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Norfolk Will Writing Services Magazine . the www.thecircular.co.uk F ree D istribution D ecember 2011 i ssue 16 W ymonDham TM T o A dverTise C onTACT The CirCular info @ TheCirCulAr . Co . uk 2


Magazine .www.thecircular.co.ukFree Distribution

This Month Spotlight

Do you think it's time that you made or updated your Will?

There are often many things to consider when writing your will and it is important that you receive expert advice when doing so. We offer a personal service and will visit you in the comfort of your own home, daytime or evening, to talk through your own circumstances as everyone has different requirements.

Call us today for a free consultation 01692 650397Email: info@norfolkwillwriting.co.uk or visit


Norfolk Will Writing Services LtdOakwood House, Bacton, NR12 0HJ

Knowing that you have an up-to-date will, not only ensures that your wishes are met, but will also give you and those you love Peace of Mind.

In addition, we offer expert advice on � Inheritance Tax � Trusts � Probate � Lasting Powers of Attorney

Ful Spotlight Norfolk will writers.indd 1 16/11/2011 15:51:58

Norfolk WillWriting Services

December 2011issue 16

WymonDhamCirCularthe TM

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Magazine www.thecircular.co.uk

ContentsspotlightNorfolk Will WritiNgServiceS 11the kiNgS head BaWBurgh 24

RegulaRsthiNkiNg outSide the BoxhoW to Be aN author

4-5keepiNg it greeN With darreN Mellor 8Work reSt & play

12Norfolk hiStory

14theatre royal liStiNgS

26-27puzzle page

20Nlr it page

22Buy local

26-27BNi caStle chapter


ChaRity pagepaNcreatic caNcer reSearch 21FeatuResphotoStatic 30 yearS

16-17caroliNeS carS


CirCularthe TM

Welcome to this festive edition of The CirCular Magazine. We would like to take this opportunity to wish both our readers and Advertisers a Very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and prosperous New Year, from all the team here at the CirCular Magazine.

This December we are helping local company Photostatic celebrate 30yrs of

providing excellent products and services to its loyal customer base. As ever we have lots of content for you, from Thinking outside the box, Norwich Laptop repairs, Work, Rest & Play, Gardening advice by Darren Mellor and much more. Don’t forget about our puzzle page too, with the chance for a meal for two at our pub spotlight, The Kings Head...

Each month we sponsor a pub to encourage our readership to maybe pay them a visit. Our Pub spotlight for December is The Kings Head in the village of Bawburgh. This Pub is about 5 miles west of Norwich city centre.

This month our business spotlight is Norfolk Will Writing Services Ltd

Not only do we focus on helping local business, as always we are also supporting charities. We like to help and spread the word about those in need, see how you can support. This month we are featuring Pancreatic Cancer Research, which is a small but dynamic charity, where all the money raised goes to fund and promote innovative research into the disease.

As this is our last magazine of the year, we now must turn our attention to 2012, if you have products or services that you would like to advertise in New Year, please Contact us here at the CirCular Magazine to see what we can offer your business.

We want to help push local business into the foreground, as well as provide other services too, give us a call and see how the CirCular can make a difference.

Easy, Affordable advertising. Call 01603 300444, or visit:www.thecircular.co.uk


4 To AdverTise ConTACT The CirCular info@TheCirCulAr.Co.uk

“Everyone has at least one good book in them” said Robert G. Allen, but for countless potential authors, “in them” is exactly where their good book stays.

So, what are the benefits of writing a book? For professionals or business owners, a book about your knowledge, experience or expertise can massively increase your credibility. Being a published author opens doors and attracts business.

If you have a creative side, or a message you want to share, writing fiction, poetry or for children is not only fun and therapeutic, but can change other people’s lives as well. Getting your novel or story published could bring recognition – even fame and fortune for the lucky ones.

With so much interest in family history these days, why not write the story of your own life, or that of your ancestors? A published book is a wonderful way of passing on knowledge and setting the record straight for future


Lucy McCarraher, Commissioning Ed-itor of Bookshaker, successful Norfolk-based publisher of business and self-development

books, wants to help people turn their ideas into books, and get their books into print.

As the author of self-help books and novels herself, she knows how hard it can be. “I’ve been lucky finding publishers for my books but I’ve had plenty of rejections too. Personally, I have to turn down authors whose books aren’t right for Bookshaker but I’d like to help everyone get published.”

