality of the various components during the software design phase. The

method proposed in this paper is described for this purpose.

Previous work referred to: For object-oriented design, four key elements are considered

importantly, namely abstraction, encapsulation, hierarchy and modularity. These factors

have been investigated and corresponding metrics are presented by other people. In [S.

Chidamber et al, 1994] proposed six software metrics on software maintenance. In this

paper, the authors perform design evaluation by measuring the class structure of object-

oriented designs using the above metrics criteria.

New Metrics/Formulas: In this paper, a volume metric is defined to help characterize

the activity in a class hierarchy based on NOC (number of children) metric. The volume

metric represents the complexity of the object based on the number of methods and its

attributes. The formula of volume metric V0 is defined as the sum of the number of

inherited (NOI), overridden (NOO) and local (NOL) “internal or hidden” methods in an


object. In a class hierarchy, the volume of all the children “objects” V* is defined as the

sum of total number of methods in each object. The volume of a class Vc is defined as

the sum of number of attributes NOA and V*. In addition, two other formulas were

defined to compute the average of local and overridden/inherited methods (AIM) and the

percentage of overridden/inherited methods (POM). Based on above formula, a heuristic

was proposed to restructuring the process of software design.

Experiment carried out: There is no experiment carried out to evaluate the performance

of metrics proposed in this paper. The author only made an analysis for an illustration of

property of each metric.

Conclusion made: To evaluate the OO designs, the OO metrics should be formulated.

This paper introduced a method to evaluate NOC, measure the volume of an object and

measure the volume of the class. The formulas proposed to computes the ratio and local

and overridden methods over inherited methods. The heuristic was introduced to indicate

when object and class hierarchies need to be reexaminzed and supported with experiment


This paper was referred by 6 times.

A.15 [Cho et al. 2001]

Problem addressed: Component-based software development requires quite different

approach from OO methods for it applies commonality and variability analysis,

components and component’s interfaces in developing the system. Various metrics

developed for OO programming cannot be equally applied to CBD process. The authors

in this paper presented component metrics that can be efficiently applied in CBD process

for this purpose.

Previous work referred to: Many different metrics were proposed for OO systems and

they were applied to the concept of classes, coupling and inheritance. It include:


Weighted Methods per Class (WMC), Response for a Class (RFC), Lack of Cohesion

(LCOM), Coupling Between Object Classes (CBO), Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT) and

Number of Children (NOC). These metrics studied by others and they had some

limitations in application to CBD process.

New Metrics/Analysis: The new metrics proposed in the paper was to measure

complexity, customizability and reusability. The proposed metrics were categorized into

design metrics and implementation metrics. The metrics proposed for measuring the

component complexity were based on MCC. They were divided into four kinds:

component plain complexity (CPC), component static complexity (CSC), component

dynamic complexity (CDC) and component cyclomatic complexity (CCC). For

measuring the customizability, the metric of Component Variability (CV) was defined

and assigned weight value into behaviour customization methods and workflow methods

to be involved the calculation. For measuring the Reusability, the first metric is

component reusability (CR) which is defined by dividing sum of interface methods

providing commonality functions in a domain into the sum of total interface methods.

The second metric is Component Reuse Level (CRL) which is divided into two kinds.

The first one is measured by using lines of code (LOC) and the second one is by dividing

functionality that a component supports into required functionality in an application.

Experiments carried out: There is no experiment carried out in this paper. The authors

applied metrics into several projects proceeded in the bank domain and illustrated the


Results obtained: The value of each metric proposed in the paper was calculated. By

applying metrics into component design and implementation, the result showed that the

number of factors of metrics applied in design time is fewer than the number of factors of

metrics applied in implementation time. Thus, measurement results of complexity or

reusability by using CCC and CRL are more accurate than of by using CPC, CSC, CDC,

and CR.


Conclusion made: The proposed metrics were tested and it was found that the

complexity of a component may help to estimate the component’s size. Also, the

reusability and customizability have great effect on software development. In addition,

the lines of code of components are suitable for measurements of reusability in CBSD

(Component-based Software Development).

This paper was referred by 33 times. It was referred by

Washizaki H., Yamamoto H., Fukazawa Y.. A Metrics Suite for Measuring Reusability

of Software Components. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Software

Metrics, 2003.

