winter camp 2021

Post on 27-Dec-2021






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Winter Camp 2021 Merit Badge & Program Guide

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About Lost Bayou Scout Camp

Lost Bayou is located on the shores of Mountain Bayou Lake in the woods of Evangeline Parish, Louisiana. Lost Bayou encompasses 640 acres of lush pine and hardwood forest adjacent to the 518-acre Mountain Bayou Lake providing scouts the opportunity to canoe, explore, learn, and other activities. Winter camp is the pinnacle of Scouting’s outdoor program. With many unique program areas, Scouts have the opportunity to experience a variety of exciting activities at Lost Bayou. This winter is filled with new programs and activities designed to peak the interests of every camper – from newest campers to the seasoned veterans.

Table of Contents

About Lost Bayou Scout Camp……………………………………………….2

Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………..2

An Introduction to Merit Badges 3

Arts & Culture 4

Ecology and Conservation 6

Outdoor Skills 8

Shooting Sports 10

Trail to Eagle 11

Occupational Skills 13

Merit Badge Class Schedule 16

The Lewis & Clark Pioneer Program (FYCP) 17

Special Camp-wide Programs (NEW FOR 2021) 18

Weekly Schedule 20

LBSC Camp Map 21

Merit Badge Scheduling Worksheet …………………………………..22 “Scout Release From Camp” Instructions……………………………23

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An Introduction to Merit Badges This directory outlines details for all of the various Merit Badge Programs available to Scouts this winter at Lost Bayou. While Merit Badges and Advancements are only a portion of the overall Winter Camp experience, we want to ensure that each Scout is prepared to succeed in earning the Merit Badges they set out for and get the most out of these exciting programs. Our ultimate goal is to provide a fun program full of meaningful learning to all Scouts. Be prepared! Scouts should review the requirements for each Merit Badge that they intend on taking before their week at camp.

Our classes are taught on a vertical schedule, allowing us to recruit expert volunteers to provide a quality Merit Badge Program. This also allows us to combine Merit Badges with overlapping requirements such as Rifle and Shotgun. As of October 18, 2021, days that Merit Badges will be offered are listed, but are subject to change due to volunteer availability. If a class schedule must be changed or canceled, Unit Leaders will be notified.

Scouts are encouraged to complete any necessary pre-requisite requirements before coming to camp. Due to the nature of some requirements and the limitations of the Winter Camp setting, the listed requirements cannot be completed in the Merit Badge class. In many cases a signed note from a Scout Leader is sufficient to show proof of a pre-requisite being completed; or brining a copy of the written requirement (such as a report, letter, or menu). It is encouraged to complete all pre-requisites prior to coming to camp to ensure a completed Merit Badge at the end of the week. In some cases, Scouts will not be able to work on or complete other requirements without having completed the pre-requisite requirements first.

Some Merit Badges, particularly those in the Handicraft and Shooting Sports areas, have additional costs associated with the class. Craft kits, shooting tickets, arboretum admission, or other necessary items needed to complete specific requirements are sold in the Trading Post. Approximate costs for the materials needed for each badge are listed in this guide. Please be prepared for these purchases. Other Merit Badges may require that Scouts bring certain items with them to camp – such as long sleeves, and pants for ATV, fishing gear for Fishing, or an instrument for Music – please review the Merit Badge descriptions in order to be prepared.

To help Scouts make appropriate Merit Badge sections, each Merit Badge has been assigned a difficulty rating. One star () denotes an easier Merit Badge, while three stars ()denote more challenging ones. Some Merit Badges also have age restrictions. Scoutmasters and Unit Leaders should guide Scouts in their Merit Badge selections. A Merit badge Scheduling worksheet is found on page 20.

