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Post on 09-Aug-2020






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Promoted and T~ansferred. -~ ..

on the Lincoln Forest· E't:nest E . .''W;"y;igJlt, ;v~o has . Reserve.

<~ ·~ r, .. ,~- • '

The following rulings by

served as· a forest rang-er" und~r Supervisor Hi'ghtow~r, on th~

the Lincoln 'forest reserve siuce last

. . While Arizona and N~w Mex·

. . ~ .~ '


,.. ..

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1\1 ....----'-,--,+---..,..__,....

i:Jr~itti~s· ta1ks:.of 'reope~ing his case. The ca.p~a"in ·should understand that. he stl;uclt twelve some time ago, and that no more need bj3 said. ·

Russia and Japan have B!>'I'eed that there is enough good loo.ting in fat ol.d Ohina fo_r two, and there is no use in mussing up the scenery.

Wlien a woman can't ·make her hus­bitnd stop smoking a pipe because it ruins the curtains the consolation she has is th,at it is .. _good for the rubber plant.

The woman<who puts her hat on be· fore the pll!-Y i~ finished is just about on a J)ar witl1 the· chap who goes out between:· the acts to· disguise his breath.

[Lessons frOm Dogs]' '~ -~--__...-.

The Chi~ago Janitresses' union is half tickled to death' because it has won tb.e right to scrub. This is so:Qie· thing that most women dodge when they can~ .

We are told not to worry over tl\e !mall things of life, ye't how can qne help doing so when .a flea gets· to worlr on one 1n the presence of .a stranger.

There will be a total eclipse of the aun Aug.' 30 next year, and the astron­omers oi Spahy1tave forgivingly in­

. vited tbos'e of this .country to come there ant,l look at it.


- . "We may learn a gQod lesson from

our good friend the dog now and then,'' said a man who is always be· friending members of the canine tribe to a New Orleans Times-Democrat writer, 1'and we should remember the fact at times when we are inclined to quarrel with some of the more worth· . less members. . Already we have learned a lesson in constancy of friendship from the dog ·and men of letters have scatcely praised the vir· tues of mankind more tha.n they have praised this virtuous attr_ibute of the dog. The dog is a good frieJld to his m.aster, a faithful companion .who shares his master's fortune whatever it lnay be. No dog was ever known to desert his master because fortune

Ftrstale ons in the school of jour· or fate had shifted from the palace to nalism. o.uld be the writing of let· the hovel, from affiuence fu. grinding ters; a out the ~<expected"· war· be· poverty •. The dog will remain fast tween Japlin and Russ~Sr· ;['hat reads . w.hen other friends· higher in :the scale like -~ood stuff fo~ beginners. of animal development will.desert and

pull away to where the .Pastures are· Mrs. Lena Birse wants a divor~e. be· greener.

"But I was tUinking more particu~. larly of another good example which humankind may find in the dog's con~ duct, and it is a lesson. which we may ponder with profit at this season of the year when one's diet becomes ot so much importance in the mainte· nance of health. Despite ·a popular belief to the r,oiJ.b·ary, did you ~now !t is a f.act 'that a dog rarely" eats more than his stomach ·can handle? Did you know that dogs as a rule eat very lightly and very discreetly when they are :Siclt? Whether you know it or not it is a fact, and it is something that we can't say of man. At least we can't say a$ inuch -for all~ men. Dogs seem to know intuitively what is good for theni. T~ey know when they are sic!\ that they must •eat

. lightly and be careful. about the kiiid

. of food they eat. Nature, after all, · seems to take pretty gqod care of the creatures, though nature !tills dogs~

·just as .she ldlls. other things in her vast domain." · ·

cause, fo.i·sooth, her George can't play cards~. Yet many there be that:aee1r sepa:ratlo~ because their Georges .,can pla.Y. · Again we .ask, where do ·yve cet ott.r ·. . $! ..... ·· • ·

.' . ________ ...._ ____ _ .· f1t:··M;O d.·er·i1 pro,~ iOaiJ .~ \. >;( J. e.... ''• ';

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him he was goilig .to s~nd. Bili;r dow•

·Mr. Grover's ·case. • I- 'I',_ I

Vre!ierika, Ia., · neri~ 28 .. -Mr! ·A~. s . . Gr.over hf·nowf74year~ of age:.Fortbe last . 30 years b.e. )la§"':suftilred a..: great ·deal of !!ickness a~d, :atthougJ#'e is a 1emperate ma.n aiid never-used spir· its of anY 'kind, .hts 'ldd~eys · lt~d trou·

·bled him very much. ~He said: • · "I· was told I· had Diabetes and my symptmns corr~spqn;}ied exactly .to those of a young man.:who died of Dia~ betes 'in tnis nei~hb9rbood. · My fee~ and.ltmbs we1·e bloat~d quite a little.

"I heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills and at last determined to :try them. I took m an·ten .boxes befor~ I was well and now I can truthfully say that I am all

·right. Xbe bloating is gone fx:om my, • • . • s -feet and legs. r hl:!,Ve gained eight· pounds in weight and can sleep well at l).ight and every symptom .of my trd'U· · ble h~·gone. · ~ ' ... : .:· . · · . .

"It is some time now since I ·was t-ured and. I hJl.Ve not the slightest return of any symptom of the · olcl t:touble.'~ · ·


:·Power of. Imagination. The practical joke phiyed by Prof.

Slosson of Wyoming on a sele<;t audi­ence recently when he convinced them that they detected the ·odor of dl~tilled water. is becoming pat.:t ·of. the. general literature of the psychology of sugges­tion. An account of if bas appeared in · American, French and German psycbo­logi~al, journals, and a;. German scient­ist has written to Prot. Slosson for an abstract of the exper!ment, intending to include, it in a work on the power of suggestion.