Narasimhan, VL., Hendradjaya, B.. Detailed Theoretical Considerations for a Suite of

Metrics for Integration of Software Components. Advances in Systems, Computing

Sciences and Software Engineering, Springer Netherlands, pages: 257-264, 2006

Narasimhan, VL., Hendradjaya, B.. Some theoretical considerations for a suite of metrics

for the integration of software components; - Information Sciences 177, pages: 844-864,


A.16 [Boxall et al. 2004]

Problem addressed: Component-based software development relies in reusable

components in order to improve quality and flexibility of products. To assess the

reusability of a component before reusing it would be very helpful to reusers. Between

the two static sources of information for components, the component interfaces are easier

to be measure while the external documentation is hard to measure. Thus, in this paper,

the authors presented a set of metrics for measuring properties of understandability and


Previous work referred to: In previous work, the study of the interfaces affecting

component reusability has been studied in literatures. In [S. Atkinson 1997], it studied

how interfaces affect the knowledge transferability. In other papers, it is indicated that

component interfaces are understandable and well documented is essential for users to


reuse them. In addition, the internal properties can affect the reusability and the interface

may be more important than software modules. These works were done by other people.

New Metrics: There is no algorithm proposed in this paper. The metrics presented in this

paper include: (1) Arguments Per Procedure (APP), it measures the mean size of

procedure declarations of an interface and is defined as , where is the

total count of arguments of the publicly declared procedures and is the total count of

procedures that are declared by an interface. (2) Distinct Argument Count (DAC), it

measures the consistency of the naming and typing of arguments. It is defined as DAC=|

A|, here A is the set of name-type pairs used as arguments in an interface. (3) Argument

Repetition Scale (ARS), it is an alternative to DAC, it is defined as , |a|

is the count of procedures in which argument name-type a is used and is the Argument

Count of the interface. ARS will be in the range between 1 and n. (4) Mean String

Commonality (MSC), it measures the commonality of a set of identifiers and defined as

, where A is a set of identifiers, n is the count of

identifiers, comb(A) computes the set of combinations of two elements from the set A,

and lcs(x,y) computes the longest common subsequence of x and y. (5) Identifier Length.

It includes the Lean Identifier Length (MIL) and Median Identifier Length (MeIL). MIL

is the weighted mean length of identifiers occurring in the interface and MeIL is the

weighted median length of identifiers. (6) Reference Argument Density (RAD), it

measures the occurrence of reference arguments in an interface and defined as ,

where is the count of pass by reference arguments and is the total Argument Count.

Experiment/Analysis carried out: Interfaces of 12 components were chosen to be

measured to provide empirical data for metrics analysis. They are Apple Frameworks,

(including the component of CoreAudio, CoreMIDI, DrawSprocket,

SystemConfiguration andveclib), Financial Software Components (including the

component of Core, DB, GUI, MemDB and XML) and MFC component and MLibrary


component. Besides, three command-line programs were developed to yield the values of

the metrics.

Result obtained: For each section, the result was obtained and analyzed. The result

considered as whether the interfaces are relevant to the reusability of components. For

some metrics, the linear relationship exists, or there is the possibility that they are

corrected with interface size. In addition, MFC has large interface and this makes it an

outlier. The detailed result analysis is available in the paper. Here, I don’t give them due

to the space and scope of the paper.

Conclusion made: The metrics developed in the paper can provide useful information of

reusability of component and can give a better understanding of the properties of

component’s interface. The theory used in analysis was consistent with expert

knowledge. In this paper, the metrics are not complexity measures, it is necessary to

consider evaluating the complexity. Also it is desirable to conduct more controlled and

extensive testing of the metrics. This will be author’s future work.

This paper was referred by 12 times.

A.17 [Theoharis et al. 2008]

Problems to be solved: Lots of semantic web schemas expressed either in RDF/S or

OWL and they have been widely analyzed. Different from previous analysis, in this

paper, the authors study the features of individual SW schema graphs and find that the

graph features of SW schemas has a power-law degree distributions. In addition, they

analyze the feature of morphology for each schema.

