workshop information for lisa murphy the ooey gooey lady · 2011. 11. 11. · workshop information...

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Workshop Information for Lisa Murphy the ooey gooey lady®

Ooey Gooey Inc.1115 E. Main St. Box 48

Rochester, NY 14609

Fax: 585-730-4324 Email:

Phone: 800-477-7977 Outside North America please call: 1-585-730-5195 x201

Lisa Murphy, the ooey gooey lady®, offers a variety of interactive workshops as part of her well-attended seminars. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding her popular events!

What is the difference between a seminar and a workshop?An all day event with Lisa Murphy is called a full-day seminar. The individual topics presented that day are what we call the workshops. A full day seminar is the most popular and effective framework for experiencing all that Lisa Murphy has to offer. A full day is considered anywhere from 5-6 hours of workshop material, plus a one-hour lunch break for participants.

Other than full day seminars, what other kinds of events does Lisa Murphy do?Conference keynotes, conference breakout sessions, parent night workshops, back to school nights and in-service workshops for staff. Please be aware that additional fees apply when “tagging on” an evening event to your full day seminar. Please call for specific details.

Fee Information:1) One-day domestic (continental US) events without any contractual conditions or contingencies are

billed out at a daily all-inclusive rate of $6700. All expenses (travel and materials) are included in this flat-fee. A non-refundable $500 deposit is required to hold all dates. This amount is put towards the remaining balance due. The balance due ($6200) is payable on or before the event date or late fees will be applied.

2) Two-day domestic events without any contractual conditions or contingencies are billed out at an all-inclusive rate of $11,500. All expenses (travel and materials) are included in this flat-fee. A non-refundable $1000 deposit is required to hold 2-day events. This amount is put towards the remaining balance due. The balance due ($10,500) is payable on or before the event date or late fees will be applied.

3) International, Hawaii and Alaska events are billed out at the rate of $4900 for the speaking fee PLUS all related travel expenses including reimbursement for two (2) fully refundable round trip airline tickets. A non-refundable $500 deposit is required to hold all dates. This amount is put towards the remaining speaking balance due which is payable on or before the event date or late fees will be applied. Travel and material expenses will be billed after the event and reimbursement is expected within 30 days.

4) Please call our office for information about multiple-day international events

All fees are payable in US dollars.

Reimbursable expenses include but are not necessarily limited to all of the following expenses: rental car, gas, mileage, hotel, daily per diem, baggage overage fees, airline tickets, parking/tolls and workshop materials.

Photocopying the handouts is the responsibility of the booking party.

My agency will not authorize a deposit to hold the date. What are my options?We are usually able to negotiate an arrangement that is acceptable to all parties. We do ask though that you please share any concerns or questions with us when you start the booking process.


Current Lisa Murphy Workshop Information (continued)

I am on a tight budget. What are my options? A good way to reduce the seminar cost is to share the fees with other interested preschools or child care centers. You might also consider opening the event up to the community and charging a nominal fee.

Does Lisa require a minimum or maximum number of attendees?Nope! We like to say, the more the merrier!

What happens after I submit my deposit?Your date is exclusively reserved, our office creates a file for your seminar, and we generate a presentation agreement (contract) for your signature.

Our agency requires that our contract for services be used and no modifications are allowed. Anything I need to know about that?We can accommodate most requests when it comes to contracts and the verbiage contained within them. We ask that you let us know about any “special circumstances” at the time of booking.

Can I use a Purchase Order (PO) to pay for Lisa’s services?Again, we are pretty flexible and can accommodate various payment scenarios. We ask that you make your intent to use a PO very clear at the time of booking so we can discuss with you the various options that are available.

Who is responsible for travel arrangements?Lisa’s office will make all of her travel arrangements.

Are videos, cameras, and/or recorders allowed during the seminar?Still photography is welcomed and encouraged. Video recording is not. We reserve the right to pause any workshop should it become apparent that the workshop is being filmed or recorded in any way, until such recording stops. The exception to this is any TV or news media that might be on site to cover the event.

What about sales? Will Lisa bring materials to sell?Yes. Lisa requires two tables with access to electrical outlets to be set up in the back of the room. These tables will be used to display and sell her books, DVD’s, and other materials. If your event is a conference setting, Lisa’s office will work with you to arrange for tables and booth space in the vendor hall.

