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Woman’s Club of arroyo Grande bulleTIn fun, friends and Community Service

October 2016

October Salad Potluck—Friday, October 14 @ noon

We hope to see a huge turnout for our October salad lunch which always features our member’s delicious salads. As it is that time of year, costumes are welcome, but optional. We will be celebrating several “other” October themes and think you will enjoy the variety of table decorations by our ever-so-creative committee members. We will be entertained by the

Kit Roberts Trio as well, There is no cost for this luncheon; just bring a salad dish and enjoy the entertainment. Please RSVP to Ellen Bavaro to get an accurate seat count but if you forget to RSVP, show up anyway! WE WANT YOU!

A Message from the President, Bobbi Cherry

Hello Ladies! Thank you for such great attendance at our first meeting of the year! Our Board did such a great job at giving us a “beach party”! And, I haven’t heard yet of anyone getting a sunburn! A big thank you goes to Mary Carson for a job well done on our directory. Make sure you check it out to make sure your information is correct. It is nice to have our birthdays in it for the first time and I’ve counted 13 birthdays in October. We will have a salad luncheon on the 14th. Our Board meeting will be on the 4th. Come and see how things go. We start at 10:00. Cindy Moreno is looking for someone

to help her with the Bulletin. Are you interested? Our days will start to get shorter now, our leaves have started to fall, the holidays are coming. Stay well, Bobbi Cherry

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! Janine Leingang 579 Camino Mercado, # 41 6,

481-9335 A.G. 93420

Pat Hermenegildo, P.O. Box 1519, Nipomo, 93444,

878-7982, allowme2shop4u@gmail.com

Tacy Lee, 1 61 0 Via Alta Mesa, Nipomo, 93444,

(949) 283-479, tacylee@aol.com

Helen Biery, P. O. Box 1 564, A. G. 93421 , 481 -

7799, helenbiery@icloud.com

YES! I will be attending the salad

luncheon on October 14th.


RSVP to Ellen Bavaro at 473-2834

or fabbav@sbcglobal.net so we can

get an accurate seating count!


I've learned .... Quotes from Andy Rooney

That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my

day!' makes my day.

That being kind is more important than being right.

That it's those small daily happenings that make life so


(courtesty of Laura Vopatek)

September Dessert Faire

Our September meeting started off with a bang! We welcomed 4 new members who will be officially introduced to the club next month. Joanna shared her inspirational message that “for some people, their favorite season is the one we are in.” We were given information on the state of our water issues by city staff Geoff and Shane. Debbie Audet ‘s ice-breaker game was won by new member, Pat Hermenegildo. Pat Schiller and Joanna Van Blaricom got to split the Opportunity Drawing, walking away richer than when they came. Elisabeth Koch-Murray gave us an update on the kitchen project and Alison shared our upcoming fundraisers which promise to be even better than last year! Everyone went

home full of sweets and plans for the coming year.


Catered Luncheons $14 Nov 11, Jan 13, Feb 10,

(12 noon) Mar 10, May 12

Salad Potluck (noon) $0 Oct 14

Teas (noon) $14 Dec 9, Apr 14

Joint Board/Officer TBA June


Harvest Festival Parade Sept 24, 10 am

Artisan’s Faire Nov 19, 10 am

Spirit Night Dec 7, 4pm to close

Concert Jan 29, 2 pm

Bingo Mar 11, 1 pm

High School Talent Showcase April 22, 1 pm

Board Meetings are the 1st Monday of each month at 10am.

Everyone is welcome to attend!



Dear Woman’s Club of Arroyo Grande,

I am writing to thank you for your generous

$1000 scholarship. I was very happy and ap-

preciative to learn that I was selected.

I will be a Business major with an emphasis in

Management. I plan to pursue a career in

promoting numerically effective and

personally ethical business practices upon

graduating from Azuza Pacific University. I

will continue to keep you updated at the end of

each school year with my progress. The finan-

cial assistance you provided will be of great

help to me in paying my educational expenses, and it will allow me to concentrate more of my

time for studying. Thanks to you, I am one

step closer to that goal.

By awarding me the Woman’s Club of Arroyo

Grande scholarship, you have lightened my fi-

nancial burden which allows me to focus more

on the most important aspect of school—

learning. Your generosity has inspired me to

help others and give back to the community. I

hope one day I will be able to help students

achieve their goals just as you have helped me.

Sincerely, Lexie Neumann

Dear Mrs. Koch-Murray,

Please find enclosed my class registration for

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Once again, I thank

you and the scholarship committee for helping

me achieve my academic goals.

Sincerely, Victoria Garcia

Dear Ms. Koch-Murray and Alison Stuart,

I am very honored to receive the scholarship

from the Woman’s Club of Arroyo Grande.