Previous work referred to: An SW schema can be viewed as a directed labelled graph

where nodes are classes or literal types and arcs are properties. The degree distribution is

a main feature of the graph. In [R. Gil et al. 2004], it essentially analyzes the aggregation

of all DAML library ontology which motivates the author in this paper to study the


detailed analysis of individual SW schema feature. In that paper, the total degree of

CCDF approximates a power law distribution. In [L. Ding et al. 2005] and [H. Halpin et

al. 2006], the authors collected a voluminous set of online FOFA documents and

analyzed the resulting RDF instance graph. It was observed a power-law for both in and

out degree distributions. Besides, the internet topology, the WWW and the call graph also

exhibit a power-law distribution for their in and out degrees.

New analysis: In this paper, the authors analyze the graphs of property graph and

subsumption graph. They investigate power laws on two different functions of a Discrete

Rndom Variable (DRV) X. The first called Complementary Cumulative Density Function

(CCDF) which is P(X>x), measures the frequencies of X values. The second is denoted

by Value versus Rank (VR), measures the relationship between the ith biggest X value

and its rank i. Also the authors use the findings in this paper to generate synthetic SW

schemas. The authors developed the algorithm and used the Linear Programming

reduction to generate SW graphs in polynomial time.

Analysis carried out: The authors conducted the experiments based on 250 schemas

collected from the RDFsuite, SchemaWeb and Swoogle schema registries.

Based on the properties and transitive relationship, the graph of a SW schema can be

divided into property graph and consumption graph. This corpus contains the biggest

schemas published on the WWW until May 2006. According to the size of each schema,

the corpus was categoeized into 2 groups. One consists of 83 schemas with more than

100 classes. The other one has 58 schemas that have more than 100 properties. The

schema which the size is smaller in extended 250 schemas is not analyzed separately.

Result obtained: The results show that the majority of SW schemas, 94.8% for VR and

67.2% for CCDF approximate a power law for property total-degree functions. By

analyzing the subsumed classes’ VR, the VR function approximates a power law for

87.9%, while that is 60.2% for CCDF. From sketching an abstract morphology of SW


schemas, it can be observed that the classes with big degrees in the property graph are

usually located at the higher levels of the subsumption graph. In addition, the class

subsumption hierarchies are mostly unbalanced with large branches and many leaves.

Conclusions made: This paper is the first work analyzing the property graph for

individual SW schemas. The majority of schemas with a significant number of classes

and properties approximate a power law for class and property total-degree distributions.

It can be concluded that there exist few “focal” classes that form the conceptual backbone

of the defined schema and many “peripheral” ones that are used to further detail the

analysis of the former.

This paper was referred: N/A

A.18 [Rotaru et al. 2005]

Problems to be solved: In component based software development (CBSD) system,

some metrics designed for object-oriented software (OOS) can’t be used for measuring

the reusability of CBSD. The authors in this paper proposed methods for this problem,

and studied the adaptability and compose-ability f software components. A mathematical

model for these characteristics and for evaluating non-functional parameters of software

component was presented.

Previous work referred to: For software metrics, the most widely used one is McCabe

Cyclomatic Complexity (MCC) [McCabe 1976]. It measures the number of linearly

independent paths through a program module and it is a count of the number of test cases.

It is calculated from a connected graph of the program module that shows the topology of

control flow and is defined as: CC=E-N+p, where E is the number of edges of the greaph,

N is the number of nodes and p is the number of connected components. Other metrics

for measuring the complexity include : Halstead Complexity (by counting operators and

operands), Bowels metrics (by evaluating the coupling via parameters and global

variables), Ligier metrics (modularity of the structure chart), troy and Zweben metrics


(coupling, complexity of structure, calls-to and called-by), Henry and Kafura metrics

(Fan-in – fan out). For OO metrics, they are mainly: WMC (Weighted Methods per

class), DIT (Depth of Inheritance Tree), NOC (Number of Children), CBO (Coupling

Between Object Classes), LCOM (Lack of Cohesion), and RFC (Response for a class).

