words for production 1.intelligent [ in`tel1dz1nt ] adj. having or showing powers of reasoning or...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

1. intelligent [] adj.having or showing powers of reasoning or understanding 聰明的,理解力強的Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.


人類human beingsmanmankindhumankind

intelligence [] n. [U] 聰穎,理解力;智力

Some apes have the intelligence to

use a stick as a tool.

Words for Production

2. career [] n. [C] a job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to do for a long time 事業Tom started his career as a teacher in his early twenties. Now, he has turned 50 and still loves his work.

in one’s earlylate

teens twentiesthirties fourtiesfifties sixtiesseventies eightiesnineties

Words for Production

3. humankind [] n. [U] mankind; the human race, both men and women 人類For the good of all humankind, war must be avoided by all possible means.

Words for Production

4. patient [] n. [C] a person receiving medical treatment from a doctor 病人The doctor made the daily rounds of his patients.

* receive medical treatment 接受醫療* make one’s rounds 例行廵視或檢查

Words for Production

5. religion [] n. [C][U] the belief in a god or gods, especially the belief that god or gods made the world and can control it 宗教 ( 信仰 )“What religion do you practice?” “Buddhism.”


religious [] adj. 宗教的

Many religious groups devote themselves to helping those who are in need.

Words for Production

6. lead [] vt.to bring or show the way to (a person or an animal) by going in front 帶領,率領She led an old man by the hand down the stairs.


leader [] n. [C] 領導者

John is a born leader; people around him trust him and do whatever he says.

a born leader 天生的領袖

Words for Production

7. wound [] vt. to injure the body of a living thing with a weapon 使受傷,傷害The soldier was wounded in the arm. Luckily, the wound was not deep.


wound [] n. [C] 傷 ( 口 )

The soldier was wounded in the arm. Luckily, the wound was not deep.

Words for Production

8. conditions [] n. [pl.]the situation in which people live or work, especially physical things such as food or pay which affect their comfort, safety, or health 環境,情況 The workers couldn’t stand working in the awful conditions any longer and they all quit.

condition [] n. [C] [U] 狀況,狀態

The doctor said John’s condition was improving. There is nothing to worry about.

Words for Production

9. besides [] adv.in addition; also 而且,還有I don’t want to go; besides, I have a lot of work to do.


besides = in addition

besides [] prep. 除了…之外 ( 尚有 )

Besides cooking, she has to do a lot of washing every day.

* besides cooking = in addition to cooking

* do + the表量的形容詞+ Ving 做…的事

My mother does the shopping on Sundays.I did a little camping when I was a high school student.

Words for Production

10.demand [] vt. to ask for (something) strongly 要求The policeman demanded that I show my ID card.

ID card = identification card = identity card 身份證

Words for Production

11.officer [] n. [C] a person who gives orders to others in the armed forces; a person who holds a position of some importance, especially in government or a business 軍官; ( 政府 ) 官員; ( 企業 ) 高級職員Her father served during the Crimean War as an officer in the army.

officer 軍官 ; 警官official 公務員

Words for Production

12.principle [] n. [C]a rule or set of ideas that guides behavior; general truth or belief that is used as a base for action or reasoning 準則,規範;原則,原理

He never lies to his parents. It’s against his principles.

One of the principles of this book is that explanations should be simple and clear.

Words for Production

13.basis [] n. [C] that from which something is made, started, built, or developed 基礎;根據His ideas have no basis in reality. They are not practical at all.


basic [] adj. 基礎的,基本的

The basic requirement for this job

is good spoken English.

Words for Production

14.profession [] n. [C] a type of job that requires advanced education or training 職業What made you choose nursing as a profession?


professional [] adj.; n. [C] 專業的;專業人員

Teachers, doctors and lawyers are professional people/professionals.

Words for Production

15.medical [] adj.of or concerning medicine and treating the sick 醫療的,醫學的If you want to know what’s wrong with your health, you have to have a medical examination.

Words for Production

16.supply [] n. [C] something that is needed or useful, usually provided by others 補給品After the earthquake, food and medical supplies were immediately sent to the people in need.


supply [] vt. 供給,供應

The generous rich man supplies plenty of free books to schools.

