xids2301 introduction to global studies gregory c. dixon gdixon@westga.edu office: pafford 125...

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XIDS2301Introduction to Global


Gregory C. Dixon


Office: Pafford 125

Phone: 678-839-4992

Who am I?

• Dr. Gregory C. Dixon

• Specialty – International Relations

• Areas of interest / research:– International Institutions– Conflict Management– Globalization and Global Governance

Office Hours and Contact

• Office: Pafford 125

• Office Hours: – Before class (aprox. 11:45 – class)– After class (as needed)– and by appointment

• Email: gdixon@westga.edu

Online Content

• http://www.westga.edu/~gdixon– Under “current courses” pick XIDS2301

• CourseDen– All course information– Electronic Submission of Assignments

Learning Outcomes

• Analyze the interconnected nature of the world of the 21st century

• Assess the origins of globalization in its modern form in historical context

• Assess the major themes of inquiry and the broad general approaches to the study of these themes

• Develop an understanding of the vocabulary used in discussing issues related to global studies

• Analyze the ideas of the course and demonstrate an understanding of the material in writing


• Commentary Papers (4) 20% each

• Class Participation 20%

Commentary Papers

• Weekly response papers

• A written response to a selection from the Annual Editions text– Apply material from the broader course– Demonstrate critical thinking and analytical


• Answers should be 2 - 4 single spaced pages


• 90% and up = A

• 80 – 89% = B

• 70 – 79% = C

• 60 – 69% = D

• 59% and below = F

• No curves or mathematical adjustments will be applied to the grades

Assumption of Adulthood

• All students are assumed to be adults

• You are expected to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the course

• You are expected to meet the requirements of the course

• It is expected that you will do the required reading for the course.

• It is expected that you will complete all required assignments.

Class Participation

• Daily discussion

• Discussion will be assigned readings in the course

• All students are expected to do the daily readings

Late or Missed Assignments

• Late assignments will suffer a penalty of one letter grade for each business day late

• The commentary papers are take-home, so extensions will be extremely rare

• Absolutely no extensions will be given for the final commentary paper due date

Special Needs

• Students with special needs as identified by the University will be accommodated in accordance with University policy


• Attendance will not be taken and is not required as part of the course grade

• Attendance is vital

• Missing lectures may significantly reduce their chances of passing the course

• It is the responsibility of the student to get the notes from that day of class from another student in the class

Acts of the Gods

• On very rare occasions truly terrible things happen

• If such an event happens, don't wait until the last day of the class to deal with it

Email & Privacy

• Nothing related to grades, exams, or any other course information specific to a student will be discussed via regular email - period

• Grades and related information will only be discussed via one of these methods:– In person during office hours or after class– Via the CourseDen email system

Classroom Decorum

• Please arrive on time

• Please turn off any device that makes noise

• Please do not read the newspaper, sleep, etc. during the class time

• Mutual respect and politeness is required in the classroom at all times

• Violations of appropriate classroom decorum will result in penalties

Academic Honesty

• All students are required to be aware of the University rules regarding academic honesty.

• Cheating, fabrication, and/or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated.

• Any student caught committing any violation of the Honor Code on any assignment will receive an F in the course and will be reported to the University for further action as per University policy

• The professor reserves the right to seek the harshest possible penalty for any and all violations regardless of the value of the individual assignment

Academic Honesty

• If you are unsure as to what constitutes academic dishonesty, please consult the University of West Georgia Student Handbook

• Ignorance of the Code will not be accepted as an excuse for violations of it

• Many things which are perfectly acceptable in high school are considered cheating in college

• If you have a question about cheating, ask, don’t just assume that you are ok

Globalization and Global Studies

Globalization• While the term globalization is new, the

phenomenon is not• Human interconnectedness• Speed and frequency of connections is

accelerating• Globalization as the interconnection of

human activity across the world• Globalization is many things to different


Global Studies• Interdisciplinary understanding of the

world• Draws ideas and issues from a wide

range of sources• Focus on understanding interconnections

between the actors and structures in the world today

The Odd Nature of History

• We think of history as deterministic– We are where we are– The world of today was destined to be

• This is wrong– Chance plays a major role– Randomness happens

• This is a good thing– Individuals can play a big role

Why History?