New Metrics: The first metric proposed in this paper is the Compose-Ability metric. It is

defined qualitatively by studying the parameters and return values of its interface

methods. This metric is inversely proportional to its multiplicity. The multiplicity of an

interface method of a software component is the sum of its return and signature

multiplicities. Here, the return multiplicity is zero when the method doesn’t return

anything and one when the method has a return value. The signature multiplicity is the

sum of the multiplicities of the method’s parameters. Also, the authors analyzed the

component adaptability and its relationship to complexity. A model for adaptability

calculation was developed based on the formulas developed previously.

Analysis carried out: There is no experiment implemented. The authors further analyzed

the component adaptability with its calculation. The formula developed has a problem of

circular dependency, to solve this problem, the solution is to replace the interface

complexity with the complexity of the problem that is solved by the component. The

authors followed this solution and gave the concrete analysis.

Result obtained: The result for above analysis is illustrated in last paragraph.

Conclusion made: The authors in this paper addresses the market needs for uniform

metrics and methods of assessment the adaptability and compose-ability. The authors

proposed a mathematical model for practical assessment of software component. Both

from the perspective of the problem to be solved and the interface characterization, the

component complexity was assessed. An implementation quality metric was also defined.

It was generated by the necessity to break the circular dependency between the

adaptability of a component and its complexity.


Papers that refer to (cite) this paper: 4

A.19 [Kafura et al. 1987]

Problem addressed: The authors in this paper claimed that the high cost of maintenance

of the software is a major concern for software engineers. One of this problems perhaps

lies in no a comparable cohesive method for requirement analysis, design and testing of

the software system. In this paper, the authors explored the relationships between

different software complexity metrics and proposed a way to utilize the quantitative

information to form a complete maintenance method.

Previous work referred to: This paper was written in 1987. Before that, the studies on

software reuse had been on for some time. The metrics proposed in other literatures were

applied in this paper include: McCabe’s Cyclomatic complexity number, Halstead’s

Effort metric E, Lines of code, Henry and Kafura’s Information Flow Metric, McClure’s

Control Flow Metric, Woodfield’s Syntactic Interconnection Measure and Yau and

Collofello’s Logical Stability Metric. The first three is classed into code metrics and the

other four is structure metrics. They are applied in the experiments in this paper.

New Algorithm/Analysis: There is no new metrics proposed in this paper.

Experiments carried out: The system studied in this paper is a data base management

system called Mini Data Base (MDB). It’s based on a relational model and VMS

operating system on a VAX 11/780. The MDB is a medium size system with 16,000 lines

of FORTRAN code. The system has been developed for several years. There are total 4

versions before the system was applied in the paper for analysis. The analysis of

complexity changes was based on 4 versions.

Result obtained: The analysis and comparisons between the changes of system’s three

versions were made at two different levels. The first is system level. At system level, the

total complexity of the system for each of the seven metrics was computed and compared

for each version. The second is procedure level, in which the percent change in


complexity from one version to the next for each procedure was computed. From the

graph obtained in the system, it showed that in each later version of the system, there is

an obvious increase in complexity. This reflects the enhancement made and new

commands and capabilities added to the system. Also it showed the improvement in

maintenance and most of the maintenance preformed in Version was error correction. It

confirmed that the metrics reflect he growth in complexity of the system introduced as a

result of maintenance activities. At second level, it recorded the percent increases in

complexities for the procedures. From the result, it was observed that the metrics can be

used to identify improper integration of enhancements and some complex procedures can

lead to future improper structuring of the system, since maintainers would avoid using

such complex procedures when making enhancements. The other interesting observation

is that the result reflects the distinction between code and structure metrics for which

when the code metrics increases, the structure metrics don’t correspondingly to increase.

Conclusion made: From three different versions of the same single system, seven

software metrics were analyzed to assess and control software maintenance activities.

The study confirmed the results obtained in previous works. It also confirmed that it is

useful to examine carefully components which are “outliers” of one or more metrics. This

paper provided a good experience in building the software metric analysis tool.

This paper was referred by 65 times.

A.20 [Narasimhan et al. 2006]

Problems to be solved : In Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE),

component based metrics have been proposed by several researchers. Some of them aim

at the reusability, while others focus on the process and measurement framework in

developing software components. In this paper, the authors’s research is an attempt to

build a suite of software metrics on software assembly.

