who are you

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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“Then said they to him:


who are you?” (YoWCHaNaN 8:23-25)

יהוהYou are my witnesses, saith YaHuWaH, and my servant [ Yahushua]


whom I have chosen, that ye may know and believe me, and understand for

אני הואANY HuWE

(I [am] He)

…to my face was no EL (Mighty One) formed and after me not he will be.

I, I [am] YaHuWaH, and not is beside me a MoWSHYA (savior)

I have made known and I have saved and I caused to hear

and not was among you a stranger…

…I [am] YaHuWaH QeDoWSHKeM (your set apart one), the creator of

YSHaREL (Israel) your King!...

I, I [am] he that blotteth out your transgressions

for my own sake,

and will not remember thy sins.” (YeSHAYaHuW 43:10-13, 15, 25)

They understood not that he spoke to them of the Father.

Then said Yahushua to them:

When ye have lifted up ALePH-TauW the son of ADaM,

then shall ye know that


(I [am] He)

and of my own NePHeSH (soul) I do nothing…” (YoWCHaNaN 8:27-28)

“In that day, saith YaHuWaH:…they shall look upon me

ALePH-TauW whom they have pierced

and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth over the only,

and shall be in bitterness, as one is in bitternesss for the firstborn.” (ZeKaRYaHuW 12:4+10)

“And Pilate wrote a tittle, and put it on a stake. And it was written:


Yahushua the Natserene and King [of] the Yahudym (YoWCHaNaN 19:19)

“…Who caused to hear this from ancient time,

from of old made known them?

Have not I,


And there [are] no ELoHYM (Mighty Ones) beside me!

An EL TSaDYQ (Righteous) and MoWSHYA ([a] savior) not is beside me!

Turn unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the Earth,

for I [am] EL and not is another.

By myself I have sworn, out of my mouth came TSeDaQaH (Righteousness),

a word and not will he return,

that unto me every knee shall bow, she shall swear every tongue:

Only in YaHuWaH are confirmed to me righteousness and strength.”

(YeSHAYaHuW 45:21-24)

“…for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of MaSHYaCH

for it is written:

As truly as I live saith YaHuWaH, that unto me every knee shall bow;

she shall swear every tongue and praise me.” (Romans 14.10)

“For this, MaSHYaCH both died and rose, and revived,

that he might be King

both of the dead and the living.“

other texts have:

that he might be to both the dead and the living YaHuWaH.” (Romans 14:9).

“I [am] the ALePH and the TauW, the Beginning and the Ending,

saith YaHuWaH ELoHYM,

who is, and who was and who is to come, EL SHaDaY…

Do not be afraid, I [am] the First and the Last, and the Living One.

And I became dead,

but see, I [am] living for ever and ever, AMeN…” (Revelation 1:8+17-18)

“Thine, YaHuWaH is the greatness,

and the power, and the splendor and the victory and the majesty:

for all that is in the heavens and the earth is thine;

Thine is the kingdom YaHuWaH

and thou art exalted as head over all.

Now therefore ELoHeYNuW (our Mighty One),

we thank thee and praise thy renowned name!” (1. Chronicles 29:11-13)

“Great and marvelous are thy works,


(some texts have: Master YaHuWaH EL SHaDaY)

just and true are thy ways,

thou King of Nations.

Who will not fear thee, YaHuWaH, and will not magnify

thy name?

For thou alone art set apart,

for all Nations shall come and worship before you,

for thy righteous deeds have been made manifest.” (Revelation 15.3-4)

“Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice,

and let them say among the Nations:

YaHuWaH is King! (1. Chr. 16:31)

“Thou art my King ELoHYM!...” (Psalm 44:4-6)

“YaHuWaH is our King, he saves us!” (YeSHAYaHuW 33:22)

“Rejoice greatly daughter TSYoWN! Shout daughter YeRuWSHaLeM!

Behold your King, he commeth to you

righteous (TSeDeQ) and Victorious (NuWSHA).

He is humble and riding on a donkey…” (ZeKaRYaHuW 9:9)

“And you BeYT LeCHeM EPHRaTaH,

who are little among the thousands of YaHuWDaH,

out of you shall come forth to me to be the Ruler in YSHaREL,

and his goings forth are from of old from days everlasting.” (MYKaH 5:1)


I come, and will dwell in the midst of you,

saith YaHuWaH.” (ZeKaRYaHuW 2:10)

“…ELoHYM, he will come and save you!” (YeSHAYaHuW 35:4)

“And I will save my flock and they shall no more be a prey…

and they shall know

that I, YaHuWaH ELoHeYKeM (their mighty one)[am] with them

and that they, my people are the house of YSHaREL

saith the Master YaHuWaH!” (YeCHeZQEL 34:22, 30)

“And in the same country there were shepherds living out in the fields

keeping watch over their flock by night. And the messenger [of] YaHuWaH

stood before them and the esteem of YaHuWaH shone around them, and they

were greatly afraid, and the messenger said to them: Do not be afraid, for

look, I bring you good news of great joy which shall be to all people, because

there was born to you today MoWSHYA ([the] savior)

who is YaHuWaH ‘Ha MaSHYaCH’ (the anointed)

in the city of DauWiD.” (Luke 2:8-11)

“I, I [am] YaHuWaH, and beside me is no MoWSHYA.” (YeSHAYaHuW 43:11)

“Now when YaHuWSHuA was born in BeYT LeCHeM in YaHuWDaH

in the days of King Herod, behold there came believers from the east to

YeRuWSHaLeM, saying:

where is he (HuWE), born king of the YaHuWDYM (Jews)?

