why is a kingdom shift needed? o because we are “living in a kingdom upside down” o because...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Kingdom Shift

Why is a Kingdom Shift Needed?

O Because we are “Living in a Kingdom Upside Down”

O Because God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts and as high as the heavens are above the earth so are His thoughts and ways above ours!!!

O …and because “That which does not change remains the same!”

George S Odiorne

The “Same Old” Approaches Produce the “Same Old” Results

Principle: All human behavior is purposeful. People do what makes sense to them.

People filter their desires through their perspective and values to come up with their intentions and then their strategies for achieving those intentions. External behavior flows out of internal intentions and strategies.

OPerspective – how the world works; what it’s made up of; how the components are related; and how life really works, that is, the flow of cause and effect in life, how things really work

OValue System - priorities; a person’s preferences; his/her ranking of relative importance of specific things in life, including personal goals, gratifications, status, money, possessions, other people’s interests, God’s will, etc.

OIntentions – chosen goals based on desires, perspective and value structure

OStrategies – chosen ways to accomplish the intentions based on priorities and how life works

The Kingdom Shift: PERSPECTIVESWe shift to Kingdom perspectives tosee things differently.

The Kingdom Shift: PRIORITIES (Value Structure)We shift to Kingdom priorities and choose differently.

The Kingdom Shift: INTENTIONS (Goals)We shift to Kingdom goals and aim differently.

The Kingdom Shift: STRATEGIES (Plans, Methods)We shift to Kingdom strategies and proceed differently.

Perspectives: We shift to Kingdom

perspectives and see things differently.

Different Outcomes Demand Different…

Colossians 1:9For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

Romans 10:2-3For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness.

Perspective exists on at least two levels:

A. The World-View Level

B. The practical Level

The World-View Level – At which one chooses a professed angle on…1. What reality is2. Whether there is a god and, if

so, what that is3. How one knows what is true4. On what basis behavior can be

judged appropriate or inappropriate

The World-View Level – At which one chooses a professed angle on…

5. What humans are/signify6. What happens at death7. What history is about8. What is best in life9. What government should be

and do

The practical Level – One chooses an operational angle on how life works

1. How do the following impact the way my life works?

a. Luck?b. God?c. Fate?d. My efforts?e. Satan and the demonic?f. Anything else?

2. To what extent?a. Do I need to be concerned about

obeying or placating gods/God? To what extent…

i. Are they/He concerned about what I do?

ii. Do they/He impact the events of my life?

iii. Can I avoid or manipulate the gods/God?

b. Can I get away with things that my society says are wrong?

3. What causes what to happen?

a. What causes plans to succeed or to fail?

b. What is the chain of cause and effect in life?

4. What is God’s perspective on:

a. Success?b. The path to success?c. Attitude?d. Authority – using it and

following it?e. Relationships-in family,

church and society?

f. Decision making?g. Career and work?h. Verbal guidelines?i. Handling money and

possessions?j. Dealing with trouble?

USUAL Thinking


My Life is about…

Being happy. Being faithful

Happiness is…

Feeling “up”. A sense of well-being and contentment.

Happiness Comes by…

Being fulfilled-that is, having/doing what I want.

Persevering in doing what God wants.

USUAL Thinking


Success is…

The point at which I have enough resources (money, status, friends, connections, power, beauty) to…• Get/do what I

want, and • Secure my

future ability to do so.

Faithfulness to what God has told us to do.

USUAL Thinking


Work is a way…

Be fulfilled (happy) and make money.

Honor God, bless the larger world and make money.

USUAL Thinking


Money is for…

Me to…• Get/do what I

want and • Secure my

future ability to do that

Me to…• Honor god by

tithing & giving to Kingdom needs,

• Provide for the needs of me and/or my family,

• Help others• Save for difficult

times and • Invest to build


USUAL Thinking


Security comes by…

Having the resources (money, connections, resume, muscle, skill, beauty) to…

Trusting God.Obeying God as I…• Seek first God’s

Kingdom• Use good sense

and • Take prudent


USUAL Thinking BIBLICAL Thinking

The way my life will get better is to…

Have a less hassling job. Have an adequate amount of fun…• Indulging my “lower

desires” – sex, drinking/drugs, clubbing, partying, have a few “wild” experiences.

• Spending time in fantasy.

• Spending time in sports.

Get married. Have a more cooperative mate.

Ask God’s help.

Change my heart.

Change my strategies and actions.

Persevere in doing right (faithfulness).

USUAL Thinking BIBLICAL Thinking

The way my life will get better is to…

Have my kids preoccupied with something (TV, school, sports, friends, etc.) so that…• My time is not

demanded• I can

rest/relax/recreate.Have better kids-ones who…• Do what I

want/expect• Don’t have many

problems, and • Don’t require much of

me.Divorce so I can have more fun doing what I want when I want.

USUAL Thinking


God is…

Not really…• Concerned that

my… ▫ Views match His. ▫ Actions align with Scripture.• Involved in

making the details of my life happen

Kind, but intends me to learn…• To make my views

match His,• That He governs

reality… ▫ In a detailed way, ▪ and that includes my life. ▫ Such that… ▪ Obedience is rewarded. ▪ Disobedience is punished.

USUAL Thinking


The Bible…

Can be interpreted 1,000 different ways.Cannot be taken literally when it talks on…• Sexual behavior• Moral behavior• Male/female

identity• Marriage

guidelines or roles,

• History (pre-history or ancient history),

• Or any area I disagree with it.

Is fairly plain in most places. In less clear passages, one…• Must use good

hermeneuticsSpeaks decisively on…• Sexual behavior• Gender• Moral behavior, and• Guidelines for all

human… ▫ institutions, including… ▪ marriage ▪ family, etc.Gives a true account of history.

USUAL Thinking


Intelligent views are those which…

• Make sense tome or I feel good about.

• Allow me to pursue…

▫ What I want…. ▫ In the way I want to (the way I think “best”).• My friends

(reference group/peer group) think are “cool”.

Fit with…• Jesus Christ as the

center of truth and reality.

• Valid… ▫ Logic and evidences. ▫ Hermeneutics.• The plain sense of


Romans 12:1-2Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual

act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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