Does Lisa need us to provide any special equipment or materials at the seminar?Most full day seminars will typically need the following, but specific workshop choices could modify the list:

Access to a sound system (Lisa brings her own Shure System headset microphone)An overhead projector/screenAn assortment of 6-ft long banquet tables (not thinner classroom-style tables) A dolly, cart, or hand truck for unloading materialsA trash canIf Lisa is doing one of her hands-on workshops for you she will also need access to a regular sized sink with running water for workshop prep and clean up (NOT a small bathroom sink with electronic controls and NOT a floor level janitorial “slop” sink)

A room set-up diagram will be sent to you with your master handout.

What venues work best for a Lisa Murphy seminar?It has been our experience that gymnasiums are not an ideal setting. We have found convention centers,auditoriums, theatres, hotel ballrooms, church sanctuaries, all with adult sized tables and chairs, enhance the seminar experience.

I’m ready to book something now! What do I do?Call the office at (800) 477-7977 or send an email to to determine date availability. Once a date is selected, a $500 non-refundable booking deposit is required to hold and reserve your event!



Available Workshop Topics from Lisa Murphy the ooey gooey lady ®

WHAT IF TODAY WAS THEIR ONLY DAY? (Keynote)In this motivational keynote address Lisa shares the powerful story of her first day of school. Through active and

engaging storytelling Lisa brings you back to her first day, taking you on a grand tour of Miss Mary’s Nursery School. And, in the style she has become famous for, she shares many observations, lessons and anecdotes about how early childhood has changed along the way. Lisa will share the sights sounds and smells of the place where, at the young age of three, she decided to become a teacher and identifies the how, and why, that one day solidified her decision to become an educator. This inspiring keynote gets participants back in touch with their personal how and why. It gets

them excited and motivated and it will get them thinking: If it WAS their only day, what will they remember?

IDENTIFYING AND CREATING CHILD CENTERED ENVIRONMENTS the Lisa Murphy Way!This workshop provides an in-depth exploration of the 9 points within the framework of Lisa Murphy’s approach to

working with children. Via interactive lecture, true-to-life examples, anecdotes and her signature “learning and laughing” style, this workshop presents what it really means to be a hands-on, play-based, child-centered program.

OOEY GOOEYSensory Play for Every Day!

In addition to being a dynamic presentation of Lisa’s signature high-energy workshop, this one-of-a-kind workshop will supply you with 6 tables of hands-on art, science and sensory play activity ideas as well as the “wolf words” that

support their use in your classroom! Participants will be invited to come up on stage and play with the experiences at the end of the demonstration.

FIZZLE BUBBLE POP AND WOW!Simple Science for Young Children!

Often our own experience has led us to think that science is hard, difficult and complicated. This workshop will reassure you that you do not need a degree in biology or chemistry to have an engaging science program in your

classroom as Lisa demonstrates 6 tables of age-appropriate science activities for young children. Participants will be invited to come up on stage and play with the experiences at the end of the demonstration.

CREATIVE ART WITH YOUNG CHILDREN!Art is not a receipt for childcare!

No more dittos! No more patterns! No more cut out art! In this workshop Lisa will defend a very strong process oriented art position. It is crucial that groups choosing this workshop are aware of her “non-compromising” stance before selecting this as a topic. After a discussion about what “process not product” really means, participants will

have time to create with various media in order to reinforce the importance of open-ended creative experiences and not “cookie-cutter” projects.

MANY KINDS OF SMART!Understanding the Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Come hear the “Lisa Murphy” spin on Howard Gardner’s classic theory. Not just a listing of various personality characteristics, needs and preferences, no no!! By providing easy to implement, yet possibly challenging, “comfort zone stretchers,” Lisa challenges teachers to make sure they are celebrating all of the children in the classroom, not just the

ones they like.

10 LITTLE HOT DOGS FRYIN’ IN THE WHAT?!?!Finger plays, rhymes and chants for transition time, circle time or any time!

She learned from the best and will now share with you! Join Lisa as she teaches you many classic fingerplays that have withstood the test of time and some that are destined to become future favorites! Sure to be a crowd pleaser, be

sure to leave your inhibitions at home and come ready to sing, play, clap and shout along!


Available Workshop Topics (continued)

OH THOSE LITTLE ONES!Simple and to the point – this is a hands-on exploration of many activities that are appropriate for the wee ones in

your infant and toddler rooms.

THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY EXPERIENCES:How playing IS Kindergarten readiness!

