working behavior factors in the laboratory k3 industry english satria (ulm)

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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WORKING BEHAVIOR FACTORS IN THE LABORATORYPresented by:Satria Anugerah Suhendra (H1D112017)Chemical Engineering Development Program






Content of Paper

Conclution and Oppinion


Study of Cases

INTRODUCTION BackgroundSafety of Worker one of the main thing is to do good work other activities, both internal factors and external factors

Internal Factors Phsycology, Health, and Physic

External Factors

Social of Interaction is between another Worker or Leader

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Numb. 23 Year 1992

Health the safety and health was playing a role in a workplace health efforts, so as not to interfere with workers' health.

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Numb. 13 Year 2003 on the article 86 and 87

Every worker in the working area should get the right to a well health, immoral, and self protecting , besides that the company should be required to apply the Health and Safety Management for smooth and safety activities at work.

If positive work of environment

and healthy

Improving the productivity of the


Factors of work environment used

parameter to determine the cause as

a result of the influence of the

working environment is right or wrong

We know the way of prevention in order

to minimize errors in the laboratory


Problems• How important is the

influence of environmental factors working against K3 in the laboratory?

• What are the factors kind that affect the working environment as a result of an accident in the laboratory?

• How to prevent the effect of environmental factors if false working?

Major Goals• Adding insight into

the factors of the work environment in the laboratory industry

• Geting an imagine of case studies in the environmental factors work in the laboratory and how to prevent and treat about it.

Minor Goals• Explaining of the

importance by factors affecting in a work environment as a result of an accident in the laboratory based health and safety management.

• Knowing and describing the factors that affect the working environment as a result of an accident in the laboratory based health and safety management.

• Defining and describing how to prevent workplace factors.

LITERATURESThe Working of Environments

An Employee Performance

Defined of other




(Yunanda: 2013)

LITERATURESPhysic Factores

Noise, temperature, light, humidity,

vibration, radiation, ultraviolet rays,

electromagnetic waves, colors, and odors.



Easy Worker Intermediet




Temperatures (0C) 30 26,7 25

Calories (ccal/h) 100-200 200-350 350-500

Noises (dB) 85

Vibration 4m/s2 atau 0,40 Grav

Ultraviolet Radiation 0,1 µW/cm2

SNI 16-7063-2004 STANDARD

(Widiastuti, 2011)


LaboratoryPracticing theory taught activity has interacted

directly and indirectly to the potential danger.

(Sitepu, 2014)

Fine Working Condition

Practicing theory taught activity has interacted

directly and indirectly to the potential danger

(Ramadon, 2013)

LITERATURESFrom various epidemiological studies, in addition to diseases caused by work also studied the various factors which affect health in the workplace which then contribute to the onset of disease. Such diseases referred to as diseases related to work (Occupationalrelated Disease), where the disease in question, the working environment is not a direct cause, but acts as a contributing factor (contributing factor) against the disease. Psychological disorders, hypertension, cardiovascular, peptic ulcers and others like are examples of the type of the disease.(Putra, 2011)In anticipation of the possibility of health problems associated with such work, the approach taken in addition to protection of health (health protection) such as immunization, environmental sanitation work, harmonization of human and machine and others also pursued ways of improving their health (health promotion). Improved health is a concept that includes everything that can improve the health and working capacity of workers such as the prevention of infectious disease, nutrition, healthy psychological development, health checks before employment and others (Arianto, 2014)





Laboratory Moduls

Study Literatur



Study Literature

Presentation Pra-paper

Making the Paper

Presentation the Paper Result

Publishing Paper and Presentation Result


Jurnal Kedokteran Meditek: Penyakit Akibat Kerja Disebabkan oleh Faktor Fisik (Agus, 2011). Jurnal Economia: Pengaruh Kedisiplinan, Lingkungan Kerja dan Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kinerja

Tenaga Pengajar (Arianto, 2014). Jurnal dari Universitas Esa Unggul, Tengerang: Lingkungan Kerja Faktor Kimia dan Biologi (Arief,

2015). Jurnal Prosiding SNE Politeknik Negeri Batam: Analisa Keselamatan Kerja (K3) pada Pembelajaran

di Laboratorium Program Studi Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Batam (Hati, 2014). Jurnal dari Unversitas Padjajaran, Bandung: Keselamtan Kerja di Laboratorium (Muchtaridi, 2015). Jurnal EMBA: Kepemimpinan, Motivasi, dan Lingkungan Kerja Pengaruh Terhadap Kinerja pada