That’s why Lucy has started Rethink Press – which offers authors a publishing partnership for any kind of book, from novels and children’s books to business, biography and beyond. Partnership publishing is a bridge between traditional publication, where the publisher takes the financial risk, and self-publishing, where an author negotiates the whole process themselves.

“Rethink brings the services of an established, professional publisher, but allows the author to invest in their book, and receive a high royalty on sales. We also offer coaching and help with the writing process, as well as PR at the other end.”

Make 2012 the year you write and publish your book, visit www.rethinkpress.com or contact Lucy at lucy@rethinkpress.com

WRite a book and Change lives

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five top tips for budding writers:

1. Read lots of other books in your subject area and aimed at your market

2. Define your ideal reader and write for them

3. Write with your own “voice”; but spelling and grammar matters

4. Structure or plot your book before you start writing

5. Write first, then edit. Don’t try to do both at the same time.

case study: Norfolk author Mark Hibbitts

Mark hibbitts has had an interesting journey on the road to becoming an author.

After leaving his career as an international casino manager, Mark founded his own fitness business. Unfortunately, the business became an early victim of the recession, but Mark travelled across the UK learning about theories of wealth and prosperity and has recently written three books to teach children about entrepreneurship.

The educational books are about a twelve year old schoolboy called Alfie Potts who becomes an entrepreneur. With the help of his father, he learns valuable life and business lessons.

Mark’s inspiration for the book came after he realised children need to be shown real life examples of how a powerful idea can develop into a successful business. He now visits schools and youth groups delivering presentations on his experiences as he is passionate about encouraging entrepreneurship.

The first three books in the Alfie Potts; Schoolboy entrepreneur series are available from Amazon priced from £4.99, making an ideal Norfolk Christmas gift.

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Call or scan now for details. offer ends December 24th.

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Save up to 30% on your fuel bills with Honeywell’s Evotouch home controls!

FREE 5 YEAR WARRANTYavailable on all WORCESTER BOSCH boilers when fitted by Boilercare, your local Worcester Accredited Installer

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spotlight on

seCuRing youR Family’s FutuRe todayWhatever your age it is never too early to plan ahead to secure your family’s future and avoid additional heartache after your demise.

Whether it be by wills, trusts or Estate Mitigation, qualified and experienced consultants at Norfolk Will Writing Services Ltd can assist you, giving you and your loved ones peace of mind. When drafting a will, it is essential to obtain accurate, current information as to your assets and liabilities and to ensure that the assets you own actually form part of your estate and may be given away under the terms of your will. With frequent changes in financial legislation and regulations, it is advisable that existing wills are reviewed regularly. Where there is a need to protect business assets or make provision for children, it may be appropriate to include a trust in your will. Guardianship may change, so too may beneficiaries , or additional children or a dramatic change of circumstances like Divorce or a death of a beneficiary.

For most people their biggest financial asset is their home and getting expert advice at an early stage will help protect your property in the future. Dealing with money and welfare matters in old age or in ill health can be difficult and worrying. By making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) you can eliminate these problems and make

things easier for those around you to manage your affairs and assist you at a time of need. However, without this very important document, it can prove costly to your family, as the Mental Health Act has made statutory legislation of what a family must do to assist you if you have not made provisions prior to any onset of your decline in health.

There is plenty to take into consideration and speaking to an expert who has experience in these matters will be time well spent and not necessarily as costly as you may think.

Norfolk Will Writing Services, which was started by Robin Colton in 1992, not only provides a service locally but also has clients further afield and networks with many solicitors and will writing companies across the United Kingdom and Spain. As members of the Institute of Professional Will Writers and the Society of Will Writers, they are bound by a strict Code of Practice to ensure they give a comprehensive and professional Will Writing Service.

to book a free no obligation consultation

Contact: 01692 650397 email: info@norfolkwillwriting.co.uk

or visitwww.norfolkwillwriting.co.uk

Norfolk Will Writing Services ltd.Oakwood House,Bacton,NorfolkNR12 0HJ

a good time for a free giftDecember is a traditional month for giving, so I thought I would join in. If you have been reading this column all year, you will have gained some insight into what investors want to know about businesses and projects which need funding. Now I’m asking you about your experience of funding processes, and I’m offering a gift for the best story.

