williams syndrome tourette’s syndrome. undiagnosed:not to determine the identity of by a medical...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Williams SyndromeTourette’s Syndrome


undiagnosed:not to determine the identity of by a medical

examination ( tanı konulmamış)

anxious:attended with or showing solicitude solicitude or

uneasiness (endişeli)

fearful: causing or apt to cause fear (korkunç)

obsessive: being , pertaining to, or resembling on

obsession (saplantılı)

display: to show or exhibit ( göstermek)

Williams Syndrome

• Williams Syndrome is a relatively uncommon genetic condition which causes both physical and mental disabilities.

• It is often difficult to confirm the condition and it may go undiagnosed for many years.

• Those with Williams Syndrome have characteristic facial features that become more pronounced as the child grows.

• Children with Williams Syndrome in general tend to :

be more anxious or fearfulhave a short attention spandisplay obsessive behavioursbe hyperactivebe small for their agehave poor communication skills

UNKNOWN WORDSmuscle contraction: A shortening or tensing of a part or organ ( kas kasılması )hereditary: Passing ,or capable of passing naturally from parent to offspring through the genes ( kalıtsal)identified: to recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing ; verify the identity of: (tanımlanmış)Apparent: readily seen ; exposed to sight ; open to view ;visible(bariz)Teased: to irritate or provake with persistent petty distractions , trifling raillery , or other annoyance , often in sport.(sataşılan)Deficit: The amount by which expenditures or liabilities exceed income or assets (eksik )react: to act in reciprocally upon each other , as two things( tepki)


• Tourette’s syndrome is a neuropsychiatric disorder. Tourette’s Syndrome is a type of muscle contraction.

• There is no definitive cause identified for Tourette’s Syndrome , but in approximately half of al cases there is a hereditary connection of some kind.

• Tourette’s Syndrome often starts first in primary school but becomes far more apparent and far more of a problem, between the ages of 10-14

• The severity of the tics changes from they today. The reasons for this is not fully understood although it might be related to stress.

• Boys are more likely to be effected than girl.

• They are often teased by those around them especially in school.

• The most common tics are:


• About three- quarters of children with Tourrette’s Syndrome also have some sings of attention deficit and hyperactivity

• Young people with Tourette’s Syndrome often lose their temper quickly and often over react in unexpected situations


Prevent: to hinder or stop from doing something ( engel olmak)Expectations: the act or the state of (beklentiler)Overwhelming: so great as to render resistance or opposition useless (baskın)Oral: uttered by the mouth ; spoken: (ağızdan alınan)Repetition: something made by or resulting from repeating (tekrar)


• In many cases the best support will come from

outside the school. However a teacher can by

taking an open and sensitive approach.

• Indeed they are keen to conform to the teacher’s

expectations and they will do so unless something

overwhelming prevents them

• An example of this, which may seem

trivial in the context of the extreme

difficulties that we have considered

earlier, is the necessity to differentiate

when planning work for children of

different levels of ability and experience

Multisensory Teaching

Multisensory teaching aims to involve the

different senses in the process of learning.

Multisensory teaching stresses the visual,

auditory, oral and kinaesthetic systems of our



The repetition can be over a short time period, such as one lesson, or it might be a daily or weekly routine


It is a type of learning technique

- Firstly, look at the word

- Word is repeated

- Cover the word

- Word is written

- Latest, word is checked


It is a type of reading technique

- Do not give the word straight away.

- Pause

- If an attempt is not made, prompt

- If they manage to work out what the word is

give praise


relevance: the condition of being relevant , or connected with the matter at hand (ilgili)interventions: the act or fact of intervening (anlamlı,ilişkili)charity: generous actions or donations to aid the poor , ill, or helpless ( yardım derneği)provides: to make available (sağlamak)foundation: the same as assocation (kurum)related: to connected (bağlantılı)

Useful ContactsAttachment Disorder: The Family Futures Consortium is an adoption support organisation which does have some information of relevance.Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity: ADDISS offers support for parents, sufferers and professionals

Autism: Research Autism is a UK charity dedicated to research into interventions in autism.

Cerebral Palsy: Scope in a UK charity working to support and educate as well as fund research into cerebral palsy

Down’s Syndrome: The Down’s Syndrome Association is a UK charity working for those with the syndrome. Dyslexia: British Dyslexia Association provides information for anyone with an interest in dyslexia. Dyspraxia: The Dyspraxia Foundation provides support and information for individuals, families and professionals effected by dyspraxia.

Fragile X: The National Fragile X Foundation provides support, education and funds research into Fragile X.

Semantic Pragmatic Disorder: This is a UK charity supporting children and young people, heir families and the professionals who work with them.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation is an international organization dedicated to helping those with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and related problems.

1. What are the symptoms are of Williams Syndrome?

A)GruntingB)SwearingC)SpittingD)Have poor communication skills


2. What are the common tics of sensroms the Tournetto?

A)be small for their ageB)shoutingC)be more anxious or fearfulD)display obsessive behaviours


3. When is the tournetto’s syndrome usually begins?



Word Game

a) Deficit

a) Foundation

C) undiagnosed

a) charity

a) interventions


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