windows store crash fix

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Fix: Windows Store apps crashing in Windows 8, by performing Clean Uninstall using PowerShell


Fix: Windows Store apps crashing in Windows 8, by performing Clean Uninstall using PowerShellRECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performanceSometimes Windows Store apps may keep crashing every time you run it, in Windows 8. This may happen for no apparent reason. As a solution, you may have tried running the App Troubleshooter or even successfully uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. But still you may find that the app may continue to crash even after the reinstallation.Windows Store apps crashing in Windows 8If your Windows Store app is crashing every time you run it, you may want to check out these posts before you proceed: How to Repair Windows 8 Apps Troubleshoot and Fix Apps problems with Windows 8 Apps Troubleshooter Fix: Random Windows 8 Metro App CrashesIf none of these help, the final solution could possible be to completely uninstall and remove the particular app from your Windows 8 device. To do so, you can use PowerShell and scripting to perform a Clean Uninstall of the Windows Store app.Note: I am not familiar with PowerShell, having used it for the first time now. But when I found my Windows Phone app constantly crashing in spite of having reinstalled it and trying other troubleshooting steps, I decided to use this script. This was the first time that I had opened PowerShell! It was only after some trial and error that I was able to get the script to work. Based on what I read at the TechNet Script Center post, this is the way I went about it. It worked for me and I hope it does for you too.First, I recommend you create a system restore point.Having done that you will have to allow active scripting on your Windows 8 computer. Because, by default, for security reasons, PowerShells execution policy is set to Restricted. This means that scripts wont run. In such a scenario, if you try to run a script, you will get an error: Running scripts is disabled on this systemOpen Powershell as an administrator. To do so, while on the start screen, type powershell, and on the result, right click and select Run as administrator.Type Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and hit Enter.powershell-1Type Y again as confirmation and hit Enter again. This will change the Execution Policy.Now, download this script from Microsoft and extract the contents of the zipped file. Open RemoveWindowsStoreApp with a Notepad. Scroll down to the end of the script file, and then add the command that you want to run in this case Remove-OSCAppxPackage. Save the script.Next, run the script using PowerShell. Check the path. Change the directory if need be, Type cd C:\ and hit Enter. Then place the RemoveWindowsStoreApp on your C drive if need be.When you run the script, it will first list all the installed apps along with the app IDs.powershell-3In my case, The Windows Phone app had the ID 34.powershell-4You will be asked Which Apps do you want to remove. Enter the ID or IDs and hit Enter. I entered 34 and hit Enter.powershell-5A Clean Uninstall will be performed and the app will be completely removed from your system.Now restart the computer and reinstall the app. The app should hopefully work and not crash now.Once your work is done, remember to change back the PowerShell Execution policy to Restricted using: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Restricted.script-xHope it helps!If you are facing other kinds of problems with your Windows Store apps, you may want to check these links: Fix: Unable to Install Apps from Windows 8 Store Fix: Unable to update Windows Store applications on Windows 8.Related Posts: Remove multiple Windows Store apps in Windows 8 at the same time using Powershell Use PowerShell to create desktop shortcut to open Windows Store apps Uninstall multiple Windows Store apps in Windows 8.1 at once Uninstall Universal Apps from your User Account in Windows 10 using PowerShell Completely Uninstall Pre-Installed Windows Store Apps From Windows 10 / 8Posted by AnandK@TWC on February 13, 2013 , in Category Windows with Tags PowerShell, Uninstall, Windows AppsAnand Khanse aka HappyAndyK is an end-user Windows enthusiast, a Microsoft MVP in Windows, since 2006, and the Admin of Please create a System Restore Point before trying out any software, be careful about any third-party offers while installing freeware & read the entire post & the comments first.Follow @thewindowsclub Recent Comments Bobbie Richards I too would like to know as I had... 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