Blue card data is posted to the registration website no later than 14 days from the close of camp. Direct any Program questions to Richie Colonna at

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Arts and Culture

Art & Sculpture Day Offered: Sunday – Full Day Pre-requisites: Art - Req. #6 Pre-requisites: Sculpture - Req. #2c Costs: Approximately $12.00 for both Badges Difficulty level: ★ Description: In these combined courses, there is an introduction to design applications in the fields of Graphic Arts and Industrial Design, history and design principles, and how these fields relate to Fine Art. The course also provides an introduction to crafting sculptures, enabling Scouts to gain the skills and understanding from actually creating sculptures. Completing the requirements will include hands-on production of a work of art, from start to finish. It is encouraged that scouts visit a museum or art exhibit prior to coming to camp (Art & Sculpture Pre-requisites)

Basketry Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – AM Session Pre-requisites: none Costs: Approximately $20.00 (3 kits) Difficulty level: ★ Description: Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts or around the house. Scouts must purchase approximately $20.00 worth of materials from the Trading Post – including 2 basket kits (square & round) and a stool kit. Chess Day Offered: Saturday – AM Session / Sunday 8:00am Check up Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★ Description: Chess is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide. Scouts will explore the game of chess while learning the history, rules strategies, and techniques of the game. It is recommended that Scouts bring a chess board to camp to play and practice in their campsite throughout the week.

Indian Lore / Leatherwork Day Offered: Saturday – Full Day Pre-requisites: Leatherwork - Req. #4 Costs: Approximately $20.00 for both Badges Difficulty level: ★ Description: Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork Merit Badge will explore leather's history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand stitching, lacing, and braiding. Native American history is an important part of our past. In this course Scouts will learn the history of Native Americans, their songs, stories, and cultures. Scouts will also learn some of the games that were played and get a hand at making some Native American crafts.

Lost Bayou 2021 Program Guide |5 Wood Carving Day Offered: Tuesday – PM Session Pre-requisites: Req. #2a Costs: Approximately $10.00 Difficulty level: ★ Description: As with any art, woodcarving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools and techniques, as well as woodcarving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving Merit Badge introduce Scouts to an enjoyable hobby. Fingerprinting Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – 4:30-5:30pm Difficulty level: ★★ Description: For this classic Merit Badge, Scouts will learn about the history and principles of fingerprinting by studying types of prints, how to lift them off of surfaces, and how to take them for documentation. Fingerprinting will be taught from 4:30-5:30pm Saturday and Monday. Space Exploration Day Offered: Monday, Tuesday – Full Day Difficulty Level: ★★ Costs: Approximately $20.00 Description: Scouts will explore science, history, and the future of the Space Program. Scouts are required to launch and retrieve a model rocket they build themselves. The necessary model rocket kits are available at the trading post. Scouting Heritage Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – AM Session Difficulty Level: ★ Description: The Scouting movement has been going strong for over 100 years. In this course, Scouts will learn about the history of scouting from Brownsea Island to the new Summit-Bechtel High Adventure Base. Scouts will explore scouting milestones, games, patches, and hear testimonials from lifelong Scouts.

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Astronomy Day Offered: Monday – PM Session Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: In learning about astronomy. Scouts study how activities in space affect our own planet and bear witness to the wonders of the night sky: the nebulae, or giant clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born; old stars dying and exploding; meteor showers and shooting stars; the moon, planets, and a dazzling array of stars. Environmental Science Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #3e, #3f Difficulty level: ★★★★ Description: While earning the Environmental Science Merit Badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an Environmental Scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world. This Eagle-required Merit Badge is recommended for older Scouts. This badge requires Scouts to make and record daily observations of at least 20-minutes outside of the regularly scheduled class time. Fish & Wildlife Management Day Offered: Saturday – PM Session Pre-requisites: Req. #5 Difficulty level: ★ Description: Led by biologists from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Scouts will get hands on experience learning the strategies and methods the LDWF use to manage our fisheries and wildlife. Fishing Day Offered: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday – AM Sessions Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★ Description: In Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell offers this advice: "Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food for himself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it might happen to one who had never learned to catch fish." Scouts will spend time fishing and learning skills to become better anglers. Be prepared to fish! Bring your own fishing rod and tackle. Geology, Mining In Society Day Offered: Saturday – All Day Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★ Description: In this course, Scouts will learn the importance of understanding the earth’s geological formations and how we harness their value through mining. Mining is a major driving force of South Louisiana’s economy, aided by a professional, Scouts will work towards earning the Geology and Mining in Society Merit Badges.

