· pdf file1 wildlife conservation act 2010 . wildlife conservation (license, permit and...

Post on 20-Mar-2018






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IN exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 132(2)(g) of the Wildlife

Conservation Act 2010 [Act 716], the Minister makes the following regulations:

Citation and commencement

1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Wildlife Conservation

Regulations (License, Permit and Special Permit Fees) 2013.

(2) These Regulations come into operation on the 2013.

Licence fee

2. (1) The fee payable in respect of the requirement for licence under

section 9 of the Act shall be as specified in the First Schedule.

(2) The fee payable in respect of the requirement for licence to carry on a

business dealing or a taxidermy business under paragraphs 9(1)(d) or 9(1)(e) of the

Act shall be as specified in the Fourth Schedule.

Permit fee

3. The fee payable in respect of the requirement for a permit to carry out

research or study on any protected wildlife under paragraph 10(1)(d) of the Act

shall be as specified in the Second Schedule.

Special permit fee

4. The fee payable in respect of the requirement for special permit under

section 11 of the Act shall be as specified in the Third Schedule.



[Subregulation 2(1)]




Local Name

(1) Species

(2) Fee

Cervidae Rusa Sambar Rusa unicolor RM200 per head Kijang Muntiacus muntjak RM100 per head

Tragulidae Pelanduk Tragulus javanicus RM50 per head Suidae Babi Hutan Sus scrofa RM20 per license/a

month RM50 per license/

three months RM100 per

license/six months RM200 per license/a

year Phasianidae Ayam Hutan Gallus gallus RM10 per head




Local Name

(1) Species

(2) Fee

Tragulidae Pelanduk Tragulus javanicus RM50 per head Viverridae Musang Pulut Paradoxurus

hermaphroditus RM10 per head

Cercopithecidae Kera Macaca fascicularis RM10 per head Beruk Macaca nemestrina Hystricidae Landak Raya Hystrix brachyura RM20 per head Phasianidae Ayam Hutan Gallus gallus RM10 per head Rallidae Ruak-ruak Amaurornis phoenicurus RM10 per head Sturnidae Tiong Mas Gracula religiosa RM10 per head Turdidae Murai Batu Copsychus malabaricus RM20 per head Zosteropidae Kelicap Kunyit Zosterops palpebrosus RM10 per head Psittacidae Bayan Serindit Loriculus galgulus RM10 per head Acrochordidae Ular Belalai Gajah Acrochordus javanicus RM10 per head


Pythonidae Ular Sawa Python reticulatus RM10 per head Colubridae

- Ahaetulla fasciolata

RM10 per head

Ular Cemeti Hijau Daun

Ahaetulla mycterizans

Ular Pucuk Ahaetulla prasina - Amphiesma inas - Amphiesma petersii - Amphiesma sanguineum - Amphiesma sarawacense - Aplopeltura boa - Asthenodipsas laevis - Asthenodipsas vertebralis - Boiga cyanea

Ular Kucing Taring

Boiga cynodon

Ular Bakau Boiga dendrophila melanota

- Boiga drapiezii - Boiga jaspidea - Boiga multomaculata - Boiga nigriceps

Ular Air Kadut Cerberus rynchops Ular Pokok Emas Chrysopelea ornata Ular Sawa Burung Chrysopelea paradisi Ular Pokok Belang

Chrysopelea pelias

Ular Laju Ekor Hitam

Coelognathus flavolineata

Ular Rusuk Kerbau

Coelognathus radiata

- Enhydris bocourti Ular Air Biasa Enhydris enhydris Ular Laju Ekor Merah

Gonyosoma oxycephalum

- Gonyosoma prasina Ular Air Tembam Homalopsis buccata

- Liopeltis tricolor - Lycodon effraenis - Lycodon subcinctus - Macrocalamus lateralis - Macrocalamus tweediei - Macropisthodon

rhodomelas - Pareas carinatus - Pareas margaritophorus


- Pseudoxenodon macrops - Ptyas carinata - Ptyas fusca - Ptyas korros

Ular Tikus Biasa Ptyas mucosus Ular Rabung Perut Bintik

Rhabdophis chrysargos

- Rhabdophis conspicillatus - Rhabdophis subminiatus - Sibynophis collaris - Sibynophis melanocephalus - Xenochrophis piscator

Cylindrophiidae Ular Kepala Dua Cylindrophis ruffus RM10 per head


Ular Katam Tebu Bungarus candidus

RM10 per head

Ular Katam Belang

Bungarus fasciatus

Ular Katam Kepala Merah

Bungarus flaviceps

Ular Pantai Biru-biru

Calliophis bivirgatus

Ular Pantai Bintik Calliophis gracilis Ular Pantai Belang

Calliophis intestinalis

Ular Pantai Bintik Kecil

Calliophis maculiceps

Ular Senduk Naja kaouthia Ular Senduk Sembur

Naja sumatrana

Ular Tedung Selar Ophiophagus hannah


Ular Kapak Bodoh

Calloselasma rhodostoma

RM10 per head

Ular Kapak Bibir Putih

Cryptelytrops albolabris

Ular Kapak Bakau Cryptelytrops purpureomaculatus

Ular Kapak Gunung

Ovophis monticola convictus

Ular Kapak Hijau Parias hageni Ular Kapak Sumatra

Parias sumatranus

Ular Kapak Pope Popeia popeorum Ular Kapak Borneo

Trimeresurus borneensis

Ular Kapak Tokong

Tropidolaemus wagleri


Xenopeltidae Ular Pelangi Xenopeltis unicolor RM10 per head


Sesumpah Tanduk

Acanthosaura armata

RM10 per head

- Acanthosaura crucigera Sesumpah Tanpa Telinga

Aphaniotis fusca

Calotes emma emma Sesumpah Kuning Calotes versicolor

- Draco blanfordii - Draco maculatus - Draco melanopogon

Cicak Terbang Lima Jalur

Draco quinquefasciatus

Cicak Kobin Draco sumatranus - Gonocephalus bellii - Gonocephalus

chamaeleontinus - Gonocephalus doriae

abbotti Cicak Kepala Segi Besar

Gonocephalus grandis

- Gonocephalus liogaster - Gonocephalus robinsonii - Leiolepis belliana - Leiolepis triploida


