worship service [11.01.30]

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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『 請預備心來敬拜神。 』Please prepare your heart for worship.



Knowing God


Revival / Renewal


Revival / Renewal

《馬可福音 12:34-37 》~ Mark 12:34-37 ~

馬可福音 第十二章12:34a 耶穌見他回答的有智慧,就對他說:「你

離神的國不遠了。」12:34b 從此以後,沒有人敢再問他什麼。

Mark 12

12:34a And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”

12:34b And after that no one dared to ask him any more questions.

馬可福音 第十二章12:35 耶穌在殿裡教訓人,就問他們說:「文士

怎麼說基督是大衛的子孫呢?12:36 大衛被聖靈感動,說:主對我主說,你坐


Mark 12

12:35 And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said, “How canthe scribes say that the Christ is the son of David?

12:36 David himself, in the Holy Spirit, declared, “‘The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.’

馬可福音 第十二章12:37a 大衛既自己稱他為主,他怎麼又是大衛的

子孫呢?」12:37b 眾人都喜歡聽他。

Mark 12

12:37a David himself calls him Lord. So how is he his son?”

12:37b And the great throng heard him gladly.

《聖殿爭霸–大衛的子孫》“Rabbinic Battle in the Temple

– The Son of David”


King Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem


“The Inspection of the Temple”

1 1

「咒詛無花果樹 」

“The Cursing of the Fig Tree”

2 2


“The Cleansing of the Temple”

3 3

馬可福音 第十四章

14:58 [ 耶穌 ] 說: 『我要拆毀 [ 廢除 ] 這人


Mark 14

14:58 ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands,

and in three days I will build another, not made

with hands.’


Backdrop to the Battle


“Rabbinic Battle in the Temple“



Seven Rounds of Battle

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

3. 「該撒的銀錢」 馬可福音 12:13-17

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

3. 「該撒的銀錢」 馬可福音 12:13-17

4. 「復活的真神」 馬可福音 12:18-27

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

3. 「該撒的銀錢」 馬可福音 12:13-17

4. 「復活的真神」 馬可福音 12:18-27

5. 「最大的誡命」 馬可福音 12:28-34

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

3. 「該撒的銀錢」 馬可福音 12:13-17

4. 「復活的真神」 馬可福音 12:18-27

5. 「最大的誡命」 馬可福音 12:28-34

6. 「大衛的子孫」 馬可福音 12:35-37

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

3. 「該撒的銀錢」 馬可福音 12:13-17

4. 「復活的真神」 馬可福音 12:18-27

5. 「最大的誡命」 馬可福音 12:28-34

6. 「大衛的子孫」 馬可福音 12:35-37

7. 「寡婦的小錢」 馬可福音 12:38-44

《聖殿爭霸》講道系列 [ 七個回合 ]

1. 「愛子的權柄」 馬可福音 11:27-33

2. 「邪惡的園戶」 馬可福音 12:1-12

3. 「該撒的銀錢」 馬可福音 12:13-17

4. 「復活的真神」 馬可福音 12:18-27

5. 「最大的誡命」 馬可福音 12:28-34

6. 「大衛的子孫」 馬可福音 12:35-37

7. 「寡婦的小錢」 馬可福音 12:38-44

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

3. Caesar’s Denarius Mark 12:13-17

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

3. Caesar’s Denarius Mark 12:13-17

4. The God of Resurrection Mark 12:18-27

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

3. Caesar’s Denarius Mark 12:13-17

4. The God of Resurrection Mark 12:18-27

5. The Greatest Commandment Mark 12:28-34

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

3. Caesar’s Denarius Mark 12:13-17

4. The God of Resurrection Mark 12:18-27

5. The Greatest Commandment Mark 12:28-34

6. The Son of David Mark 12:35-37

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

3. Caesar’s Denarius Mark 12:13-17

4. The God of Resurrection Mark 12:18-27

5. The Greatest Commandment Mark 12:28-34

6. The Son of David Mark 12:35-37

7. The Widow’s Penny Mark 12:38-44

“The Rabbinic Battle in the Temple” [7 Rounds]

1. Authority of the Beloved Son Mark 11:27-33

2. The Wicked Tenants Mark 12:1-12

3. Caesar’s Denarius Mark 12:13-17

4. The God of Resurrection Mark 12:18-27

5. The Greatest Commandment Mark 12:28-34

6. The Son of David Mark 12:35-37

7. The Widow’s Penny Mark 12:38-44


Authority of the Beloved Son


The Wicked Tenants


Caesar’s Denarius


The God of Resurrection


The Greatest Commandment


The Son of David








馬可福音 第十二章

12:28 有一個文士來,聽見他們辯論,曉得


Mark 12

12:28 And one of the scribes came up and heard them

disputing with one another, and seeing that he

answered them well, asked him, “Which

commandment is the most important of all?”