Thank you for awarding the scholarship and

having me and the other recipients honored at

the luncheon. I will attend Cuesta College and

participate in their music program. The money

I receive from this scholarship will go towards

purchasing an instrument of my own. Your

financial generosity has allowed me to be one

step closer to my goal of obtaining a Bachelor’s

Degree and becoming a professional musician.

Sincerely, Collin Odom

Dear Scholarship Coordinator:

I am honored to be a recipient of your scholarship and hope to represent the Woman’s Club of Arroyo Grande in my academic future. It is hard to express the level of gratitude I feel and I am truly thankful. My last few years have not been particularly easy and financial stability has always been a burden. In preparation for college, I have had a job since I was 15 and done everything I can to save for my educa-tion. However, my earnings can only take me so far and this scholarship is such a blessing to me and my family.

After putting endless hours of hard work throughout my 4 years at AGHS, it is incredible to see my efforts rewarded. This scholarship will not only allow me to pursue my future at Loyola Marymount University in the Fall, 2016, but also to strive for success. It will give me the opportunity to focus on my future with-out the stress of finances and truly enjoy the experi-ence. I hope to be involved in campus activities, the local community, and find internships that will teach me about the business world.

Long-term, I hope that I will find success in starting my own business and be able to share my success with young women who have had similar struggles. My life has taught me the value of money and I am so grateful for this chance to succeed and am very excited to begin this new chapter of my life as I begin my educational venture at LMU.

I want to thank you for helping further my education by making this scholarship possible. I look forward to keeping you updated on my life at LMU next year!

Sincerely, Maile Minardi


Dear Woman’s Club of Arroyo Grande,

I am more than honored to be the

recipient of your scholarship. I can assure you

that your donation will be wisely spent. Upon

graduation, I will be attending Fresno State

and will major in criminology and double mi-

nor in psychology and business. I plan to work

for the FBI on missing persons and homicide

cases. I am the first generation to go to col-

lege. To my parents, this is a dream come true

and it is all thanks to you. I am very excited to

start college and achieve my goals but it would

not be possible without your help. Thank you so very much.

Your friend, Jennifer Alvarez Rosas

Dear Mrs. Koch-Murray,

I am writing to provide my campus ID and class

schedule for the 2016 Woman’s Club of Arroyo

Grande Scholarship. I was just able to make my

schedule last week due to a late orientation date. I

am sorry this is hand-written but my printer is

broken and I wanted to get this sent off ASAP to

avoid possible time issues. Thank you for every-

thing; the generosity of this club is astounding and

my family and I are eternally grateful for that. I

will keep in contact and hope you all have a great

day. Thank you again. It is people like you who

make dreams of going to college come true.

Sincerely, Dustin Atkins

Dear Woman’s Club of Arroyo Grande,

I have included proof of registration to Cal Poly

San Luis Obispo. Thank you so much again for

this award; it will help me so much.

Thank You! Alexandria Simmons

To the Woman’s Club of Arroyo Grande,

I am writing to thank you for honoring me with

the Woman’s Cub of Arroyo Grande Scholarship.

I was thrilled when I learned that I am to be a

recipient of this generous award. I plan to begin

the Cuesta College RN program in August of this

year and graduate in the RN Class of 2018. After

26 years of concentrating mostly on the needs of

my family as a wife and mother, I now have the

opportunity to train for a career as a registered

nurse. Working as a nurse, I will be able to

provide a living for myself, provide a positive

example for my two grown children (and my husband) and play an important role in my

community. I was born in Paso Robles at the old

hospital that is no longer here. I still live in Paso

Robles and have lived here most of my life. After

graduation, I intend to remain here and work.

This is my home. Thank you again for helping

me. One day, I want to help someone in the

same way you are helping me today.

Sincerely, Alyson Rae Clegg


Hello Judi,

I wanted to update you on my progress at San

Diego State University. I have one semester

until graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in

Nursing. I appreciate all of the ladies’ gener-

osity and just wanted to take the time to

thank you and update you on my success.

Currently, I have been accepted in an

externship program through Sharp Memorial

Hospital and look forward to my future

nursing career. Thank you for your time and

for all your support over the years.