' '

. .: :' . . . Don't Ront. a Farm-Buy! .

. . Colorado farmers can get good irri: gated .land, best of,water rights, splen­did crops, and pay'' abou~ the usual rental' for tbe US~· Of the land: . 'In three.· · years they'll own it clear. The best chance to get :a ·.good farm ·ever offered

.in .the ·state. .Write .. to•day to·· The1

061orado. Burell-ti. .of Immigration. Zeph Ohas. Felt; .President, Majestic .build~ ing, Denver, Colorado.

''He's the man ·1 t;lVer knew. He's woh two raffles." .. Ask him how many lie lost."

,.It beats all" hO'W ·good a cigar you cart buy for 5 cents:,.lf you buy the right 1Jrand. Try a "Bullhead." •

• . • u

Although to-morrow may never come, the morning ·after the ni~ht before inva­riapJy ~rr~ves.

--'--'--'---.-- . · There Js more Catarrh In tbls e~ectfon ot the eou:1try

thrm all otner dtseaaei put together; and unttl the­last few years wall su!lpoaed to bo !nourable. ;For a. great many years doctors pronounced lt a local 'ills·

" eaeo and prescribed local remedies, and by conetantly falllng to cure with to.eat treatmcp.t,. pronoullelB!l ft. Incurable. Bclen.ce hRll prov.cn catarrh to b.o a ·con· iltlt111·fonal d!IIBstCH\Ud• tbere1:ore ·reqttlre!i onniltltu· tlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured l1y l'. J. Ol,leney & co.(Toledo; Oht'o, 111 the only con· atltutlonal cure on. tbe market. 1t 111 tl)lten fn~rnallr fn doses trom 10 drops: .to a teaspoonful. It ucts 1:1L• rectll on the blood ·and mucous surtaee• of t!io iyatci'n. They otrer one hundred dollau for any case Jt falls to cur4. Send for ctrcutan·and'testfmonlal&.

Addree11 . F. if.· CHENEY & CO .. Toledo, o. Sold by_ Drugglsta7!SQ'.

e,:s' • "'

Elevates the Helpless Patient.·

totatton while the .w_eight of tlle body is on the cables. When the bridg~ has been arr~:.nged over t4e patient a n1im.· · ·b~ of ~iings ar~ slipped beneath the body and attachea to the ends of the cables ·passing over the rollers and connecting witlf the winding drum. Then,, by turning the cranlr, the·slings, ate elevated at the sa;me instant, and H11ll'1 Family P1lls 11re the best.

' the body maintains a level position You can't dls¢ourage the :Prohlbitlon ,~hile rising to the ilecessarv. height. mo,vement by throwing cold water on .ft.

. Nhen it becomes necessary to remove It you have smoked a Bullhea'd 5-cent · the t>atient from one bed to anqther,

· ~~~rhl!eu ~~f,0~etr~:'tr~og~e.they ar~: if~ the same apparatus can be used-) car· •1· k ,. · bl · rying the suspended body by means-of A man who is · oo lng for trou e can

usually find it without trouble. the bridge. ·- . · August "'Gaiser of Oberndorf, Ger·

Perfectly simple and simply perfect many, is the inventor of the sick room. los dyeing with PUTNAM FADELESS ·appliance. . · DYES. . .

Husband-"How.- much will that new hat cost?". W!fe-~•How much have you g·ot?lr .,


The secret of tHe vo\}ularlty of Baxter's "Bullhead" It-cent. cigar is .revealed in one word-"Qualit:V." .. ------

Beware of tlie barber who 1llustr.ates his ~tortes. with duts.

, ".!, • t ........_.......__..,...._.........,....._..,.;;.·


· ' To Ci:ire a bold in One day. ''.t'ake Laxative Droino Qrain1ne 'l'ablets. 'AU

· The'·Professor's Lab~u·.

. V e.ry Rare. . . · ··-nemus/' said Chloe, "Ah saw so}lie,

se1f•raisln' buckwheat tlown et de' stnhe/'

"Ds,t•g nufiln," ~uiitbled .Remu&, who h~ d ten dependent ·ottsprings. 'jw:ha.t Ah want to see is eorito self·rafstn' elm• dre~.'' ·

" . ln every cou~ry of the civilized world The following letter is from Congressman Sisters of Chanty are known •. Not only Me~Jdson, of Napoleon, Ohio: · . , do they minister to the spiritual and intel" The Peruna Medicine Co.,· Columbus, 0.: lectual needs of the charges committed to G.entlemen: "I ...... ~ ................ ,.. their care, but they also minister to their have used several bodily n~eds. bottles of Peruna

With so mafl.y child~en to: take ~are of 'and feel greatly­and to protef:t from chmate and disease, benefited there­these. wise and prudent Sisters. have found' by from >Jny caw Peruna a never failing safeguard. tarrho£ the head

Dr. Hartman receives mat1y letters from and feel enoour: Catholic Sisters from al,l~ver th~nited ·aged'· to believe StateS.· A reco!U1n:.en~ r~cent~;v-rece~v~d t ha. t .ft s c 0 n­fr~m a Cathohc 1.nst1tubon ~n Detrozt, finued use .'wifl Mzch., reads as follows: / \ fully eradicate a Meeldson. Dr. S. B Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: disease of ·thirty • • •• • • ··~-....