Whether your business has tried to borrow from a Bank, or has engaged with other instuitutions or private lenders, I’d like to hear about the successes and failures of the investment market. Some will be uplifting stories of a well funded project turning into a huge business success; others may be stories of frustration and red tape; but all will demonstrate how much we learn from trying to make our dreams a reality.

I can also publish a few new insights in the Circular if you would like your experiences to be used to help others. All stories carry lessons learned and the one which I find has produced the most inspired learning, through success or adversity, will receive my gift of a free Return On Investment assessment. I will work through Mayfair’s ROI index in detail with the winning business, and advise on planning for renewed success.

in times of great Change, imagineer …Change is one of the few certainties in life. And change goes beyond the human species. As the caterpillar emerges from that dark cocoon, it has transformed from the inside out into a beautiful butterfly. A new reality awakens. That butterfly was there all the time awaiting the process of transformation, a revolution rather than an evolution. imaginal CellsDid you know that the process by which the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly is down to the awakening of imaginal cells that are encoded with a new octave of being? These imaginal cells begin to join forces and a tipping point is reached that creates total transformation. So what can we learn from that? Firstly, that true transformation comes from within, and it is self-directed. It involves a new octave of being. Secondly, the transformation happens when you begin to imagineer and allow your creative mind to steer you to a new reality. Thirdly, as more and more of yourself fully encodes that imagined new reality on the inside, then from the inside out you can create that new reality. The whole vibrational energy within you shifts, and attracts a whole new set of experiences, a whole new way of being in the world.

imagination sets us FreeWhat separated us from the animal kingdom was our ability to imagine. We saw wood and flint and began to imagine ourselves being able to create and use tools - seeing infinite possibilities beyond what we knew, imagineering beyond the present reality. Imagination set us free, liberated us, sent us adventuring, blazing a trail to new realities.Infinite PossibilitiesIs it time for a revolution for you? Or an evolution? Is it time for a transformation in your one wild and precious life? Perhaps it’s time for you to make some Imagineering time to create a reality beyond your present reality. We can all dream a bigger dream for our lives. Dare to dream beyond what you know. And then make it happen. We’re here to earth our dreams.

Make sure you are fit for Christmas!Christmas on the way! We all need to be sure we stay injury free and enjoy the festive season. Here are a few facts and tips.

How Cold Air Can Indirectly Affect Muscles and Joints• While it is a myth that cold air causes colds and flu, there are some indirect ways that cold air can make you more likely to contract a fever and the muscle pains that go with it. Cold air can cause your mucas to thicken in your nose and cause the skin in your nose to dry. As it gets dryer, it less effective in filtering out viruses and this makes you more susceptible to illness. Once you get sick, your body raises its internal temperature to create inflammation in an effort to flush the virus out of your body and the inflammation that is a part of your immune response frequently results in muscle aches and pains. People are also generally less active in colder weather and spend more time indoors in stale air that may have viruses in it, which contributes to greater incidences of illness, fever, and resulting in muscle aches.

Prevention• To prevent muscle aches in colder weather, always stretch and have a warm-up session to get your body loose

and ready before doing anything strenuous in the cold air. Keep yourself warm by wearing layers of clothing to try to prevent the muscles from constricting in the cold, and practice good general health habits to prevent yourself from getting sick.

Massage can save the day and it’s a good investment and a perfect Christmas present.

Medical studies have found that Sports Massage will boost the body’s immunity. Working on all the major systems of the body it will help you be at your best possible condition. Also the thought of being ,fit able and relaxed, stress levels reduced, what a perfect present the Christmas.happy christmas

Work, Rest & Play

David BridgeMayfair Capital Planning

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T 01953 609 161 E service@joetech.co.ukW www.joetech.co.uk

Joe Tech UK16 Preston Avenue

Wymondham,NR18 9JE

Norfolk, UK.

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Computers bought and sold New and Used, Trade in offered.

Get your computers & consoles repairedin time for Christmas!

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Half_Jo Tech.indd 1 18/11/2011 16:36:23

Most people have heard of the village of Horsham St Faith probably because, today, it is where the airport is, but the airfield has only been there since 1939 and the village of Horsham St Faith in the C19th was a much quieter place. There were no Blenheims, Meteors, Mosquitos or Hunters flying over head and going on holiday was something only available to the very rich.

