who is oedipus’ real father?. who is oedipus’ adopted mother?

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Who is Oedipus’ real Father?

• Who is Oedipus’ adopted Mother?

Where did Oedipus accidentally kill Laius?A. IHOPB. The Cracker BarrelC. The crossroadsD. The crossbeams

What part of Oedipus’ body was pierced through?

a. Eyesb. Anklesc. Kneesd. feet

• What was the answr to the riddle that Oedipus answered:

a. horseb. Manc. frog

• Why does Oedipus leave his parents?A. they are poorB. The Oracle said he would kill his

Father/marry his MotherC. He would kill his children

• How did Oedipus become King?

• Who went to seek advice from Tiresius, and from whom?

• What was Tiresius’ advice?

• Who were the people that brought up Oedipus?

• What was Tiresius’ “fate” for Oedipus?

• What are Oedipus’ (adopted) parents’ names?

• Was Creon planning a revolt against Oedipus?

• What does the messenger reveal to Jocasta about Oedipus?

a.That he lived a double lifeb. He killed both of his parentsc. He was hung by his hands on a tree, and left

to died. He was tied by his ankles and left to die, just

like his son

• TRUE OR FALSE• Oedipus killed his previous king and all of his


• The Sphynx ____________ his victims when they got the riddle wrong

• What did O use to stab out his own eyes• A. machete• B. butterfly knife• C. pin• D. his own hands

• TRUE OR FALSE• Creon was King after Oedipus stabbed his eyes


• What literary device is being used when they say Tieresius is a blind prophet?

• Is it foreshadowing when Oedipus promises to find Laius’ killer when he really is the killer?

• What did the messenger say to Oedipus?

• What does Creon do at the end of the book?

• What does Creon do at the end of the book?

• How does King Laius die?

• Who are Antigone and Ismene• A. Oedipus’ sisters• B. Oedipus’ sons• C. Oedipus’ daughters

• This term means the audience experiences fear and pity

• A. hamartia• B. catharsis• C. irony• D. hubris

• Who did Oedipus send to Apollo to find out the reason for the plague

a. Creonb. Tieresiusc. Jocasta

• Oedipus was _______ from the city as punishment

• Who knew about Oedipus’ real identity the WHOLE TIME?

• A. shepherd• B. messenger• C. Laius• D. Creon

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