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Post on 12-Nov-2015






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ARTICLESTONEHENGE: not just a stone circle.Stonehenge is a giant circle of stones in Somerset in England. Its absolutely fascinating and it was built about 5,000 years ago, in prehistoric times. Lots of people come to see it from all over the world and there are still ceremonies there on Midsummers Day.It was built at a time when there were no modern tools and machines, so people wonder how it was built, because the stone blocks are huge. Archaeologists think that the stone came from Wales, and that people used rafts to move it by water, and logs to roll it across land because wheels hadnt been invented then! No one knows why Stonehenge is there. Some people think it was used for religious ceremonies, others that its a giant astronomical clock that shows the movement of the sun, moon and stars. The sun shines on one of the most important stones on Midsummers Day. That cant be coincidence, can it?I went there early one morning last summer when it was very misty. Its very beautiful and has a fantastic atmosphere. (183)THE LONGEST JOURNEYHave you ever been on a journey that you thought would never end? I have! It was when I went to San Francisco three years ago. We were going to visit friends we hadnt seen for several years. We took a taxi to the airport, but the traffic on the motorway was crawling along, so the diver decided to take another route. That meant going round lots of winding country roads. After a few miles we all felt as sick as parrots.We made it to the airport just in time and joined a long queue to check in. I think we got the last few seats on the plane. We went into the departure lounge and discovered there was a delay on our flight, so it was three hours later that we boarded the plane. It was hot and crowded and everyone was grumpy, including us. The flight took ten hours, and we just got hotter and more fed up all the time. But, eventually we got there, and saw our friends waiting for us. We were so happy and excited.The sun was shining and they drove us across the famous Golden Gate Bridge. It looked fantastic, and I knew then that it was going to be a great visit (215)

THE BEST PLACE TO SEE FILMSIn the past, before television was invented, people used to go to the cinema once or twice a week. They loved going because they could escape into a different world with exciting stories. Also they could see wonderful actors and strange places which they could never visit.Although films are no longer something new, going to the cinema is still a magical experience. Its just not the same watching films on television. In the cinema, youre surrounded by the rest of the audience. You sin in front of a large screen and share the feelings of fear, sadness or happiness with many other people. On the other hand, its certainly cheaper to watch films on television. It has the added advantage that you can talk and discuss the film with your family while its happening. However, it isnt as exciting as going out and doing something special. Without doubt, the films I remember and enjoyed the most are the ones I watched in the cinema. So, despite the cost, I prefer seeing films in the cinema. (182)

AN INSEPARABLE FRIENDThea has been my best friend from that day when, aged seven, I climbed onto the school bus to go to my new primary school.I wandered nervously down the bus, which was full of noisy kids shouting and laughing excitedly, and found a place beside a quiet girl with fair hair and friendly green eyes.We were both very shy, so we didnt talk much to each other on the way to school, although we smiled at each other timidly. And when we went into class we naturally sat down together at the same table. Gradually we got to know each other, we played together in the playground, we visited each others houses and our parents soon became firm friends as well.We still chare each others secrets and we have complete confidence in each other. When either of us has a problem, the other is always ready to help. We have so much in common that we spent most our free time together. Weve even been on holiday together sometimes. And we still share the same table at school ten years later. (184)DREAMS OF FAME?Many young people want to be famous because they think this is an easy way to be successful. They believe that their lives will have an extra meaning and that they will be making a difference in the world. In addition to this, they will have rich and exciting lifestyles.However, I think that these ambitions may be a distraction from studying seriously and working hard, especially as only a small number of highly talented people can really became famous in the end and these people have to live with a lot of disadvantages. For example, they are under a lot of pressure because they are always being watched. If they make a mistake, this immediately appears in the media. Despite being famous, many celebrities are not happy.I would prefer to be successful in my profession and respected by the people I work with, but not so well-known. Although this means working hard to build a solid professional career, you can then benefit from a comfortable and interesting lifestyle without the drawbacks of being famous.PLANNING AN ADVENTURE TRIPKnowing what to expect from your destination will make all aspects of planning an adventure trip easier, as well as helping you to get the most of the experience. Research will help you pick the best places to go but youll also learn what you need to pack, what health and safety precautions to take and what cultural (and sometimes political issues you should be aware of.Climate and seasonal pricing are important factors in your decision about when to go. Especially for adventure travel, bad weather or weather youre not prepared for can ruin the trip. While you cant predict the exact weather in advance, you can learn about climate trends ahead of time when doing your destination research. Seasonal popularity and pricing should also be considered if you intend to keel away from peak-season crowds and prices.While some research is absolutely essential, dont plan every moment of your trip in advance. Over-planning tends to make us less willing to take part in the unpredictable and spontaneous events that are part of any sort of adventure travel. Its important to keep a big reserve of excitement and energy ready for the unexpected. (198)

SUSTAINABLE ENERGYI think (In my opinion or I believe) that using the wind power to generate electricity is a wonderful idea. Where I like in Lima, Peru, wind power would be an efficient alternative because of the low environmental impact, but the government doesnt have the resources to make such an investment. In addition (whats more, furthermore, for this reason), we have a huge bed of natural gas and so (because of this or consequently) energy cost are much more affordable. We cant use solar power in Lima, because the sky is grey, its always cloudy, but (although or though) in other cities in Peru is sunnier. Many people dont have enough money to pay for electricity in these places, and for this reason they buy solar panel, which are sponsored by the government, and use these to generate electricity. I would argue this is an effective and useful way to reduce the cost of electricity and to help to protect the environment. A GREAT INVENTIONThere have been a lot of great inventions which have affected all our lives. Some of them, such as maps, ships and guns have completely changed history. However, Id say the computer is the most amazing invention; even more important than cars or telephones.Nowadays we cant manage without computers, not only at work but also at home. I cant even imagine our world without this clever machine.The computer plays an essential role in office work because it can store a huge amount of information. It can help you with your studies, correcting your grammar and training your language skills, for example. But thats not all computers can do. I have found a lot of new friends thanks to the internet. You can also travel around the world using the internet to find out what is happening in different countries.I believe that other uses for computers will be discovered in the future. Computers have changed peoples lifestyles forever. And they will affect everyones life directly or indirectly. (172)I definitely think that teenage years should be the best in everyones life because you can have fun and you have fewer problems than adults. Teenagers know how to have a good time. Most of them have a lot of friends and they discuss things that they are interested in. Teenagers have to be in fashion, wearing up-to-date clothes and listening to modern music. They also like to do sports and compete in matches. But teens parents sometimes have a difficult time and they dont understand why. Wouldnt you feel angry if someone went into your room without permission? So do teenagers. As adolescents grow up they stop thinking like children and their beliefs and their interests change. My opinion is that teenage years are magical and Id like to stay a teenager forever.EAT WELL, STAY HEALTHYMany people nowadays are worried about their figures, so lots of us want to lose weight. Unfortunately, this is not always easy because so much of our food is not really good for us. For example, fast food, such as burgers and crisps, contains lots of fat.Some people think that the best way to control your weight is to eat only lettuce and be miserable! In fact this is not at all good for you. Its much better to eat a diet which consists of lots of different sorts of food.You should choose good quality bread, rice, pasta and potatoes for energy. Make sure you eat lots of delicious fruit and vegetable. Meat, fish, cheese and eggs are also good but you dont need so much of these. If you eat well, youll stay healthy and youll have plenty of energy for studying and for having fun. (149)

ESSAYWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of computers?The main advantage of computers is that its easy to find out information like how to travel somewhere. This means that people dont need to look in books or newspapers. However, there is sometimes too much information available. Also, when we read facts, we dont always know what is true.A further disadvantage is that people throw their computers away after a few years. This result in a lot of waste. There are a number of advantages for children such as being able to play games. In addition, they make learning more fun. But this leads to children spending too much time on the computer. It is easier to stay in touch with friends by email and another advantage is that you can send photos. But people send emails rather than talk to each other. I sometimes think people rely on computers too much and if a computer goes wrong, for instance in a hospital, it might be dangerous.In conclusion, I think computers improve our lives in lots of ways and the advantages are more important than the disadvantages. (180) And the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Social Networking?Social Networking has grown to a level where it becomes part of people everyday living. As with everything on the internet, there are disadvantages and advantages.One of the most important benefit to social networking is its low costs, because its use is free. From the point of view of a business purposes, it is a cost effective way to reach consumers, connecting with them on a personal and professional level will make them loyal to companies and brands. And from the point of view of a personal uses, it allows people connecting with their friends or workmates networks, which will benefit them in the long run because are gaining connections which may be useful in the future.Nevertheless, there are some disadvantages too, such as the lack of anonymity, as they usually requires you to input your name, location, age, gender and many other types of personal information. Also, being online you are at risk to face cases of harassment, online scams and identity theft. And last but not least important, their use is time-consuming, not only during the learning the process to use them, but also if you end up hooked in them. (195)Modern lifestyles can seriously endanger our healthTheres lots of information available in the newspapers and on television about what is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. For instance, we know that smoking is dangerous, which is something our grandparents didnt realise. Moreover, people who live in rich countries are able to eat a healthy diet of good quality fresh food and they have access to sport facilities which allow them to take all the exercise they need.However, in many ways it is more difficult to have a healthy lifestyle because the environment is becoming more and more polluted. What is more, we have a very sedentary way of life with less time for activities which keep us fit. For example, at work most people spend long hours sitting in front of computers, and in their free time they watch television or play computer games. In addition, people tend to eat a lot of fast food which is not very healthy.So, although in terms of information its easier to have a healthy lifestyle, in reality there are many things to prevent us from doing so.

Children dietThere is a lot of evidence that shows that childrens diet are unhealthier today than it was in the past. A good example of this is the fact that in many parts of the world childhood obesity has increased dramatically recently. They eat too many unhealthy snacks and also too much fast food, which is bad for their health because it isnt fresh and contains too much sugar, fat and salt. This means that children arent fed in as much a healthy way as they should be and so, many of them are overweight. In the past families were fed with fresh products that they themselves grew and cooked. However, nowadays a lot of mothers dont have time for cooking because they have full-time jobs, so they buy supermarket meals to put in the microwave instead. Although many children in some countries still suffer from malnutrition, in richer countries most parents can afford to buy meat and fresh fruit for their children, which was not possible for a lot of families in the past. So, on the other hand, we can point out that childrens diet have improved in certain ways. Better feeding resources and children worse fed, only means that we have to take more conscience on the matter and use all the information available. (216)What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?The main advantage of mobile phones is that its easy to get in touch with people so you can tell someone youre going to be late or change where to meet. However, this means that people can also contact you when you dont want them to or when its not convenient. This leads to people never being able to relax. Also, a lot of people forget to turn their phones off in the cinema, for example, and thats very annoying.A further disadvantage is that they are very easy to steal. This results in an increase in crime because everyone wants the latest phone. Another advantage is that you can use them to do other things apart from phone people, such as play games, use the internet or take photos. In addition, they are essential in an emergency as they can be used almost anywhere for instance on a motorway or a mountain.In conclusion, taking to account all the above, mobile phones have made our lives much easier so I think there are more benefits than drawbacks to having one. (175)Could you live without television for a week?Thats a good question! It seems very easy just to turn off the TV set and spend your time better. But you have to realise that you must find something instead watching TV. I think before you start your first week without TV you must plan your activity. You will see how many things you can do during your new free time. You can for example do something for your health and fitness-you can go swimming, play tennis or go cycling. You can meet your friends, call parents or just do your room. You will be able to read more books or find new hobby. You will see that life is not just TV! I tried to live without television and now I enjoy my life much better. So don' think too long-try!Everybody keep saying that being rich and famous is the best thing could happen to them. I dont think so. There are pros and cons of being rich.I think being rich and famous means not having a private life, because everywhere you go you are follow by a photographer. You always have to have a bodyguard for your own safety, and that means never being alone.You always have to be careful about who you are you meeting with, or what you are wearing.Youre allow to be yourself only in your own house.On the other hand, you dont have to worry about not having any money at the end of the month or dont know how to pay the bills.I think the best thing is to have a nice job that you like and earn enough money to allow you to have a nice house with a garden, and some free time to spend with your family and friends.The most important thing in life is being happy and I dont think money makes you happy. (180)Our children will live in a worse environment than we doEnvironmentalists have been warning us for many years about the effects of human activity on the environment. Despite being aware of the dangers, we continue harm it, and for this reason I believe that our children will live in a worse world than we do.I think there are two aspects of human activity which are especially dangerous. The first is atmospheric pollution, which is caused by exhaust fumes and industry. This will lead to changes in the climate and make sea level rise. As a result, our children will live in a warmer world and people living near the coast may have to leave their homes.The second aspect is the destruction of our natural environment such as rainforests and countryside. Consequently we are damaging the habitants of many animals and plants that live there and these will become extinct.In my opinion, urgent action is needed to protect the environment by reducing pollution and creating nature reserves. Unless we do so, the world our children live in will be much less pleasant than ours.

The environment we live in will change dramatically in the next 50 years.