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Leave no Trace – Nature Day Offered: Saturday – All Day Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★ Description: Leave No Trace encourages people who spend time in the out-of-doors to behave in such a way that they can minimize unavoidable impacts and prevent avoidable impacts. This dual Merit Badge/LNT Card course will teach Scouts to appreciate their time outside and leave them with an understanding of many of the living elements in nature.

Plant Science Day Offered: Sunday – All Day Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: Plant scientists use their curiosity and knowledge to develop questions about the world of plants. Then they try to answer those questions with further observations and experiments in the laboratory and in the field. To earn this Merit Badge, Scouts will explore three of the most important plant science specialties: Agronomy, Horticulture, and Field Botany. Weather Day Offered: Monday – AM Session Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★ Description: Meteorology is the study of Earth’s atmosphere and its weather and the ways in which temperature, wind, and moisture act together in the environment. In addition to learning how everyday weather is predicted, Scouts can learn about extreme weather such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and how to stay safe.

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Outdoor Skills ATV Day Offered: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Minimum age 14 Class Limited to 6 Scouts / Day Difficulty Level: ★★★ Costs: $40 Description: ATV’s are fun as well as functional. They are used in a wide variety of applications. During this course, Scouts will learn the safety and precautions necessary during the operation of ATV’s. Then they will go for a ride throughout camp! They must bring pants, long sleeves, and over the ankle boots.

Camping Day Offered: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #7a, #7b, #8d, #9a, #9b, #9c Difficulty level: ★★ Description: Camping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting Program. When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life's other challenges. This Eagle-required Merit Badge is recommended for more experienced Scouts. Climbing Day Offered: Classroom Session: Saturday / Max 24 Scouts Day Offered: Climbing Sessions: A – Sunday, B – Monday, Tuesday /Make Up & Open Climb Pre-requisites: Classroom Session is required for Climbing Sessions except open Climb Difficulty Level: ★★★ Costs: $20 Description: Climbing is a fun and fast-growing recreational sport. In this course Scouts will learn the safety, knots, and proper use of equipment before heading to our 40ft Climbing Tower to use their skills while climbing and repelling. Cooking Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #4, #5, #6 Difficulty level: ★★ Description: The Cooking Merit Badge introduces principles of Cooking that can be used both at home or in the outdoors. Scouts who earn this Merit Badge will learn about food safety, nutritional guidelines, meal planning, and methods of food preparation. This Eagle-required Merit Badge is recommended for more experienced Scouts.

Lost Bayou 2021 Program Guide |9 Orienteering Day Offered: Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: none Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Orienteering, the use of map and compass to find locations and plan a journey, has been a vital skill for humans for thousands of years. This Merit Badge teaches Scouts how to traverse land wisely and with confidence while only using a map and compass.

Pioneering Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – All Day Pre-requisites: none Difficulty level: ★★ Description: Pioneering—the knowledge of ropes, knots, and splices along with the ability to build rustic structures by lashing together poles and spars—is among the oldest of Scouting's skills. Practicing rope use and completing projects with lashings also allow Scouts to connect with past generations, ancestors who used many of these skills as they sailed the open seas and lived in America's forests and prairies.

Wilderness Survival Day Offered: Sunday – PM Session & Over Night Pre-requisites: Req. 5 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: In their outdoor activities, Scouts learn to be prepared, and do their best to manage any risks. Scouts will practice survival skills - building shelters, foraging for food, and staying alive. Scouts are required to attend the Wilderness Survival overnight portion. Geocaching Day Offered: Sunday (only ½ day course; offered Sunday morning or afternoon sessions) Class Limit: 8 Scouts per Session Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Geocaching has risen to become a very popular activity for outdoor enthusiasts. For this merit badge Scouts will learn the main principals of geocaching, learn how to use GPS units, and find caches scattered around camp.

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Shooting Sports

Rifle Shooting Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #1f Costs: $10.00 Difficulty level: ★★ Description: A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and, if handled correctly, can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this Merit Badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices. Shotgun Shooting Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #1f, must be 13 years old. Costs: $15.00 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: A shotgun is a precision instrument, designed to shoot a shot charge in a specific pattern to cover a designated area at a certain distance. By earning this Merit Badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices. Louisiana Hunter Education Day Offered: Saturday -Sunday; Monday -Tuesday – All Day Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: The Louisiana Hunter Education Course is much more than hunter safety. It is a course with something for everyone interested in firearms, hunting and conservation. The goals of the program are to prevent hunting accidents and ensure the future of hunting by teaching hunters about their responsibilities and role in conservation. Much of the course covers firearm safety, but responsibility, ethics, wildlife conservation, and outdoor safety are also covered.