Dear Sir:-"Tbe y'bung girl who used years' standing/'-David Meekison. the Perona was suffering from /sryngl· Dr. Hartman, one of the best known tis,· and Joss of voice. The result of physicians and surgeons, in the Y-nite.d. the tre11tment was most satisfactory, States, was the first man to ·formulate She found great relief, and . alter Peruna. It was through his genius and further use of thf}. medicine we hope to perseverance that it was introduced to tho be able to say she is entirely cljred. "- ·medical profession of this country. Sisters of Cb'!rlty. · . ·It you do not derive prompt and satis ..

The young gxrl was under the care o£ the factory results from the use of Peruna, Sisters of Charity an4 used Peruna for write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a catarrh of the throat with good results as full. statement of your case and be will be the above letter testifies. . . · · . pleased to give you his valuable advico

Send to the Peruna Medicme Co., Co- gr:atis. lumbus, ·for a free book written by Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Dr. · Hat~man Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.

Druggist fora free PerunaAimanacfor 1904.!




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·. '-

_· ·Wan~~d.~~H?-es,. sheep· pelts, goat slhns, etc. · .Htghest· market price paid by WelCh: &·'t'itsworth.

. . " ..


C.apitan, . .

Ne~ Me~il!o • .. • . . . ...

. .• J~ ~~ .. JAF,FA, · · Noti~:.~:s:uit.- Me· ··rchant "-ii·n· .. a.· .: ... ·o·a· · nkef·_ ·r· In the \District Courl of Lin~ln 'county, ,vithin. . . · · Q. . · , . · . .

;~~~c:;~:::t~::i:~aln,.istri~~- of~-~he . , .,.... LfNcOLN ::N· .-: M. ., I : '1/! - - ••

JAOKBON·GALBRAITH- COMPANi: l . . t . • . - • •

G .. M~'iiAI)(ls. "' 5 ·. Suecessor to Lincoln Tradtng :Co. " ,. The defend11.nt, G. M. Raina'i~:~ hereby nottfied · .. Transacts a general mercantile and banking business~

that on the 19th day of j a'nuary, 190!, a nuit by attaohmentwasoommencedngainst YOU in the Large~t a'nd' Best Stock of Oo~ds in :Li~coh:i .. ¢ounty

. ~ " - ' . . ~~~~~============~~~~p

. . . .

· . • ,~fJ/ 110 San Antonio Strec:-t, El-..PasC>s Texas:

~~.,......... " . ' .. " . WHOLESALER OF


X.iquor:s, Brandies, .Wines ·.and Cig·_a:p·s • . . . " . SOLE AGn~T FOR ··_·· ' . • .

~henser·Bnsh Brewing Assoct~tiop, St. 1;;9niB, Mo •.. -M~itou 1\iiti~r-~1 Wnler Co., ManitcJu coiti . . · · Italian..Swiss Agricultnrp! Colony t A~tj, C41•, F.i)le W.iltt>t.. . · '. · . .

G. H. Mumm & C?·• Reiml!.. Champagnes. P. A~Muinm. Frnnlttort O.M. lihf:W, Wmes Ll\ndan Fils, Bor.dean~. Cognac. Sergnouret 'frere~, Botd~a.n-x darets: · · • -•

•. Dr."Ale:xander, Ciudad J'uarez, Mex., Native Wines. · " ·. ~~ '

.. JJr~~~hes~_a,t · Nort, ·Capitan a~d Capitan,. N •. · n. ·.

'Porp1 f()r Publication.-

.. ' .

' ..



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the ing situated unde~ !he to)Ver, ·has_

:. - .... In:tha Matter of· :., . ·. : . -. - • The Estate Qf .Jasper N. Coe,'deceaaej:l, · · ~ ·


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l!ewspa,per, . , , ,. ·~I'm in .•for another $2/' ·chipped 1~ ·

the . stQrekeeper, · ... Nothing doing 'with the drumme~. ''Got him treed,'' · snikEjred the. bank

~· cle:rk, and everybody laughed. · ''You .fellows mean it?" asked

druinm-er. . , "Sure's eggs is ·eggs," replied the

storekeeper. , . . The drummei took out ·a bulky poclr·

etb<x>k anti. with "impi~ss.ive. delibera· tion-.,;iaid ol:l the. table .. a Ietterb~ad of 'the Lev.eri Little Tailor.~: · · · ..

. . •••• " 41 e e -' " 9 .• p I • • I .• I I " ••.•. ·~··,~ ' !" •

. • . •

.. . .. " .. . . • r "' • . , ·'" . II

To bill .rendered ... $4 •. 00 , : " .

• '• ¥ ~ • I ill

• a I " e • ' •.• ' ..... I I I I I ' I I I ••.• I • I .~,.


~hfi' silence was profound. · "W . t g!tes?l we'll step across to the hotel for "a :roulild on me," _said the li~~fy:. man, "and then r must " be .getting home to supper."

Little Kindnesses. lf YOU were' toiling up a ;weary hill,

Bearing a loa(l beyond your strength to •' bear,·' .. · ·

Straining ea*' nerve UI}tirlngly, and still Stumbl\ng and losing foothold, here and

· there, " · .. And eaoh " one pi,J.sslng by would "do ~o

much " A$ give one upward lift and go their

way, Would not the slight reiterated touch . Of help and klndn~ss Ughten all the

day? ·

'It you were breastlng a keen wind, which tossed

And buffeted and chilled you as you strove,· ,

Till, baffled and bewildered quite, you lost · .

ThiJ power to see t/he 'Yay, and al.zp t9' move, · •

And one, if only for a 010~t's space, Gave you a shelter fro~he bitter ·

blast, Would you not find ft ea.sier'lo face

The storm again when the brief rest was past?