“Satan’s Temptation”


The Greatest Commandment

馬可福音 第十二章

12:34 耶穌說:「你離神的國不遠了。」

Mark 12

12:34 Jesus said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.”

馬可福音 第十二章

12:34 耶穌說:「你還在神國以外了。」

Mark 12

12:34 Jesus said to him, “You are still outside of the kingdom of God.”

馬可福音 第十二章

12:34b 從此以後,沒有人敢再問他什麼。

Mark 12

12:34b And after that no one dared to ask him any more questions.


Deep Spiritual Darkness


Deep Spiritual Darkness


Deep Spiritual Darkness

哥林多後書 第四章4:3 如果我們的福音蒙蔽,就是蒙蔽在滅亡的4:4 人身上。此等不信之人被這世界的神弄瞎


2 Corinthians 4

4:3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those

4:4 who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

哥林多後書 第四章4:5 我們原不是傳自己,乃是傳基督耶穌為主4:6 … 那吩咐光從黑暗裡照出來的神,已經照


2 Corinthians 4

4:5 For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ4:6 as Lord… For God, who said, “Let light shine out of

darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the

knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

「傳福音」“Gospel Proclamation“

「耶穌基督為主」“Jesus Christ as Lord”

「傳福音」“Gospel Proclamation“


What is the “Gospel”?



What is the “Gospel”?

The “Gospel” is not “good news” in the general





What is the “Gospel”?

In the Greco-Roman world, “Gospel” was a technical term…

到底甚麼是《福音》? 就是一個 __________ 的公開宣告!

1 誕生2 就位登基 3 戰勝敵人,凱旋而歸

What is the “Gospel”?

It refers specifically to the public announcement of…

1 the birth / arrival of a

2 the accession / enthronement of a

3 a great victory and return of a





「耶穌基督為主」“Jesus Christ as Lord”

「傳福音」“Gospel Proclamation“

「耶穌基督為主」“Jesus Christ as Lord”

「傳福音」“Gospel Proclamation“

「耶穌基督為主」“Jesus Christ as Lord”

「傳福音」“Gospel Proclamation“

哥林多後書 第四章4:1 我們既然蒙憐憫,受了這職分,就不喪膽4:2 ,乃將那些暗昧可恥的事棄絕了;不行詭


2 Corinthians 4

4:1 Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do

4:2 not lose heart. But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded

ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.

「耶穌基督為主」“Jesus Christ as Lord”

「傳福音」“Gospel Proclamation“

馬可福音 第十二章12:35 耶穌在殿裡教訓人,就問他們說:「



Mark 12

12:35 And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said, “

How can the scribes say that

the Christ is the son of David?



Who is Christ?

馬可福音 第十二章

12:36 大衛被聖靈感動,說:主對我主說,你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。

Mark 12

12:36 David himself, in the Holy Spirit,

declared, “‘The Lord said to my Lord,

Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.’


Who is Christ?

馬可福音 第十二章

12:37a 大衛既自己稱他為主,他怎麼又是大


Mark 12

12:37a David himself calls him Lord. So how is he

his son?”


Who is Christ?



“The Gospel of Jesus Christ”

約翰一書 第二章2:15 不要愛世界和世界上的事。人若愛世界,2:16 愛父的心就不在他裡面了。因為凡世界上


1 John 2

2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If

anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in

2:16 him. For all that is in the world – the desires of the flesh

and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions – is not from the Father but is from the world.

馬可福音 第十二章

12:37a 大衛既自己稱他為主,他怎麼又是大


Mark 12

12:37a David himself calls him Lord. So how is he

his son?”

大衛君主Lord of Lord

大衛子孫Son of David


馬可福音 第十二章

12:36 大衛被聖靈感動,說:主對我主說,你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。

Mark 12

12:36 David himself, in the Holy Spirit,

declared, “‘The Lord said to my Lord,

Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.’