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Trail to Eagle

Citizenship in the Nation Day Offered: Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #2, #8 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: For this Merit Badge, Scouts will learn what it means to be a Citizen of the United States. Scouts will learn the history and documents that shaped our nation, explore the democratic process and branches of government, and discuss current political events. This Eagle-required merit badge is recommended for more experienced Scouts.

Citizenship in the World Day Offered: Saturday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #7 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: Scouts who earn the Citizenship in the World Merit Badge will discover that they are already citizens of the world. How good a world citizen each person is depends on his willingness to understand and appreciate the values, traditions, and concerns of people in other countries. This Eagle-required Merit Badge is recommended for older and more experienced Scouts.

Communication Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #5, #8 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: Communications Merit Badge focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. The field of Communication promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication. This Eagle-required merit badge is recommended for more experienced Scouts. Scouts must attend a public meeting (Requirement 5) prior to coming to camp and be prepared to discuss the experience and plan a troop or crew court of honor, campfire program, or interfaith worship service (Requirement 8).

Disabilities Awareness Day Offered: Sunday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★ Description: Look around at the Scouts in your unit, the members of your sports teams, and the kids in your class – you will see that each person has their own personalities, distinct interests and ideas, different physical features, and different strengths and needs. This Merit Badge helps scouts learn about proper disability etiquette, person-first language, and opportunities for people with physical, mental, emotional, or educational disabilities.

Emergency Preparedness Day Offered: Saturday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #1, #2c, #8b Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: Scouts are often called upon to help because they know first aid and they know about the discipline and planning needed to react to an emergency situation. Earning this Merit Badge helps a Scout to be prepared by learning the actions that can be helpful and needed before, during, and after an emergency. Scouts must earn First Aid merit badge in order to complete Emergency Preparedness

Lost Bayou 2021 Program Guide |12 First Aid Day Offered: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #1, #2d Difficulty level: ★★ Description: First aid—caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care—is an important skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life. Personal Fitness Day Offered: Tuesday – All Day Post-requisite: Req. #8 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: Personal fitness is an individual effort and desire to be the best one can be. Regardless of their current levels of personal fitness, in the twelve weeks it will take Scouts to complete the athletic requirements (Requirement 8) for this Merit Badge, they will be in better shape, feel better about themselves, have more energy, and gain self-confidence in their overall abilities. Personal Management Day Offered: Sunday, Monday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #8 Post-requisite: Req. #2 Difficulty level: ★★★ Description: Managing our personal finances is a strong skill to have while becoming a responsible part of society. Scouts will be instructed how to manage their finances by learning how to: make wise purchases, explore stock options and investments, and learn ways to eliminate debt. This Eagle-required merit badge is recommended for more experienced Scouts. Pre-requisites: Req. #8 Post-requisite: Req. #2

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Occupational Skills

Automotive Maintenance Day Offered: Sunday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★ Description: Modern automobiles are important to many aspects of American life. Those who service automobiles must understand each principle, and how these principles interact to provide smooth, efficient performance. Understanding how a vehicle operates allows Scouts to understand why certain maintenance is required to keep their vehicles in tip-top shape. Composite Materials Day Offered: Sunday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★ Costs: $5.00 Description: Composites can be found just about everywhere: in airplanes and sports cars, golf clubs and guitars, boats and baseball bats, bathtubs and circuit boards, and even bridges. Composites make bicycles and skis lighter, kayaks and canoes stronger, house warmer, and helmets tougher.