Scientists have given many warnings about the effects of human activity on the environment and I believe that unless we take drastic action, it is very likely that there will be dramatic changes in the environment over the next 50 years.I think there will be three major changes. Firstly, as a result of air pollution, global temperatures will rise and this will lead to drier, hotter summer and warmer winters. A further consequence may be more frequent natural disasters such as flood and hurricanes.The second change will be a rise in the sea level. This will mean that people living near the coast will lose their homes and have to move to new areas.Finally, we are destroying so many natural habitats such as rainforests that many species of animals and plants will become extinct. Consequently, the world will lose a lot of its diversity.I believe that unless we take urgent action to prevent these things from happening, the future for the environment will be disastrous and future generations will criticise us for the damage we have done. Different generations living togetherIn most homes today you will find only one generation living together. However, in some families different generations choose to live together in the same house. What is the reason for this choice, and which advantages and disadvantages might such a solution give?The positive aspect could be that the members of the family get to know each other well. The children in the family can be close not only to their parents, but also to their grandparents. In this way they can get the opportunity to learn about both the past and the present. Another advantage is that the parents might have easy access to babysitters. Most grandparents like to be together with their grandchildren on their own. It is something that gives their life and added value. Many children also love to spend time with their grandparents. As grandparents they are not directly responsible for the upbringing, and can thus be more relaxed.On the other hand, the disadvantages might be that the family members get too close, and that each member loses their privacy. It is often more difficult to say no to someone you are close to, than to others. Family members may feel they have the right to visit whenever they like and that they have the right to criticise or say their opinion without being asked.All in all, there are both positive and negative aspects related to living together-one has to decide what is best for oneself. (244)REPORTReport on Adventure at Caxton Sports ClubIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to suggest what adventure sports young people in the area would enjoy doing and to outline the benefits of doing these sports.Which adventure sports?I asked my friends and a number of other young people living in this area which sports they would like to try if the sports club gave them the opportunity. The most popular suggestion were skiing in the winter, and windsurfing and climbing in the summer. A number of people suggested doing other sports such as paragliding and sailing, but in general these were not so popular.BenefitsThe main benefits of these sports for young people are that they will have adventures and new experiences, as well as enjoying themselves. At the same time they will make new friends and learn responsibility and independence.ConclusionI recommend that the sport club should provide skiing, windsurfing and climbing activities at weekends and during holiday periods, depending on the season. I am certain that providing these sports will attract large numbers of young people to the club. (185)

Report on college trip to Brookwood Adventure CentreIntroductionThe aim of this report is to evaluate the recent college trip to Brookwood Adventure Centre and to make recommendations about future college visits to this centre.College trip, June 19-23Brookwood is conveniently situated from the college (2 hours by bus) near Bluewater Lake. 20 students from the college spent 5 days and took part in a sailing course.The FacilitiesThe accommodation was very comfortable and spacious. The food was excellent, although some students said there wasnt enough choice. There are also cheap restaurant a short bicycle ride away.The coursesThe activities were well-organised and safety standards were high. Students said they enjoyed the course despite the bad weather. Some students thought there werent enough opportunities to practise sailing but they were all impressed with the instructors, who were all extremely experienced. Each student was given a lot of personal attention which helped them to develop their confidence.ConclusionI believe this course was beneficial for all the participants. It was also good value for money. For these reasons I would suggest organising the same trip next year. (190)

Report on free-time facilities in my areaIntroductionThe aim of this report is to outline what young people do in my area in their free time, what facilities exist for them and how these could be made better.Free-time activitiesMy town, Beavouir, is quite small, so it does not have cinema or theatre and there is only one club for young people. As a result, young people have to take the train or bus to Nantes, which is about 30 kilometres away if they want these things. On the other hand, it is situated by the sea, so many young peple spend their free time on the beach or doing water sports.Other facilitiesBeavouir has a sport centre with tennis court, a football pitch and a swimming pool. There are also a number of cafs where young people normally go to meet each other and spend their free time.RecommendationsI recommend that the town council should set up a youth club where young people could meet, do other activities and also see films. This would encourage young people to stay in the town at weekends and improve their social life. (194)

Improvements to the Palmar DistrictIntroductionThe aim of this report is to suggest how the town council can spend the money which it has available for improving this district.The streetsThe Palmar District is an old part of the city with narrow streets and pavements. Because the pavements are so narrow, it is difficult for pedestrians to walk together or pass each other without stepping into the road, which can be dangerous. Also, many of the streets are badly lit at night, which means that it can be quite frightening to walk there.The trafficUnfortunately, the district has a lot of traffic, which makes it very noisy and polluted. Also there is very little space available for residents to park their cars.RecommendationsIt would be a good idea to make some of the main streets for pedestrians only, with wider pavements. I also suggest that the council should provide good street lights and build a car park for residents. Finally, I recommend that the council should bring a ring road so that traffic does not have to enter the neighbourhood. (184)

Our College MoneyIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to discuss whether the money which has been given to the college should be spent on improving the classroom or on students social activities and to make a recommendation.The classroomsThe college classrooms are well-equipped with the latest technologies. Each classroom already contains computers with internet connections and an interactive whiteboard. However, the furniture needs replacing because students who attend class all day find it uncomfortable and this affects their concentration. Furthermore, the classrooms would improve from an air-conditioning systems, and this would also benefit the quality of students work.Social activitiesThe college already has a social programme with a wide range of activities for students to participate in. If money was spent on this, it would reduce the cost of the activities for the students and they would be able to take part in more of them.RecommendationI suggest spending the money on new furniture and an air-conditioning system as this would have a beneficial effect on students work in class. (175)

Report on sports activities for young peopleIntroductionThe aim of this report is to suggest a number of sports activities which young people in this town could do during their holidays and to outline the benefits of these activities.Which sports?The town is situated between the coast and the mountains, and young people would enjoy sports which take place in these areas. Activities on the coast could include windsurfing, swimming and diving which a local water-sports school could organise. Similarly, a local mountaineering club could be employed to run sports such as hiking and climbing.Benefits to youngstersDoing these activities would benefit local young people by making them more independent, encouraging team spirit and giving them a sense of adventure. At the same time they would become fitter.ConclusionI recommend organising these activities with the water-sports school and the mountaineering club. Young people would find that the sports are an enjoyable, fun and healthy way to spend the holidays. The activities would also help them to develop physically and mentally. (174)

I hope youll enjoy your visit to my town. There are lots of things to see. Its divided into two main parts- the old city and the new city.The old cityThe old city is on a hill and has lots of medieval buildings. You should visit the church in the market square which has a beautiful ceiling. But most importantly, you mustnt miss the art gallery because there are some famous paintings in the exhibition. Theres also a really nice caf in the gallery which looks over the town.Theres a castle on the edge of the town but thats now a ruin. There are lovely views from there and, if you go there in the evening, you can watch the sun set.The new cityIn the new city theres a shopping centre where you can also go to the cinema, go bowling or watch a band in the evening. Its a good place to spend time if the weathers bad. Theres a little railway which takes you from the old town to the new town and thats quite fun to go on.

LETTER OF APPLICATIONDear Mr PittI saw your advertisement in the local newspaper last week and I would like to apply for the job in your computer shop. At present Im working in a sports shop where I enjoy helping people to find what they want. I have also worked as a waiter in hotels and restaurants so I am used to dealing with people.My hobby is playing computer games. I have more than 200 games I read computer magazines so I know all the latest developments.I have completed several computer courses and do all the ordering in my present job. I am currently doing a training course in accounting.I have good communication skills. I am reliable and happy to be flexible if I am required to work extra hours.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelyMalu. (141)

Dear Mrs Macfane,I have seen your advertisement on the internet and I am writing to apply for a summer job as a waitress in your hotel.I am an 18-year-old student from Denmark. I have just finished school, where I had a reputation among my teachers for being hard-working and reliable. In September I will be starting a degree at the University of Copenhagen. I have an upper-intermediate level of English and have just taken the Cambridge First Certificate exam.I am interested in doing this job because I would like to gain some work experience in an English-speaking country. This will give me the opportunity to improve my English while also earning some money. I would also like the chance to travel round Ireland.Could you please tell me what salary you are offering for this job?I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Malu. (149)