Previous work referred to: The previous works focused on the component based metrics

are the use of Lines of Code (LOC) in counting the size of software and estimate the


number of LOC early in the software life-cycle. The shortcoming of this method is it is

hard to predict the size of the software prior to implementing. For some specific issues on

integration, [Sedigh Ali et al] discussed the complexity of interfaces and their integration

as quality metrics. [Cho et al.] define metrics for complexity, customisability and

reusability. The complexity metrics in this way is calculated by using the combination of

the number of classes, interfaces and relationships among classes. The cyclometric

complexity is calculated by sum the classes and interfaces.

New Metrics: Two metrics are proposed in this paper. They are static and dynamic

metrics respectively. The static metrics measure complexity and criticality of component

assembly. Here, the complexity is measured using Component Packing Density and

Component Interaction Density metrics. The criticality are defined as Link, Bridge,

Inheritance and Size criticalities. The complexity and criticality metrics are combined

onto a Triangular Metric. For Dynamic metric, it characterizes the dynamic behaviour of

a software application by recognizing component activities during run time.

Experiments/analysis carried out: A stock-broker system is applied to evaluate the

importance of the proposed metrics. In this system, a StockDistributor (SD) component

monitors a stock database. If some values change in this database, this component

generates an event via an event source to corresponding event sinks. Several StockBroker

(SB) components can respond with their event sinks. Then the authors apply the

framework proposed by Weyuker to validate the metrics proposed in this paper. That

framework identifies 9 properties.

Results obtained: For stock-broker system, the author calculates all its static and

dynamic metrics. Then triangular metrics is analyzed and it is concluded that the

StockQuoter system is a simple application. The number of cycle metric is can’t be

showed, since there is no actual cycle in the graph representation. For the analysis of

Weyuker’s framework, most metrics fulfill the Weyuker’s property criteria, while few do

not. It shows that the metrics presented in this paper can be used both at the design level

and at the implementation level.


Claims/conlusions made: The metrics proposed in this paper can help developer in

reasoning how complex a system is and locating critical areas in a component assembly.

It also can help to identify new super-components, and high extent of use of particular


Papers that refer to (cited) this paper: 0

A. 21 [Bertoa et al. 2004]

Problems to be solved: ISO 9126 part 2 and 4 define a set of metrics to measure the

quality characteristics and sub-characteristics that constitute a Quality Model. But the

metrics defined here are mostly indirect metrics and they are defined without any

reference to the attributes they measure. This situation doesn’t improve the quality of

following metrics for software components. Even worsen, the metrics are defined, but

with no indication to either the attributes they measure or to the quality characteristics

they try to assess.

Previous work referred to: ISO 9126 Quality Model is a benchmark to software design.

Before this work, the authors adapt this quality model to software components. Based on

this model, plus the information collected from software component vendors, the metrics

developed were not adequate and even ill-defined. The purpose of developing metrics is

for the usability of software component. This purpose was widely studied in other

literatures. The definition of usability is also various. According to ISO 9126, usability

means understandability, learnability, operability, attractiveness and usability

compliance. In [B. W. Boehm et al. 1978] and [N. Fenton et al. 1998], the definition of

usability are also described. They are a basis for following improvement of usability


New metrics: There are three measurable concepts related with software component

usability: Quality of documentation, complexity of the problem and complexity of the


solution. The authors developed a set of metrics for each attributes. The tables are listed

in the paper.

Analysis carried out: There is no detailed experiments are carried out in this paper. The

authors only analyze the metrics developed in this paper and the relation to attributes they


Result obtained: In author’s own understanding and experience, they define the link

between attributes measured by metrics. The connection defined is between the quality of

documentation and the complexity of design to the understandability, learnability and

operability. Though there is not a unique direct relationship between a metric and a

quality subcharacteristic, but there are different degrees of relation between every metric

with each subcharacteristic. The authors concluded that the quality of documentation

mainly affects understandability and learnability. The complexity of design affects to


Conclusion made: Some of the metrics proposed in this paper are subjective and they are

difficult to automate. There is some limitation for this process. The degree of influence

that component attributes have over component subcharacteristics are analyzed and listed

in a table in the paper. Also some problems in this research are left for author’s future


Papers that refer to (cited) this paper: 3


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