In 1856, the St Faith’s Union Workhouse, in the village, was home to 300 inmates and it had a chaplain, surgeon, a schoolmaster and a schoolmistress as well as the master and matron. The village still had many trades, but in the past it had been much busier as there had been a Benedictine Priory and a Hospital of the Knights Templars.

There was still a large cattle fair held for three weeks commencing on 17th October and that fair would have brought a lot of business to the pubs and other tradesmen. There was a horse farrier, cabinet & chair maker, boot & shoe-makers, gardener, miller & farmer, bricklayer, tailors, baker, smiths, boot & shoemaker, basket-maker, corn & seed merchant, harness-maker and several farmers, shop-keepers and the like. One could think that it was unusual for a village so close to Norwich to be so well provided with trades, one could even think that it is quite amazing that these trades could have all made a good living, but, looking at where Norwich was in 1850, one can see that, actually, Horsham was quite a few miles from the city. Looking at a map of Norfolk as it was in the middle of the C19th, Horsham was in open country, with the nearest part of the city being Saint Augustine’s!


There were several pubs in the village, the most interesting and crying out for more information, was the Highland Laddie. It is thought to have something to do with the old cattle fair, as cattle were driven down to Norfolk from Scotland, but if any of you locals know about this pub, my good friend, who runs the Norfolk Pubs website would be very pleased to hear from you.

I’m writing these local history pages in the hope that some of you will start to take an active interest in your surroundings and perhaps research some aspect of your own local history. The information I am giving is not difficult to find and it would be very simple to write a little booklet about your own village or town. If you are interested in local or family history and would like to start up a project, feel free to drop me an email or call me. A little booklet about each village in Norfolk would be a great addition to the library shelves and, with the Jubilee coming up on 6th February and celebrations planned for June, what a fitting tribute to what is going to be, a very important year for Great Britain.

contact me on 01362 860096 or at glynn@norfolk-tours.co.uk

Norfolk History: Horsham St Faith

14 To AdverTise ConTACT The CirCular info@TheCirCulAr.Co.uk

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Congratulations On 30 Successful Years In Business.

Milne Marketing are pleased to be associated with Photostatic and the services they provide.

Milne Marketing provides a compressive Health And Safety service to industry and commerce, covering such elements as Forklift Operative Training, First Aid and Industrial Hearing Tests.

Health & Safety DivisionMilne Marketing Limited

Philip Ford Way,Silfield Road,

Wymondham,NR18 9AQ

Tel: 01953 607093Fax: 01953 603927

Web: www.milnesafety.co.ukEmail: info@milnesafety.co.uk

Eighth_ Milne Marketing.indd 1 18/11/2011 16:38:23

Thriving Through Three DecadesPhotostatic Anglia Ltd are Norfolk based office equipment suppliers, providing photocopiers, faxes, printers and document management systems to businesses small and large. They are pleased to announce that they will be celebrating 30 years of providing a unique combination of best in class products and excellent support.

Established in 1981, Photostatic provide service for their customers across the whole of East Anglia and the UK, with an emphasis on quality, service and support at competitive prices.

Photostatic have a dynamic management team consisting of Caroline Martin, Rodney Greer and Lee Jackson. They have enabled Photostatic to thrive during the current economic downturn by continuing to improve service and by introducing their print management services. They are complimented by their superb engineers and support staff.

Photostatic are the region’s authorised agents for Sharp, Executive Partners for OKI, RISO and Develop (Konica Minolta), as well as being suppliers of Hewlett Packard and Kyocera laser printers. Photostatic have a comprehensive product range, which spans customer requirements from the small home office to major organisations.The unique attributes that have enabled Photostatic to continue to

deliver to their customers are:

Tel: 01953 605983Web: www.albionmanufacturing.com

Email: sales@albionmanufacturing.com

The GranarySilfield RoadWymondhamNorfolk NR18 9AU

Eighth_ Albion.indd 1 18/11/2011 15:39:45

Improving the lives of horses in the UK and

around the world.

