wordpress overloading gravityforms using hooks, filters and extending classes

Post on 17-May-2015






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These are the slides for my talk at WordCamp in Ottawa 2014 http://2014.ottawa.wordcamp.org/


Extending Gravity FormsA CODE DEEP DIVE

Paul Bearne @pbearneSr. Web Developer @ metronews.caPlugin author of Author Avatars List ( http://wordpress.org/plugins/author-avatars/ )WP Site Verification tool ( http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-site-verification-tool/ )

Agenda Gravity forms demo

Options overload demo

Options overload code

Metro AR demo

AR from code

Class overload demo

Class overload code


add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', array( $this, ‘overload_gform_select_with_basecamp_user_list’), 10 );

public function overload_gform_select_with_basecamp_user_list( $form ){ $new_user_choices = null; // check we have a basecamp class $this->create_basecamp(); // lets get all basecamp users for this project $message = $this->basecamp->getPeople(); // whole account if( null == $message ){ return $form; } // loop basecamp users foreach( $message as $basecamp_user ){ $isSelected = ($this->current_user->user_email == $basecamp_user->email_address)?true:false; $new_user_choices[] = array( "text"=>esc_html( $basecamp_user->name ), "value"=>absint( $basecamp_user->id ), "isSelected"=>( bool )$isSelected, "price"=>"" ); } // loop all field and look for users foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ){ if( in_array( $field['inputName'], $this->basecamp_user_fields ) ){ $field['choices'] = $new_user_choices; } }return $form;}

add_filter( 'gform_pre_render', 'overload_gform_select_with_user_list', 10 );

function overload_gform_select_with_user_list( $form ){ $new_user_choices = null; // create an array of new option values $new_user_choices[] = array( 'text‘=>'admin', 'value'=>1, 'isSelected'=>false, 'price'=>'' ); $new_user_choices[] = array( 'text'=>'Paul Bearne', 'value'=>2, 'isSelected'=>true, 'price'=>'' ); $new_user_choices[] = array( 'text'=>'Username', 'value'=>3, 'isSelected'=>false, 'price'=>'' );

// loop all fields and look for Parameter Name foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field ){ if( in_array( $field['inputName'], 'Parameter_Name') ){ $field['choices'] = $new_user_choices; } } return $form;}


<?phprequire_once 'external-web-services/PostNewTarget.php';class mec_send_to_external_api{ private $form_id;// id of the gravity form being used function __construct() { // store the form id in options $options = get_option('basecamp_form_options'); $this->form_id = ( isset( $options['ar'] ) )?$options['ar']:1; add_action('gform_after_submission_'.$this->form_id, array( $this, mec_send_to_external_api' ), 10, 2 );); } public function mec_send_to_external_api( $entry, $form ){ // map the gravity form fields to nice names $target_name = $entry[8]; $target_short_title = $entry[14]; $target_french_short_title = $entry[15]; $target_long_title = $entry[16]; $target_french_long_title = $entry[17]; $target_image_url = $entry[2]; $target_opacity = ( float )$entry[9]; $target_overlay_type = $entry[10]; $overlay_web_url = $entry[1]; $overlay_web_internal_links = explode( ',', '' ); $overlay_web_external_links = explode( ',', '' ); $overlay_web_interactive = true; $overlay_video_url = ( 0 < strlen( $entry[12] ) )?$entry[12]:$entry[3]; $overlay_image_url = $entry[7]; $overlay_gallery = json_decode( $entry[5] ); $overlay_gallery_caption = ''; $overlay_opacity = ( float )$entry[11];

// which overtype are we loading switch ( $target_overlay_type ) { case 'gallery': $src_urls = null; if( empty( $overlay_gallery ) ){ wp_die( "No Images in upload for gallery", 'Upload failed' ); } $overlay_gallery = array_reverse($overlay_gallery,true); foreach ($overlay_gallery as $key => $image_url) { $images = null; $resizes = make_image_resizes( parse_url( $image_url, PHP_URL_PATH ) ); $folder_URL = implode( '/',( explode( '/', $image_url, -1 ) ) ); if(false == $resizes){ wp_die( "image resize failed", 'Upload failed' ); } foreach ($resizes as $row) { $images[ $row['width'] ] = $folder_URL.'/'.$row['file'] ; } $images["src"] = $image_url ; $images["caption"] = $overlay_gallery_caption ; $src_urls[] = $images; } $type = array("images" => $src_urls ); break; case 'video': $type["src"] = $overlay_video_url ; break;

case 'image': $resizes = make_image_resizes( parse_url( $overlay_image_url, PHP_URL_PATH ) ); $folder_URL = implode( '/',( explode( '/', $overlay_image_url, -1 ) ) ); foreach ($resizes as $row) { $type[ $row['width'] ] = $folder_URL.$row['file'] ; } $type["src"] = $overlay_image_url ; break; case 'web': $type["src"] = $overlay_web_url ; $type["force_internal"] = $overlay_web_internal_links; $type["force_external"] = $overlay_web_external_links; $type["interactive_while_tracking"] = $overlay_web_interactive; break; default: $type = array(); // just in case break; } $metadata = array( $target_overlay_type => $type ); $metadata['tracking_opacity'] = $target_opacity; $metadata['centered_opacity'] = $overlay_opacity; $metadata['title'] = $target_short_title; $metadata['title_fr'] = $target_french_short_title; $metadata['title_long'] = $target_long_title; $metadata['title_long_fr'] = $target_french_long_title;

$response_text = ""; $date = new DateTime( "now", new DateTimeZone( "GMT" ) ); $external = new PostNewTarget(); $external->targetName = $target_name.$date->format( " Y-m-d-H:i:s" ); $external->imageLocation = $target_image_url; $external->application_metadata = json_encode( $metadata ); $response = $external->push(); $response_text = $response->getBody(); }}$mec_send_to_external_api = new mec_send_to_external_api();