Crime Prevention & Traffic Safety Day Offered: Monday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #2, #7 Difficulty Level: ★ Description: Crime Prevention Merit Badge lets scouts see into the world of the criminal justice system. Instructed by a local law enforcement agent, Scouts will learn how to report crime, recognize and avoid illegal substances, and how to aid others in avoiding criminal activity. Staying safe in traffic wherever you live is getting more difficult all the time, as more and more people take to the road. Earning the Traffic Safety Merit Badge will give Scouts some crucial tools to stay safer, when driving a car on a highway, riding a bike across town, or jogging across a busy street. Crime Prevention and Traffic Safety Merit Badges are taught together. Electronics Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Electronics is the science that controls the behavior of electrons so that some type of useful function is performed. Today, electronics is a fast-changing and exciting field.

Engineering Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Req. #6 Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Engineers use both science and technology to turn ideas into reality, devising all sorts of things, ranging from a tiny, low-cost battery for your cell phone to a lengthy bridge across the Atchafalaya Basin.

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Fire Safety Day Offered: Tuesday – AM Session Pre-requisites: Req. #11 Difficulty level: ★ Description: The ability to use fire safely is essential to human survival. By earning this Merit Badge, Scouts will learn to use fire safely and responsibly, how to prevent home fires and burns, and about camping safety. Law Day Offered: Monday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Earning this Merit Badge enables a Scout to learn about the history and kinds of laws, the purpose and methods of law enforcement, consumer protection agencies, emerging law, and careers in the legal profession. Law Mock Trial is on Monday at 8:00PM – 9:15PM. Medicine Day Offered: Saturday – AM Session Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: The practice of medicine has a rich history that spans several centuries. Since the first use of plants and other items as simple medicines and balms, many men and women have contributed to the advancement of the “healing arts.” Plumbing Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – PM Session Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Plumbing, including pipe fitting, is an important and well-paid occupation. The industry is quite broad. It covers installations and repairs in homes, commercial properties and factories. Plumbing pipelines are used for water supply, waste drainage, natural-gas heating, and many other purposes. Programming

Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – PM Session Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Have you ever wondered how computers process information? By earning the Programming Merit Badge, you’ll be able to increase your knowledge of computers, create some awesome programs, and potentially even jump into an exciting career path! We live in an age where everything is operated with a computer, and knowing even a little programming can put you far ahead of most other people!

Public Speaking Day Offered: Saturday – AM Session Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: A lot happens during every person’s life and your ability to communicate your feelings and ideas is the best way to connect to the larger world. Even if you haven’t stood at a podium on the stage and find the whole idea scary sooner or later, someone is going to ask you tot to get up and say a few words.

Lost Bayou 2021 Program Guide |15 Radio Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★ Description: Radio is a way to send information, or communications, from one place to another. Broadcasting includes bother one-way radio (a person hears the information but can’t reply) as well as two-way radio (where the same person can both receive and send messages) Robotics Day Offered: Saturday, Monday – All Day Difficulty Level: ★★★ Description: Earning the Robotics Merit Badge requires a scout to understand how robots move (actuators), sense the environment (sensors), and understand what to do (programming); he should demonstrate robot design in building a robot. Earning this Merit Badge ensures that the Scout has sufficiently explored the field of robotics and understands what it is about. Search and Rescue Day Offered: Saturday – PM Session Pre-requisites: 5, 7, 8 Difficulty Level: ★★ Description: Search and Rescue teams are useful tools in helping find missing persons. During this course Scouts will learn how the Louisiana Search and Rescue Dog Team work to find missing people in throughout the state of Louisiana. Scouts will learn about the process of performing searches and will conduct a mock search and rescue working with a canine team. Surveying Day Offered: Sunday, Monday – All Day Pre-requisites: 5, 7, 8 Difficulty Level: ★★ Description: The Surveying Merit Badge was one of the original 57 Merit Badges offered when the BSA was founded in 1910. With technology changing over the years, so have the requirements. Surveying is the technique, profession, art, and science of determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional positions of points and the distances and angles between them. A land surveying professional is called a land surveyor. These points are usually on the surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish maps and boundaries for ownership, locations, such as the designed positions of structural components for construction or the surface location of subsurface features, or other purposes required by government or civil law, such as property sales.