• To understand today’s world we need to see where it came from

• History sets the context

• History says how we got here

• History leaves its mark

Globalization of Humanity

• Modern humans emerge roughly 200,000 years ago

• We spread from Africa to cover the whole world by 12,000 years ago at the latest

• As we develop new tools, these spread through networks of human contact

Human Migrations

Example: Neolithic Revolution

• The development of agriculture

• Takes place in a few isolated areas

• Changes our basic way of life

• Once discovered, it spreads widely

• Creates the foundation of civilization

Civilization & the Will to Power• Rulers seek to expand their power – in

every civilization we know of• Prototype in the West:

– Alexander the Great• Not the first large empire in the West• Lasting influence comes from spread of

ideas– Greek ideas and writings spread widely

• Alexander becomes the model in the West for the great conqueror

The Hellenistic Empires

Alexander’s Legacy

• Greek ideas spread and are preserved

• Libraries preserve Homer, Socrates, Thucydides, Aristotle, Plato, etc.– The classical foundation of Western


• These ideas will have a huge impact on how we think today

The Legacy of Rome• Roman architecture

• Roman Law

• Christianity

• Constantine adopts Christianity

• Constantine settles what it means to be “Christian” Council of Nicea

• Creates a religion that outlives the Roman Empire itself

Justinian's Flea

• In 530 – 540 the Byzantine Emperor Justinian is poised to restore Rome

• Roman armies have retaken North Africa and most of Italy

• Persia and Byzantium are at peace

• It looks like the potential for a rebirth of the Roman world

• Then it all goes to hell

536 – The Year of Hell• Something happens – we don't know what• Global climate changes significantly for a two

year period• This creates a unique climate window in Egypt

– Climate change allows fleas to reach Alexandria from interior of Africa

• The resulting plague kills 30 – 40% of the population of the Eurasian land mass over a decade

• Byzantium and the Persian Empire are both devastated – they will never recover

Mohammed and Islam• In 622 Mohammed moves from Mecca to

Medina• By 632 Mohammed has returned to Mecca and

united most of the Arabian peninsula under his banner

• Following Mohammed's death in 632, Islam begins rapid expansion via conquest

• Islam creates an empire that extends from France to India

Muslim Conquest


The Crusades Begin• In 1095 Pope Urban II calls for Holy War

against Islam Goal: to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims Motivation was to stem flow of power in Europe

from Church to secular rulers Jerusalem had been in Muslim hands for two

centuries Muslim rule had been generally tolerant by the

standards of the day All faiths were free to practice Non-muslims simply paid higher taxes

The Sack of Jerusalem• In 1099 after a series of victories the Crusaders

took the city of Jerusalem Sack of Jerusalem is a terrible atrocity

Nearly half the remaining population is butchered The surrender agreements are broken by Crusaders

and Muslim prisoners are massacred Jews and non-Catholic Christians are killed in large

numbers This leaves a lasting image of “crusade” to the

present day

A Manichean Struggle• East-West struggle dates back to Classical


• To each side, the symbol of the other is important– A dark and terrible enemy

– A barbarian at the gates seeking to destroy “us” Both sides cycle between periods of mercy

and brutality This push and pull shapes the shared

experience of Christendom and Ummah

Loss of Classical Learning

• Pre-Christian learning is a problem for the early Church

• The drive to destroy “pagan” learning dominates after Constantine

• This led to the destruction of many of the classic works

• In Roman territory, classical learning is deliberately destroyed as evil

Islam Saves the West• In Persian territory, the classics were

preserved• Islam's powerful scholarly community

preserved classical learning• Viking age (after 793) sends Irish monks

to the continent• Two-fold drive to preserve knowledge

creates the ideal conditions for returning classical knowledge to Europe

Irish Influence

Barbarians at the Gates• Temujin unites the Mongols• Mongol conquests re-write the• This disrupts the whole region• Trade routes are disrupted

• Alternative routes are sought

• Temujin's conquests last until his death in 1227

• Temujin's Empire does not survive

Eurasia Before Temujin

Heirs of Temujin

Timur the Lame• Temujin's conquests create a new balance of

power• Timur conquers in the name of Islam• Creates centers of learning in conquered areas

– makes Samarkand a center of learning and culture

• Timur also sets a whole new standard of brutality in his conquests

• Timur conquers from China to Europe

The Mongol Legacy• The old order in central Asia is torn apart• A new order based on the Mongol successor

kingdoms replaces the old order• Their successors will invade India and

establish the Mughal (Mongol) Empire there• They spread cultural contact from East to West

and back again through the centers of learning they create in cities like Samarkand

Travelling the World• Marco Polo (1254 ~ 1325)• Ibn Battuta (1304 ~ 1377)