Words for Production

17.fame [] n. [U]the state of being well-known or talked about 聲譽,名望The writer won overnight fame with her new book.

well-known = famous

Words for Production

18.reform [] vt.to improve; to make or become better 改革,改善Many people objected to the policy on reforming the country’s medical care.

object to N 反對

Words for Production

19.analyze [] vt.to examine (something) carefully in order to find out about (it) 分析,解析The book teaches you how to analyze your inner feelings.


analysis [] n. [C][U] 分析,解析

The police made a close analysis of the possible cause of the accident.

analysis (sigular)analyses (plural)

Words for Production

20.persuade [] vt.to cause (somebody) to do something by reasoning or arguing 說服The father tried to persuade his son to change his mind.


The father tried to persuade his son to change his mind.= The father tried to persuade his son into changing his mind.

persuasion [] n. [U] 說服

After much persuasion, she agreed

to join us.

persuasive [] adj. 有說服力的

The entire audience was moved by his persuasive speech.

Words for Production

21.recover [] vi.to return to the proper state of health, strength, ability, etc. 復原,康復It took him three weeks to recover from the cold.


It took him three weeks to recover from the cold.= It took him three weeks to get over the cold.

recovery [] n. [U] (sing. only) 復原

The young man made a quick recovery from his illness, and was soon back at work.

Words for Production

22.limit [] vt.to keep below or at a certain amount or degree 限制,限定We have been told to limit expenses to 1,000 NT dollars.


limit [] n. [C] 限度,極限

The speed limit on this road is 40 miles per hour.

limitation [] n. [U][C] 限制; ( 能力等的 ) 限度

I can’t walk that far. I know my limitations.speed limit 速限

Words for Production

23.argument [] n. [C]a reason given to support or disprove something 論點,理由There are many arguments against smoking. For example, it may lead to lung cancer.

lead to = result in = bring about 導致詞類變化

argue [] vi.; vt. 爭論;辯論

It could be argued that sending people to the moon is a waste of money.

Words for Recognition

1. Florence Nightingale [] n. an English nurse who became a national heroine during the Crimean War when she set up a hospital for soldiers at Scutari 南丁格爾 (1820-1910)

* hero 英雄 heroine 女英雄* set up = establish

Words for Recognition

2. rosy [] adj. (especially of the future) promising; hopeful 有希望的

Words for Recognition

3. Germany [] n. a country in central Europe 德國German adj. 德國的 n. 德國人

Words for Recognition

4. orphanage [] n. [C] a place where children, lacking one or usually both parents, live 孤兒院

Words for Recognition

5. nursing home [] n. [C] a usually private establishment where old or sick people are cared for by nurses 療養院; ( 主英 ) 可住院的小醫院

care for = take care of = look after

Words for Recognition

6. Turkey [] n. a country in western Asia and southeast Europe, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea 土耳其

turkey 火雞

Words for Recognition

7. Crimean War [] n. a war in which Russia fought against Turkey, Britain, France, and Sardinia, begun because of an argument over the holy places in Palestine and ending with the fall of Russia’s base at Sebastopol 克里米亞戰爭 (1853-1856)

Words for Recognition

8. flea [] n. [C] a small jumping insect without wings, that bites human or animal flesh to live on blood 跳蚤

Words for Recognition

9. sewer [] n. [C] a man-made passage or large pipe under the ground for carrying away water and waste material 陰溝,下水道

man-made = artificial

Words for Recognition

10.meek [] adj. gentle in nature; yielding to others’ actions and opinions 溫順的

meek : gentle

Words for Recognition

11.lamp [] n. [C] an apparatus for giving light, as from oil, gas, or electricity ( 油/煤氣/電 ) 燈

Words for Recognition

12.Nightingale School [] n. a nursing school at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London 南丁格爾護校

Idioms and Phrases

1. in timeeventually 最後,終於Stop smoking, or you’ll be sorry in time.

Idioms and Phrases

2. in placeworking or able to be used ( 法律/政策等 ) 可施行的I hope my plan to improve working conditions will be in place.

Idioms and Phrases

3. speak outto say boldly, freely, and plainly 無保留地說出As student body leader, she always speaks out for student rights.

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