Welding Day Offered: Sunday, Tuesday – All Day Pre-requisites: Must bring pants and Long Sleeve Shirt. Costs: $15 Difficulty level: ★★ Description: Welding and has helped create the backbone of American infrastructure since the 1800’s. Scouts will begin their work on this Merit Badge by learning about the properties of metal, how to use welding machines and tools, and the basic techniques of manipulating and binding metals. They will then practice using the tools and techniques that they have learned.

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Merit Badge Class Schedule Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday


& C


re Basketry Art & Sculpture Basketry Woodcarving

Chess Chess Check Up Space Exploration Space Exploration

Indian Lore/Leatherwork Scouting Heritage Scouting Heritage

Fingerprinting Fingerprinting



Geology/ Mining in Society Plant Science Weather

Fish and Wildlife MGMT

Environmental Science Astronomy Environmental

Science Leave No Trace/

Nature Fishing Fishing Fishing





Camping Camping Camping Camping Pioneering Wilderness Survival Pioneering Orienteering

Cooking Geocaching – AM Geocaching – PM Cooking

Climbing (Classroom) Climbing (A) Climbing (B) Climbing (Make Up

& Open Climb) ATV ATV ATV




l Ski


Radio Electronics Radio Electronics Programing Plumbing Programing Plumbing

Public Speaking Composite Materials Fire Safety

Medicine Automotive Maintenance

Crime Prevention/ Traffic Safety

Crime Prevention/ Traffic Safety

Search & Rescue Welding Law Welding Surveying Surveying Robotics Engineering Robotics Engineering


l to


e Communication Disabilities Awareness Communication Citizenship in the


Citizenship in the World

Personal Management

Personal Management Personal Fitness

Emergency Preparedness First Aid First Aid First Aid




ts Rifle Shotgun Rifle Shotgun

Hunter Education Hunter Education

FYCP The Lewis & Clark Pioneer Program (First Year Camper Program)

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The Lewis & Clark Pioneer Program

The Lewis & Clark Pioneers program is Lost Bayou Scout Camp’s first-year camper program (FYCP). It takes its name from the Pioneers, Lewis & Clark, who travelled over 8,000 miles during their exploration of the area known as the Louisiana Territory after the Louisiana Purchase. On their expedition they gathered all kinds of information on fauna and animals throughout the area. During the course of the week Scouts will complete various requirements for the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class. They will also complete requirements of the Tot’n Chip and Firem’n Chit and will work to at least earn a partial on their First Aid Merit Badge. Units should help Scouts understand the First Aid requirements from

Tenderfoot to First Class before attending camp, in an effort to help review these requirements while taking the First Aid Merit Badge. The two requirements that may keep Scouts from earning their Merit Badge are, requirements (#5, Prepare a first-aid kit for your home. Display and discuss its contents with your counselor and #14 Teach another Scout a first-aid skill selected by your counselor).

We ask that Scout Leaders complete requirements 1a, 1b and 1c from Tenderfoot with their Scouts as part of attending camp. It is recommended that units volunteer for Flag Ceremony at Camp to complete requirement 8a Second Class. On a daily basis, Scouts will recap items that they learned the day before. They will also be asked questions during the week by FYCP Staff. We will attempt to work with Scouts to complete the Fingerprinting Merit Badge.

Saturday Work on Totin’ Chip, Firem’n Chit Rank Requirements Covered: Scout: 1e, 4a, 4b, 5 Tenderfoot: 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d Second Class: 2b, 2c, 2d, 2f, 2g, 3a, 3c, 3d, 9a, 9b Evening: Finding Directions at night without a compass after services.

Sunday: Complete 1- mile orienteering course (FC 4a) and Personal Fitness initial test (TF 7a) Tenderfoot: 5a, 5b, 5c, 6a, 6b, 6c First Class 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 5b, 5c, 5d, 6b, 6c Evening: Civics (FC 9a) & Drug Class (SC 7c) Class prior OA movie night (1hr)

NOTE: We will attempt to complete the requirements listed. This will depend on the size of the class and if the Scouts can retain the knowledge that they learn. Our goal is to prepare them to know how to do what we cover in the future, not just this week.

Monday: Conduct a 5-mile hike (SC 3b), Recap of First Aid Skills, Fingerprinting Merit Badge Tenderfoot: 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d Second Class: 3b, 4, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e First Class: 4b, 5a, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f Evening: - Open/Make-up Tuesday Scouts will attend the First Aid Merit Badge class.

