windows 7 vs windows 8, which one do you prefer?

Post on 18-Jun-2015






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Which one do you think is better? and what is the


Windows 7 VS Windows 8, Which One do You Prefer?40 days ago (26, October, 2012) Microsoft released Windows 8 OS, many Windows OS users wandering go for update for Windows 8 or stick with Windows 7. And this guide today, I’d like to talk about the topic for Window 7 VS Windows 8, which one is better?

As we know before Windows 8 came, Windows 7 is used by most Windows OS users. And we are familiar with the functions and surface for Windows 7. So today, let’s go and see the differences in Windows 8 functions. There are 6 kinds of changes for Windows 8. Here we go for a look one by one. (From Wiki for Windows 8) First, Safety and securityThere are two new authentication methods tailored towards touchscreens for Windows 8 security features. The antivirus capabilities to Windows Defender are supported for the "Secure Boot" functionality on UEFI systems to protect against malware infecting the boot process.Second, Online services and functionalityDifferent from Windows 7, Windows 8 starts to provide online services. By using your Mircosoft account you can access services and synchronize applications and settings between devices. Windows 8 also improved support for mobile broadband; the OS can now accept for SIM card and automatically configure connection settings.Third, Windows Store and AppsWindows Store apps were originally known as "Metro-style apps", according to Microsoft developer Jensen Harris, these apps are to be optimized for touchscreen environments and have smaller scope in relation to desktop applications. Apps can run either in a full-screen mode, or be docked directly to the side of a screen.Four, Web browsersSpecial exceptions are given to web browsers classified as being "New experience enabled" , which can provide a special version to run within the "Metro" shell. Unlike other apps, they can be coded using Win32 code instead of WinRT, permanently run in the background, use multiple background processes, and are distributed with desktop web browsers rather than through the Windows Store.Five, Interface and desktopWindows 8 introduces significant changes to the operating system's user interface, many of which are centered towards improving its experience on tablet computers and other touchscreen

devices. The new user interface is based on Microsoft's Metro design language, and features a new tile-based Start screen similar to that of Windows Phone, which has replaced the previous Start menu entirely.Six, Secure bootWindows 8 supports a feature of the UEFI specification known as "Secure boot", which uses a public-key infrastructure to verify the integrity of the operating system and prevent unauthorized programs such as bootkits from infecting the device.

(resource from: are the new features for Windows 8, maybe you think the tips are so wonderful, but why still so many people do not like Windows 8? Here is a post I found in a blog for Disadvantages of Windows 8.1, The main disadvantage is lies in the working, the system is reboot several times (especially for 30 min)only for developer and consumer preview not for pro.2, No antivirus for the windows 8(consumer and developer preview) only windows firewall and internet security(but available for win 8 pro).3, Apps works only in the full monitor by occupying the full face of the monitor.4, No side apps can be run will we are using the apps.5, And my recommendation is to run the windows 8 consumer preview in another (dual boot), because it has many problem in it and if the windows 8 release stick to it, until you should be struck in windows 7 or windows xp.

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