woodfield secondary school in surrey - post 16 newsletter · 2016-10-25 · march 2016 woodfield...

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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Post 16 Newsletter March 2016

Woodfield Whirlers hit the stage !! On the 8th March the Post 16 dance group took part in a dance festival at The Har-lequin Theatre in Redhill, alongside a great many of the local schools. It was a fan-

tastic evening and despite pre show nerves (we even had a few tears) the group made us so tremendously proud and put on an outstanding performance. Our thanks to all the students and to Josie for all their hard work. It certainly paid off.

Watch this space, I have no doubt we will make a return at next year’s show.

I felt a bit embarrassed when I went on the stage but then I felt more confident. I was thrilled to do it. Leah I found it a bit scary but then I was excited when I did the per-formance. Jessica I was nervous and I was excit-ed. At first I was alright but going out on the stage was really scary but I was really happy with what I did. Holly At first I felt shy going out on the stage but then I felt more confident. I heard Diane shout out “Come on Woodfield”. That made me laugh. Luke Doing the dancing was incredi-ble. I felt epic. Kaela

I felt excellent doing the dance. It was really cool. I felt really great when I heard all the clapping and cheering. Sam I felt amazing doing the dancing because my mum and dad were in the audience. Ashleigh I wasn’t really nervous because I have done lots of show cases be-fore with my drama group, so I knew what it felt like. I was just wowed by how big the stage was. I couldn’t spot my mum and dad in the audience. Oliver

I felt really nervous at first but then I was more confident when I saw the stage. I felt that I

was amazing and I would love to do it next year at The Harlequin. I could-n’t really see the audience because the lights were on us, so I didn’t real-ise just how many people were there until they clapped. Elisha



Gardening group have been very busy emptying out one of the raised beds as unfortunately it was rotten. They shifted a huge amount of soil. We now have to be patient while a new one is

made and then the soil will need to go back in!. In the meantime, the group have also been planting out peas, spinach, raspberries and radishes.

Normally the students all make several contributions to the newsletter but they have been very busy producing a ‘magazine’ to take home for Easter. It includes articles they have written, puz-

zles they have made and comic strips by our resident artists Sam and Toby. It has supported their literacy targets with writing and the contents have been of their own choice.

Environmental Awareness Year 12 The group currently doing this accredited unit tried their hand at making paper. They have been talking about recycling and this was a very practi-

cal way to put it into practice.

Art Group chose to have a go with making wooden models and painting them. They had to be very patient and tenacious as the instructions were not as helpful as they might have been.

However, as you can see, successful outcomes.

Dance Group lots of rehearsing and working out . Some students also went shopping to Croydon to

buy shoes , scarves and masks as part of their cos-tume in preparation for the show.



We have done a lot of work around E Safety and continue to regularly remind students about the need to be safe and what to do to be safe. We have made a big display in the social room to

also act as a reminder. Continuing vigilance at home is always advisable.

Year 13/1 Every Monday morning, students have participated in phone skills. We have a phone in the Speech and Language room that they use to ring my office. We have carried out role

plays in ordering food, making appointments, booking a table etc and students have had to try and learn all personal details in order to give them clearly over the phone. Those students who find this particularly difficult have been encouraged to take responsibility for readying them-

selves by writing down what they can’t remember so can still carry out the task with independ-ence. They have all made significant progress and it would be great if they could have the op-portunities to make calls for themselves when at home, if they do not already do so.

Diane Calder


Two of our students have been carrying out work experience this term which was organised and supported by their parents. The centre organised work experience will resume shortly after

Easter as we will be welcoming back Sue Childs, our teaching assistant who organises and leads this activity.

Working in a playgroup. Every Wednesday morning I go to a play group. I help with the playing and the dressing up and when it is time to go I help with the tidying up. Ashleigh

Cake and bakery shop

I go to work at 9am on a Wednesday morning. I sweep the floors and keep everything tidy for my boss. Later in the day I help make cakes and icing sculptures. When it igets to 11am I nor-mally have a coffee break. After a few minutes I start working again. When the time gets to

12pm my mother picks me up and I go back to the centre. I enjoy working at the bakery and I hope I can continue to work there and maybe one day get a job as the bosses apprentice.


We welcome parental support, as getting work experience can prove challenging. As you are aware, we try to organise regular ongoing opportunities and not just blocks of time. If you know of any potential supportive organisations, particularly in or around Reigate (we have staff and

minibus accessing this area every Wednesday) then please do let us know and we will follow up.

Dear Families

As you will have seen, this has been yet another action packed term. The successes enjoyed have played a very important part in the growing maturity, confidence and personal growth that

we continue to witness. The students have responded positively to all their new experiences and the learning opportuni-ties offered.

All the accredited units undertaken by those students leaving in July have been completed and

moderated ready for external moderation. We have our activity/residential week in June. Slightly different from previous years but once

again offering activities we have not undertaken before. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy a restful break.

Have a good Easter.

Diane Calder





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