Special Camp-wide Programs

Opening Campfire DATE: Saturday Night New for Winter Camp 2021 Troops are encouraged to participate in the Opening Campfire Program and in doing so each Troop is eligible for VIP Status!!!! Everyone has heard “The Invisible Bench” at least 1000 times and while the Cub Scouts like it, to be honest, the trees, wildlife and Staff are snoring during the “OLD” Stuff. We at LBSC are looking for NEW MATERIAL to keep us AWAKE!

RULES: 1. Each Troop submits to their Unit Leader at least 2 weeks prior to arriving at camp with Titles, words

and reference to where you found them. a. 2 NEW Songs b. 2 NEW Skits c. 2 NEW Stories d. 2 NEW Jokes and/or Run-Ons

2. All submissions MUST be Scout appropriate and received 2 weeks prior to camp. 3. Your Unit Leader will send your submissions by email only to the Program Director – Richie Colonna. 4. The Camp and Program Staff will vote on the top 2 of each category 5. Winners will be notified during Assembly for Lunch on Saturday 6. VIP Status

a. Top 3 troops participating in Opening Campfire i. 2nd in Line for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 2 days behind Service Patrols

b. Top 3 Troops participating in Opening and Closing Campfire with ALL NEW MATERIAL i. Winners will be notified during Assembly for Dinner on Sunday

ii. A Scout is “Trustworthy” that your Troop will attend Closing Campfire 1. Exempt from Service Patrol Duties

a. Kitchen Duty – 1 Rotation b. Dining Hall Duty – 1 Rotation c. Shower House Duty – 1 Rotation

Movie Night DATE: Sunday Night New for Winter Camp 2021 Troops are encouraged to participate in choosing the Movie!!! If you do not want to see and hear “FROZEN” then “Let It Go”, submit your pick for the movie with your Campfire Program submissions.

1. The winning movie submitted by a Troop will receive VIP Status a. 2nd in Line for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 1 day behind Service Patrols

Camp-Wide Games DATE: Sunday, Monday & Tuesday Time: 4:30pm – 5:30pm

All activities TBD and announced at Lunch Assembly on Sunday

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Afternoon and Evening Programs Special afternoon and evening programs and presentations will be announced throughout the week. Evening activities include; Cracker Barrels, Shooting Sports opportunities, open Climbing, Conservation Service opportunities and more.

Religious Worship Services Time: Saturday, 8:00pm Description: On Saturday evening, Religious Services will be available for those Scouts that wish to participate. A Catholic Mass will be held in the Dining Hall while an Interfaith Service will be held in the Multi-Purpose building.

Scout Leader Golf Tournament Time: Sunday, 4:30pm Description: Join us on Sunday afternoon for a fun filled 9-hole golf tournament. Balls and clubs should be crafted during camp. Leaders may bring their own tools to create

their equipment, however clubs created prior to camp are discouraged. Who will be the 2021 LBSC Champion???

Dutch Oven Bake-Off Time: Sunday, 8:30pm Description: After dinner Sunday evening, we will be holding a Dutch oven bake-off. Troops or Patrols are encouraged to participate in creating a delicious desert that will be judged by a panel of judges on taste, creativity, and presentation. Participants will have 1 hour to prepare and cook their dishes. Ingredients will not be provided; Dutch ovens are available but limited.

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Lost Bayou 2021 – Winter Camp Schedule

Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday6:30am Late Check-In Revellie7:00am Until Flag Ceremony / Announcements 7:00am

7:10am 8:20a Breakfast 8:00am 7:10a - 8:20a8:20am SPL MEETING SPL MEETING SPL MEETING SPL MEETING Take Down8:30am Campsite9:00am Merit Badge Merit Badge Merit Badge Merit Badge Depart9:30am Program Program Program Program

10:00am (8:30a-11:40a) (8:30a-11:40a) (8:30a-11:40a) (8:30a-11:40a) Camp Closed10:30am 10:00am11:40am11:50am Assembly / Announcements (11:50a)