- Aeluroscalabotes felinus

RM10 per head

- Cnemaspis nigridius - Cyrtodactylus consobrinus - Cyrtodactylus peguensis

Cicak Belang Cyrtodactylus pulchellus Cicak Jari Bengkok

Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus

Tokay Gekko gecko - Gekko smithii


- Sphenomorphus praesignis RM10 per head - Sphenomorphus stellatus

Varanidae Biawak Air Varanus salvator RM10 per head Geoemydidae

- Cyclemys dentata RM10 per head Jelebu Siput

Besar Malayemys macrocephala

Trionychidae Labi-labi Biasa Amyda cartilaginea RM10 per head Labi-labi Melayu Dogania subplana


Ansonia leptopus RM5 per head Kodok Sungai

Pulau Pinang Ansonia penangensis


Kodok Sungai Pulau Tioman

Ansonia tiomanica

- Ingerophrynus kumquat


Katak Demam Limnonectes blythii

RM5 per head

Katak Paya Tanah Gambut

Limnonectes malesianus

- Limnonectes tweediei Katak Paya Kecil Limnonectes



Katak Bertanduk Borneo

Megophrys nasuta

RM5 per head Katak Tanduk

Kecil Xenophrys aceras

- Xenophrys longipes


Katak Lekit Kalophrynus palmatissimus RM5 per head

- Kalophrynus robinsoni


- Amolops larutensis

RM5 per head

- Hylarana banjarana Katak Sawah Hijau

Hylarana erythraea

Katak Sungai Berbintik

Hylarana picturata

Katak Anak Sungai Kesat

Hylarana raniceps

Katak Batu Beracun

Odorrana hosii


Katak Perang Berbintik

Nyctixalus pictus

RM5 per head

Polypedates colletti Katak Terbang Wallace

Rhacophorus nigropalmatus

- Rhacophorus pardalis - Rhacophorus prominanus - Rhacophorus reinwardtii

Liphisitiidae -

Liphistius spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM5 for every 100 heads


- Chilobrachys spp.

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Coremiocnemis spp. - Cyriopagopus spp. - Haplopelma spp. - Lampropelma violaceopes - Lyrognathus robustus


- Phlogiellus spp. - Phormingochilus spp. - Poecilotheria spp. - Selenocosmia spp.

Tetragnathidae - Nephila spp. RM5 for every 100 heads

Scorpionidae - Heterometrus spp. RM5 for every 100 heads


- Catoxantha spp.

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Chrysochroa spp. - Demochroa spp. - Megaloxantha spp. - Mormolyce spp. - Stigmodera armata


- Anoplophora birmanica

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Anoplophora elegans - Anoplophora horsfieldi - Anoplophora medenbachi - Anoplophora longehisuta - Anoplophora zonatrix - Apriona elsa - Apriona marcusina - Apriona rixator - Arctolamia cruciatus - Actolamia fasciata - Actolamia villosa - Batocera lombokiana - Batocera rosenbergi - Batocera sumbaensis - Combe brianus - Cyriopalus wallacei - Cheliadonium venereum - Glenea spp. - Nemophas tricolor

Lucanidae - Lamprima spp. RM5 for every 100 heads


Riang-riang Ambragaeana ambra

RM5 for every 100 heads

Riang-riang Zamrut Hijau

Angamiana floridula

Riang-riang Hantu

Ayuthia spectabile

Riang-riang Merah Bersayap Putih

Huechys sanguinea

Riang Pomponia adusta


- Pomponia imperatoria


- Aphaena aurantia RM5 for every 100 heads - Aphaena submaculata

- Pyrops spp. - Scamandra sanguiflua


- Danaus affinis

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Idea hypermnestra - Idea jasonia - Idea leuconoe - Idea lynceus - Idea stolli


- Agatasa calydonia

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Charaxes spp. - Enispe intermedia - Kallima paralekta - Polyura eudamippus - Polyura schreiber - Prothoe franck - Zeuxidia aurelius


- Chilasa agestor

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Graphium empedovana - Meandrusa payeni - Lamproptera curius - Lamproptera meges - Ornithoptera spp. - Papilio mahadeva - Papilio palinurus - Trogonoptera brookiana - Troides spp.

Hymenopodidae Mentadak Orkid Hymenopus coronatus RM5 for every 100 heads


Mentadak Daun Deroplatys spp.

RM5 for every 100 heads

- Theopompa spp. - Paratoxodera cornicollis - Theopropus elegan - Parhymenopus davidsoni

Gryllacrididae Cengkerik Raksasa

Gryllacris spp. RM5 for every 100 heads

Bacillidae - Heteropteryx dilatata RM5 for every 100 heads

Heteronemiidae Serangga Ranting Bersayap Merah Kecil

Phaenopharos struthioneus RM5 for every 100 heads

Phasmatidae - Tagesoidea nigrofasciata RM5 for every 100 heads - Eurycnema versirubra


- Extatosoma tiaratum


Serangga Daun Phyllium pulchrifolium RM5 for every 100 heads Serangga Daun

Besar Phyllium giganteum

Protected wildlife species under the First Schedule, Part 1 of the

Act which is not listed

RM100 per head



Local Name (1)