During this session Lisa will identify the seven things we need to do with children each day. These seven things make up the foundation that supports the house of higher learning. There is nothing wrong with the “academic” expectations within this house: reading, writing, math… the trouble is that many early childhood educators are being pressured to

build a house where there is no foundation. And you do not need to be an architect to know that if you build where there is no foundation, the house will come crashing down! Playing is “getting them ready” and this workshop, with an

investigation of each of the “seven things,” shows you how! This session has become one of Lisa Murphy’s most popular and oft requested workshops. By making time to create, move, sing, discuss, observe, read and play we are

getting children ready not just for kindergarten, but for life!

MAKING TIME FOR BOOKS AND STORIESThis is not another “things to do at circle time” workshop. Actually, this session will question why we are doing circle

time in the first place. Full disclosure: If circle time in your program means sit on your bottom, criss cross applesauce 1,2,3 eyes on me and get back on the carpet! This is NOT the session for you. Join us as Lisa shares over 25 tried

and true suggestions on how to create a meaningful gathering time, all while reinforcing the importance of authentic enthusiasm on the part of the teacher!! Lisa will read a few books, sing some songs, recite some rhymes and will

conclude by reading stories written both by and for children.

MONTESSORI, PIAGET AND VYGOTSKY! OH MY!How what they did affects what you do!

While these names understandably might bring up images of school, textbooks and tests, it is important for us to be familiar with the folks who paved the way. Why? Because quite simply, the main points within the framework

supporting the Ooey Gooey® philosophy are not new! The importance of being outdoors, adults acting as a facilitator, the power of observations and the importance of controlling the environment are not new ideas! However we cannot

pull strength and credibility from this fact if we don’t know who they are and what they did! This workshop will provide you with an overview of the key contributions of a few of the major players in the history of early childhood education thus reinforcing that being play-based, hands-on and child-centered in our approach to children is not a

new idea!

DON’T JUST SIT THERE! GET UP & GET MOVING! Large Motor Games for Indoor and Outdoor Play

The mind can only absorb what the butt can endure! Lisa will lead participants in large motor games that can be played both indoors and out. Come ready to move! NOTE to event coordinators: this workshop needs ample space for

participants to move around! Weather permitting, a courtyard, playground or other outdoor space is ideal!

NURSERY RHYMES: Not just for circle time anymore!

Back by popular demand! Lisa blew the dust off her old nursery rhyme workshop and gave it a facelift! During this workshop, participants will (re)learn many of the classic rhymes and will see how they have curriculum connections to

other areas of the classroom!

LET’S GO OUTSIDE!Outdoor Time is NOT Wasted Time

Overweight preschoolers, elimination of recess, increased numbers of children on medication… serious issues that are a direct result of our (mistaken) belief that if children are playing they are not learning. This workshop will examine

many reasons WHY children need to play outside and will also address some of the social factors which inhibit outdoor play. We’ll wrap up by viewing a picture show of children engaged in outdoor play experiences that you can

immediately implement in your own home or center based program. And best of all, they are activities that use materials you probably already have in the garage or the shed!


LISA MURPHYEarly Childhood Specialist

Currently:Founder and CEO, Ooey Gooey Inc. presenting national lectures and workshops on various topics relating to early childhood education in various domestic and international venues since 1997. Mentor Teacher, Tucson, AZ in a grant project co-sponsored by The United Way and First things FirstWebsite: www.ooeygooey.comSocial Media: Facebook/Ooey Gooey Inc.; Twitter/OoeyGooeyLady; YouTube/Ooey Gooey LadyAppeared on 9NEWS/NBC Denver with Steve Spangler as a part of his Science Mondays program

Education:1992: B.S. Human Services & Counseling, Cal State Fullerton1987-1990: DePaul University, Acting and Early Childhood Education

Televised Video Conference Trainings:2007 SUNY Video Conference Training, Albany, NY. Literacy: Books and Stories2006 SUNY Video Conference Training, Albany, NY. Sensory Play, Art Activities2003 Apples Magazine, Video Conference, Macomb, IL. Ooey Gooey®, What if today was their only day?