• These men were wandering commentatorso They wandered the world and wrote about

what they saw and dido They fire the popular imaginations of their

respective cultures with the wider worldo They inspire interest in the unknown

The Travels of Batuta and Polo

Travelling the WorldThe world of 1400 is an interconnected one Trade crosses land and sea to bring goods of

all shapes and sizes to all the cities of Eurasia Africa, Europe, Asia, are all integrated in a

world trade system that spans the entire landmass

Trade routes are fragile Travel times are long Technology is still very limited

Major Trade Routes – 1330

Birth of the Modern World: 14001400 – 1800 is a key period in history• Colonialism (1439 – 1980's)• A single world trade system• The basic ideas that will form the foundation

of modern thought:• Renaissance (14th - 17th centuries)• Protestant Reformation (1517)• Enlightenment (17th - 18th centuries)• Peace of Westphalia (1648)

China – King of EurasiaThe great power of the future would seem to be China• China has the largest navy in the world • Chinese merchants sail the seas of the world

from Japan to Africa• China may have circumnavigated and

mapped the world from 1421 to 1423• Chinese military technology is the best in the

world• In short, China has the means and the will to

dominate the world in 1400

Great Empires of the Americas Tawantinsuyu begins conquests that will

create the Empire of the Inca The Aztec Empire is about to begin its

conquest of the Valley of Mexico Mound builders in North America have

created large scale civilizations The population of the Americas is comparable

to that of all of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East (about 100 million people)

A Shocking 100 Years By 1500, it is Europe that is rising Europe comes to dominate the world,

eventually controlling 90% of the peoples of the world in colonies or in post-colonial diaspora states

Europe is king to this day – and Europeans rewrite the shape of the world – for both good and for ill

China's Inward Turn• In 1423 the Emperor Zhu Di dies – while his

great treasure fleets are away• He wanted an active role for China in the

world• China would go to the world

• Zhu Di's son was raised by the conservative courtiers

• The world should come to China

• All records of the treasure fleets of 1421-23 are destroyed, the shipyards burned, and the ships are left to rot

Shot Heard Round the World (the other one)

The Byzantine Empire was the last bit of the Roman Empire

By 1450, the Byzantines have been driven back to only a toehold

Had survived numerous sieges by Muslim armies

Mehmet II, Sultan of the Ottoman Turks is determined to wipe out the last Christian blot on his territory

He plans a massive siege, drawing on the full might of his empire

The Symbol of Constantinople The Ottoman Empire is a multicultural one The Romans of Constantinople are aided by a

multicultural army Byzantium was seen as the greatest city on

earth The symbolic value of Constantinople in the

West is incredible The Christians had been on the defensive for

generations Constantinople had been the bulwark of the

Christian faith in the East as long as there had been a Church

The Siege of Byzantium The fall is an example of how globalized the world

was A combination of modern cannons, superior

numbers, and sheer determination The great Church of Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia)

is converted into a mosque This sends a shock wave across all of

Christendom The West perceives itself to be on the defensive

– because it was The West is thus in a weak position, and knows it

Confluence of EventsThe Fall of Constantinople has several effects: It cuts the major trade route from Asia to the West It removes the last threat holding back Turkish

expansion into Europe proper It demonstrates the weakness of fortresses in the

face of modern cannon It spurs the West to seek to find allies among the

legendary peoples in Africa and the East New technology makes sea exploration possible New charting techniques make accurate

measures possible It is also likely that several maps of Indian, Arab,

and Chinese origin came into the possession of Italian and Portuguese traders in this period

The Fall in Context• A reflection of a period of European retrenchment The Ottoman Turks are pressing into Europe At the same time, the Reconquest is progressing

in the Iberian peninsula and in this area, Islam is in retreat

What we see is that there is a general feeling of fear and pessimism in Europe

This is only about a century after the Black Death (1340's)

Great intellectual, social, & political ferment The perception that things are in flux

Black Death• Between 30% and 50% of Europe's population

was killed during the 1340’s The basic questioning of the traditional order –

particularly the Church It changes the basic economic relationships It concentrates wealth Changes relationships between secular and

religious leaders Shakes the foundations of society

Dawn of the Age of Discovery• Europe begins the Age of Discovery in response

to a perceived position of weakness When Constantinople falls, the perception that

Christendom is in crisis is heightened Black Death Ferment for reform from religious orders Fall of the “greatest city in Christendom”

European kingdoms fear the advance of “the Turk” into Europe

But the timing and circumstances means that it will spur a wholly new response

Dawn of the Age of Discovery• Technological changes in ocean navigation

and shipbuilding• Venice and Genoa do not face strong

pressure to look for alternatives• Spain and Portugal are engaged in a crusade

in Iberia• Spain and Portugal will sponsor a wave of

explorers who will integrate the world in a single, unified trade system for the first time