Species (2) Fee

Viverridae Musang Pulut Paradoxurus hermaphroditus

RM10 per head

Cercopithecidae Kera Macaca fascicularis RM10 per head Beruk Macaca nemestrina Phasianidae Ayam Hutan Gallus gallus RM10 per head Rallidae Ruak-ruak Amaurornis phoenicurus RM10 per head Sturnidae Tiong Mas Gracula religiosa RM10 per head Turdidae Murai Batu Copsychus malabaricus RM20 per head Zosteropidae Kelicap Kunyit Zosterops palpebrosus RM10 per head Psittacidae Bayan Serindit Loriculus galgulus RM10 per head Pythonidae Ular Sawa Python reticulatus RM10 per head


Sesumpah Tanduk

Acanthosaura armata

RM10 per head

- Acanthosaura crucigera Sesumpah Tanpa Telinga

Aphaniotis fusca

Calotes emma emma Sesumpah Kuning Calotes versicolor

- Draco blanfordii - Draco maculatus - Draco melanopogon

Cicak Terbang Lima Jalur

Draco quinquefasciatus

Cicak Kobin Draco sumatranus - Gonocephalus bellii - Gonocephalus

chamaeleontinus - Gonocephalus doriae

abbotti Cicak Kepala Segi Besar

Gonocephalus grandis

- Gonocephalus liogaster


- Gonocephalus robinsonii - Leiolepis belliana - Leiolepis triploida


- Aeluroscalabotes felinus

RM10 per head

- Cnemaspis nigridius - Cyrtodactylus consobrinus - Cyrtodactylus peguensis

Cicak Belang Cyrtodactylus pulchellus Cicak Jari Bengkok

Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus

Tokay Gekko gecko - Gekko smithii


- Sphenomorphus praesignis RM10 per head - Sphenomorphus stellatus

Geoemydidae - Cyclemys dentata RM10 per head Jelebu Siput

Besar Malayemys macrocephala

Trionychidae Labi-labi Biasa Amyda cartilaginea RM10 per head Labi-labi Melayu Dogania subplana


- Ansonia leptopus

RM10 per head

Kodok Sungai Pulau Pinang

Ansonia penangensis

Kodok Sungai Pulau Tioman

Ansonia tiomanica

- Ingerophrynus kumquat


Katak Demam Limnonectes blythii

RM10 per head

Katak Paya Tanah Gambut

Limnonectes malesianus

- Limnonectes tweediei Katak Paya Kecil Limnonectes



Katak Bertanduk Borneo

Megophrys nasuta

RM10 per head Katak Tanduk

Kecil Xenophrys aceras

- Xenophrys longipes


Katak Lekit Kalophrynus palmatissimus RM10 per head

- Kalophrynus robinsoni


- Amolops larutensis

RM10 per head

- Hylarana banjarana Katak Sawah Hijau

Hylarana erythraea

Katak Sungai Berbintik

Hylarana picturata


Katak Anak Sungai Kesat

Hylarana raniceps

Katak Batu Beracun

Odorrana hosii


Katak Perang Berbintik

Nyctixalus pictus

RM10 per head

Katak Batu Beracun

Odorrana hosii

- Polypedates colletti Katak Terbang Wallace

Rhacophorus nigropalmatus

- Rhacophorus pardalis - Rhacophorus prominanus - Rhacophorus reinwardtii

Liphisitiidae -

Liphistius spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM3 per head


- Chilobrachys spp.

RM3 per head

- Coremiocnemis spp. - Cyriopagopus spp. - Haplopelma spp. - Lampropelma violaceopes - Lyrognathus robustus - Phlogiellus spp. - Phormingochilus spp. - Poecilotheria spp. - Selenocosmia spp.

Tetragnathidae - Nephila spp. RM3 per head Scorpionidae - Heterometrus spp. RM3 per head


- Catoxantha spp.

RM3 per head

- Chrysochroa spp. - Demochroa spp. - Megaloxantha spp. - Mormolyce spp. - Stigmodera armata


- Anoplophora birmanica

RM3 per head

- Anoplophora elegans - Anoplophora horsfieldi - Anoplophora medenbachi - Anoplophora longehisuta - Anoplophora zonatrix - Apriona elsa - Apriona marcusina - Apriona rixator


- Arctolamia cruciatus - Actolamia fasciata - Actolamia villosa - Batocera lombokiana - Batocera rosenbergi - Batocera sumbaensis - Combe brianus - Cyriopalus wallacei - Cheliadonium venereum - Glenea spp. - Nemophas tricolor

Lucanidae - Lamprima spp. RM3 per head


Riang-riang Ambragaeana ambra

RM3 per head

Riang-riang Zamrut Hijau

Angamiana floridula

Riang-riang Hantu

Ayuthia spectabile

Riang-riang Merah Bersayap Putih

Huechys sanguinea

Riang Pomponia adusta - Pomponia imperatoria


- Aphaena aurantia RM3 per head

- Aphaena submaculata - Pyrops spp. - Scamandra sanguiflua


- Danaus affinis

RM10 per head

- Idea hypermnestra - Idea jasonia - Idea leuconoe - Idea lynceus - Idea stolli


- Agatasa calydonia

RM3 per head

- Charaxes spp. - Enispe intermedia - Kallima paralekta - Polyura eudamippus - Polyura schreiber - Prothoe franck - Zeuxidia aurelius


- Chilasa agestor

RM3 per head

- Graphium empedovana - Meandrusa payeni - Lamproptera curius - Lamproptera meges


- Ornithoptera spp. - Papilio mahadeva - Papilio palinurus - Trogonoptera brookiana - Troides spp.

Hymenopodidae Mentadak Orkid Hymenopus coronatus RM3 per head


Mentadak Daun Deroplatys spp.