Registered charity no: 206658 and SC038384


NORWICH: 36-40 Prince of Wales Road, Norwich, NR1 1HZ. 01603 660744ATTLEBOROUGH: The Pines, Connaught Road, Attleborough, NR17 2BP. 01953 453143

WATTON: 40 High Street, Watton, IP25 6AE. 01953 882864LONG STRATTON: The Plain, Long Stratton, Norwich, NR15 2XJ. 01508 530033

WYMONDHAM: 5-7 Church Street, Wymondham, NR18 0PP. 01953 606 351

Supporting local

companies and residents.

Eighth_GHP.indd 1 16/11/2011 10:00:44

What our customers thinkPhotostatics friendly and professional approach was superb and I would recommend them to anyone looking for their services”Browne & Sons



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Quarter_Photostatic.indd 1 16/11/2011 09:37:54

Print ManagementRapid ServicePhotostatic are a One Stop Fix! As well as holding a vast quantity of parts in stock,their engineers have full training and IT expertise in all supplied products. Photostatic have also invested in in-house software to fine tune their response time to their customers. Hence an average of only 2 hours from call logged to an engineer on site.

Free Print AssessmentPhotostatic professionals offer all prospective and existing customers a free print assessment on site. This can ascertain how you use your office equipment, what volumes/speed you require, where your company spend goes

MonitorPhotostatic have invested in software for our customers to enable you to control, secure and audit your office equipment from your desktop.

AdvicePhotostatic’s aim is to help maximise your companies efficiency whilst reducing your print costs, that means finding a product or solution that fits your individual requirements, they can also advise on and provide software and data security solutions to meet your every office equipment management needs.

Box Office - 01603 620917www.maddermarket.co.uk


Eighth_ Madder Market.indd 1 18/11/2011 16:39:32

“We have worked with Photostatic for many years. They have provided excellent service at very competitive prices.” Moneyfacts

18 To AdverTise ConTACT The CirCular info@TheCirCulAr.Co.uk

Caroline’s Cars is a company with a difference. Set up 6 years ago by car mad mechanic Caroline Lake, Her mission is to revolutionise the garage

industry. Her upbeat pink profile has really helped identify her as brand associated with excellent customer care.

Caroline has a strong team behind her, all mad about motors. There is fully qualified mechanic Kelly and Moranda who joined at the beginning of the year. Caroline has recently recruited her son Mat to join her excellent team.

At Caroline’s Cars all their customers are treated with courtesy and respect, many people fear going to a garage in case they are ripped off, intimidated or patronised, this will never happen here.

No need to dread the annual MOT or service and the costs associated with it.

At Caroline’s Cars no work is ever undertaken with the consent of the owner.

At Caroline’s Cars, a friendly and welcoming environment where customers can receive honest service, advice and repairs. There is also a rewards scheme in place which will quickly enable you to own a pair of coveted personalised pink overalls amongst other things!

Research and experience shows that women in particular find a trip to the

garage a scary encounter. This is why Caroline’s Cars operate a female friendly policy, employ female mechanics and run introductory classes for ladies in

basic vehicle maintenance.

They believe in customer care and everyone deserves a first class service. So whether you need us to collect and deliver your vehicle, provide you with a free courtesy car or just let you visit and relax with a cup of coffee while the kids play in the toy corner; rest assured your car will be expertly repaired and cared for.

TEL: 01508 488441 Email: info@carolinescars.co.uk

CaRoline’s CaRs - doing it diFFeRently

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Brands you’ll recognise - prices you won’t

Tel: 01953 606688www.acwashingmachines.com

17 Spur Road Industrial Est. Wymondham.OPEN: 6 Days Monday to Saturday (Except Wed pm)

A Family Business - Putting The Customer FirstMassive range of built in appliances

Washing Machines from £189.99Dishwashers from £199.99Cookers from £179.99

Tumble Dryers from £189.99Vacuum Cleaners from £199.99Microwaves from £179.99

Hoover OPHS612

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Only £229.99

We now stock Freeview LCD TVs with DVD players starting at £89.99

Digi boxes from £16.99, DVD Players & Digital Recorders.

MERRY CHRISTMASto all our customers

Quarter_A.C. Washing Machines.indd 1 17/11/2011 15:46:34

20 To AdverTise ConTACT The CirCular info@TheCirCulAr.Co.uk

What was the name of Rigsby’s cat in rising damp?

In which comic would you see Sid the Sexist?