Revolution in Military Affairs• By the 1480's this revolution has completely

changed the balance of military power in the world

• Europe has pushed the development of gunpowder weapons to their peak

• A French invasion of Italy epitomizes this in 1494– A modern cannon equipped army wipes out its

enemies– The Italian response is to adopt the same

gunpowder weapons and to develop a whole new type of fortification

– The armies of Europe are innovating at a pace that is unequaled anywhere in the world

The Western Way of War• The Europeans are also fighting a different

kind of war:– The emphasis is on decisive defeat of the

enemy– This is a survival of Greek and Roman ideas– This is different from other types of warfare

elsewhere in the world– The WWoW gives European states a

decisive advantage

Europe Goes East Europeans displace the Chinese, Indians, and

Arabs in Africa and the Far East When the Europeans arrive, they are definite

underdogs But the Europeans have a huge advantage:

better technology, superior military organization, and the WWoW

The Europeans almost instantly begin to displace the other groups once they begin to arrive in larger numbers following the initial explorers

Within two centuries (by 1700) Europeans dominate the trade routes of the far east

Columbus Trips Over the Americas• Among the most significant, and tragic human

interconnections in all of history

• The peoples of the Americas had developed largely in isolation from the rest of the human population

• In the Americas civilizations duplicate all the great achievements of those of Eurasia: agriculture, cities, science, etc.

• But a whole series of quirks leads them to develop very different immune systems

The Impact of Columbus• The way of war in the Americas was also different

from that of the Europeans

• The Western Way of War leads to a different manner of fighting

• The Aztec Imperial system also left several disaffected groups

• Disease kills 90-95% of the population from 1500 – 1600

• The Americas become fully integrated into a global trading system dominated by Europeans

Controversy and History The basic facts of the events are hotly debated For much of the period of the history of the US

the narrative had been one of bold European conquest of what were essentially uncivilized peoples

This narrative has shifted in the late 20th century in the face of a powerful intellectual trend towards revisionist histories

This debate is important because it marks how people see globalization today

In short: the history is disputed because it matters in how you see the world of today

Colonialism & Globalization Colonialism is the first wave of moddern

globalization It is a relatively slow process (1450's – 1914) It is also uneven• Americas are colonized earliest• Africa is colonized latest Colonialism creates the foundation of the modern

age• It leaves us with a very controversial legacy

Colonialism & Controversy This is also a very politically controversial topic Developing world states have a powerful memory

of the colonial age Its not a pleasant one

Colonialism has come to symbolize their exploitation by the industrial states

Many blame this period for the problems of the present day

Colonialism & Controversy There is certainly some truth to this argument At the same time, it is a convenient excuse The extent to which it is responsible is the subject

of serious debate Discussion often becomes embedded in these


Diverse Colonialisms

• There is no single “colonialism”

• Different colonizers used different means– Political organization– Social systems– Economic systems– Diaspora effects

Early Colonialism

Spain and Portugal

England / UK France

Political Organization

Late Feudal Limited Monarchy

Absolute Monarchy

Diaspora Limited elite Entrepreneurial, permanent

Entrepreneurial, transitory

Native policies Enserfment Compensated displacement

Varied by colony

Slave Policy Massive importation as serfs

Moderate importation, first as indenture, later as chattel

Caribbean, moderate importation as chattel

The Pre-Industrial Colonial system • Spain and Portugal create semi-feudal holding in

the Americas based on large estates England, France, and the Netherlands create

mercantile outposts and smallholder colonies England, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and

Portugal create trading stations throughout Asia Competition between European powers drives

colonialism Global integration progresses, but with only

superficial penetration outside of the Americas The wealth of empire helps fuel economic growth

in Europe

Time Line of Pre-Ind. Colonization1350 – 1700 the Renaissance•1492 – Columbus trips over the Americas•1517 – Luther kicks off Protestant Reformation•1519 – 1521 Cortez conquers Mexico for Spain•1521 – Magellan's circumnavigation of the world•1532 – 44 Pizarro conquers Tiwantinsuyu for Spain•1529 – Siege of Vienna•1571 – Battle of Lepanto•1582 – Gregorian calendar reforms•1588 – Battle of the Spanish Armada

Time Line of Pre-Ind. Colonization1618 – 1648 Thirty Years War•1642 – 1651 English Civil War•1648 – Peace of Westphalia•1652 – 1654 First Anglo-Dutch War•1665 – 1667 Second Anglo-Dutch War•1688 Glorious Revolution in England•1700 – 1800 The Enlightenment•1756 – 1763 Seven Years War•1761 Practical steam engine invented•1775 – 1783 US War of Independence•1776 Adam Smith publishes The Wealth of Nations