<?php // note the 2 at the end it tell the add action to pass 2 values to the function add_action('gform_after_submission_1', 'send_to_external_api', 10, 2 ); } function send_to_external_api( $entry, $form ){

// 2 option radio button note the 18.1 $do_publish = ( isset( $entry['18.1'] ) && true == $entry['18.1'] )? false : true; // esc text $metadata['target_name'] = esc_html( $entry[8] ); // alsway cast numbers $metadata['overlay_opacity'] = ( float )$entry[11]; // how to test for a value and switch $metadata['video_url'] = ( 0 < strlen( $entry[12] ) )?$entry[12]:$entry[3]; // URL end up commara seperated $metadata['_web_links'] = explode( ',', '' ); //file upload is a json srting so needs to decoding $metadata['gallery'] = json_decode( $entry[5] ); // if you need to switch on a value been there just look for it in array // works for selects / radio button and check boxs as you set the return values $metadata['value_set'] = ( in_array( 'look_for_me', $entry, true ) )?true:false; // encode value so we can send them $args['body'] = json_encode( $metadata ); $url = 'http://somerandomserver.com/api'; //http://codex.wordpress.org/HTTP_API //http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_remote_post wp_remote_post( $url, $args ); }

<?php// 175 id of form// 1 the id of form element // send 4 values to functionadd_filter("gform_field_validation_175_1", "custom_validation", 10, 4);

function custom_validation($result, $value, $form, $field){ // check have been passed is_valid as an array object // perform a test if(array_key_exists( "is_valid", $result ) && intval($value) > 10){ // make it invalid $result["is_valid"] = false; // and nice message $result["message"] = "Please enter a value less than 10"; } // return the update array return $result;}



<?php/*Plugin Name: Gravity Forms Simple Add-OnPlugin URI: http://www.gravityforms.comDescription: A simple add-on to demonstrate the use of the Add-On FrameworkVersion: 1.1Author: RocketgeniusAuthor URI: http://www.rocketgenius.com

------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright 2012-2013 Rocketgenius Inc.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program; if not, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA*/

if (class_exists("GFForms")) { GFForms::include_addon_framework();

class GFSimpleAddOn extends GFAddOn {

protected $_version = "1.1"; protected $_min_gravityforms_version = "1.7.9999"; protected $_slug = "simpleaddon"; protected $_path = "asimpleaddon/asimpleaddon.php"; protected $_full_path = __FILE__; protected $_title = "Gravity Forms Simple Add-On"; protected $_short_title = "Simple Add-On";

public function init(){ parent::init(); add_filter("gform_submit_button", array($this, "form_submit_button"), 10, 2); }

// Add the text in the plugin settings to the bottom of the form if enabled for this form function form_submit_button($button, $form){ $settings = $this->get_form_settings($form); if(isset($settings["enabled"]) && true == $settings["enabled"]){ $text = $this->get_plugin_setting("mytextbox"); $button = "<div>{$text}</div>" . $button; } return $button; }

public function plugin_page() { ?> This page appears in the Forms menu <?php }

public function form_settings_fields($form) { return array( array( "title" => "Simple Form Settings", "fields" => array( array( "label" => "My checkbox", "type" => "checkbox", "name" => "enabled", "tooltip" => "This is the tooltip", "choices" => array( array( "label" => "Enabled", "name" => "enabled" ) ) ),……….

public function settings_my_custom_field_type(){ ?> <div> My custom field contains a few settings: </div> <?php $this->settings_text( array( "label" => "A textbox sub-field", "name" => "subtext", "default_value" => "change me" ) ); $this->settings_checkbox( array( "label" => "A checkbox sub-field", "choices" => array( array( "label" => "Activate", "name" => "subcheck", "default_value" => true )

) ) ); }

public function plugin_settings_fields() { return array( array( "title" => "Simple Add-On Settings", "fields" => array( array( "name" => "mytextbox", "tooltip" => "This is the tooltip", "label" => "This is the label", "type" => "text", "class" => "small" ) ) ) ); }

public function scripts() { $scripts = array( array("handle" => "my_script_js", "src" => $this->get_base_url() . "/js/my_script.js", "version" => $this->_version, "deps" => array("jquery"), "strings" => array( 'first' => __("First Choice", "simpleaddon"), 'second' => __("Second Choice", "simpleaddon"), 'third' => __("Third Choice", "simpleaddon") ), "enqueue" => array( array( "admin_page" => array("form_settings"), "tab" => "simpleaddon" ) ) ),


return array_merge(parent::scripts(), $scripts); }

public function styles() {

$styles = array( array("handle" => "my_styles_css", "src" => $this->get_base_url() . "/css/my_styles.css", "version" => $this->_version, "enqueue" => array( array("field_types" => array("poll")) ) ) );

return array_merge(parent::styles(), $styles); }


new GFSimpleAddOn();}


The Add-On framework is geared towards developers building Gravity Forms Add-Ons. It has a set of classes that can be extended and make the task of creating an Add-On much simpler than before. The following documentation page should give you a good overview and it also links to a couple of sample Add-Ons that you can download from Git Hub to see things in action.http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Add-On_Framework

The Web API allows remote programatic access to Gravity Form. It can be used for example, to implement a mobile app, or anytime you need to perform operations on your Gravity Forms site from a remote site. The following documentation page should give you a good overview:http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Web_API

gform_pre_render –http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_pre_render

gform_field_validation - Allows custom validation to be done on a specific field.http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_field_validation

gform_after_submission - Allows tasks to be performed after a successful submission.http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_after_submission

Slides@ http://www.slideshare.net/pbearneEmail: pbearne@gmail.com

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