- . i • ~uere ls no little and there is no muc11.

We weigh and measure and define in vaJn.. · i..' • ,

A look, a word, a light responsive touch., Can be a minister of joy to pain.

A man ·cai\ die of· hunger walled in gold, A crumb may quicken hope to strongel'

breath, · · And every day w~. give ·or :we withhold So~e little · thing which tell~ for life

or death. ·.,.. -Sarah Chauncey Woolsey. .

Peacocks or Men. • . .~ . . ~ . . . '1

l!,rotn .London comes the report that. men 'there are being induced by ta,il· ors to do everything they can to bring about a men's . dress· reform. , The· ef• fort' iS.•, ·to '" get the. customers to . wear

" of • ... ..... '" '• • ~

cplored ·:materitil for:- ev.ening ·.,~lbthes. ·~·. . . . . "" , .. _ . .· . v ...... llt...;:..~~,:. , , . . •

. Thet~ ar~ $ha1tes of blue, green, crim-son;~ plum. and bth:er vadetH;)s of rich color/. whlch .1oolt . well by artificial ligli~; · <.F~w· mE!n ha"te had 't)!e · cour-

. age .·to 'id~iltl,fY' .. them~elVes with the inn~~ation~ ... ·o:.rhose wh6 ·do~ lay· the.Di" ~elves liable ·to the suspicion that they are p,.ot :menJ but· peacocks.

' • J ..... :-" ·--· ........ ""':"" ................. """'"'...,..,.. ......

: : It· ~ometrmes Happens. . "01 C(lttrSe/' SaYS· the shoe d~a.lel',

,;ther~, tt~e times when' it-is' necessary to stretch the, truth a trifle}• • ''Yes, sir/' answ:ered the head sates­·~ man, ·~- 111trd 'often; a teilow '··has. to 'stretob.. ~ .ae.j' i ''l .q,o~t .. see how/' i uwell, When a woman with a. No. 6 · fo.t">t d.e't!lares that ·a No. 8 shoe is just :her· site. and asks yo~ to put it ~n the :Shoe stretc'he.r overil,Ight~ 'j'trat to 1 maktt tbe b1!tep a little biJher/

. ITia&t't one ct tht tfme'l•"

,, . ~·.


... . . w"· . , . . .. :

is baked twice fl.t q. 'high temperature to nmder the. starch easy' of digestion; conta-i~s no catamel, maple, fn,lit: juices or. other sweetenings ·t;,) c;D,l\CSe .fermentation ·and indiges#on; made frql1l the. whole grain. o·f

, the wheat, celery infused, and· so prevents constipation, creates nerve force and furnishes wholesome nourishtl\lent to :the w:hole bo-dy. · Served hot or cold. A delicious breakfast food. . . . .. ' ;,

Palatalfle~rtutiitious~Easy Of Digestion and·. lleadyJPEat ~.:,~:-:~:~=~ ~;. fl):rj~,~ .•. . .. •' ~·

Dr . ~. " .<") • ... ...... c • ~. •

Pnce,, ·the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Baking ;E'owder and Delicious. Flavoring Extracts: ...

A cook bo~;'k containing 76 ll!XCellent receipts ·for using the food mailed free to any address. ~ ' .. . .. FOR.- SALE BY· LEADING GROCERS •

Prepa.red by PRICE . CEREAL FOOD. COMPANY·~ a "• Chicago, fJiin~ls. .•

· Deriver Direetory

. . . . VIOLINS G.ttitars, Mandollna, Etc. Expert . BepairJnqo and Strlngll. rJ. Rusch·

enberg & Co •• f.OO lOth St .• Deuver, Catalog free. ' .

.. Oxford · Hotel .. Den. vet. OuJ' Block I rom Union Depot. l!"lre· proof.

. C. n. 1\IOR:U;, l\igr. • "

~& lJusllless and Shorlh•md Courses. Saud for Oat­

slog utl_d. trial lass• n 1 in ::.hot:thand. Denver.




)he CQ.lo:r~do · l' elephon~- Co.

14.U Oham})a. St.;' DlJ;:S'VEB, COLO.

· · I.e no longer a.n Incurable ~!seas~; but to cuie . t per· maneutlt aU' th!l.t patlentill cai:l.Uve safely AD; any ca· mate .it ts ncceaso.ry t<:~:use a. special methdrL wb'tob healsby producing healthy granuta.tlons instead of by MV'etllig up the d!seaaed ateas •.. Th18 ttMtment hila been itt .use 1irtee11 ye11-ts, and there are a great mil.ny .pe!)ple' 11\'lng ~eetimontals to its value: DR. \Y. A SH~PARP, Colorado Sprtnus~ Colo.

' .


RIFLE (i},.PISTOL CAll TRIDGES. " It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester·

~ . .

Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is, they shoot accurately and strilre .a good, . h~rd, pene­trating blow. This ia the kind of cartridges you will get, if you insist on h ~·.ving the time-tried Winchester make.


· YOar:.ifor t!l elear Het!t:P. . BDORO·S££TZE£

.10¢ SoLD EVBRYHTH.ERE r » 4< ..J -N' • :.1 • ..

Millions of U. M. c. Sbot Shel1.s ue sold each year. Tbey are a:tade in· the lar1est ~tfrld&e factory in the wodd. " The UNION METALLIC OARrRIDGE DO.