November 2011 Puzzle Page & Wordsearch solutioNs

Q: What is the largest inland lake in South America?a: lake titicacaQ: Which artist’s studio was known as the factory? a: andy Warhol

Puzzle Page

WiN a Meal for tWo at

“the kiNgS head BaWBurgh”

to a value of £50

WiNNer Will Be draWN froM correct aNSWerS oN the 8th of deceMBer 2011poSt to: the CirCular, uNit 1 kiNgSWay, NorWich, Norfolk, Nr2 4ue.

Title ................... First Name ........................................... . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Surname ......................................................................................................................



UK Postcode .................................................................Tel:..........................................

Email Address..............................................................................................................

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21To AdverTise ConTACT The CirCular on 01603 300444

Pancreatic Cancer Research FundPO Box 47432

LondonN21 1XP

Tel: 020 8360 1119Email: maggieblanks@pcrf.org.uk

Registered Charity No. 1103253

Find out more

about us at:


Pancreatic Cancer ResearchNeeds your supportResearch into pancreatic cancer has been poorly funded for a long time.

So there is no diagnostic test and treatment options are limited.

Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund is absolutely committed to changing this.

•Formedin2004,itistheonly national charity exclusively funding pancreatic research across the UK.

•Smallbutdynamic,all the money it raises goes to fund and promote innovative research into the disease.

So your support really can make a difference.

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spotlight onThe Kings head BawBurghHarts lane, Bawburgh,norwich NR9 3LS.Telephone 01603 744977

Nestling in the heart of the picturesque village of Bawburgh, The Kings Head is a 17 th Century Freehouse committed to upholding the fine living philosophy of it’s namesake – sportsman & bon viveur King Edward VII.

Just a ten minute drive from Norwich, The Kings Head is easily accessible from the A47 (take the turn for Watton, or follow the signs from the Norfolk Showground). Equal parts pub and restaurant, long time owner Anton Wimmer invites you to enjoy lunch/dinner and a pint or a glass from his extensive range of local real ales, lagers & carefully chosen wines.

One of the original pioneers of gastro pub dining in Norfolk, The Kings Head Bawburgh now has its menu and philosophy firmly rooted in local

markets. From a close relationship between well established local produce suppliers and Head chef Dan Savage, sous chef Leigh Taylor and his him of chefs produce an ever changing, ever evolving menu. Packed with proper

Norfolk pub grub and gastro delights, the menu uses all of Norfolks Larder to its full potential through all the seasons.

The team believes in making everything from fresh bread and chutneys to ice-creams and sorbets putting their own twist and mark on each and everything.

This months menu includes Pan-fried cod, crushed peas, potato rosti with a mussel and pancetta broth, Norfolk “moules frites”, finishing with a baked “lemon meringue” Alaska with raspberry jelly.

The kitchen team even make the butter served at the table, as well as all the sauces, mayonnaise and pickles.

Lunch and dinner are served Monday to Saturday from 12 noon – 2 pm and 5.30 pm – 9 pm. On Sundays, a variety of locally butchered top quality roasts are served from 12 noon – 4 pm. Booking is highly advisable and can be done by phoning 01603 744977 or accessing the website, which also has details of the full current menu, live music events.

opening hourslunchtimes

Mon-Sat 12noon - 2pm

eveningsMon - Sat 5.30pm - 9pm

Sundays12 noon – 4 pm

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Hayley Tamaddon is certainly one of Britain’s busiest performers.

Skating, soaps, Spamalot and Shameless have all figured in her career and now she is

keeping the alliterative theme going – by playing the lead role in Sleeping Beauty, which

opens on December 14. John Bultitude caught up with

Hayley to find out why she is looking forward to spending the Christmas period in Norwich.