Dear Mrs. Benson,I am writing to apply for the position at the International Bookshop. I am currently studying a teaching degree at University and I will have full availability in summer.I am a keen reader and I have some previous experience as shop assistant, so I am familiar with dealing with costumers, preparing orders, using the cash machine and all the key competences required for the job.As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I have a good command of English considering that I spent six months working in a camp in an English-speaking country.I am a reliable, patient and hard-working person, I also have good communication skills and self-motivation. Taking into account all the above, I consider myself well qualified for the position and I hope my applications will be taken into consideration.If you feel that my qualifications meet at your requirements, please note that I am available for an interview at your convenience.Yours sincerely,Mara Luisa Ferrando. (165)

Dear Mrs Richardson,Im writing in connection with the job advertisement. I am 22 years old and I am currently studying trade and tourism at university. Im looking for a summer job. I like being at the beach and swimming and recently got a qualification as an assistant life-guard.Last year I worked in an ice-cream shop at the beach and got used to approaching customers and handling money. I think that my experience will be useful in another shop like yours. Since I train every day, Im very energetic and strong but Im also patience and sociable. I will be available any weekend and some Saturdays. I would be happy to provide you with references. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,Malu Ferrando. (122)

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the position offered to conduct surveys in shopping centres. Please find enclosed my CV.I am an eighteen years old student who is currently studying her first year of Psychologist in Mountlinton University. I have previous experience dealing with people, as I worked in a clothes shop for a year and a half and also in a call centre.Furthermore, I would like to mention that I am familiar with different survey techniques as I studied them in a subject this term. Besides I enjoy working with people and I consider myself an efficient and patient person, well organised and with excellent communications skills.Regarding the means of transport, I own a bicycle and as I live in the same district I wouldnt have to commute very far to the shopping centres.If you feel my qualifications and personal characteristics meet your requirements, please note I am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully, Jave Brown. (175)

Dear Sir,I would like to apply for a job at a Mulberry seaside camp. I would prefer to be by the sea as I have been living in a big city for five years and now I would like to swim and do sport by the sea. I am not free in July because I am visiting relatives in Australia then. However, I am available in August. I have been studying English since I was ten and I have spent some time in Australia, so I am fluent in speaking, and my teachers say I have a good accent. I have been in my school swimming team for two years and I have taken part in national competitions. I have always enjoyed all kinds of sport and I like helping younger children. I have also helped with school drama productions although I do not act.I hope you will consider my application.Yours faithfully,Nika Tabakova, (157)

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the position of Junior Office Assistant as advertised in The Daily on 3rd May.I am a seventeen-year-old student in my final year of High School. I am computer literate and currently attending a course in Computer Technology. I also have a computer at home on which I play computer games.In addition, my knowledge of the English language is quite satisfactory. I am planning to sit the Higher Degree of English Examination in a few weeks, despite the fact that I failed it last year.As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I have had previous experience as an office assistant. My duties included filling, answering the telephone and some typing, all of which helped me improve my organisational skills. I really enjoyed the job so that is why I would like a similar position this year. I am also interested in making some money for the summer holidays. I have enclosed a reference letter from my previous employer for your consideration. Please note that I am available for employment from the beginning of July.If you feel that my qualifications meet your requirements, please note that I am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to a favourable reply.Yours faithfully, Jave Brown. (219)

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in connection with your advertisement which I saw in the Morning Star on the 15 th of January.I am sixteen years old and at present attending Roseberry High School. I have had previous experience in the job, as I worked at a local coffee shop called Good Morning last year. I am also familiar with the use of coffee machines. Furthermore, I would like to mention that I am free to work at the weekends as I have no other obligations apart from studying.I consider myself an easy-going person who loves socialising and can make friends easily. I am also rather energetic. I work out at the local gym twice a week and love doing sport, such as skiing and snowboarding in winter.I have attached a copy of my curriculum vitae outlining my qualifications and experience. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Malu Ferrando. (1579

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the post of Sports and Activities Organiser, as advertised in Jobs Abroad magazine.I would very much welcome the opportunity to spend the summer working at Camp UK in Scotland as I enjoy working with teenagers, and would also like to get to know more about life and customs in the UK. Moreover, I am a keen sportsperson and enjoy horse-riding, tennis and volleyball.I have a good command of English, having studied it at school for eight years, and I have also spent a month at a summer school in Ireland.I would be grateful if you could tell me what type of accommodation you provide and what it costs. Could you also let me know when you will be holding the interviews?I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,Malu Ferrando (145)

Dear Sir,I would like to apply for the post of reception assistant for the coastal campsite as advertised in ABC on 25 April.After reading the advertisement I feel I have the qualifications and relevant experience to work at the campsite.As you can see in my CV I have studied psychology and I speak English and French fluently. In addition to this I have been working 5 years in a hotel. Moreover I have a great deal of experience with customer and I am accustomed to work very hard. I enclose a reference from my previous employer, the hotel manager Pepe Prez.Besides, I would like to you to provide me more details about the date I would start to work, how long the contract is and how much a reception assistant earn at the campsite.Finallly, I am available for an interview at any time and look forward to hearing from you soon.Mayte Zamora (158)

FORMAL MAILDear Mr Johnstone,I love the film club and most of the films you show, so I am writing to give my opinion.If you want to choose films that students enjoy, you should always show the latest movies with big stars, but also some classics and lots of films about music. There are lots of films of famous bands in concert, and I think this would be popular. You could also show some famous foreign language films, with subtitles in English of course!I think it would be an excellent idea to have a caf, as we could meet our friends there before we went to see a film, or chat about it after we had seen it.However, I do not think it would be sensible to have a film club on Thursday afternoon because most people are either at work or studying then. Friday evening is perfect for me.Yours sincerely,Junko

Dear Mr Brighton,I am writing to you with reference to your advertisement published in the Education Chronicle. I am a university student and I am interested in taking private lessons in order to improve my English. I would appreciate it if you could give me some additional information about the lessons.Firstly, I would like to know whether you are British or American and if you offer lessons in Business English. Secondly, I would be interested in knowing the cost of individual and group lessons. In addition, I would be grateful if you would inform me of the number of students in each group.Finally, I would like to ask you which days and times would be the most convenient for you and if you would be available at weekends.Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely,Malu FerrandoDear Mr MorrisonI was in your shop last Wednesday afternoon and saw the argument you mention. However, I did not hear what the customer said when he came in because I was talking to the friend who was with me.Suddenly, I heard the customer say Are you accusing me of lying? in a loud voice and the shop assistant seemed very upset. All the customers were watching by this time. Another shop assistant warned the customer that he was being rude. The customer insisted on speaking to the manager and he wasnt satisfied when he heard that you were out. He was so annoyed he ran out of the shop. I think he knocked over the television in the window by accident as he passed it. Nobody else was near it, so he was responsible for the damage.I hope this is helpful.Yours sincerely,

Dear Mrs. Benson,I am writing to apply for the position at the International Bookshop. I am currently studying a teaching degree at University and I will have full availability in summer.I am a keen reader and I have some previous experience as shop assistant, so I am familiar with dealing with costumers, preparing orders, using the cash machine and all the key competences required for the job.As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I have a good command of English considering that I spent six months working in a camp in an English-speaking country.I am a reliable, patient and hard-working person, I also have good communication skills and self-motivation. Taking into account all the above, I consider myself well qualified for the position and I hope my applications will be taken into consideration.If you feel that my qualifications meet at your requirements, please note that I am available for an interview at your convenience.Yours sincerely,Mara Luisa Ferrando.

Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to you with regard to your advertisement published in the magazine English Language Journal. I would appreciate if you could give me some extra information about your school and courses.To begin with, I would like to know where exactly in Surrey the school is situated. I would also like to know what type of accommodations is offered and what kind of facilities there are near the school.In addition, I would be interested in knowing whether there are courses preparing for Cambridge examinations as well as your schools pass rate in these examinations. Finally, I would appreciate it if you could send me a pamphlet with additional information regarding your school.Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.Yours faithfully,Malu Ferrando (141)

Dear Sir/Madam,I feel I must complain about the lunch we had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th December. Unfortunately, both the food and the service were not satisfactory.To begin with, the dishes we ordered were not tasty because of heavy seasoning. There was so much salt and pepper on the food that it was impossible to eat the whole meal. Furthermore, your advertisement was misleading as there were only two vegetarian dishes on the menu.I must also point out that none of the desserts we ordered were fresh. In fact, the delicious Italian cakes were stale. As if this was not bad enough, the prices were far from reasonable and contrary to what was stated in your advertisement, we found everything outrageously priced. To make matters worse, the air-conditioning was out of order. As a result, we were hot and extremely uncomfortable.Finally, when we asked for the bill, we were surprised at the staffs ignorance of the 10% discount for group bookings. Again, this was something highlighted in your advertisement. We could have made a fuss about it, but we decided not to.Considering all the above, I believe I am entitled to a partial refund. I am confident that this matter will receive your prompt attention. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Malu Ferrando. (222)

Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to make a complaint about Delicious Catering Service. Unfortunately, it was nothing like what we expected.Firstly, I would like to point out that your staff were not at all experienced. In fact, they were teenagers who came late and were very rude to everyone. What is more, to my amazement, your staff stopped serving drinks at midnight, which is not what is stated in your advertisement. In addition to this, I was very disappointed with the DJ; who played only 50s music all night. As a result, everybody got bored.I would also like to complain about the food. In your advertisement you state that you provide gourmet food. However, hot-dogs and cheese pies are definitely not gourmet food. Furthermore, we were supposed to receive a free cake which we did not.Finally, you led me to believe that the marquee you provide is easy to set up. Despite this, it took your staff four hours to put it together, and as a result the dance began on hour later than scheduled time.Taking into consideration all of the above, I demand a full refund. I feel sure that this matter will receive your prompt attention. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Malu Ferrando. (213)

Dear Sir or Madam,I feel I must complain about kims wonder diet which I joined last month. Unfortunately, it was nothing like I expected.To begin with, the food I received was not delicious as it was stated in your advertisement; it was scarce and tasteless and seemed to be industrial. Furthermore, I received it late almost every day and it was too cold to have. As a result, I needed to heat it before eating, wasting my time unnecessarily and losing my motivation with such a disgusting meal.To make matters worse, I was getting through to an answering machine each time I tried to contact you and you never called me back. As if it was not bad enough, you charged me the full priced instead of the half price as it was stated in your advertisement.Finally, I was shocked when after all that not only I had not lost any weight, but also I had gained two kilos.Considering all the above, I expected a full refund. I feel sure that this matter will receive your prompt attention. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Malu Ferrando.Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to you with regards to the exchange programme announced in your advertisement published in the English Times on 19th January. I would appreciate it if you could give me some further information about the destinations and characteristics of the programme.To begin with, I would be interested in knowing which countries can be chosen as a destination. In addition, regarding the accommodations, I also need you to clarify if the meals are included in the stay with the host families.Secondly, I need some information about the leisure activities. In the advertisement it is stated that there are excursions and recreation activities planned, and I was wondering if there is any free time.Finally, you advertised special prices for a limited time, and I would like to know how long this offer is valid for.I would be grateful it if you could send me an information booklet.I look forward to your reply at your earliest convenience, thanking you in advance for your assistance.Yours faithfully,Malu

INFORMAL MAILDear Annie,Well, everyone seems to have something to say about health and fitness at the moment. Every time I turn on the television or open a newspaper theres something about it! You asked what I do to be fit and healthy. Well, I think my family has always had a balanced diet. We just have a light breakfast, some cereal and fruit. Then for lunch I have a sandwich or a salad, and then we eat a big meal in the evening. We usually have chicken or fish and vegetables again. Sometimes we have pasta, or in the summer we have perhaps a steak from the barbecue, or a hamburger. We eat fruit again for dessert or a yoghurt, although at the weekends my mother often makes some really nice cakes. As you know, I dont do a lot of sport, because I dont really like it, but I think Im quite fit because I havent got a car, and I walk and cycle everywhere. And I do like dancing, so on a Saturday night I go out and dance till the early hours. Its enough I think!!Hope thats the information you need.LoveMalu. (197)Hi Anne,Thanks for your email. Its very exciting to hear youre coming to Italy. Personally, I think the best time to come is in the spring before it gets too hot.If you want to meet young people I suggest spending a few days at a school or college. How about coming mine? Im sure we can organise something with the teachers. Also, it would be a good idea to stay in a youth hostel.In the spring the weather is usually quite changeable, so you should bring some light clothes for the daytime but a jersey and a jacket for the evenings.Thanks also for your invitation to join the group. Id love to do so if Im free. Ill be able to show you some of the most interesting things in my area. Let me know when youre coming! Best wishes,Chiara. (145)

Hi Jessie,

Thanks for your email. Id prefer to live in the city centre. If Im somewhere central, I can go out to cinemas and other places easily, but if Im in the suburbs, Ill have a long journey at the end of the day. I dont want to be in a family home because I want to go out and eat with other students in the evenings. If I share a house with other students it will be a good chance to get to know people of my own age out of college and Ill have more freedom. I would probably only meet children and older people if I lived with a family. It would be convenient if the house had wireless internet, but that sort of house may be expensive. I cant spend all my money on rent! Provided the house is warm and comfortable, Im sure Ill be fine.I really appreciate your help with this.See you in September-Im getting excited already.Alessandro (167)

Dear Robin,How are you? Of course Ill go to the sports camp with you all, it would be great because I love playing sports, especially tennis, and at the same time Ill be able to finally meet your friends.In regard to accommodation, Id rather sleep in a room. I know it would be more expensive than a tent, but I have a lot of trouble for sleeping. To make it up for you, Ill prepare my Spanish omelette. Its easy to cook, and it doesnt need many ingredients, just potatoes, eggs, olive oil, a pinch of salt and some onion if you want, it depends on your liking. First of all, potatoes and onions are peeled and chopped, afterwards you fry them in a saucepan with little oil and then you mix them with beaten eggs. Finally, you cook this mixture and its ready to eat.As for the days before going to the camp, we could do some sightseeing, Ive never visited Canada.Well, Id better finish off here,Best wishes,Malu. (175)Dear Alison,Im looking forward to seeing you too, and showing you round here. Ill meet you at the station at 11.30. You neednt bring any food because theres a good caf near there, where we can have a coffee and catch up on all our news. You can meet some of my friends there too. I think youll like them.My mother will make you a typical meal of our region for lunch and youll see my home.In the afternoon well go to the old part of the town, which has lots of good shops for souvenirs and a great caf where they sell local ice cream. The last train leaves at 7.30 so well have plenty of time to look round.Im sorry you cant stay overnight, but perhaps youll be able to come again soon.Love fromTanya(142)

