winter blues…what you can do - thin strong healthy · skin, as some oils can cause a reaction in...

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Cheryl A Major, CNWC

Winter Blues…What You Can Do...

Quick and easy steps to feel better now!

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Winter Blues – What You Can Do Today to Feel Better Now!

Add a Splash of Color to Your Home

Little things can make a big difference. In fact, something as simple as a cheerful photo or a

splash of color can brighten your day and improve your mood. During the winter months it can

sometimes be difficult to think positively. Try these simple tricks to lighten your mood.

#1 Paint

Color has been proven to affect mood. Cheerful colors like yellow, orange and purple can make

you smile. Soft blues and greens can instill a sense of calm. You don’t have to go wild and paint

your entire home. Simply paint a wall or two in your favorite room. Along with enjoying your

new color change, it will make you feel good to start and finish even a small project!

#2 Add Flowers

Flowers brighten any room and lift any mood. Add a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers

to a table. Make sure you can see them when you enter the room. Alstroemeria are generally

inexpensive, come in a great variety of colors and can last a long time on your table.

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#3 Accessorize

Add throw pillows or an area rug to add color to a room. Many people change their home’s

décor to compliment the season. You can add some brightly-colored items during the winter

months to add cheer to your home. Find colors that make you smile and feel good. A little bit of

cheer can go a long way during those gray winter days.

#4 Candles

Consider using candles. They provide more than just aroma and light therapy. They come in

every size, color and shape imaginable. You can add grace, elegance, a modern edge or just fun

and whimsy to your home, all while adding some color, too! Candles can brighten a room and

your day. Look for candles that come in invigorating citrus scents and bright colors.

#5 Photos, paintings and decorations

Find images that make you feel good. Choose colorful pictures to hang on your wall. It can be

anything from a photo of a loved one or a piece of modern art. The key is to choose something

that’s colorful and that makes you smile. Consider creating a collage of family photos and

mounting them on a colorful background. You can frame this with a store-bought frame and

have instant cheer and happy memories. Again, a fun project you can complete quickly and

easily, giving you a sense of accomplishment which always makes me feel better!

Sometimes a person needs a little extra help to beat the winter blues. Simply changing your

environment and brightening your home can help. Make your home a place that makes you

smile. Surround yourself with color and cheer.

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Aromatherapy to Battle the Blues

Have you ever walked into a room and felt instantly better? Maybe the scent of freshly baked

bread was in the air. Maybe it smelled citrusy or calming like a lavender scent? Scent has a

powerful effect on your mood and on your emotions. It can stimulate you into action. It can

also relax you and induce sleep. If you struggle with the blues, you can use aromatherapy to

improve your mood.

What Is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of scents to alter mood. You can use essential oils through a diffuser or

even place them in diluted form directly on your skin. You can also use lotions or creams on

your skin. Another option is to burn a candle with your favorite scent. For some people, making

a cup of tea, like Chai Tea, smells wonderful and makes them feel good.

Scents Commonly Used to Treat Depression

While there are a number of combinations and scents used to elevate mood, relax, diffuse

anger or create calm, these scents are commonly used specifically for depression:

* Basil

* Bergamot

* Cedarwood

* Clary sage

* Frankincense

* Geranium

* Grapefruit

* Lavender

* Lemon

* Jasmine

* Myrrh

* Neroli

* Rose

* Sandalwood

* Spruce

* Orange

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* Ylang ylang

The citrusy scents elevate mood and awaken the senses. Scents like jasmine and lavender

induce a state of calm and relaxation. You may want to try various scents to find which works

best for you.

As mentioned before, you can use aromatherapy in a number of ways. You can combine

essential oils in a bottle. With a dropper you can place the oils on the edge of your pillow or on

clothing you’re wearing (check for colorfastness first). Take care not to place the oils on your

skin, as some oils can cause a reaction in certain individuals. You can also simply inhale the

essential oil blend.

Alternatively, you can add the essential oils to a lotion base. This will diffuse the strength of the

oils so it’s safe for skin application. If you enjoy baths, you can add a drop or two of your choice

essential oil to a bath and enjoy the calming effects, or add them to unscented sea salts and

add a cup of the salts to a hot bath.

There is a number of ways to enjoy aromatherapy and reap the mood-enhancing benefits. You

can also find blends or recipes on how to blend scents online. Visit your local natural store and

browse their book section to find recipes to try.