RM3 per head

- Theopompa spp. - Paratoxodera cornicollis - Theopropus elegan - Parhymenopus davidsoni

Gryllacrididae Cengkerik Raksasa

Gryllacris spp. RM3 per head

Bacillidae - Heteropteryx dilatata RM3 per head

Heteronemiidae Serangga Ranting Bersayap Merah Kecil

Phaenopharos struthioneus RM3 per head

Phasmatidae - Tagesoidea nigrofasciata RM3 per head

- Eurycnema versirubra - Extatosoma tiaratum


Serangga Daun Phyllium pulchrifolium RM3 per head Serangga Daun

Besar Phyllium giganteum

Petauridae Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps RM3 per head

Phalangeridae Cuscus Phalanger spp. RM10 per head Cuscus Spilocuscus spp. Talpidae Himalayan Mole Euroscaptor micrura RM10 per head Cebidae

Marmoset Callithrix spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM10 per head

Capuchins Cebus spp. Spix's Saddle-backed Tamarin

Saguinus fuscicollis

Emperor Tamarin Saguinus imperator Mottle-faced Tamarin

Saguinus inustus

Geoffrey's Moustached Tamarin

Saguinus labiatus

Red-headed Tamarin

Saguinus midas

Spix's Moustached Tamarin

Saguinus mystax


Spix's Black-mantle Tamarin

Saguinus nigricollis

Tamarins Saguinus spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Squirrel Monkeys Saimiri spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


Golden Potto Arctocebus aureus

RM10 per head

Angwantibo Arctocebus calabarensis Grey Slender Loris

Loris lydekkerianus

Slender Loris Loris tardigradus Potto Perodicticus potto False Potto Pseudopotto martini


Titi Callicebus spp.

RM10 per head

Bearded Saki Chiropotes spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Saki Pithecia spp.


Bernier's Teal Anas bernieri

RM10 per head

Baikal Teal Anas formosa Cape Teal Anas capensis Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca Red-breasted Goose

Branta ruficollis

Coscoroba Swan Coscoroba coscoroba Black-necked Swan

Cygnus melanocoryphus

Jankwoski’s Swan Cygnus columbianus Black-billed Wood-Duck

Dendrocygna arborea

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna autumnalis

Fulvous Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna bicolor

White-faced Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna viduata

African Pygmy Goose

Nettapus auritus

White-headed Oxyura leucocephala


Duck Spur-winged Goose

Plectropterus gambensis

Hartlaub's Duck Pteronetta hartlaubii Comb Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos


Yellow-faced Siskin

Carduelis yarrellii

RM10 per head

Streaky-headed Seedeater

Serinus gularis

White-rumped Seedeater

Serinus leucopygius

Yellow-fronted Canary

Serinus mozambicus

Island Canary Serinus canaria


Saffron Toucanet Baillonius bailloni

RM10 per head

Black-necked Aracari

Pteroglossus aracari

Chestnut-eared Aracari

Pteroglossus castanotis

Green Aracari Pteroglossus viridis Red-breasted Toucan

Ramphastos dicolorus

Keel-billed Toucan

Ramphastos sulfuratus

Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco Red-billed Toucan

Ramphastos tucanus

Channel-billed Toucan

Ramphastos vitellinus

Spot-billed Toucanet

Selenidera maculirostris


- Cacatua spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM10 per head

Gang-gang Cockatoo

Callocephalon fimbriatum

- Calyptorhynchus spp. - Eolophus roseicapillus


- Chalcopsitta spp.

RM10 per head

- Charmosyna spp. - Eos spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


- Glossopsitta spp. - Lorius spp.

Yellow-billed Lorikeet

Neopsittacus musschenbroekii

Emerald Lorikeet Neopsittacus pullicauda Plum-faced Lorikeet

Oreopsittacus arfaki

Collared Lory Phigys solitarius Dusky Lory Pseudeos fuscata

- Psitteuteles spp. - Trichoglossus spp. - Vini spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


- Agapornis spp. (except the species included in the Fifth Schedule of the Act)

RM10 per head

- Alisterus spp. Amazon Parrot Amazona spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Red-winged Parrot

Aprosmictus erythropterus

Olive-shouldered Parrot

Aprosmictus jonquillaceus

- Ara spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Aratinga spp. Australian Ringneck

Barnardius zonarius

Guaiabero Bolbopsittacus lunulatus - Bolborhynchus spp. - Brotogeris spp.

Burrowing Parakeet

Cyanoliseus patagonus

- Coracopsis spp. - Cyanoliseus spp. - Cyanoramphus spp.

(except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


- Cyclopsitta spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Hawk-headed Parrot

Deroptyus accipitrinus

Hahn's Macaw Diopsittaca nobilis Electus Parrot Eclectus roratus

- Enicognathus spp. - Forpus spp. - Geoffroyus spp.

Short-tailed Parrot

Graydidascalus brachyurus

- Hapalopsittaca spp. Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor Golden-plumed Conure

Leptosittaca branickii

- Loriculus spp. - Micropsitta spp. - Myiopsitta spp.

Black-headed Conure

Nandayus nenday

Amazonian Parakeet

Nannopsittaca dachilleae

Tepui Parakeet Nannopsittaca panychlora - Neophema spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Bourke's Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii Kaka Nestor meridionalis Kea Nestor notabilis Blue Bonnet Northiella haematogaster Red-bellied Macaw

Orthopsittaca manilata

White-bellied Parrot

Pionites leucogaster

Black-headed Parrot

Pionites melanocephala

- Pionopsitta spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Pionus spp. - Platycercus spp.


- Poicephalus spp. - Polytelis spp.

Yellow-collared Macaw

Primolius auricollis

- Prioniturus spp. - Prosopeia spp. - Psephotus spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Mountain Parakeet

Psilopsiagon aurifrons

Grey-hooded Parakeet

Psilopsiagon aymara

- Psittacella spp. Rose-ringed Parakeet

Psittacula krameri

- Psittacula spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Psittaculirostris spp. Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus Pesquet's Parrot Psittrichas fulgidus Red-capped Parrot

Purpureicephalus spurius

- Pyrrhura spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Tanygnathus spp. - Touit spp.