Teacher Training DVD’s Filmed and Produced in 2004:What if today was their only day? (motivational keynote address)Mother Goose is on the Loose (nursery rhymes)The importance of early experiences (the power of play)Ooey Gooey® (curriculum)Art Activities (curriculum)Fizzle Bubble Pop and Wow! (science)Taming the media monster (influence of screen time)Identifying and creating child centered environments (educational theory)What to say when the wolves come knockin’ (curriculum and standards)Many kinds of smart (multiple intelligences theory)

Interviewed for: Contracted articles written for:“Early Childhood Today” “Early Childhood Today”“Parents” “Scholastic”“Child Care Business Exchange” “Parents”

“Ooey Gooey® Membership Musings”

Publications:The Ooey Gooey® HandbookOoey Gooey® Tooey: 140 activities for young childrenPlay… the foundation that supports the house of higher learning Even More Fizzle Bubble Pop and WOW! Simple science for young childrenWhat to say when the wolves come knockin’ in IndianaWhat to say when the wolves come knockin’ in CaliforniaWhat to say when the wolves come knockin’ in Illinois


Page 2L. Murphy, Resume

Highlights of Various Teaching Positions:

Ooey Gooey® PlayschoolMay 2007 – December 2009Owner of and Teacher at the Ooey Gooey® Playschool in Rochester, NY. The Playschool was a licensed child care center serving children 6 weeks through 5 years old. Taught in the mixed-ages preschool room (ages 3-5) with co-teachers.

Ooey Gooey® Play Days!Spring and Summer 2007Facilitated 75 minute, hands-on play classes for 12 children ranging in ages from 18 months – 5 years on site at the Ooey Gooey® Playschool.

Ooey Gooey® Play Days! And “Let’s Get Messy” ClassesWinter Session 2003, Spring and Summer 2004In collaboration with the San Diego Parks Department, facilitated hour-long, hands-on play classes for 20 children ranging in ages from 18 months through 5 years old as an offering to the public through the San Diego Park and Recreation Department.

The Carlsbad School House, Carlsbad, CaliforniaAugust 1999 – March 2002Operated a large licensed family childcare home located in Southern California for 12 children ranging in age from 3-months to seven years. Provided a lab school and observation center for teachers throughout California who came to see a strong child-centered approach in action.

ABC Children’s Center, (now Bright Horizons) Carlsbad, CaliforniaApril 1998 – June 1999Preschool teacher in a licensed childcare center for the three-year-old classroom.

Bright Beginnings Preschool, Rancho Penasquitos, CaliforniaOctober 1997 – April 1998Lead teacher for the mixed age classroom of three, four and five year olds in a licensed childcare center.

Lisa’s Nursery School, Poway CaliforniaFebruary 1996 – June 1997Provided child-centered licensed family childcare in Poway California for six children ages three through five.

ABC Children’s Center, Rancho Bernardo, CaliforniaOctober 1993 – February 1996Served as a preschool teacher in licensed childcare center in the three and four year old room. Promoted to Lead Teacher and Mentor Teacher, acting as liaison between staff and administration and assisting new staff in curriculum development, room arrangement and lesson planning.

Professional Memberships:National AEYC, New York State AEYC and Rochester AEYC****The national, state and local affiliations of the National Association for the Education of Young Children

Certifications and Hobbies:First Aid/CPRMassage TechnicianBach Flower Practitioner

Homeopathic Practitioner Marathon RunnerAvid Reader


Lisa Murphy is the ooey gooey lady®!

Lisa Murphy, B.S., has been involved with early childhood education for

over 20 years. She has taught and worked with children in various

environments including Head Start programs, kindergarten, private

preschools, family childcare, park and rec centers, group homes and many

child care centers.

Lisa is the founder and CEO of Ooey Gooey, Inc. As the ooey gooey lady®, Lisa presents over 150

workshops each year to audiences across the country on various topics related to early childhood

education, specifically how to be more play-based in the classroom. She has been featured in various

publications including Child Care Business Exchange, Parents and Pre-K Today and has appeared on

NBC with science guy Steve Spangler as a part of his Science Mondays program on 9NEWS in Denver.

Lisa has authored four books, has two more in the pipeline and has created dozens of teacher training

DVD’s. A highly sought after keynote speaker for educational conferences, Lisa uses humor and real life

anecdotes to reach and engage her audiences. Lisa’s standing room only seminars have become

nationally known for their information, humor, inspiration and energetic delivery. Frequently asked if

she has ever been a stand up comic, Lisa practices what she preaches and continues to blend the

laughter with the learning! Lisa has become known for her ability to link hands-on activities to

educational standards and is dedicated to creating child-centered, play-based early childhood

environments. Her commitment to reinforcing the importance of play in the lives of children is obvious

in both her professional and personal life.

Lisa lives in Upstate NY with her husband Tom and their dog Otis. You can learn more about Lisa at and can follow her adventures on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Ooey Gooey®

A silly name…A serious message!

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