Aromatherapy is a depression treatment that you can use each and every day. It’s safe and

effective. Find your favorite scents or combination of scents and start feeling better today.

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Foods to Beat Winter Blues

Fall sets in and becomes winter. The sky gets darker. The days get shorter. It’s cold outside and

you’re cooped up. No wonder so many people suffer from the winter blues. Too often when

you’re cooped up inside and feeling down, you may turn to foods that simply don’t help you

feel better. The good news is that there are tasty foods that can actually help you beat the

winter blues.

Vitamins and Nutrients to Look For

When you’re at the supermarket and looking at your options, choose foods that naturally

contain (and are not fortified with):

* Vitamin D – Vitamin D has been shown to prevent and reduce depression in some individuals.

A deficiency in this vitamin is also linked to a number of illnesses and conditions including


* Vitamin B – A good vitamin B complex helps your body manage stress. It also boosts your

immune system.

* Folate – Folic acid helps regulate your blood flow. It also assists with sleep. Better sleep

makes you better able to manage stress and control your emotions. Better sleep means better

physical and mental health.

* Omega Fatty Acids – Fatty acids, specifically Omega 3s reduce inflammation in your body and

your brain. Studies have shown that people who experience winter depression are often low in

omega fatty acids.

* Protein – Protein helps keep your blood sugar levels even. This means consistent energy

throughout the day. Try to eat a small amount of protein at every meal.

Foods to Add to Your Winter Shopping Cart

* Salmon – Salmon is rich in vitamin D and omega fatty acids. It’s also protein. And salmon isn’t

the only fish that contains these blues-busting nutrients. Mackerel and other cold-water fish do

too. Be sure to eat only wild caught (not farmed) fish. If you don’t like fish, eat plenty of nuts

and seeds. They’re rich in protein, too.

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* Lentils and legumes – Lentils are rich in folate. They also have a number of B vitamins which

help you manage stress.

* Brown rice & Black Rice – Brown & black rice are packed with B vitamins and are a great

source of fiber. They will keep your body feeling full and your blood sugar even.

* Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale – Dark leafy greens contain a multitude of vitamins.

They’re also a good source of fiber. Try to include at least one serving of dark leafy greens every


Also consider:

* Dark chocolate – 70% cocoa or greater

* Green tea

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Steer clear of a diet that contains a lot of starchy, simple carbohydrates, white flour and sugar.

These can cause inflammation, blood sugar spikes and low energy. Take care of your body and

your mind this winter. Beat the blues by providing your body with the nutrients it needs to stay

strong and healthy. Plan ahead and pack your cupboards and refrigerator with blues-busting

foods to help you feel upbeat and energetic this winter.

How a Healthy Sleep Can Help You to Overcome Winter Blues

Scientists and the medical community have found a definitive link between sleep and

depression. During the winter months when depression is prevalent, it’s even more important

to get quality sleep. If you’re struggling with the winter blues, simply modifying your sleeping

habits can make a world of difference.

The Sleep and Depression Link

There’s actually a cyclical link between sleep and depression. Depression itself causes poor

sleep. And poor sleep causes depression. It can be a vicious circle. The link is actually hormonal.

When you sleep your body produces hormones that improve your physical and mental health.

When you don’t produce enough of these hormones, the imbalance can cause symptoms of


Depression can have an adverse effect on your body’s ability to produce these hormones, thus

making it very difficult to sleep. The hormones in question are serotonin and melatonin.

Getting Better Sleep

Get a meditation CD and listen to it when you are falling asleep. This is a much better

alternative to taking a sleeping pill. You’ll feel better and brighter in the morning, too!

Good sleep habits include:

* Do not eat or drink before bed.

* Do not watch television in your bedroom.

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* Do not engage with electronic devices in your bedroom before sleep – put the iPhone away.

* Meditate or journal before sleep. Engage in calming activities.

* Do not exercise before bed.

* Create a routine. For example, brush your teeth and wash your face. Get into your pajamas

and then journal for five to ten minutes. Close the journal. Turn off the lights and go to sleep.

* Try not to worry about sleep. The more you worry, the more difficult it will be to fall asleep.

* Do not drink alcohol before you go to bed. In fact, try to eliminate alcoholic beverages from

your day until your depression issue is under control.

* Keep your bedroom dedicated to sleep. Your sleep is too important.

* Make sure your sleep “equipment” is comfortable. Find a good pillow. Buy sheets and

blankets that make you feel good.