Blue-bellied Parrot

Triclaria malachitacea


- Bradypodion spp.

RM10 per head

- Brookesia spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Calumma spp. - Chamaeleo spp. - Furcifer spp.

Dibamidae - Dibamus booliati RM10 per head - Dibamus tiomanensis

Gekkonidae Serpent Island Cyrtodactylus RM10 per head


Gecko serpensinsula Sticky-toed Geckos

Hoplodactylus spp.

- Naultinus spp. - Phelsuma spp. - Uroplatus spp.


Galapagos Marine Iguana

Amblyrhynchus cristatus

RM10 per head ― Conolophus spp. ― Iguana spp.

Coast Horned Lizard

Phrynosoma coronatum

Lacertidae Balearic Lizard Podarcis lilfordi RM10 per head Ibiza Wall Lizard Podarcis pityusensis


Prehensile-tailed Skink

Corucia zebrata

RM10 per head Orange-Throated Whiptail

Aspidoscelis hyperythra

Boidae Boas Boa spp. (except the subspecies included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM10 per head

Pythonidae Blood Python Python curtus RM10 per head Burmese Python Python molurus bivittatus Ball Python Python regius


Amula Red Rump Tarantula

Aphonopelma albiceps RM3 per head

Chihuahua Rose-grey Tarantulla

Aphonopelma pallidum

Pinktoe Tarantula Avicularia avicularia - Brachypelma spp.


Sri Lanka Rose Atrophaneura jophon

RM3 per head

Malabar Rose Atrophaneura pandiyana Bhutan Swallowtails

Bhutanitis spp.

Apollo Butterfly Parnassius apollo Kaiserihinds Teinopalpus spp. Birdwing Butterflies

Trogonoptera spp.

Protected wildlife species under the First Schedule, Part 1 and

Part 2 of the Act which is not listed

RM50 per head

Parts or derivatives of protected species in the First Schedule of

the Act

RM20 per license


Protected wildlife species under the First Schedule of the Act for

the operation of a zoo, wildlife permanent exhibition and

commercial captive breeding




Local Name (1)

Species (2) Fee

Acrochordidae Ular Belalai Gajah Acrochordus javanicus RM5 per head Pythonidae Ular Sawa Python reticulatus RM5 per head Colubridae

- Ahaetulla fasciolata

RM5 per head

Ular Cemeti Hijau Daun

Ahaetulla mycterizans

Ular Pucuk Ahaetulla prasina - Amphiesma inas - Amphiesma petersii - Amphiesma sanguineum - Amphiesma sarawacense - Aplopeltura boa - Asthenodipsas laevis - Asthenodipsas vertebralis - Boiga cyanea

Ular Kucing Taring

Boiga cynodon

Ular Bakau Boiga dendrophila melanota

- Boiga drapiezii - Boiga jaspidea - Boiga multomaculata - Boiga nigriceps

Ular Air Kadut Cerberus rynchops Ular Pokok Emas Chrysopelea ornata Ular Sawa Burung Chrysopelea paradisi Ular Pokok Belang

Chrysopelea pelias

Ular Laju Ekor Hitam

Coelognathus flavolineata

Ular Rusuk Kerbau

Coelognathus radiata

- Enhydris bocourti Ular Air Biasa Enhydris enhydris Ular Laju Ekor Merah

Gonyosoma oxycephalum


- Gonyosoma prasina Ular Air Tembam Homalopsis buccata

- Liopeltis tricolor - Lycodon effraenis - Lycodon subcinctus - Macrocalamus lateralis - Macrocalamus tweediei - Macropisthodon

rhodomelas - Pareas carinatus - Pareas margaritophorus - Pseudoxenodon macrops - Ptyas carinata - Ptyas fusca - Ptyas korros

Ular Tikus Biasa Ptyas mucosus Ular Rabung Perut Bintik

Rhabdophis chrysargos

- Rhabdophis conspicillatus - Rhabdophis subminiatus - Sibynophis collaris - Sibynophis melanocephalus - Xenochrophis piscator

Cylindrophiidae Ular Kepala Dua Cylindrophis ruffus RM5 per head


Ular Katam Tebu Bungarus candidus

RM5 per head

Ular Katam Belang

Bungarus fasciatus

Ular Katam Kepala Merah

Bungarus flaviceps

Ular Pantai Biru-biru

Calliophis bivirgatus

Ular Pantai Bintik Calliophis gracilis Ular Pantai Belang

Calliophis intestinalis

Ular Pantai Bintik Kecil

Calliophis maculiceps

Ular Senduk Naja kaouthia Ular Senduk Sembur

Naja sumatrana

Ular Tedung Selar Ophiophagus hannah


Ular Kapak Bodoh

Calloselasma rhodostoma

RM5 per head Ular Kapak Bibir

Putih Cryptelytrops albolabris

Ular Kapak Bakau Cryptelytrops


purpureomaculatus Ular Kapak Gunung

Ovophis monticola convictus

Ular Kapak Hijau Parias hageni Ular Kapak Sumatra

Parias sumatranus

Ular Kapak Pope Popeia popeorum Ular Kapak Borneo

Trimeresurus borneensis

Ular Kapak Tokong

Tropidolaemus wagleri

Xenopeltidae Ular Pelangi Xenopeltis unicolor RM5 per head


Sesumpah Tanduk

Acanthosaura armata

RM5 per head

- Acanthosaura crucigera Sesumpah Tanpa Telinga

Aphaniotis fusca

Calotes emma emma Sesumpah Kuning Calotes versicolor

- Draco blanfordii - Draco maculatus - Draco melanopogon

Cicak Terbang Lima Jalur

Draco quinquefasciatus

Cicak Kobin Draco sumatranus - Gonocephalus bellii - Gonocephalus

chamaeleontinus - Gonocephalus doriae

abbotti Cicak Kepala Segi Besar

Gonocephalus grandis

- Gonocephalus liogaster - Gonocephalus robinsonii - Leiolepis belliana - Leiolepis triploida


