
Post on 22-Nov-2014






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What effect did W.W.Ihave on U.S. involvement in

European affairs?

• European war loan defaults

• Unrestricted submarine warfare

= Reluctance to get involved in European affairs

What did the U.S. do in the 1930’s to stay out of European


• Passed Neutrality Acts in 1935, 36, and 37

• Banned transportation or sale of arms to warring nations

• Banned loans to warring nations

• Cash and carry deals: goods are paid for and taken away by the buyer

How did the U.S. go from neutrality to involvement

in W.W.II?

• Traded 50 destroyers to Britain for 99 year leases of British two naval bases

• Lend-Lease policy (1940) allowed the sale of arms to any country the President saw as vital to U.S. defense

What events lead to conflict with Japan?

• Sept. 1940, Japan joined Italy and Germany to form the Axis Powers

• July, 1941 Japan assumed a protectorate over all French Indochina

• Dec. 7, 1941 Japan attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor

• Dec. 8, U.S. declares war on Japan

• Dec.11, Germany and Italy declare war on the U.S.

What were the overall strategies for winning the war?

The Atlantic Theater

• North Africa 1942

• Italy 1943

• June 1944, D-Day (Normandy)

• May 7, 1945 Germany agrees to unconditional surrender

Pacific theater:

• Island hopping

• Coral Sea: May 1942: keeps Japanese out of Australia

• Midway: US Navy gained advantage in the Pacific

What were the major events of WWII wartime diplomacy?

• Cairo (‘43): FDR, Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek agree to fight Japan after Germany

• Teheran (‘43): FDR, Stalin, Churchill plan invasion of Europe

Postwar Plan, Yalta (1945) • Occupy Germany and Austria• Berlin and Vienna divided

within Russian area• Soviet puppet government in

Poland• All promise to promote

democratic elections

How did the war in the Pacific end?

• Japan refused Truman’s warning to surrender or face “utter destruction”

• Aug. 6 1945 atomic bomb on Hiroshima, August 9 Nagasaki

• Japan surrendered Sept. 2, 1945

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