Dear Class 10BWe are all looking forward to meeting you. This is the plan the visit.When you arrive, were going to show you round the school in groups. Youre going to spend the morning in our normal lessons every morning from Monday to Friday. We finish school at 2.30. Youre having lunch with us and then youre going to do a variety of activities. On Monday were going to take you to the swimming pool near the school. So swimming things are essential, but we will provide towels. On Wednesday you can do sport with us. You need football boots and shorts.On the other days were going to take you to place like museums and so on. In the evening were going to take you to our homes and we can accompany you if you want to go out. Theres going to be a party for you at our school on Thursday evening.We hope you like our plan.Best wishes,Georg Schmidt. (166)

Dear Caroline,Thanks for your email suggesting me a summer camp in Australia. Of course Id love to come. Can you tell me what dates the camps is, so that I can put them in my diary? Also, if possible, Id like to know how much it will cost because Ill probably have to start saving right away.As matter of interest, do you know what subjects are taught? Id be really interested in studying English because I always need to improve it, and perhaps another subject such as drama or performing arts. I think that Id really get to know people and make friends by doing that.I like your idea of travelling together afterwards. Id prefer to go to the Great Barrier Reef because I love the sea and I really enjoy diving. What a great way to spend the summer! I look forward to seeing you then. All the best,Malu. (154)

Dear Ronan, Heres some information which I hope will be helpful.There is an excellent local shop just up our road, or the supermarket on the outskirts of town, which isnt bad. The swimming pool is just by the supermarket. On weekdays you can use the free car park at the supermarket if you go for a swim, but not at weekends.The bank is open from 9.30 to 4.00 on weekdays, but it shuts at 12.30 on Saturdays. Its on Market Street, between the big hotel and the museum. The museums worth visiting, although its only open in the afternoon.The market is held on Tuesday and Saturdays. You need to go early in the morning to buy fresh food, but there are also stall with second-hand books and so on. I sometimes find good bargains among the rubbish! Those stalls are there until dusk.Have a great time. We look forward to hearing all about it. Love fromNika and Peter. (163)

Dear Michael,Thanks for your letter. Im writing to tell you something about sport in my country. I think football is probably the most popular sport in England, but tennis, golf and cricket are all popular as well.People love football because they can play it as well as watch it, and most schools and colleges have football teams. Some boys spend all their time out of school playing football too. They dream about becoming star and earning lots of money like Wayne Rooney does.I like playing tennis, and I play nearly all year. Its a bit cold in winter, but I love it. It keeps me fit and I meet friends. We often go out to eat together or round to someones house after weve played. I actually prefer doing sports to watching them, but if there are big matches on, I like watching them with my friends. I watch tennis, cricket, football, rugby-anything really.I hope that tells you what you need to know. Good luck with the project!Best wishes,Tim

Hi Sam,Yes, of course Ill give you the info you need. Im really looking forward to the festival.Our band plays blues, some traditional, some very modern, and weve got a really great singer- shes American. We usually start with some really lively numbers to get everybody going and then Maria does some really cool songs.Wed like to play on the first night if possible. We always get nervous, so thatll mean less waiting! We can just arrive and start playing straight away. The audience is usually enthusiastic at the start of a festival too, so the atmospheres great then.But I definitely dont want to camp because I get terrible hay fever and I hate insects. Is there a youth hostel or anything nearby? Something fairly cheap please!Look forward to seeing you.Love,Malu. (138)

Dear Bill,Im glad you got the invitation to my brothers wedding and youre able to come. It will be a traditional wedding and will take place in the garden of the brides family. The wedding day will being with the groom arriving there on a horse. The ceremony stats with the couple bowing to each other and to the priest. You will have to be patient as there are no chairs! The bride and groom will both wear colourful, traditional clothes too but the other guest just dress smartly. Dont dress too informally or wear black. After the wedding well go to a restaurant to have a traditional lunch. You can give the couple any kind of present but we usually give money. If you want to take photos of the couple, you can but you shouldnt go too close.

Dear Satya,Im so pleased youre coming to my sisters wedding in our village. Shes getting married on the same day as my parents silver wedding anniversary- theyve been married for 25 years. So first of all everybody goes to the Town Hall for a civil ceremony and then well go to the village church where the bride and the groom will exchange gold rings. In the church the brides family sit on one side and the grooms on the other. My sister is going to wear a long white dress and the groom will wear a suit. Most people dress formally and some women wear hats. On the way out of the church everyone throws rice and flower petals over the couple for good luck. Then well go to the reception which will be in a hotel nearby. Therell be lots to eat and drink and a cake which is cut by the bride and groom. If you want to bring a present, most people buy something for the couples new home. Dear Jan,How are you? I was really pleased when I received your letter! I found out that you are interested in taking part in the same English course as I did, so I decided to provide you some information about it.First of all I believe that youll love the place! The locations where we stayed was great and the people were really friendly! What is more, the area was accessible and the shops had reasonable prices.In the main course we had to do grammar classes for about 2 hours, which was a little bit boring as all of us had already studied lots of grammar. But, after that we could participate in conversation classes, which was really useful, because we had the opportunity to do some speaking practice and at the same time make new friends!We had a visit in Oxford, too. Although it was rather expensive and not included in the course fees, it was very interesting.Finally, I believe that the best part of the course was the trip in London. It was super! The museums were great and with free entrance. You know, some of the students didnt speak English and it was a little annoying, but not enough to ruin our time there!All in all the course was interesting and helpful. We were able to practice our English and discover the UK. So, I strongly recommend it to you. There are some hidden costs, however its once in a lifetime experience.Take care, Malu (254)