- Aeluroscalabotes felinus

RM5 per head

- Cnemaspis nigridius - Cyrtodactylus consobrinus - Cyrtodactylus peguensis

Cicak Belang Cyrtodactylus pulchellus Cicak Jari Bengkok

Cyrtodactylus quadrivirgatus

Tokay Gekko gecko - Gekko smithii



- Sphenomorphus praesignis RM5 per head - Sphenomorphus stellatus

Varanidae Biawak Air Varanus salvator RM5 per head Geoemydidae - Cyclemys dentata RM5 per head Trionychidae Labi-labi Melayu Dogania subplana RM5 per head Bufonidae

Ansonia leptopus

RM5 per head

Kodok Sungai Pulau Pinang

Ansonia penangensis

Kodok Sungai Pulau Tioman

Ansonia tiomanica

- Ingerophrynus kumquat


Katak Demam Limnonectes blythii

RM5 per head

Katak Paya Tanah Gambut

Limnonectes malesianus

- Limnonectes tweediei Katak Paya Kecil Limnonectes



Katak Bertanduk Borneo

Megophrys nasuta

RM5 per head Katak Tanduk

Kecil Xenophrys aceras

- Xenophrys longipes


Katak Lekit Kalophrynus palmatissimus RM5 per head

- Kalophrynus robinsoni


- Amolops larutensis

RM5 per head

- Hylarana banjarana Katak Sawah Hijau

Hylarana erythraea

Katak Sungai Berbintik

Hylarana picturata

Katak Anak Sungai Kesat

Hylarana raniceps

Katak Batu Beracun

Odorrana hosii


Katak Perang Berbintik

Nyctixalus pictus

RM5 per head

Polypedates colletti Katak Terbang Wallace

Rhacophorus nigropalmatus

- Rhacophorus pardalis - Rhacophorus prominanus - Rhacophorus reinwardtii

Liphisitiidae - Liphistius spp. (except the

species included in the RM3 per head


Second Schedule of the Act)


- Chilobrachys spp.

RM3 per head

- Coremiocnemis spp. - Cyriopagopus spp. - Haplopelma spp. - Lampropelma violaceopes - Lyrognathus robustus - Phlogiellus spp. - Phormingochilus spp. - Poecilotheria spp. - Selenocosmia spp.

Tetragnathidae - Nephila spp. RM3 per head Scorpionidae - Heterometrus spp. RM3 per head


- Catoxantha spp.

RM3 per head

- Chrysochroa spp. - Demochroa spp. - Megaloxantha spp. - Mormolyce spp. - Stigmodera armata


- Anoplophora birmanica

RM3 per head

- Anoplophora elegans - Anoplophora horsfieldi - Anoplophora medenbachi - Anoplophora longehisuta - Anoplophora zonatrix - Apriona elsa - Apriona marcusina - Apriona rixator - Arctolamia cruciatus - Actolamia fasciata - Actolamia villosa - Batocera lombokiana - Batocera rosenbergi - Batocera sumbaensis - Combe brianus - Cyriopalus wallacei - Cheliadonium venereum - Glenea spp. - Nemophas tricolor

Lucanidae - Lamprima spp. RM3 per head


Riang-riang Ambragaeana ambra RM3 per head

Riang-riang Zamrut Hijau

Angamiana floridula

Riang-riang Ayuthia spectabile


Hantu Riang-riang Merah Bersayap Putih

Huechys sanguinea

Riang Pomponia adusta - Pomponia imperatoria


- Aphaena aurantia RM3 per head - Aphaena submaculata

- Pyrops spp. - Scamandra sanguiflua


- Danaus affinis

RM3 per head

- Idea hypermnestra - Idea jasonia - Idea leuconoe - Idea lynceus - Idea stolli


- Agatasa calydonia

RM3 per head

- Charaxes spp. - Enispe intermedia - Kallima paralekta - Polyura eudamippus - Polyura schreiber - Prothoe franck - Zeuxidia aurelius


- Chilasa agestor

RM3 per head

- Graphium empedovana - Meandrusa payeni - Lamproptera curius - Lamproptera meges - Ornithoptera spp. - Papilio mahadeva - Papilio palinurus - Trogonoptera brookiana - Troides spp.

Hymenopodidae Mentadak Orkid Hymenopus coronatus RM3 per head


Mentadak Daun Deroplatys spp.

RM3 per head

- Theopompa spp. - Paratoxodera cornicollis - Theopropus elegan - Parhymenopus davidsoni

Gryllacrididae Cengkerik Raksasa

Gryllacris spp. RM3 per head

Bacillidae - Heteropteryx dilatata RM3 per head

Heteronemiidae Serangga Ranting Bersayap Merah

Phaenopharos struthioneus RM3 per head



Phasmatidae - Tagesoidea nigrofasciata RM3 per head

- Eurycnema versirubra - Extatosoma tiaratum


Serangga Daun Phyllium pulchrifolium RM3 per head Serangga Daun

Besar Phyllium giganteum

Protected wildlife under the First Schedule, Part 1 of the Act which

is not listed

RM10 per head

Parts or derivatives for protected wildlife species listed under

First Schedule of the Act

RM3 per unit

Meat of protected wildlife RM3 per kilogram

Generations of protected wildlife species except beruk (Macaca

nemestrina) and kera (Macaca fasicularis) which is being captive

bred for commercial purposes

RM5 per head



Common Name (1)