. BltiDGEPORTe CONN. You.ttlctl/er sellstitem. •. Catalog sent

tiJ101l rcque•t._


A Boston physician's dis­covery which cleanses and heals all inflamma.tion. of the mucous membrane wherever located,

In local freatment of fetmile ills· Pax: .. tine is invaluable. tJsed as a douche it is a revelation in cl~ansing and healing· ·power· it kiJls aU dis(}ase germs Which. cause inflam!llation and discharges. .

Thousands of letters.:f1•om women t>rove that ~t 1s the greatest cure :for leucorrh0<3a ever disco~erG::d• .

· Paxtine never faiJs to cure pelvi~ catarrh; nasal eatarrh, sore throat, sore mouth., and· sore eyes, . because these diseasl:lS are all caused by inllammation

. of the mucous membrane. For cleansing, whitening ___ '"_., .•

serVing the teeth we challenge '" world to produce its equal. .

Physicians and specialists everyv.·here prescribe and £indorse Pa:xtinej and tlio'u~ san:dsoftestirnoniapet~ersproveits..value,

At ~tUggi~ts, _or· sent postpaid 5o cts .. A Iarg~ trial,pMRageand bobk C)f

in:stJ.'lictlons a.bsol.ufely fr~e. Write The '". '"'" · · '" · '" 45~" · · =::.=:.a




~· . i). • 1.!. •. ~



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In . •. . .

Troub:le 1\fri'ca · German! is· in~et~ng. with' som~ dim-· · s~nding agalnst them: will have to b~ c~Ity in 1ts. colony in southwest. Af- a strong one. •1£

r:1ca, one of. the native tribes, the 'l'he•Hottenio~s ·are of various clans, Ova~pos, .. bemg stro~gly oppos~d fo scattet·ed about~ c)Jieft,y in the south­Teuton rule. .Sud-west, as the colony ern half of the colony. They are is . gen,erall~ c~Hed, ·is a country o!' usually :small and yellOIW skinned, and magnificent. distances .(its area is their wool grows in patc)les. · Their about 280,000 ~=Jquar.e miles), and. much language consists largely of clicks .and of it ~s ·practically O..esert. Along the gurgles and is not pleasant to listen WhOlE;;l;CoaSt (SOJD.e 800 ritiles)· and for to. aboutlotr miles '_inland it is a howling They are lazy, treacherous, th.iev­wilderness-first of sand and then of ish and untruthful. They work when stones.

4 they cannot help it, and when there is

Within this belt the country im- a chance of hunting, off theY go: and proves somewhat, but the continued leave their employer in'· the lurch. dro-qths are a sore trial . to farmers. '.Phey will live where a \~hite man Th~ fertile areas ar-e generally dried woulcl.starve, and find water· where he up. The country in the southern half would·die of thirst. Their cupning· is of the colony is covered with scrub, proverbial, and as traclrer? of . game and wide stretches of un~ul.aiing coun· they ranlt high. They have never try a~te~nate with high ridges. It is bef:ln thoroughly thrashed and are not a country' adapted to guerrilla war- well disposed toward the Germans. fare.'· · . The pure Bushmen are probably the

There are several tribes living in lowest type of ~human being in the the 'territor~-Hevreros, Damaras,; 'Yorl!l. Queer little, updersized, nerv­Ovampos, liottent6ts anf! Bushmen. ously grinning blacks, they cannot be The HerrerGs, Damaras and Ovampos tamed, and now are approaching ex­are of the same blood as the Zulus, tinction. They liv·e now, as they al­Basutos and Cape Kafiirs. · The two ways did, widely seatter.ed. Their former, Who live chiefly in the central language iS practically a sticcessi<ln of zone, have given little trouble to the cllcJrs, and as a ·rule their intellects Germans, bUt the Ovampos, who live cannot grasp any number higher than in the far north, are stili uncon.: five. Altything · beyond that Js "a quered, and are defiant and. insolent great many:" · . "" to the Ger!hans, who· for W3everal The Bushman has apparently no years past have planned expediti<ms · ·moral sense. lie will liVe where even which so far have .had to be post- a Hottentot would starve, and as a poned. The Ovamp9s, if fuliy · mus· hunter he is hard tp beat. He wi.~l fal­tered, c<luld ·show 14,000 fighting men, low a. lluck until i.t drops from ex­some of them armed with riftes~ and liaustion,. fl.nd his poisoned arrows are the ·expedition .which GermanY is now things to be avoided. .

~.. ·:a·· • • ".. , •• 4 .~ ¥.

.. St·r:ayi.ng ·-Qesi·.re • ' : I > • ·• 5 • .:. " • • _. -. • • • • ' •

. ~ ·.-•. Some oth(lr attit'e1 some· other

SCiUir~, : · : . . ·. •. . . Some p~ople there 'b.e who never caJ.X, see Any value in uugh"t that they' have, .

• aut what 9thers have·g~t ana what tbf.>y have not

ls what she has. just set her l1ea1•t on .. " . ' ' .

How m~.thi . hearts ache ; ann how many .Is that W.hich they eagerly crave1 ' .

If their neighbors have less they ar;, fain to confess · .

That riches are Only a. ca.re: · ;fl: ; .. -But lf other~. liave lliqre there's a•terrl ..

'ble .ro!,lr · · · · ,. ·, :aecailse it's so vety unfair.

·. brealc · . . • ·-· · V'irfth desh:-es that elsewhere do, roam; Those who· dolefully cry for the ;moon in

the· sli:y ·-Would find: more satisfaction at home.

• • '· t . . . For there'~ one clr.cumstance __ whlc:Q

. shonld~greatly enhance · ... 'flhe wort]J. .of What ,one may possess; • rrhat which .. -he l,iespise~ some one elsa

It a lass has ~ bo~Jl~·t . with feati1¢rs . \lpOft it .. . .