* Avoid stimulants in the afternoon and evenings. Don’t eat chocolate or drink caffeine.

* Finally, go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. You’re training your body to


Good sleep may take some time. However, when you embrace good sleeping habits you can

achieve mental health and wellbeing. Take care of your body - sleep is important.

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Keep Moving and Exercise Your Way Out of Winter Depression

You may be surprised to hear that exercise can help manage depression. Getting outside and

exercising gets your heart pumping. It also gives you the fresh air and sunshine your body

craves. Exercising indoors can also help if your weather makes it tough to get outside in the

winter to run or walk on a regular basis.

When you increase your heart rate and get the blood flowing through your body, it lifts your

mood. Endorphins, also known as the “feel-good hormones”, are released. The result is an

elevated mood. In fact, many doctors recommend regular exercise to their depressed patients.

It may not be the ultimate cure for all cases, however, you can exercise your way into a better

winter mood. Here’s how:

#1 Take a daily walk - Unless the weather is unsafe, there’s a lot of value to good old-fashioned

fresh air and sunshine. The sunshine stimulates the production of vitamin D which improves

mood. It also helps your body manage stress. Taking a walk gets your body moving without the

pressure of fitness performance. Aim to walk for twenty to thirty minutes a day. If you keep

moving, your joints will be looser and you will feel better in general.

#2 Stretch - Yoga and other mindful exercise programs help you accomplish two things. They

help you get your blood flowing to your muscles. This releases the endorphins mentioned

earlier. Stretching and yoga also help you become mindful and focused. They pull you into the

moment. Instead of worrying about tomorrow or regretting yesterday, you’re in the present

moment. You can feel calm, in control, and centered. Yoga uses your own body weight as a

strengthener. You can get in great shape by practicing yoga!

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#3 Dance and play - Adults often forget how to play. They forget about joy and laughter. Find

an activity that you love. Find something that makes you laugh or brings joy. Consider dance,

martial arts, jumping rope or even riding your bicycle.

#4 Run, jog or race walk - Running is a fantastic calorie burner and it’s great for improving your

fitness. It’s also something that almost everyone can do. It doesn’t have to be about

performance, speed and distance. You can simply embrace the sport as a fitness jogger. The

health benefits are the same. If you’re new to running, combine it with periods of walking. The

goal is to help boost your mental and physical health.

#5 Swim - One of the reasons we can become down during the winter is because it’s cold and

gray. Join a swim club or find a gym with a pool. The warm water and the bright lights will help

you feel better. If swimming laps isn’t your thing, join a water aerobics class. There’s just

something fun about water aerobics. You can laugh and get fit at the same time.

Think about the activities you did as a child. What made you feel good? Get outside and have a

snowball fight. Go sledding. Climb a tree.

Light Boxes and Light Therapy to Combat Negative Feelings

During the winter months the sun’s rays weaken. The days get shorter. Often the sky is

cloudier, too. These short gray days can have an adverse effect on our physical and mental

health. It’s a time when many people suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and the

winter blues. Light therapy can be the answer.

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What Is Light Therapy?

Light therapy is a process of exposing your body to light on a regular basis. For some time

scientists didn’t understand why light affected people. However, the presence of SAD and

winter depression indicated that light was very important to many people. Over the past few

years the medical community has learned about vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight triggers your

body to create vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for physical and mental health.

Our bodies are also reliant on circadian rhythms. This is your body’s natural response to light

and dark. When it’s dark, your body is triggered through the release of hormones to sleep.

When it’s light, you wake up. However, many people’s bodies struggle with hormonal balance

during the winter months. Light therapy helps balance hormones and strengthens those

circadian rhythms.

How to Find Light Therapy

Light therapy can be accomplished in a number of ways. The most basic way is to make sure

you get twenty to thirty minutes of sunshine each day. However, if the sun isn’t shining this can

be a challenge.

Another option is to purchase or make a light box. They’re available on many home goods

websites, medical websites and even in your local big box store. This is a portable wide

spectrum light that is easy to take with you and put on your desk or table.

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You can also purchase full spectrum light bulbs and use them in lamps at home. The key,

however, is to make sure you use them every day. Expose yourself to full spectrum light for a

minimum of thirty minutes a day. Full spectrum lighting is about half as strong as the sun’s rays.

You can also purchase a handy tool called a dawn simulator. This ‘alarm clock’ gradually lightens

your room to simulate morning. If you struggle to wake when it’s dark outside, you may benefit

from this device.

