world history troy high school. which decade was wwi fought? 1910’s (1914-1918)

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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World History

Troy High School

Which decade was WWI fought?

1910’s (1914-1918)

What year did the US enter WWI?

April 6, 1917

Explain each result of WWI…

• League of Nations – International Organization, countries would be able to discuss problems to prevent future conflict.

• Disarmament – Losing nations were forced to disarm. (Ex. Germany)

• Rebellion in the Colonies – Nationalistic pride led to the native people to want freedom from the Imperial powers

Results cont…

• Depression – Worldwide depression (stock market crash and failure of banks) a decade after the war.

• Rise of Dictators – During depression strong leaders gained power by providing answers and strong leadership. (Ex. Adolph Hitler)

What was the Russian Rev. and how did it impact WWI

• The revolution was the Communist takeover of the Russian gov’t led by the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Trotsky.

• Russia was forced to withdraw from WWI, allies were weakened due to the shift from a two front war to a one front war.

Identify each term from the 1930’s• Great Depression –

Worldwide crisis from 1929-1940; banks failed, stock market crash, millions out of work.

• Dust Bowl – Droughts, over farming in the Midwest caused many residents to move west.

• New Deal – FDR’s ideas of Relief to help the poor, Recovery got the economy going again and Reform to prevent another depression.

How did the New Deal change the relationship between government

and business?

• For the first time the US gov’t became involved in many aspects of business by regulating business activities.

In which decade was most of WWII fought?

1940’s (1939-1945)

Explain each cause of WWII

• Aggression/Expansion – Germany and Japan sought to take control of other countries by force and intimidation.

• Appeasement – Britain chose to give in to (appease) Hitler’s conquest of Czechoslovakia and Austria.

• Revenge – Germany sought revenge against allied nations for the harsh terms of surrender after WWI.

What were some results of WWII?

• European nations sustained millions of dollars in damage.

• Marshall Plan by the US was put into place to help rebuild Europe.

• United Nations was formed to prevent future wars and aggression. (International Peacekeepers)

• The state of Israel was formed as a homeland for Jews.

Identify the decade and objective for each war.

• Korean War;

1950’s, containment

• Vietnam War:

1960’s-1970’s, containment

What was the Cold War and when did if occur?

• A time of political tension and military rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union following WWII.

• 1945-1989

What has been the role of the US in world affairs since the Cold War

ended in 1989?

• The US has emerged from the Cold War as the world’s only superpower. Also has taken action in such crisis as the Gulf War, war in Bosnia, the war against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq and various other peacekeeping missions.

Define Populism

• An alliance among farmers that wanted gov’t ownership and control of banking, RR, telephone, telegraph, and gov’t operated warehouses for crop storage.

Define Genocide and give and example.

• The systematic planned extermination of and entire national, racial, political or ethnic group.

• Examples:

Hitler = Jews

Saddam = Kurds

Rawanda = Hutu vs. Tutsi

What is the Federal Reserve System and why is it important?

• Federal/Central banking system in the US which controls the flow of currency and establishes interest rates.

Define Theocracy and what US principles prevent a theocracy in

this nation?

• Gov’t headed by a religious leader.

• Separation of church and state and our 1st Amendment right of freedom of religion.

What is Progressivism

• 1890’s philosophy that puts the interest of the people over big business.– Favored better living and working conditions– Better wages– Free public education– Regulation of child labor

Primary Source vs. Secondary Source

• A document, record or written account of someone who took part in or witnessed and event.

• Ex:– Diaries– Letters– Journals– Newspapers

• Written by someone who did not witness or participate in the event. Written after the event occurred.

• Ex:– History Textbook

Define Globalization

• Economies of the world are increasingly interconnected, or interdependent due to advances in technology, communication and transportation.

Define Urbanization

• Movement from rural to urban society


• Movement from urban (cities) to the suburbs. The was allowed due to the advancements in the automobile.

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