wildebeest textual analysis

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Wildebeest Textual Analysis

By Hassan Abdalla

Mise-en scene

• Wildabeast is a short film about a buffalo getting eaten by a corocodial .

• There is one location which is near a lake

• It feature’s a two protagonists which is a buffalo. And an antagonist which is the crocodile

• The colours here are very dull and bland which shows the isolation of the buffalo’s and the danger they face

SoundThe main sound in the short film is diegetic. It features the ambiance where we hear other animals in the background and we also hear the small sounds that the buffalo's make when trying to communicate between each other. There is one point where there is drastic change of sound where the crocodile gets eaten and it was very sharp, its meant to shock the audience about the horror they just witnessed.

The buffalo’s communicate through one sound then a picture comes up to show what they are trying to say.

Then the other crocodile would reply and the same happens


• The film starts with a fade and it also ends with a fade. This film does not feature any cuts so it is just one continues shot from the start to the end, which is very clever as it outlines the short story in the film as its on one minute.

• The main editing is the speech bubbles that pop up when the buffalos are communicating with each other.

Camera work

• The short film first starts with an establishing shot to show the location which is very convention. The camera then zooms in slowly which is effective as it draws you into the film.

• After the first buffalo gets eaten by the crocodile the camera shortly zooms out to show sharply to show the change.

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