Dear KimIm going to tell you about a big family party we had for my uncle, aunt and cousins who were on holiday here. They live in Canada now so we dont see them very often. In fact, Id only met my cousins once before at a wedding when I was very small. We decided to have a party for them and invite the whole family. There were about 65 people altogether and we had the party outside in the garden. We put lights in the trees and we had a live band so people could dance. We invited my uncle, aunt and cousins for a meal but they didnt know there was a party. We told them to put their best clothes on because everyone wanted to dress smartly. We made a traditional meal as they live abroad now. When they arrived they couldnt believe it. There was lots of food for everyone and a big cake with icing. The party lasted nearly all night. Hope to hear from you soon.Love Malu. (175)To: Anne RyderSubject: HolidayHi Anne, Thanks for your email. Its very exciting to hear youre coming to Italy. Personally, I think the best time to come is in the spring before it gets too hot.If you want to meet young people I suggest spending a few days at a school or college. How about coming to mine? Im sure we can organize something with the teachers. Also, it would be a good idea to say in a youth hostel.In the spring the weather is usually quite changeable, so you should bring some light clothes for the daytime but a jersey for the evenings.Thanks also for your invitation to join the group. Id love o do so if Im free. Ill be able to show you some of the most interesting things in my area. Let me know when youre coming!Best wishes, ChiaraDear Caroline,Thanks for your email suggesting a summer camp in Australia. Of course Id love to come. Can you tell me what dates the camp is, so that I can put them in my diary? Also, if possible, Id like to know how much it will cost because Ill probably have to start saving right away.As a matter of interest, do you know what subjects are taught? Id be really interested in studying English because I always need to improve it, and perhaps another subject such as drama or performing arts. I think that Id really get to know people and make friend by doing that.I like your idea of travelling together afterwards. Id prefer to go to the Great Barrier Reef because I love the sea and I really enjoy diving.What a great way to spend the summer! I look forward to seeing you then.All the best,Malu.

Dear Joyce,I got your letter and thought Id write back immediately to give you the information you wanted for the pottery course. Overall, I found it interesting and enjoyable. The course lasts for four weeks and starts on the first Monday of every month. As far as lessons are concerned, they would probably suit you because they are held twice a week and dont start until six in the evening.As for the cost, the course is not very expensive. Students only pay 25, which is a good deal. The only possible disadvantage is that the materials are not included in the price. This mean everything required for the course has to be paid for, which ends up being quite expensive.Now, something else about the course. Guest speakers come on a couple of occasions to demonstrate different techniques. This however, I thought, was suitable for more advance students, not beginners like me.You also asked about making new friends. Well, the other students were nice, but most of them were quite a bit older than me. You never know who youll meet though, I suppose.I hope Ive been of some help to you. Let me know if you need any more information, ok? I cant wait to meet you.Bye for now,Malu.

Dear Robin,How are you? Of course Ill go to the sports camp with you all, it would be great because I love playing sports, especially tennis, and at the same time Ill be able to finally meet your friends.In regard to accommodation, Id rather sleep in a room. I know it would be more expensive than a tent, but I have a lot of trouble for sleeping. To make it up for you, Ill prepare my Spanish omelette. Its easy to cook, and it doesnt need many ingredients, just potatoes, eggs, olive oil, a pinch of salt and some onion if you want, it depends on your liking. First of all, potatoes and onions are peeled and chopped, afterwards you fry them in a saucepan with little oil and then you mix them with beaten eggs. Finally, you cook this mixture and its ready to eat.As for the days before going to the camp, we could do some sightseeing, Ive never visited Canada.Well, Id better finish off here,Best wishes,Malu.

Dear Clara,How are you keeping? I have some good news to tell you, but Im so excited that I dont know where to start. Last month I took part in the national scholar writing competition. I didnt except to win, although I would have never written my essay if it hadnt been compulsory. My English teacher set us this as our term assignment, so I did my best so that I could achieve the best marks and afterwards I forgot the issue.Imagine how glad I was when he announced in front all my class I had won, but much more when he informed me that the prize will be a holiday for two people throughout Europe for the next summer. I thought of you as soon as I knew I had won. I think its only fair that after being invited to your beach apartment every summer since we started the school that you share this holiday with me.So, would you like to come with me? I expect you to accept my invitation so we can start to prepare all the stuff. It will be an incredible experience, wont it?I look forward to hearing your decision. Please, let me know it as soon as you can.Lots of kisses,Malu.

Dear Jake,I was glad to get a letter from you but sorry to hear that youve got problems. Ive given your situation a lot of thought.If I were you, I would accept the part-time job. I know you dont have any experience in primary teaching, but for this same reason you have to accept it. It will be a bit difficult at the beginning, but it gives you the chance to expand on your knowledge skills. As regard the FCE exam, you must study harder than youve been. Dont worry about your mistakes and dont be disheartened. If you fail the first time, you will have some other opportunities.Finally, in respect to the competitive exam, I know it is a good chance to get a job for the rest of your life. But in my opinion, your current situation doesnt guarantee probably the best conditions to face it up now successfully. Well, thats what I think you should do. I hope Ive been of some help to you. Let me know how everything turns out.Love,Malu

Hi Kelly,Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. Ive been so excited ever since I got your letter. How could I say no?I would need some more information about the party. Who is invited to it? (Who is coming or who has been invited?)How should I dress? (Or what should I wear?) I dont want to be out of context with your friends. As far as the food and the drink, I think it would be a good idea if you ask everybody to bring along something. Its has been ages since the last time we met. I have to tell you about a new guy Ive met. And what about you? I want to know how it all turned out in the end with Carl, are you still together? If you want, I can come earlier before the party starts, thus we can catch up on our lives.Anyway, Id better finish off here. Ill be seeing you soon and well talk then. I just cant wait! Thanks again.See you!Tanya

Dear Bob,How are you all keeping? Well, Im writing to fill you in on a few last details about the house. Its amazing how we finally got organised the house-swap.First of all, when you arrive, youll have to pick up the key at our neighbours. Mr and Mrs Taylor, who live at no.135. Theyll be expecting you, so no need to worry. You should find the house to your liking. If the weather takes a turn for the worse, turn on the central heating. The switch is next to the bathroom door, you cant miss it.Also, I should tell you about the milkman. I didnt cancel our milk order as I know you use it as much as we do. He comes every Friday morning and you pay for what hes delivered. Hell you how much. Well, I cant think of anything else but if you have any other questions, write.Your friend,Malu.

Dear JillHow are you keeping? I feel really bad about what happened and thats why Im writing. I want to say sorry once again. I cant believe that I smashed your cellular phone. Remember you were saying how discreet and compact it was and how sometimes you worried about losing it? Well, unfortunately I have to agree with you now! I just cant understand how it slipped out of my shirt pocket while I was running for the bus.Look, Im going to make it up to you and buy you another one. I hope thats all right with you. Sorry again.Love, Jane

Dear JaneHow are you? Im afraid I have some bad news. I wont be able to meet you at the train stations as we had planned. Im really sorry. You see I was involved in a car accident and Im stuck in bed with a broken leg.Anyway, since my house is only a ten-minute walk from the station, I think youll be able to find it using my directions. This is how you can get here from the railway stations.When you get out of the railway station, turn right and go straight ahead until you come to a roundabout. Continue going straight until you get to the first intersection. You must turn left there. Keep walking along that street until you come to a pedestrian crossing. When you cross, youll come to a one-way street. Go up that street and turn left at the set of traffic lights. My house is the second on the right. Thats 24 Adams Street.Once again I apologise for the inconvenience. I cant wait to finally meet you. Your penfriend,Sam

Dear Paola,Thanks for your letter which I received today. I thought it best to let you know as soon as possible about coming to the house-warming party, so Im dropping you a line.Of course Ill come! Its been ages since we got together and we need to have a good chat! Itll be lovely having the chance to see John, Mary and Alex as Well. The 20th is a Saturday, so that should suit most people but what time? Also, what shall I bring along? Dont tell me youre doing everything yourself because you know Id want to bring something. Perhaps some wine? Oh, you must also let me know how to get to your house. Is there a train station or bus stop nearby? Whats the easiest way to come?Well, I look forward to hearing from you about these details. See you soon.----------------------------Unfortunately, I wont be able to make it. I feel really awful, but it just so happens well be away from the 19th till the 27th. Its just typical! I would have loved to come as its been ages since we met up, and itd be lovely to see your new house. Why dont I give you a call when I return and well arrange a get-together?