You can just tell Hayley Tamaddon gives 100 per cent to everything she does. ‘Living The Dream’ is the ultimate showbiz cliché but you can see that Hayley really is. She has wanted to be on the stage ever since she was a tiny tot and now that she has made performing a highly successful career, there is no doubt Hayley is grasping every single opportunity. And she admits she cannot wait to start rehearsing in Sleeping Beauty which will see her performing opposite an all-star cast including Kevin Sacre (Jake Dean in Hollyoaks), Helen Fraser (Sylvia ‘Body Bag’ Hollamby in Bad Girls). Also back for this year’s run from December 14 to January 15 are Norwich’s ever-popular panto dame Richard Gauntlett, comedy favourites Andre Vincent (Early Edition with Marcus Brigstocke) and Tom Beard, and distinguished character actor David Gant. Hayley said: “I am very excited about playing Sleeping Beauty. I have never played this part before so it will be very new for me. Panto isn’t new to me and I love it. “The great thing about panto is that it is for everybody. It is full of fun and entertainment and you get a whole musical revolving around a story that people will know. It is just great for all the family. “It is somewhere you can come and you know by the end of the performance, you will be leaving the theatre laughing and giggling about what you have just seen.” Hayley is no stranger to Norwich last appearing at the Theatre Royal in Spamalot opposite Todd Carty (Mark Fowler in EastEnders and Tucker Jenkins in Grange Hill) and James Gaddas (Neil Grayling in Bad Girls). She recalled: “When I was in Spamalot, I absolutely loved being in Norwich as it is such a friendly city. It is so quaint and lovely and everybody looks out for each other at the theatre. I love that. “After having such a great time there, I told everybody that Norwich is one of my favourite places on the tour. To be asked back to do panto at the Theatre Royal is great news.” Performing was definitely an instinctive thing and something Hayley had always wanted to do. She said: “Singing, acting and dancing is all I have ever known really. I think I was about two when I first went to a ballet class. I love singing and acting. I always wanted

to be on a stage.” Her first big break which brought her national attention was livewire Delilah Dingle in Emmerdale who was at the centre of some great storylines. Hayley recalled: “She was a feisty character. If there was ever a chance to go back as Delilah, I think I probably would. She could cause some trouble and mischief in the village.” From there, she donned the skates for Dancing On Ice eventually winning the series. The TV judge and former skating champion Robin Cousins has highlighted her determination and willingness to work hard as the secrets of her success which are made even more remarkable by the fact she had little experience on the rink. Hayley said: “I had never done any skating lessons. I had done what everyone had done going on a Christmas ice rink or skating with your mates when you are ten years old. You get really thrown into the deep end and it is just brilliant. I can now safely say I can go backwards on the ice.” And she has carried on taking to the ice since she finished her successful stint on the show. Hayley explained: “I’ve done two arena tours now and I am addicted. Dancing On Ice was a big thing for me and I was so grateful to get the opportunity to do something like that.” Next on the agenda for her is the Norwich pantomime, sponsored by Almary Green, although, in true Tamaddon style, she is already looking at adding yet another string to her bow. She said: “I like writing. I have started writing a children’s book of poetry. When I was growing up and reading as a child, I did read story books but poetry was my main thing. I have started to write a bit so we’ll see what happens. Maybe it will take off and you will see it in the shops some day.” And, as with everything else in her career, she feels it is really important to strike out and give everything a go. She explained: “I think if you don’t try things, you will regret it and you should never have regrets in your life. Just follow your heart, follow your dreams and do everything you want to do.” Sound advice from a performer who is sure to remain a firm favourite for years and years to come.

Sleeping Beauty, december 14 2011-January 15 2012. tickets £5-£19. discounts for over-60s, under-18s and groups. Signed performances on Saturday January 14 at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. audio described performance on Saturday January 14 at 2.30pm.

Box office 01603 630000. for more info or to Book oNliNe www.theatreroyalnorwich.co.uk

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Book online: www.theatreroyalnorwich.co.uk

BOX OFFICE: 01603) 63 00 00



Wed 14 Dec 2011 -Sun 15 Jan 2012SLEEPING BEAUTYHayley Tamaddon, Kevin Sacre, Richard Gauntlett, Helen Fraser star in traditional family pantomime£5 - £19

Wed 4 January 2012BEYOND THEBARRICADEWest End musical hits£5.50 - £19.50

Tues 17 - Sat 21 JanAN INSPECTORCALLSAward-winning drama£5.50 - £22.50

Mon 23 - Sat 28 JanHELLO DOLLYNorfolk & Norwich Operatic Society£5.50 - £19

Sun 29 JanCLASSIC ROCKSHOWRock anthems£5.50 - £21

Mon 30 JanTHE SOLIDIERSSinging trio£5.50 - £23

Tues 31 JanBRENDAN COLEStar of Strictly£6.50 - £28.50




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