writing skill

Post on 20-Aug-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Unit: Health

Topic: Cause and effect of various media

Mattayomsuksa 3

A person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of free time on it.



adj. behavior or situation that are comical are funny in a strange or unexpected way.


adj. a part of body that is sore is painful, because of infection or because you have use a muscle too much.


v. to recognize a difference between things


v. the meal that you have in the early evening.

structures : Modal verbs

• A modal verb is an extra verb which is used before the main verb and gives more information about the main verb.

- The main English modal verbs are can, could, may, might, must, shall, will, would and should. Have to, have got to and need are also used as modal verbs.

Structure : Subject + modal verb+V1+complement

example• the verb ‘can’. ‘Can’ goes before another

verb and shows that someone is able to do something. For example in the sentence

structures : Modal verbs

‘Lucy can swim’, ‘can’ shows that Lucy is able to swim.

1. Modal verbs are used before the basic form of the main verb (the ‘infinitive’) and are used without ‘to’

structures : Some facts about modal verbs

Julia could to go instead of me.

Julia could go instead of me.

2. Modal verbs do not take ‘s’ in the 3rd person singular:

structures : Some facts about modal verbs

She musts get there early.

She must get there early.

3. The modal verb ‘will’ is often shortened to ‘’ll’, especially in speech:

structures : Some facts about modal verbs

Don’t worry - I’ll help.

vocabulary review






structures review

We can find your house without the street plan.

Julia could to go instead of me.

You could listen to me.

May I come to your house for tea?

The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict.

Young Percy’s parents could not getTheir son to leave the TV set.In fact, it was a common sight,From five o’clock till late at night,To see young Percival McQueenBefore the television screen.

The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict.

He watched the sports, the plays, the news,The Westerns and the interviews.The programmers might be good or bad,They might be comical or sad;He watched them all the evening though.(They say he watched the test card, too.)

At half-past five the little chapWould eat his supper on his lab;But what he ate he did not know-His eyes were on the children’s show!All table manners he forgot-It didn’t worry him a jot.

The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict.

And then one night, I’m sad to tell,Young Percival was heard to yell:“I cannot watch it any more,My eyes are feeling strange and sore!”And when he got up from his chair,His eyes were green and red…and square!

The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict.

Poor Percy had to pay the priceFor disregarding good advice.For fear that you might share his fate,You must learn to discriminate.Don’t be like Percival McQueen-An addict of the TV screen.

J G Goodacre

The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict.

• Percy’s parents could not get him to leave the……………set. It was about five o’clock till……………..at night. He still sat before television screen. He watched the sports, the plays and the news. The…………………might be good or bad. They might be…………….or sad, yet he watched them all the evening though. At half-past five the little chaps, he would eat his……………….on his lab but what he ate he did not know. His eyes were on the children’s show so all table manners he forgot.

Read the text “The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict” and complete the summary using key words from the text.





• Then one night young Percival was heard to yell. He could not watch it any more. His eyes are feeling strange and……………. When he got up from his chair, his eyes were green and red and …………………. Poor Percy had to pay the price for…………………… good advice. For fear that you might share his fate, you must learn to……………………... Don’t be like Percival McQueen-An……………………..of the TV screen.

Read the text “The Sad Story of Percy, the TV Addict” and complete the summary using key words from the text.






Make the brochures in the topic “Television Addiction” by use these sub-topics.

The cause of television addiction

The effect of television addiction

How to solve television addiction problem

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