The mliicl with the 'flower hat' weeps;

high1y :l)riZ'es - · And · wants; more than words can ex•

.. wess ..


:If ·a. laO; has a. ;marble some co:fnrade wm "(ni warbl~:. ·t .. , . · ~ . ... . k. . ~ . To use . well all ·one's got in his pwn li ttl a • f .c6~~~~it!J 's play .mai:bles:_.'for eens.' · lot , •

· · · · Will .fUrllfsh joys qtiife unexpected; 'l'oo ott n'i' the same with the l;leautitut To mine one• a own field w!ll frequently . ·darne · . • . . • , . . . . ·. • yield .. . . Who . atares at .the world ttu•ou~h her A wealth hitherto unsuspected. . . . lorgnou; · -Eugenia ··Efsle Biat,n.

Indian Fractiees Medicine. Dr. .Alexander :masttnan, · of Mln·

neapolis, is ·an Indian, being a great• · grandson of Chief Cloudman. . Be is a lJl'Ofilinent physiCian. ., ..

,,1'• .........

•-,-~---.~_._..._ _ _:___JsL."-- ____ 1 - ...... --}"-.-. · -~~"'-~'-A.___. __ ...._:..___....---o---------..__1-·....a.---•-

l'lo~flt!Ac Nl~llo crir~~~t, ~e~ .~c.llea: '\fl~Jt.

nm, and liltewise an ·offer of 150,000 marks for the Limoges goblet. The shaft of the cross is sixteen and a half inches long, and the cross.plece thir-teen and a half inches. In· the mid'dle of the front· is a panel, with the fig­ure M the ct·ucifted Christ; ·~t the ends of. the crosspiece panels ln niello .rev·

. rP.senting the C~owning with ,f) Thorns~ and the flagellation, and at the· .toP t:nd hottom a La~t Supper and. a PJet~,: j:here are fQU1'- re~tangular ni'ello pa.tt..,. ele between these, representing Saints aud the Pelican. On the· baclt the pan:• eJs x·epresent weeping angels, the Vir.­gin, .Mary Magdalen, St. John,' the Sermon ou. t-he Mount, . with othe~ rrinor' figures. I discovered on one or the medallions on the top the let· iers E. B., but of course nobody can tell who the attist niay have been."

Pocketbook Strangely Recovered. A pocketboolt containlng $50 in gold

was lost eight years ago by Mrs. Da: voit of New Boston, Mo. She never heard from it until,the other day when the money : was "found in a peculiar way. A young man rode up to the Da­voit home and tied his horse to a tree near the house. When he returned for· the horse he fQUI.ld .it had pawed a pocketbook out of the earth. It was the one Mrs. Ditvoit had lo~t.

;oi . . . . .

Miss Alice BaUey, of Atlanta,_ Oa., escaped· tbe"' sur• geon's knife, by usin~ Lydia E. :Pinkham's Vegetable· Compound.

''DEAR Mns; PL~KIIA.M :-I wish to . express my gi:atitude :for the restored hea.ltli and happiness Lydia E. Pink•

·ham's Vegetable CJompoimd has brought into my life. · ,

"I had su:ffe:r:ed for three years with terril>le pains at the time of menstru~ tion, and did not know what the trouble 'was until tho :doctor pronounced it in­flammation of the ovaries, and proposed an operation.

'· " 1 felt so weak at~.d· sick that I felt \!lure that I could not survive the ordeal, and so I told him that I would not un .. dcrgo it. · The following week I reaa an adverlisemebt in the paper of your Vegetable Co~pound in such an emer• gency, and so I decided to try it. Great wa.s my joy to ft.n~ that I actually .im­proved after tl).l~_~ng two bottles; so I kept taking i~forten weeks, a~d at the end of that time I was cured. I llad gained eighteen pounds and was in excellent health, .and am now. _

. '' Yo.u surely ~eserve great success, and you have my;·very.best wishes."­Miss ALICE B~EY, ;50 North Boule· vard, Atlanta, Ga. ---$~000/orfettlforlglnal

· of aboue /ette,proulng (JBnufneneso cannot be pro-duced.· - . ·

All sick women would be Wise if theywould;taktfLydiaE. Pblk-· ham's Vege:table CJompound and · beweU. ·

, 1 1 t

' ..

·" •

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In tlie Dietric~ Court,_ Co11nty Qf lJh.loolQ, . Te~ti~\!)r :c5f.N,~~~~eitcm · , .,._,_,*·~·"'··'!·,,

· No. 1~1. · ;4sstimpt~~t. . ·· ' 7

' . . The Hendrie ~d '•noltiioff. ~~ii~cturin~r 'and' I' axid i;(!e·••:to lbb~ ldl~li~:Willitl ~li Dlili.<Jf.li'~ . . . ,:. Supply .Compan:r, Plaintiff. "' .. 1'hero ~ill be -c'l:~e u~.D:.!•!~J.a~~~!,.J.lt ·0~ ~e :itEsouRoEs. •· · ·

. . .. · - Vs. _ ~·· .·•· • · . day· of 11ale thetJiJP'Of $7,60II.G1, tos•th•r with Lri~ns and Discounts . ;· ... g • $6S,4Js·.05 Ame · a G ld .rn· • ... 0' · · · -00 · t•· th., coats ohal•· . ,c . r1c n o. . mDJO.,Il domtpauy, a rpora 1on,- ··Dated Janli'aey 1lli,l~. . . . . Ov:erdrnfta' , .• . ~ :. . • · ;. . , . ,J6B.62