12:00pm Lunch 12:00p - 1:20P1:20pm1:30pm2:00pm Merit Badge Merit Badge Merit Badge Merit Badge2:30pm Program Program Program Program3:00pm (1:30p-4:30p) (1:30p-4:30p) (1:30p-4:30p) (1:30p-4:30p)3:30pm4:00pm4:30pm Camp Open Camp Wide Camp Wide Camp Wide4:50pm 5:00pm Church Services Games Games Games5:00pm 4:50p-5:50p Leader Golf Free Cl imb

5:30pm Arrival Tournament Free Shoot

5:50pm Flag Ceremony / Announcements 5:50pm6:00pm Check In

6:30pm Dinner 6:00p - 7:20p7:00pm Set Up7:20pm Troop Duties and 7:30pm Campsite Trading Post Open8:00pm Opening FYCP Civics Law Closing8:30pm Class Mock Trial

9:00pm Campfire Dutch Oven Bake-Off Campfire9:15pm Movie Night w/

9:30pmPopcorn & Root Beer


Leaders Cracker Barrel

10:00pmQuiet Time

Taps Quiet Time Taps Quiet Time Taps Quiet Time Taps Quiet Time Taps

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aster____________________________Phone # ___________________

Scout's Nam


Sunday M

onday Tuesday

Alternate AAlternate B

Alternate C123456789101112131415161718192021222324



Use this form to have Scouts Schedule their M

erit Badges. Enter Merit badges chosen into Tentaroo for each Scout.

BProvide Scouts w

ith Scoutmasters w

ritten proof of ALL Pre-requisites completed for each M

erit Badge.C

Ensure each Scout brings ALL proof of Merit Badge Pre-requisites to cam

p in order to attend Classes, receive credit for a completed

Merit Badge and Blue Card copies can be forw

arded via Tentaroo in a timely m


Post-requisites will be noted on each Scouts Blue Card copies forw

arded to the Scoutmaster in Tentaroo.

Lost Bayou 2021 Program Guide |23



Scouts desiring to leave camp prior to the Troop’s departure or not as part of the Troop must have a release signed by their parents and approved by the Troop Leader that is in camp/ Scouts will normally be permitted to leave only when accompanied by their parents. The form below must be used in handling all such departures. In an emergency, it may not be possible for a parent or parents to sign the release. In that situation sufficient information must be recorded attesting to the telephone call or means of communication by which word arrived asking for the release of the Scout. This information should document the person from whom the call was received, verify telephone confirmation of the parent asking for release of the Scout and give detailed reasons for the requested release. Scouts will be released only to the Adult(s) listed on their Health Form Part A as Adult(s) authorized to Take To and From Events. Scouts WILL NOT be released to the Adult(s) listed on their Health Form part A as NOT Authorized to Take Youth To and From Events. Scout Requested to be Released: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City: __________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Home Council: ___________________________________ Council City HQ: _____________ Troop #: __________________ LBSC Campsite: ____________________________________ Reason for Request to Leave: ___________________________________________________ Date of Release: _________________________ Time: _______________ AM / PM (circle) Method of Travel: ________________________ Adult Accompanied By: ________________________________________________________ Date of Return: __________________________ Time: _______________ AM / PM (circle) In signing this request for release, the BSA, the Evangeline Area Council, the Unit Leaders, and the Scouts parents or guardians mutually acknowledge that there will be no refund of the camp fees; and that the BSA or its representatives shall not be held liable for any loss or injury to the Scout’s person or property. The request is made by (parent(s) or guardian(s) signature except as noted for emergency departure requests) Parent or Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Telephone #: _______________________ Address: _______________________________________ City: __________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________ Date Request Made: _______________________ Time: _______________ AM / PM (circle) Witness: __________________________________________ Troop Leader Approval: ______________________________ ON SITE RELEASE Before leaving LBSC or Troops, Scouts must check-out with their Troop Leader and LBSC Health Officer/ Camp &/or Program Director Signed By Troop Leader: ______________________________ Troop #: ___________ Date: ____________ Signed By LBSC Health Officer: ________________________ Date: ______________ Signed By Camp &/or Program Director: __________________________ Date: _____________

Keep original for LBSC Records Give parents / Guardian Copy

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