Your doctor can also prescribe light therapy which can be done inpatient in some cases, or you

can take a light box home. If your insurance covers it, you can save some money.

Using Light Therapy

Use your light box or light therapy daily. Some experts recommend placing the light above your

head, like the sun. If you’re unsure, read the directions or ask your doctor. Most light boxes are

designed to sit on a table.

Make light therapy part of your daily routine. For example, sit at the table during lunchtime or

breakfast with the light box on. Again, my little hanging light is perfect because it hangs on my

computer. It’s a good idea to begin using light therapy before the winter depression or sadness

hits. Be proactive.

SAD and Winter Blues – An Explanation

Every fall and winter thousands of people feel less joyful than they normally do. The degree to

which they feel down varies widely. Some experience full-blown depression while others simply

seem to have the blues. Most people assume they have SAD. This may not be true, however.

The treatment for SAD and the winter blues is quite different.

If you struggle with depression during the winter months, it can be tough. Finding the right

treatment and diagnosis is key.

SAD Defined

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SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is not the winter blues. It affects people on a

regular basis. Each fall and winter, as the sky grows colder and darker, people begin to

experience this depression.

Symptoms of SAD include but are not limited to:

* Depression

* Feelings of hopelessness

* Anxiety

* Social withdrawal

* Loss of interest in pleasurable activities

* Appetite changes and weight gain

* Difficulty concentrating and focusing

* Lack of energy and difficulty sleeping

If these symptoms persist for more than a few days and consistently return season after

season, you probably have SAD. It’s important to see your doctor and get properly diagnosed.

Because SAD is often caused by lower levels of melatonin and serotonin, treatment for SAD

often includes:

* Light therapy

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* Medications

* Home therapy

There are also some home and alternative therapies like dietary changes, yoga, meditation and

supplementation that have been shown to improve SAD.

Winter Blues

The winter blues is just as common as SAD; however, the symptoms don’t persist. They don’t

last as long and they don’t necessarily show up like clockwork when the seasons change. The

winter blues happen when a person is feeling down for a couple of days. Getting out and

socializing, exercising and making a few dietary changes can alleviate the problem.

Many people experience an occasional bout of the blues, and winter is a common time for it to

creep up on you. The sky is dark. The air is cold. People don’t get as much fresh air and sunshine

as they need.

How Do You Know If It’s the Blues or SAD?

Take a look at your symptoms. If they occur regularly, year after year, then it probably is SAD. If

your symptoms don’t go away after a few days and they persist or worsen, then it’s probably

SAD. If you’re in doubt about what’s going on, always see your doctor. When it comes to your

mental health it’s good to be cautious.

If you’re diagnosed with SAD, there are ways to manage the condition. If it’s the winter blues,

then create a plan to stay positive. Diet and exercise improve both SAD and the winter blues, so

take good care of yourself. This winter, find joy and happiness and leave depression and

sadness behind!

Socialize Your Way Out of Winter Blues

Tweet: Want to get out of the winter blues? Get out and socialize.

When you’re feeling down you often want to be alone. The last thing you want to do is

socialize. Keep in mind the company of others may be exactly what’s needed to beat the winter



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When you socialize with others there’s generally a lighter, more jovial mood. Surrounding

yourself with laughter and happiness, even if you’re not feeling light and happy, can help.

Laughter has been proven to release hormones in a person’s body. These hormones help

elevate mood and alleviate stress. And you may find yourself joining in on the laughter and fun.

New Perspectives

When you’re around others you may be able to see things from a different perspective. You

may find that others share your present situation. They may have a different outlook or

approach to the problem. This new perspective or outlook can help you find a way out of the



Friends and family have a way of reminding us what’s important. You may be able to look at

your present situation in a new light. Gratitude is a powerful emotion. When you feel it, it can

change your entire perspective. Many experts recommend keeping a gratitude journal or

notebook to help remember what’s good in your life.

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Music, Food and Fun

Many social outings are centered on these three things – music, fun, and food. It can be difficult

to stay depressed when there’s an upbeat vibe. When you’re surrounded by delicious food,

great music and laughter, a winter depression can slip away.

Make Socializing a Part of Your Life

If you’re prone to the winter blues or have experienced depression in the past, consider being

proactive. Schedule weekly outings with friends and family; make it a tradition. Meet at a local

restaurant or start a dinner club and rotate homes. This way you know you have a plan to get

yourself out of the house and socializing on a regular basis.