I hope the party is a great success- no doubt if Alex, Mary and John turn up, that will be a guarantee!! Give my love to everyone.

Dear Shelly,How are you keeping? Its taken me ages to reply but Ive been pretty busy- you know with the party and all. Let me tell you about it.You know how much my family love throwing extravagant parties. Remember the party we had when you were here last summer? Well, my sixteenth party birthday was no exception. The party was held around the swimming pool and we had coloured candles and exotic flowers floating in the pool.What can I say about the food? We had traditional Spanish dishes and all the food was simply mouth-watering. My mum ordered a huge chocolate cake, since we had over fifty people. It was absolutely delicious! It disappeared within seconds. I also received lots of fantastic presents. The best one was the mountain bike my parents bought me. Its the latest model and it must have been expensive. At least thats what my parents told me. It has an aluminium frame, a padded seat, a leather handle-bar grips and, believe it or not, a digital speedometer. Sounds great, doesnt it? Anyway, Ive sent you some photos of the party and my new bike, so that you can get an idea. Well, I think thats about it for now. Keep in touch. Lots of love, Amelia. Hi Jay,How are you? Better than I am at the moment, I hope. Im really depressed and Im actually writing for your advice. Ill begin with the good news though.We won the baseball championship! That means that next year were going to be in another league. The bad news is that mum and dad dont want me to be part of the team. Me, the best player on the team! Can you believe our parents? They say that I should concentrate on my studies because next year is my final year at school. They believe that I didnt study enough this year, you see. But how can I give up something that I love? I mean, you know how much I love baseball and that Im considering it as a profession. Theyre also complaining about how expensive it is to be on a baseball team. They say they wont be able to afford it next year, with the extra tuition classes Ill be taking up. And thats not all. You know how every couple of month its my turn to take home all the teams baseball shirts and wash them. Well, mum washes them, of course, but the point is that shes always complaining about that too! Shes threatening that if I continue to play baseball, she wont wash them anymore. I think shes just saying this because she hates baseball. So, what do you think I should do? Im really confused. Write as soon as you can and let me know. Love, Richard

Dear Richard,

Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear you won the championship (congratulations on your winning the championship) As in regards to the other problems, dont discourage easily! Ive given your problem a lot of thought and Im going to tell you what I think. First of all, I realise how important baseball is to you, but your studies are also very important. If I were you, Id sit down and have a long talk with mum and dad. Why dont tell them how important baseball is to you and that youre thinking of playing professionally. Secondly, in relation to / as for the problem of the expenses I think you should get a part-time job- just a few hours a week, I guess. Or you can look for a summer time job. It would be good for you, really... and it would be easier for mum and dad too, since they wont have to pay for your Baseball Club Membership. Finally, about the baseball shirts, it would be a good idea to learn how to use the washing machine. That way, mum wont complain about having to wash the shirts, since you will be entirely responsible for it. Well, thats all for now. I hope Ive been of some help. Let me know how it all turns out. Best wishes, Jay

REVIEWNorthern lightsIve just read a novel called Northern lights by Philip Pullman. It starts off in England and moves to a fantasy world of snow and northern lights.The main character, Lyra, is a girl who overhears a presentation by her uncle to his colleagues in Oxford University. He is investigating the ideas of another world where everyone is born with an animal companion. Its a magic world and Lyra goes there and has lots of adventures.The description of her journey is so well done that you fell as though youre there with her. The book is thoroughly entertaining and you wont be able to put it down until youve finished the last chapter. The story is gripping and quite frightening in places but thats what I enjoyed about it. Although it is quite complicate, you really want to know what happens so it isnt difficult to follow.The book is extremely well-written and you could read it several times and still find something new. Ive since read the next two books in the series and Id highly recommend them all.Mosso MossoI tried Moso Moso fo the first time this month, and found it was easily the best Chinese restaurant Ive eaten in.The surroundings were modern, yet it still felt airy and cosy. The waiters were very friendly and informative, and not too busy, as is often the case in some of the citys more popular restaurants.As I was eating with a party of eight, we manage to sample a good range of items on the menu, and between us couldnt find a single item that wasnt satisfying and delicious. Every dish featured wonderful combinations of flavour. All the ingredients were clearly fresh and of the highest quality, and in my opinion, the seafood was particularly tasty. We felt that we were given very good value for money, because the meal came to about 10 per person which we thought was very reasonable.All of us would highly recommend this restaurant and, as it is located just a short walk from our workplace, we will no doubt be back for many more lunches.The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey NiffeneggerThis is an original and moving love story told from the point of view of the two main characters, Henry and Clare. Henry is a librarian who has a genetic problem which causes him to move backwards and forwards in time. Without warning, he disappears leaving everything behind and arrives at another time in his life. He cant control when or where hes going.When he travels, he often meets the same girl, Clare, at different times in her life. Eventually they fall in love even though sometimes when they meet he is much older than her and at other times they are the same age.I think everyone will enjoy this unusual story because it combines a little science fiction with a wonderful romantic story. Henrys problem causes situations which are funny, sometimes frightening, usually awkward and often very strange. The novel is fascinating because it makes you think about the nature of time. At the same time, you see how the characters and their relationship change during their lives but how their love grows stronger.THE BEST AND THE WORST FILMS YOUVE BEEN RECENTLYLast week I saw two films. One was an adventure film called Speed Robber. I usually enjoy films with lots of action and car chases, especially when they are cleverly filmed. I was looking forward to sitting nervously on the edge of my seat for an hour, because Id seen other films by the same director. But the story was disappointingly slow, the actors werent performing as well as usual, and the car chase was only a few minutes in a city. Its certainly the worst film Ive seen for a long time.The other film I saw was completely different. It was a comedy called The Last Word. It was about some students trying unsuccessfully to write a play. The actors all performed brilliantly, the dialogue was extremely original, and the plot was more interesting than Speed Robber. My friends and I thoroughly enjoyed it and we recommend everyone to see it.

STORYJakob was absolutely furious when he saw what was going on outside his window. There were two men with a huge machine and they were cutting down trees. Jakob lived on the fourth floor of a block of flats which looked out over a lovely park. When he realised what the men were going, he ran out of his flat and shouted at them. They didnt take any notice and just carried on with their work. So Jakob rushed over to one of the trees which was still there, sat down in front of it and put his arms round it. He was so angry he decided he would stay there all day. He wasnt scared of the men and their machine because he knew they wouldnt hurt him. When some other people came by, he called to them to do the same with the other trees. In the end the men had to go away. Jakob felt very proud that hed managed to save the rest of the trees but he knew the men would come back again. (179)

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