詩篇 第一百一十篇

110:1 耶和華對我主說:你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。

110:2 耶和華必使你從錫安伸出能力的杖來;你要在你仇敵中掌權。

Psalms 110

110:1 Yahweh says to my Adonai: “Sit at my right

hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”

110:2 Yahweh sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter.

Rule in the midst of your enemies!

詩篇 第一百一十篇

110:3 當你掌權的日子,你的民要以聖潔的妝飾110:4 為衣,甘心犧牲自己…耶和華起了誓,決


Psalms 110

110:3 Your people will offer themselves freely on the

110:4 day of your power, in holy garments… Yahweh

has sworn and will not change his mind, “You are

a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.”

永久君王Eternal King

永遠祭司Forever Priest

永久君王Eternal King

永遠祭司Forever Priest

永久君王Eternal King

永遠祭司Forever Priest

馬可福音 第一章

1:1 神的兒子,耶穌基督福音的起頭。

Mark 1

1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ,

the Son of God.

“ 從大衛而來”“ 從天上而來”



From Above


Son of David & Lord of David



Son of David & Son of God


Son of David & Lord of David


馬可福音 第十一章

11:9 前行後隨的人都喊著說:和散那!奉主名11:10 來的是應當稱頌的!那將要來的


Mark 11

11:9 And those who went before and those who followed

were shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes 11:10 in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming

kingdom of our father David!

Hosanna in the highest!”

約翰福音 第十八章

18:33 彼拉多又進了衙門,叫耶穌來,對他說:「你是猶太人的王嗎?」

18:36 耶穌回答說:「我的國不屬這世界;我的國若屬這世界,我的臣僕必要爭戰…只是我的國不屬這世界。」

John 18

18:33 So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called

Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?”

18:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have

been fighting… But my kingdom is not from the world.”

「根本上的不同」“Radically Different”



「根本上的不同」“Radically Different”大衛的兒子

Son of David

上帝的兒子Son of God

「根本上的不同」“Radically Different”地上的國度

Kingdom of Earth

天上的國度Kingdom of Heaven

學習、學校 Study & School 金錢、成就 Money & Success 工作、事業 Work & Career 婚姻、家庭 Marriage & Family

福音、教會 Gospel & Church 愛神、愛人 Love God & Love Man 敬虔、服事 Godliness & Service 婚姻、家庭 Marriage & Family

學習、學校 Study & School 金錢、成就 Money & Success 工作、事業 Work & Career 婚姻、家庭 Marriage & Family

福音、教會 Gospel & Church 愛神、愛人 Love God & Love Man 敬虔、服事 Godliness & Service 婚姻、家庭 Marriage & Family

馬可福音 第十二章

12:37b 眾人都喜歡聽他。

Mark 12

12:37b And the great throng heard him gladly.

Henry W. Kendall

Jerome I. Friedman


King Jesus in Jerusalem

馬可福音 第十二章

12:37b 眾人都喜歡聽他。

Mark 12

12:37b And the great throng heard him gladly.

馬可福音 第六章

6:20 … 希律知道約翰是義人,是聖人,所以敬畏他,保護他,聽他講論…並且樂意聽他。

Mark 6

6:20 … Herod feared John, knowing that he was

a righteous and holy man, and he kept him safe…

and… he heard him gladly.

馬可福音 第十二章

12:37b 眾人都喜歡聽他。

Mark 12

12:37b And the great throng heard him gladly.

詩篇 第一百一十篇

110:1 耶和華對我主說:你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。

110:4 耶和華起了誓,決不後悔,說:你是照著麥基洗德的等次永遠為祭司。

Psalms 110

110:1 Yahweh says to my Adonai: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”

110:4 Yahweh has sworn and will not change his mind, “You

are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.”

馬可福音 第十四章

14:58 [ 耶穌 ] 說: 『我要拆毀 [ 廢除 ] 這人


Mark 14

14:58 ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands,

and in three days I will build another, not made

with hands.’






Son of David & Lord of David


詩篇 第一百一十篇

110:5 在你右邊的主,當他發怒的日子,必打傷110:6 列王。他要在列邦中刑罰惡人,屍首就遍


Psalms 110

110:5 Adonai is at your right hand; he will shatter kings

110:6 on the day of his wrath. He will execute judgment

among the nations, filling them with corpses; he will shatter chiefs over the wide earth.


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