Find other ways to get out of the house too. Consider joining a fitness class. Or take a class at

your local community center. Learn something you’ve always wanted to learn. Do you want to

take a graphic design class? Romance writing class? Learn to play an instrument like guitar or

piano? I just started taking electric bass lessons! It’s fun, and I’m definitely stretching my brain.

What about pottery or photography? Learning something new and surrounding yourself with

people can really help you win the winter blues challenge!

Take charge of your life. Don’t let the winter blues get you down. Socialize, interact and

remember to have fun!

Cheryl A Major, CNWC Page 17

The Positive Effects of Vitamin D on Your Mood

Tweet: If you struggle with bouts of sadness or depression, there may be a simple solution.

If you struggle with bouts of sadness or depression, there may be a simple solution. Studies

have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and mood. Vitamin D is a vitamin our body

doesn’t store. Each day we need a source of vitamin D or we become deficient. The good news

is that getting enough vitamin D each day is easy.

The Vitamin D Link

As someone who struggled with depression for decades (please note the past tense used here),

I am acutely aware of the effect that vitamin D plays on mood, sadness and depression.

Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and mood. Vitamin D is a vitamin our

body produces but does not store. In fact, each day we need a source of vitamin D or we will

become deficient in that vitamin. The good news is that getting enough vitamin D each day is


The Vitamin D Link

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Many studies have been done on the link between Vitamin D and depression. During the winter

months, the sun’s rays are weaker and there is frequently a heavier cloud cover. This fact

caused scientists to hypothesize that it was the absence of light that contributed to depression.

In a way they were right. The sun’s rays actually trigger our bodies to produce vitamin D.

When the sun isn’t strong, we don’t get enough exposure. Worse, when it’s cold outside, we

tend to go out all bundled up - if we go out at all. That means no sun and no vitamin D. The

result is the potential for a negative effect on mood and overall health.

So what’s a person to do when the sun isn’t shining and its twenty degrees outside? The answer

is two-fold. Eat foods that are high in vitamin D and take a supplement.

Foods That Contain Vitamin D

These foods are high in vitamin D compared to other foods:

* Fish like salmon and mackerel (note that when you eat the soft bones of fish like salmon you

get more vitamin D)

* Soymilk (I don’t recommend because most soy is gmo and because of the general public’s

high allergic tendency toward soy)

* Fortified cow’s milk (I don’t recommend dairy regardless of organic or not)

* Shrimp and shellfish

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* Mushrooms

* There’s also a little vitamin D in potatoes

You’ll notice that vitamin D really isn’t present in many foods. Additionally, you’d have to eat a

lot of fish to get enough. The RDA (recommended daily allowance) is between 200 and 600 IUs

depending on age, but those doses are being increased by some doctors (including mine) to

1600 IUs/day. Supplementation is therefore the most logical answer during the winter months.

Most multivitamins don’t contain enough vitamin D. Check your label to determine how much

Vitamin D your multi is providing and then take a supplement to make up the rest.

Don’t wait until you feel poorly or depressed to begin adding vitamin D to your daily vitamins.

Get sun exposure when it’s possible and safe to do so, and eat foods that contain vitamin D.

Getting enough vitamin D is a sure way to help reduce winter depression. You may even

prevent it altogether.

Added bonus! Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. This is very important in order to

avoid osteoporosis as we add birthdays to our lives!

Here’s a link to the vitamin D that I use:

I have looked closely at this particular brand, and I feel comfortable taking it and sharing the

link with you. You’ll notice the dose is much higher than what is currently recommended. I like

the quality and the price, however, and take one every other day.

This worked really well for me

When I struggled with depression and decided I just couldn’t continue taking the anti-

depressants anymore because of their side effects and the way they made me feel, I did really

well using SAM-e. That, combined with using my hanging light on my laptop gave me the best

winter I’d had in a long time. I’ve included links to these depression-fighting tools on the

Resource page at the end of the report.

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Be sure to visit regularly for timely information, my latest

podcasts, easy delicious recipes and ongoing tips and support to help you feel better and be


Helping You Achieve Major Wellness!

Cheryl A Major, Certified Nutrition & Wellness Consultant

Cheryl A Major, CNWC Page 21



Light Therapy Lamp:

Vitamin D:

Wonderful Book On Aromatherapy…”Aromatherapy: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oils for

Holistic Healing”

Essential Oil Diffuser With Timer:

The Book That Started It All For Me:

A Must-Read If You Care About Your Health:

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