· · ··. · e,_en an ·. ~ · · ., R. o, A,YUl!;lTJ\O.Na . · Re~l Esta~, Furniture i:md Fi~tllres.. 1,57s;o4: By V. t f . i . . A . b • . • ' • . BllerUf of Lincoln'Couii'q, it.IJ.f... i•a· li' d s· ht E ''h . . ' •• ,. 862 00.

n ae, o an execut on _ tsslle.., out · ~f ;J!irat pub. jan •. ZDi>l~&. , . , · v 11 an 1g xo a~ge - - ""'' ·~ 1 . J'lfth Judicial District Cbu)'t' .of, t'h~'~.erJ,"i- ·; . · ·. ·. · •·· J · · $112,'0i7.89


. tory ol'J~\ew Mexico; within and for the, Count~ SHBRIFF'S'· -SALF. li(A:BILI'l'IES. .of Lincoln, 'itt the above entitled oanRf;l. upon a " • ·. judgment rendered therein on the 4th day ef ---:- $30,000.00, ·AugURt, 190:J, aaainat the above-named defend- ln the District Court. Connt:r of Lincoln, _ ilt • 5,838.15 Bll-t. f~Jr the eum of SoTen Thousand FoU.~ n;qii- ~~r:it~'?' ~w Mexico. - 74:,153:36 dred and Twenty-one Dollars and Etght:v~aix :~o,'143j) •. A~eumpsit. , . - '" ·_:,026.as C!ents, togethe~with costsofailit,'lha~e£.hifi'day 'The ' - . • ' . ""'112,017·811,

· · · Hendrie and .BolthoJf Manu,facturing and "' • leVied npfln nlltheright', title, interest'and ollpm · · I, Frank J. Sager, Cashier'' of the abuve-·unm,•rt Supply Oompany, Plamtiff. . ..

·of ~aid !lefeudant, ·American Gold Mining Com-. . · ·v,;: , .•. u .. • ,. • · t. · Bank, do s'ilemnly t~wear thnt tlu• above t<!ah. P~Ytl''- corporation, of, in and to the following · . . ment i~ tme to'be 'best o'f my lmowledga and be~

•. . described real estate, quartz mill and mining Eagle Mtntp~ and ~mprovement Compan;v., ~cor- lief. • , machinery, all situated in the Nogal Mining Dis- poration, Defendant. , FRANK J. SAGER. Cashirr

, ..

~ trict, Lincoln co~ty, Te.rrltory of New Mexil!o, BY Virtne.of ll:Q E;s:eontion iB!'ti~d oiit of the. Subscribed and sworn to before me this fir,;• ~ to·wit:.; All· ihat -certam mine and. prPmieee · . · Fif~h J'uaiclal})irrt.rlct'Court of the Terri~ da:y of. January, A.D •• lOOJ.

.known as the Rockford lOde mihlng<llnim, being 'tot:~~~ ;N?"f.l\f~xi~o, within and for t])e Countf · :. · . ~u, ~~:\E L. STEWART. minf'ral survey D;umber 637, embracing·a portion of lJfncl~ln; in th~ abon enti~led cause, upon a (SEA~] 'NottU'Y l?ubli.c. of lseotions 13 and :u in township 9 !lOUth of judgment rendered therein on tha ~tli d'ay.of Correct-Attest : range 11 eaat. N. M. Meridian·; '&leo alrtbat. cer~ :A.'Ugueb, 1903, aillinst the a'boTO:.t'ldmed. defend- G~. L. 1JLRIOK I } •

tli~ri ini~o and •premises ·known alJ 1he Clipp·er a~t1 for the snm. of Five Hundred arid' Twenty W~ C. McDONALD · Direot.ors. lode :mine, bemgmineralsurva.r numl;ler 638, em• dollars and forty-seven cents to~etherwith ~ost." JJ:FF¥nSON RA1CNOLDS bracing a,portionofseotion2Howoi;,bip 9eo•th olstiit, I ·hav(ftbls day 1evifiil nwn oll' t'il~. ---·---~. ---·-------rangelleaet.of ~ .. ¥. Princip~Meredian, risht-'=tit~e~i~~rc~tan4'<it~~l1i~~~~d·~~~~~t D J. M. A. JEWETT al~ that eertam rome and :{)remJses known. aa · Eagle, Minn1g ~1ld .. J~J:IrfJ!~Imt p~)JJ1pa~J:• a ' Cashier mine, being mbaerafsul"!'er number · co~~tii:in; oft' i;U a-ad to tlie following deecrib- • . . Lawyer. · · and embl'{lcina:Portidns of aectibna 13 ed real estate to wit~ Tliat ®ri:aih mining claim 'lt. 6 S •1