Kanwil Ditjen Kekayaan Negara Suluttenggo dan Maluku Utara di Manado (Potu, 2013). Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis: Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Non-Fisik Terhadap Kinerja

Karyawan: Studi pada PT. Telkom Area III Jawa-Bali Nusra di Surabaya (Norianggono, 2014). Jurnal Universitas Negeri Sumatera Utara: Keracunan Bahan Organik dan Gas di Lingkungan Kerja

dan Upaya Pencegahannya (Putra, 2011). Jurnal EKOSAIN: Pengaruh Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Kerja Terhadap Waktu Penyelesaian Pekerja

(Studi Laboratorium) (Setyanto, 2011). Simposium Nasional RAPI XIII: Identifikasi Tingkat Bahaya di Laboratorium Perguruan Tinggi

(Studi Kasus Laboratorium di Lingkungan Departemen Teknik Industri Universitas Sumatera Utara) (Sitepu, 2014).

Jurnal SETJEN DEPKES RI: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Laboratorium Analisis Kesehatan (Tresnianingsih, 2015).

Jurnal ITS: Evaluasi Ergonomis dalam Proses Perancangan Produk Laboratorium Ergonomis dan Perancangan Kerja (Wignjosoebroto, 2013).

Jurnal dari Universitas Brawijaya: Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi pada Perum Jasa Tirta I Malang Bagian Laboratorium Kualitas Air) (Yunanda, 2013).

Jurnal Media Wahana Ekonomika: Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Non-Fisisk Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Tata Cabang Palembang (Hendri, 2015).

Jurnal ITS: Perancangan Lingkungan Kerja dan Alat Bantu yang Ergonomis untuk Mengurangi Masalah Black Injury dan Tingkat Kecelakaan pada Departemen Mesin Bubut (Wignjosoebroto, 2013).


Simbol KeteranganA Faktor fisik dari lingkungan kerja

B Kedisipilinan dan budaya kerja

C Faktor kimia dan biologi lingkungan kerja

D Analisis K3 di laboratorium

E K3 di laboratorium

F Leadership di lingkungan kerja

G Pengaruh kondisi fisik dan non-fisik di lingkungan kerja

H Bahaya racun di laboratorium

I Pengaruh fisik di lingkungan kerja di laboratorium

J Identifikasi bahaya di laboratorium

K K3 laboratorium

L Lingkungan kerja ergonomis

M Pengaruh fisik dan non-fisik lingkungan kerja di lab.

N Pengaruh fisik dan non-fisik lingkungan kerja

O Pengaruh ergonomi lingkungan kerja

MIGD Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Kerja Di Laboratorium

I Pentingnya Faktor-Faktor Kerja di Laboratorium

II Faktor-Faktor Lingkungan Kerja yang Berpengaruh di Laboratorium

III Pencegahan Terhadap Faktor-Faktor Kecelakann Kerja di Laboratorium

IV Contoh Kasus Identifikasi Bahaya Bahan Kimia di Laboratorium

In the work environment, the factors is one very important part to determine the cause of the event which may interfere with the job. Factors may be indicated or explored earlier in order to avoid the occurrence of fatal accidents in the workplace

Relationship between environmental factors work with Health and Safety Management is to determine the factors that will be encountered in the workplace, we have been able applying Health and Safety Management. So it can be said that the factors working environment is part of Health and Safety Management.

CONTENT OF PAPERBecause the laboratory is a place to make an observation or research that required special handling in support of the work environment conditions. Thus, it is necessary the Health and Safety Management in supporting it.

Enviromental Work Factors

Health and Safety



Enviromental Work Factors GenerallyPhysic

The physical environment office will be in direct contact with our body, through the medium of the five senses and then flows into the heart so that the physical

environment of the office that will either lead to a feeling of comfort.

Physical factors work environment is a component that exist in the work environment such as noise, lighting, temperature, vibration, and radiation that can affect the work (Agus, 2011).

Enviromental Work Factors Generally


Enviromental Work Factors in The Laboratory

Chemical Factors

Compound Material

Flammable and Burning






PreventingUsing a gas mask for compounds Ammonia, Chlorine, etc. which is provided at the factory (Nigam, 2011).

Following training that provides the safety rules / procedure given (Nigam, 2011) in the laboratory.

Using special protective equipment to use chemicals that are very sensitive such as gas, flammable chemicals, chemicals that are toxic, and chemicals containing high radiation (Nigam, 2011).