Species (2) Fee

Petauridae Sugar Glider Petaurus breviceps RM5 per head

Phalangeridae Cuscus Phalanger spp. RM5 per head Cuscus Spilocuscus spp. Talpidae Himalayan Mole Euroscaptor micrura RM5 per head Cebidae

Marmoset Callithrix spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM5 per head

Capuchins Cebus spp. Spix's Saddle-backed Tamarin

Saguinus fuscicollis

Emperor Tamarin Saguinus imperator Mottle-faced Tamarin

Saguinus inustus

Geoffrey's Moustached Tamarin

Saguinus labiatus

Red-headed Tamarin

Saguinus midas


Spix's Moustached Tamarin

Saguinus mystax

Spix's Black-mantle Tamarin

Saguinus nigricollis

Tamarins Saguinus spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Squirrel Monkeys Saimiri spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


Golden Potto Arctocebus aureus

RM5 per head

Angwantibo Arctocebus calabarensis Grey Slender Loris

Loris lydekkerianus

Slender Loris Loris tardigradus Potto Perodicticus potto False Potto Pseudopotto martini


Titi Callicebus spp.

RM5 per head

Bearded Saki Chiropotes spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Saki Pithecia spp.


Bernier's Teal Anas bernieri

RM5 per head

Baikal Teal Anas formosa Cape Teal Anas capensis Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca Red-breasted Goose

Branta ruficollis

Coscoroba Swan Coscoroba coscoroba Black-necked Swan

Cygnus melanocoryphus

Jankwoski’s Swan Cygnus columbianus Black-billed Wood-Duck

Dendrocygna arborea

Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna autumnalis

Fulvous Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna bicolor

White-faced Whistling Duck

Dendrocygna viduata


African Pygmy Goose

Nettapus auritus

White-headed Duck

Oxyura leucocephala

Spur-winged Goose

Plectropterus gambensis

Hartlaub's Duck Pteronetta hartlaubii Comb Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos


Yellow-faced Siskin

Carduelis yarrellii

RM5 per head

Streaky-headed Seedeater

Serinus gularis

White-rumped Seedeater

Serinus leucopygius

Yellow-fronted Canary

Serinus mozambicus

Island Canary Serinus canaria


Saffron Toucanet Baillonius bailloni

RM5 per head

Black-necked Aracari

Pteroglossus aracari

Chestnut-eared Aracari

Pteroglossus castanotis

Green Aracari Pteroglossus viridis Red-breasted Toucan

Ramphastos dicolorus

Keel-billed Toucan

Ramphastos sulfuratus

Toco Toucan Ramphastos toco Red-billed Toucan

Ramphastos tucanus

Channel-billed Toucan

Ramphastos vitellinus

Spot-billed Toucanet

Selenidera maculirostris


- Cacatua spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM5 per head

Gang-gang Cockatoo

Callocephalon fimbriatum

- Calyptorhynchus spp. - Eolophus roseicapillus

Loriidae - Chalcopsitta spp.

RM5 per head - Charmosyna spp. - Eos spp. (except the


species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Glossopsitta spp. - Lorius spp.

Yellow-billed Lorikeet

Neopsittacus musschenbroekii

Emerald Lorikeet Neopsittacus pullicauda Plum-faced Lorikeet

Oreopsittacus arfaki

Collared Lory Phigys solitarius Dusky Lory Pseudeos fuscata

- Psitteuteles spp. - Trichoglossus spp. - Vini spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


- Agapornis spp. (except the species included in the Fifth Schedule of the Act)

RM5 per head

- Alisterus spp. Amazon Parrot Amazona spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Red-winged Parrot

Aprosmictus erythropterus

Olive-shouldered Parrot

Aprosmictus jonquillaceus

- Ara spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Aratinga spp. Australian Ringneck

Barnardius zonarius

Guaiabero Bolbopsittacus lunulatus - Bolborhynchus spp. - Brotogeris spp.

Burrowing Parakeet

Cyanoliseus patagonus

- Coracopsis spp. - Cyanoliseus spp. - Cyanoramphus spp.


(except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Cyclopsitta spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Hawk-headed Parrot

Deroptyus accipitrinus

Hahn's Macaw Diopsittaca nobilis Electus Parrot Eclectus roratus

- Enicognathus spp. - Forpus spp. - Geoffroyus spp.

Short-tailed Parrot

Graydidascalus brachyurus

- Hapalopsittaca spp. Swift Parrot Lathamus discolor Golden-plumed Conure

Leptosittaca branickii

- Loriculus spp. - Micropsitta spp. - Myiopsitta spp.

Black-headed Conure

Nandayus nenday

Amazonian Parakeet

Nannopsittaca dachilleae

Tepui Parakeet Nannopsittaca panychlora - Neophema spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Bourke's Parrot Neopsephotus bourkii Kaka Nestor meridionalis Kea Nestor notabilis Blue Bonnet Northiella haematogaster Red-bellied Macaw

Orthopsittaca manilata

White-bellied Parrot

Pionites leucogaster

Black-headed Parrot

Pionites melanocephala

- Pionopsitta spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the


Act) - Pionus spp. - Platycercus spp. - Poicephalus spp. - Polytelis spp.

Yellow-collared Macaw

Primolius auricollis

- Prioniturus spp. - Prosopeia spp. - Psephotus spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Mountain Parakeet

Psilopsiagon aurifrons

Grey-hooded Parakeet

Psilopsiagon aymara

- Psittacella spp. Rose-ringed Parakeet

Psittacula krameri

- Psittacula spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Psittaculirostris spp. Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus Pesquet's Parrot Psittrichas fulgidus Red-capped Parrot

Purpureicephalus spurius

- Pyrrhura spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Tanygnathus spp. - Touit spp.

Blue-bellied Parrot

Triclaria malachitacea


- Bradypodion spp.

RM5 per head

- Brookesia spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

- Calumma spp. - Chamaeleo spp. - Furcifer spp.