township9 soutliofrange ll'east· o'f New known aa'the ''li'oilu(I:U Mine" efttiated in 'the .1.uep:~ber upreme Court' J~ar. co P.ri.nmpal-M~i'Eldl';'n; thejaid·ll6c\:m~d milie, Bonito ntinl'rlg.dtatdcl~ Eiiicnln C~u~~'f, T~!g.~ CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO. the sa1d Clipper mine, and the said Cuhier min.e tory of New ¥exico, VV.~icp. sirl~ m~e was pat- !::: • ·· • • • being fully d68CribediJHt cei'tnin-wtimtnty deed; ~£4Jd byltlie·Unlt'eli'StilteiJ to'l«sat 0. Paraons OF JC~~ lmprov~ment Companv Bulldtnr. conveying said mines, ~ted O~ttober ~tht· l~t. 1892, ,a.nd was ~ul.Y_~e-CC?rded in the E E 8 un Li .N GAME X. LU and made by Angll&t.Ui Scl1inainK 'ana ~hii wife, . CO'I:riltY': iu BtkJk .D at pages .• .• • . F •. , . . ' " . "! ·Clara Schin~i~g, to ih~ A:iile~CIUl Gold; ~~ito~ ixtdlu•iv~. on the. ~5~~ a.at?f 9~to~ . assay 0 FICE AND CH EM I CAt. •, Company, a corporation, which 'said 1895.· SaJ,d:Patentbemg aesJgnated·m the ·reo- 1\. ll · • ~- LABORATOfl deed was reuordirl in the records of Lincoln oiils ofthe(~-e~e'ralLand Oitice, as number 652 E!ltabli~Jt~di~C?tora.~o.lS~ Sample.sbymsi~o.· County, in book U atpagel 439,"440and «i) "on A, and 6_52 B, said Erbpeful• Min~ con~aining exptesswlllrecelv~promptnnd carefulattenrlon D be 'IIVIO • :.,,, . ' • • ~·. t ·t·' • ,, • . d' l"''• L ~ dred d • h Sold .P.. Sliter Bulflin Relined,. Melted and Al~)'6cl eoem r 18,......,"', 'to wwch reretence18inado.for .lfe Te acres an ure'e-nnll -an ~1g teen Cll . u" - OR PUltCHAS~tl~ full ~escri~tions o~ ~aid: ~~c~ord.! ~!i~~er aii,d o~.e:-~ouee~t~ o~ a~.~~r~ t~ ~11!-~~.~e~?rd, refer- &oncenfration- Tesfs~OO.lb~ .. -or car'loa.Jl totS Cashier mtfiba, preiDliOS and r~ eatate, and Mid enee 1s hereby made lOr a bill tleeonption of said · .. ;...,. · ~:vr~e for ten:!-!', . warrant]' <Ce.dand saul tleiciiption• are w,ade a. '.'J{o~tal1ilin" a:il.d.said patent ·-and• tp& des- . r: · ;~~, ... •• 4 e~ver •. ._,.~ ...

. part heroof. · · cription ofkjd'prlning oljr.im con~ed therein, . Allojmineralentry No-.•"1, being 'he area em .. &i-G,-made a'part lier&o~' ·>' -. , ·· .,

braced in -the;mineral clidm.and promisesbown • All the tiUl) ll~d bit.emt of one EUgene S. Par:­aa the·" Amerioan.)l4l.et't:bei~ .a wrlion of seC:. itlons 1ri: atill to ittid lio:Lfairu: 'lliiie, wu cohteir.et! tion lHn township O.sonth of.·raligo 12 eaat by him -an!l·Jrltqyif~tptb:~~~~llJaglttM~Jl!gfi!tl, New Mexico Prmllip•l-M13~~~n1 ~e~gnated. in -C'!f?ni.pan~, o~ ~~~ ... ~n,(l,day 'Q~ JnnEt tbe recordsofthe U. s. Geil8ra?: LailttOm.ce· JUI l~. ~ recorded Jllne 11th 1\JOZ m the Lot 495; said lot extending· ·'91;,\ and 75~100tbs r'MhrdD · db1lht.ri 'ib: 1Jook· i:r'lt ~ .

,. linear feet in le~th,.a\Sfrg;ieat,J;<Am.erioah·loue 00, 97, to which'reco.:id tef~~~ce is also made'for · · v.ein; said lodEl'D;~.ine.Ciir,it1):·~~'i::~edtinilp~te.ht- a full descriptfon.ofeaid. min~~ property, and

ed emP,raees 8~. (6r~~--~nd ::&:9~100,bs :Uf•"nn sai!l deed ';md, tb.it:dmtorlptipn:·of said RoJ)efui · acre. aQcor~ing. to the oli¢iaFatirvey, fbereoti ~t~e. contained t~eri11n, ~. B!'o .. ~a_de a var~ 'Wh,iQh ttJid rl)cords o~ tii'&-:U.•S:Genetal:· L8:nd hereb'f. <'· ·' · '· ;.'·· .,, ' .. ~· ·· ••· J

Offioe.,_oo~tain· 4ol full :descriptio.li' .b-;'- m&teiJ "l?UtiliC: rioiice is hert!br gi,TI!il that [.will ob bbnh~ of.said}lfltent~d·lq'l;initnbbr 49i'f;'~bibr&c• the'~b·;d~y c:Sf1ebtnary il!Qti bt,t.Jiiiln tM: hou.~ ·~e.~a~d Anrer~t~lln~in~·pfeiDii!es~ :ana •h~~t~mi '!f_.-~P: ~f:tl~~k 8, m., and~o~~~·.o'q~~ok,.; 1>•, ~~ ... of 111 referred t<> and made a hereof foi: a- fllll sata &1; at the· front door Qf the bonrt itouae

...- ..,-de110ripUon of, ifaitJ. in 1he town an~ 'co:ahtfol J;.ilr'.c.oln, sell afipublic .Aind . auction fol'·cuh. ali the risht.j title;'iJ:lwtht fmd.

oi.afui <>t·;;na cfefendant :Kaate· MJll1n~r~-lti'if:&~-i>to'T~meii.t' dcnapanr; ·~ bo~~tt&fi;; bt, j,\ an{l t.O'~M'· abbY&" da.cttbed. tird.iisr&;· ·or ad mi:io:fi: tlitlra'of 8:tdn~ be neceiii'M')' tQ; raise '·e:n:Bie1al'it money to satisfr Hid 3ud#ement -together ·with mterefit and · hisfie~t a~d best bid.:.


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