"Material safety data sheet" (MSDS) on all chemicals are there to be known by all laboratory workers (Tresnianingsih, 2015).

Avoid the use of contact lenses, because it can be attached between the eye and the lens (Tresnianingsih, 2015).

Forbidden to wear sandals or open shoes or high heels (Muchtaridi, 2015).

Make sure the water tap and gas is always in a closed state before and after the lab finishes (Muchtaridi, 2015).

Enviromental Work Factors in The Laboratory

Biological Factors




PreventingAll workers should receive basic training on

hygiene,epidemiology and disinfection.

Before the work carried out health checks to ensure healthy, have enough natural immunity to work with

infectious materials, and immunization.

Conduct laboratory work with the right practice (Good Laboratory Practice).

Sterilization and disinfection of premises, equipment, residual infectious materials and

specimens properly.

Enviromental Work Factors in The Laboratory

Ergonomic Factors

A mismatch between the

workers and the working

environment as a whole, including

working equipment

The man fits to the design and

the design fits to the man

Fatigue is also one of the causes of

ergonomic factors if the occurrence

of excessive activity of the limits of our


Preventing•Knowing your physical ability to what is done, such as the use of machine should be in accordance with standard usage (Christofora, 2014).•Exercise and adequate rest and regular, and use the time for relaxation in between jobs.•The calorie content of the body must be maintained by eating a healthy diet, so that the body's energy needs can be fulfilled (Christofora, 2014).•Get to know the specifications and increase knowledge about the process tool to be used (Christofora, 2014).•Motivation and management of work needs to be improved (Potu, 2013).•Each company should always keep the environment clean because besides affecting physical health, it also affects a person's mental health (Almustofa, 2014).•Set the level of light intensity, noise tools, safety in the work space, such as the events leading to the bench and / or mat pads for•If there is a laboratory instrument that does not match the specification immediately report it to your supervisor or perusahhan who hold a party in the area of proficiency level.•Reducing the concentration of workers, their accuracy and attention to safe work practices.

Enviromental Work Factors in The Laboratory

•Work on certain units were very monotonous•Emergency health services are often involves life and death of a person.•less harmonious working relationship between leaders and subordinates or fellow coworkers•The mental burden of being a role model for partners in the formal or informal sectors.



Create harmonious

relations and better with

fellow employees and

managers in order

produktivis increased

employment and working

conditions to be healthy

(Almustofa, 2014).

Maintaining relationship

s or communica

tion member of

a good working outside working hours.

Maintain attitude

(attitude) is good in the

work environment in order to trust, responsibility, respect, and

good response in the working environment

(Dahlawy, 2008).

If there is a social

problem in the working

environment, immediate

consultation with the

supervisor and the

company handling the


Discipline in work is

necessary so that the alignment

and systems in becoming

better working



•Factors working environment that affects the physical and non-physical, necessitating immediate analysis to determine how much employee complaints if experiencing factors are negligeted due to violation of this nature.

SUMMARY Management of Health and Safety is one that govern the management of the

world of work. If there is negligence preformance work activities, it will cause accidents that could interfere with the physical and non-physical employees.

However, special factors of the work environment is divided into chemical factors that are influenced by the composition of materials, material MSDS, and the nature of the chemicals. From this course, we can identify any omissions which affect the physical and non-physical when using these chemicals. Biological factors are influenced by the nature of the material, the physical condition of employees, especially in the case of allergies. Ergonomic factors associated with the convenience of employees in the work, peoses, and the physical condition of the employee, as well as working conditions. Whereas psychosocial factors affect the social, conditions, psychology, and ineteraksi in a work environment.

Factors working environment is also very influential in shaping the character of the employee. By creating a good character, then the condition would run harmonious working environment, harmonious, and positive

STUDY CASESAs a prospective

engineer, especially in

Chemical Engineering,

why environmental factors work in

the laboratory is important to


•Chemical Engineering is one of the very important industry knowledge to be learned. Because the science of chemical engineering plays a role in the process, quality cotrol, waste utilization, and cost factory. Because it also relates to the quality control of the laboratory so that learning is also very important. Where, as a prospective engineer we need to know what materials are to be used in the process in the industry. In addition, the material specification is also important because it is useful for handling such material that goes a smooth process by taking into account factors kalalaian any case the use of raw materials and what are the consequences. From where environmental factors work in the laboratory is important to learn.

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