Nicole Heredia

ANOTHER GREAT FUNDRAISING YEAR HAS BEGUN! Greetings to all my fellow ladies of the Woman's Club; it was a pleasure to see many of you again at the September meeting and I look forward to working with you to give back to our community as successfully as last year. Our first fundraiser will be our 9th Annual Artisan Faire on Saturday, November 19th from 10 AM to 5 PM at our clubhouse. We will have a number of new gifted artisans this year joining some of our "veterans" so I hope you will all plan to stop by and do some early hol-iday shopping as well as enjoy a snack or lunch at our Faire Cafe. We will have a special raffle again with the prize to be announced shortly - tickets will be on sale at the October and November club meetings as well as

at the Faire itself. Robyn Dunne will definitely need help with publicity so please sign up with her at the October meeting to distribute posters; remember that everyone can get the word out just by mentioning this and other upcoming events to your family, friends and neighbors. If you would like to help with the Cafe and have not already signed up, please let me know - our first organizational meeting with be on Friday, October 7th at 4 PM at the Red Dirt Coffeehouse and anyone interested is invited to please join us - even if you can't work on the day, your input is very welcome. If you want to be a vendor and have not yet signed up for a space, please let me know immediately as space is very limited this year. I am always open to your observations and opinions on all our fundraising efforts so don't hesitate to call or email (I'm "in the book" :) My contact info is: (805) 473-1866/isalicat@sbcglobal.net. Thank you in advance for your support, time and help— With much love and hugs, Alison.

Mark your calendars for the first Out

and About of the 2016 - 2017 Year!!

Friday, October 21st will see the Woman's Club

touring the Dana Adobe in Nipomo. The Adobe

was begun in 1839 and completed much as it ap-

pears today in about 1851. It remains the most

historically significant residence in San Luis

Obispo County. For many years the Casa de Dana

provided a stopping place for travelers along the

old Camino Real. Our tour is scheduled for 10:30

am. If you would like to car pool, we can meet in

the parking lot of the Woman's Club at 9:50 and

ride together. Lunch after the tour. A $5.00

donation is suggested. Please RSVP to Barbara

Schieffer at 805.473.2906 or

bs2you1942@aol.com or Judi Boudreau at

408.316.3747 or judiboud@aol.com



Due to the generosity of Mary Carson, we have

quite a number of beautiful large green apples

that would make outstanding apple pie. If anyone

would volunteer to make apple pies for the

Artisan Faire the apples should definitely last until

then (properly refrigerated) and we can sell them

specifically as: Arroyo Grande Apple Pie. (Naturally

other kinds of pie are very much welcome, but I

thought this might be a successful marketing

strategy to sell yet more pie this year as people

might like something super local!) Let me know if

you are able to make apple pies and if so, how

many, and I'll make sure to get you the apples!

Thanks! Alison

new Additions/changes to the yearbook — Please notify Mary Carson of any corrections or changes ( 473-5801 or marycarson@msn.com)

Robin Dunne: phone 805 474-9118 Sofia McHugh: email sfentress65@yahoo.com Freddie Newman: email bobandfreddie@gmail.com Carol Browne: email cuteie1258@gmail.com Judi Boudreau phone 404 316-3747 email judiboud@aol.com

In your yearbook, change the dates for Feb meeting to Feb 10, March meeting to March 10, and May meeting to May 12

The kitchen committee consists of Moe Boyd and Loretta Newman (we need volunteers)

October 2016

Group News

ART: Mondays, 10 a.m. until mid-afternoon. Bring

your art supplies & a sack lunch. All levels welcome.

Contact: Mary Carson, 473-5801 .

HAND & FOOT CANASTA #1: 11 a.m. , third

Wednesday of the month. Bring sack lunch and

drink. Call Patti Roberts at 474-0444.

HAND & FOOT CANASTA #2: 11 a.m., fourth

Wednesday of the month. Bring sack lunch and

drink Contact: Gretchen Weckstein: 473-1366

HAND & FOOT CANASTA #3: 10:30 a.m.,

fourth Monday of the month. Bring sack lunch and

drink Contact: Suzy Anderson: 473-1819

CRAFTS: 9:30 a.m.—12 noon, third & fourth

Wednesdays. Contact: Karen Lujan 489-2895

OUT & ABOUT: We are looking for ideas for

future “Out and About” activities. Have an idea or want to sponsor an outing? Contact a Board


Note from the editor

Are you interested in being the newletter editor? I am looking for someone who loves to create and can learn a publishing program. I will be happy to mentor you! - Cindy

Would you like to submit an article? Please call or email news to put in the bulletin by the 15th of the month to Cindy Moreno at 441-5803 - cmoreno595@hotmail.com

SUNSHINE LADY—Sharon Boyajian

A Get Well card was sent to Caroline Blewitt who has been having complications with hip surgery.

A sympathy card was sent to Loretta Newman, whose husband, Michael, recently passed away.

Good News!

A big thank you to our behind the scenes techie, Dana Pojas.

Here are a couple of events that may be of interest.

Do you know someone who needs a cheery note? Or simply needs recognition. Call the sunshine lady, Sharon Boyajian, at 489-5426 or email her at boyrch19@aol.com

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