Dibamidae - Dibamus booliati RM5 per head - Dibamus tiomanensis


Serpent Island Gecko

Cyrtodactylus serpensinsula

RM5 per head Sticky-toed Geckos

Hoplodactylus spp.

- Naultinus spp. - Phelsuma spp. - Uroplatus spp.


Galapagos Marine Iguana

Amblyrhynchus cristatus

RM5 per head ― Conolophus spp. ― Iguana spp.

Coast Horned Lizard

Phrynosoma coronatum

Lacertidae Balearic Lizard Podarcis lilfordi RM5 per head Ibiza Wall Lizard Podarcis pityusensis


Prehensile-tailed Skink

Corucia zebrata

RM5 per head Orange-Throated Whiptail

Aspidoscelis hyperythra

Boidae Boas Boa spp. (except the subspecies included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM5 per head

Pythonidae Blood Python Python curtus RM5 per head Burmese Python Python molurus bivittatus Ball Python Python regius

Carettochelyidae Pig-nosed Turtle Carettochelys insculpta RM5 per head Chelydridae Alligator

Snapping Turtle Macrochelys temminckii RM5 per head


Graptemys spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

RM5 per head Wood turtle Glyptemys insculpta ― Terrapene spp. (except the

species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)


Black-breasted HillTurtle

Geoemyda spengleri

RM5 per head Fujian Pond Turtle

Mauremys iversoni

Chinese Broad- Mauremys megalocephala


headed Pond Turtle Yellow Pond Turtle

Mauremys mutica

Red-necked Pond Turtle

Mauremys nigricans

Pritchard's Pond Turtle

Mauremys pritchardi

Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle

Mauremys sinensis

Beal's Eyed Turtle

Sacalia bealei

Chinese False-eyed Turtle

Sacalia pseudocellata

Four-eyed Turtle Sacalia quadriocellata

Pangshura spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Platysternidae Big-headed Turtle Platysternon megacephalum

RM5 per head


Angulated Tortoise

Chersina angulata

RM5 per head

Geochelone spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Gopherus spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Homopus spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Indotestudo spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

― Kinixys spp. African Pancake Tortoise

Malacochersus tornieri

― Psammobates spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the



Testudo spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Spotted Turtle Lissemys punctata Burmese Flapshell Turtle

Lissemys scutata

Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle

Palea steindachneri

Pelochelys spp. (except the species included in the Second Schedule of the Act)

Chinese Softshell Turtle

Pelodiscus axenaria

― Pelodiscus maackii ― Pelodiscus parviformis


Amula Red Rump Tarantula

Aphonopelma albiceps RM5 per head

Chihuahua Rose-grey Tarantulla

Aphonopelma pallidum

Pinktoe Tarantula Avicularia avicularia - Brachypelma spp.


Sri Lanka Rose Atrophaneura jophon

RM5 per head

Malabar Rose Atrophaneura pandiyana Bhutan Swallowtails

Bhutanitis spp.

Apollo Butterfly Parnassius apollo Kaiserihinds Teinopalpus spp. Birdwing Butterflies

Trogonoptera spp.

Protected wildlife under the First Schedule, Part 2 of the Act which

is not listed

RM10 per head

Parts or derivatives of protected wildlife species listed under the First Schedule of the Act

RM3 per unit

Meat of protected wildlife species listed under the First Schedule of the Act

RM3 per kilogram



[Regulation 3]


(1) Description

(2) Fee

Conducting research or study on any protected wildlife for the purpose of:

i) Commercial

ii) Academic or conservation

RM100 per research



[Regulation 4]


(1) Description

(2) Fee

i) Hunting of totally protected wildlife:

- Totally protected wildlife species listed under

the Second Schedule of the Act

RM500 per head

ii) Hunting of protected wildlife during close season:

- Protected wildlife listed under the First Schedule, Part 1 of the Act

RM500 per head

iii) Keeping or using totally protected wildlife:

- Totally protected wildlife species listed under

the Second Schedule of the Act for individual

RM20 per head a year


- Totally protected wildlife species listed under the Second Schedule of the Act for the operation of a zoo, wildlife exhibition and commercial captive breeding


iv) Import, export and re-export of totally protected

wildlife: - Totally protected wildlife species listed under

the Second Schedule of the Act

RM50 per head

v) Import, export and re-export parts or derivatives of

totally protected wildlife: - Parts or derivatives of totally protected wildlife

species listed under the Second Schedule of the Act

- Meat of totally protected wildlife species listed

under the Second Schedule of the Act

RM20 per unit

RM20 per kilogram

vi) Keeping parts or derivatives of totally protected

wildlife: - Parts or derivatives of totally protected wildlife

species species listed under Second Schedule of the Act

RM50 per license per part or derivative

vii) Conducting research or study on any totally

protected wildlife for the purpose of: - Commercial

- Academic or conservation

RM200 per research




[Subregulation 2(2)]


(1) Description

(2) Fee

(i) Wildlife business except beruk (Macaca nemestrina) and

kera (Macaca fasicularis) (license to keep for each

wildlife species is exempted)

(a) sale of any protected wildlife or any parts or

derivatives of any protected wildlife as food or

for medical purposes

(b) sale or purchase for re-sale of any parts or

derivatives of any protected wildlife

(c) placing, confining or breeding any wildlife for


RM300 per license

RM300 per license

RM300 per license

(ii) Taxidermy business

(a) preparing, preserving, stuffing or mounting any

wildlife, parts or derivatives of any wildlife;

(b) manufacturing or creating a product or thing

from any wildlife, parts or derivatives of any


RM200 per license

RM200 per license


Made 2013 [NRE(S) 44/4/1/47; PN (PU2)697/II]

DATO SRI DOUGLAS UGGAH EMBAS Minister of Natural Resources and Environment

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