The Industrial Colonial system• Prior to industrialization, European advantages

had brought limited success European trading in China and India had

depended on gold and silver from the Americas There was little Europe had to sell that China and

India wanted to buy Industrialization will greatly increase the power of

Europe relative to the rest of the world, but it also depends on empire to fuel it

Industrialization will also shift global production

Changes in Production Structure Prior to 1800 most of the worlds economies

were diverse and largely self-sufficient Few goods were traded globally The basic needs of life were produced locally

The advent of the industrial age will destroy these economic systems

The production structure shifts as first England, then other European states industrialize

Goods are produced in the colonial home country from materials purchased in a world market and sold in the colonies

Time Line of Industrial Colonization

1792 – 1802 French Wars of Revolution• 1803 – Battle of Assaye• 1803 – 1815 Napoleonic Wars• 1811 – 1825 Bolivarian Wars• 1817 – David Ricardo publishes Principles of

Political Economy and Taxation• 1839 – 1860 Opium Wars • 1846 – 1848 Mexican American War• 1848 – Marx and Engles publish The Communist

Manifesto 1848 – Popular uprisings in major European cities

crushed by establishment powers 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857

Time Line of Industrial Colonization 1859 – Darwin Publishes On the Origin Of

Species 1860 – 1865 US Civil War 1870 – 1871 Franco – Prussian War 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War 1894 – 1895 First Sino – Japanese War 1899 – 1902 Boer War 1898 – Spanish American War 1899 – 1913 Philippine – American War 1901 – Lenin publishes “What is to be done?” - 1904 – Max Weber publishes The Protestant

Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 1904 – 1905 Ruso-Japanese War 1912 – 1914 Balkan Wars 1914 – WWI

First Wave Globalization By 1870 the colonial system has creates a single,

integrated market Capital Goods Services People

• By 1900 the world will be as integrated as the world of 2000

• This is critical for understanding globalization today

Coercive Colonialism This type of colonialism is coercive and massively

disruptive to social, economic, and political systems

Colonialism is imposed by military force on people across the globe

The industrial revolution in military organization fundamentally alters the balance of power

Colonial wars are largely one-sided affairs

“Whatever happens, we have gotThe Maxim gun, and they have not.”

Forced Integration Military conquest is followed by integration into

the colonial system The reorganization of the economy to meet the

needs of the colonial power European industrial goods replace locally

produced goods in local markets This is incredibly disruptive to the local social

order Traditional roles are destroyed or altered

significantly Local social structures that threaten the colonial

power are altered at best, crushed at worst The end result is a very painful transition in many


A New Western Mind These are no longer people on defensive There is a belief in progress through science and

rationality The scientific and material progress combined

with pre-industrial racial ideas The idea of people who were “slaves by nature” The classical world's hierarchy of peoples

combined with the monotheistic idea of a chosen people shape a powerful racist ideology

The basic idea is that Europeans are the pinnacle of humanity

A natural hierarchy of races exists The military and economic subjugation is justified

in explicitly racist terms

The “White Man's Burden“Take up the White Man's burden--Send forth the best ye breed--Go bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives' need;To wait in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild--Your new-caught, sullen peoples,Half-devil and half-child.”

Rudyard Kipling

The Peak of Colonialism In 1900 the world is divided into colonial empires,

tightly integrated into a single, global marketplace It is also a world that is on the verge of incredible


On the Eve of War In 1913, the people of the industrial states of

Europe and North America were fat and happy as never before

Everyone assumed that progress was the normal way of the world

People thought that any major wars would be short• The idea of war as glorious was strong• Nationalism motivated huge numbers

People assumed that the world would continue to have the same progress that it had appeared to have in the 1800's

WWI WWI destroys the economies of the UK, France,

Germany through attrition during the conflict WWI leads to the destruction of Austria-Hungary

and the Ottoman Empire via the peace of Versailles

WWI leads to the destruction of the Russian Empire via the February and October revolutions

US is left intact, becomes the dominant world economic and military power

Japan achieves material position on par with European powers, does not get recognition

Results of WWI Glorious vision of war is utterly shattered Massive social, political, and economic disruption A harsh peace is imposed on Germany League of Nations is formed Globalized world economy is shattered Colonial system is shaken to its core The US turns isolationist The concept of “national self determination”

becomes part of the international debate

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