For we have seen his star in the sun rising and are come to worship him.” (MaTiTYaHuW 2:1-4)

“YaHuWaH is our king, he saves us!” (YeSHAYaHUW 33:22)

“But while he thought about this, see the messenger [of] YaHuWaH appeared

to him in a dream saying:...that which is in her was brought forth from the

RuWaCH Ha QoDeSH (spirit [of] the set apart). And she shall give birth to a

son and you shall call his name ‘YaHuWSHuA’ (YaHuWaH saves)

for he shall save his people from their sins.” (MaTiTYaHuW 1:20-21)


”...there was born to you today MoWSHYA…”(Luke 2:11)

“I, I YaHuWaH and beside me is no MoWSHYA…”(YeSHAYaHuW 43:11)

“And I [am] YaHuWaH your ELoHYM

since the land of ‘MeTSaRYM’ (oppression)

and ELoHYM beside me shall you not know

and MoWSHYA (a Savior) not is beside me!” (HuWSHA /HoWSHeA 13:4)

“ALePH-TauW YaHuWaH TSeBAoWT, him shall you set apart (sanctify).

Let him be your fear and let him be your dread!

And he shall be for a set apart place,

and an EBeN of stumbling

and for a rock of offence to both the houses of YSHaREL,…” (YeSHAYaHuW 8:13+14)

1. Kepha 3:15

-according to “Hebrew Roots Version” translated from Aramaic texts:

”But sanctify YHWH the Messiah, in your hearts…”

The Greek text says:

“κυριον δε τον χριστον αγιασατε εν ταις καρδιαις υμων”

(Kyrion…...Xriston sanctify in your hearts)

The Greek texts always replace the name YHWH with Kyrion

“The New King James” has:

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts,…”

”Lord God” is always the replacement for “YaHuWaH ELoHYM”

in the old Covenant.

According to the “Hebrew Bible Society in Israel”:


(ALePH-TauW YaHuWaH ELoHYM, him shall you sanctify in your heart)

The “Hebrew Bible” claims to be translated from the Greek text.

Another Hebrew Version supposedly translated from the Greek text has:


AB -aleph-beyt- =father

BeN -beyt/nun- = son

EBeN -aleph-beyt/nun- = stone (rock of offence)


“You are witnesses, saith YaHuWaH,

and my servant [Yahushua] whom I have chosen:

that you may know and believe me, and understand for ANY HuWE!

Before my face was no EL formed and after me not he will be!

I, I YaHuWaH, and not is beside me a MoWSHYA.

I, I have made known and I have saved and I caused to hear

and there was no stranger among you…” (YeSHAYaHuW 43:10-13)

“YaHuWSHuA said to them:…

…Before ABRaHaM was ANY HuWE (I [am] He)” (YoWCHaNaN 8:58)

“Again the High Priest asked him and said to him:

…’Ha ATaH Ha MaSHYaCH BeN Ha MeBoRaK?’

(The you the Anointed [the] son [of] the highly blessed One ?)

…but YaHuWSHuA said: ANY HuWE!

And you will see the son of ADaM seated to the right hand of power

and coming with the clouds of heaven. (Mark 14:61-62)

“So said YaHuWaH, the King of YSHaREL

and his redeemer YaHuWaH TSeBAoWT:

I the first and I the last and beside me [are] no ELoHYM!

And who is like unto me?

...Do not be frightened and fear you not!

Have not I from of old caused you to hear and I declared

and you are my witnesses!

Is there an ELoWaH beside me?


(And not [the] figure Lord I knew!?)

(and not [is another] rock, not I know!)” (YeSHAYaHuW 44:6-8)

I [am] Ha ALePH uWe Ha TauW saith YaHuWaH ELoHYM

who is and was and is coming

ELoHeY Ha TSeBAoWT (Mighty one of Hosts)…

And as I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead,

and he placed his right hand on me saying:

Do not be afraid, I am the First and the Last and the Living One,

And I became dead

but see, I am alive forever and ever. AMeN.

And I possess the Keys of the Grave and of Death.” (Revelation 1:8+17-18)

“ELoHYM, therefore has highly exalted him, and given him

the name which is above every name,

that at the name of YaHuWSHuA (YaHuWaH saves) every knee should bow,

of those in heaven and of those on earth and every tongue confess that


(Yahuah he [is] Yahushua the anointed)

to the honor of ELoWaH the Father.” (Philippians 2:9-11)

אני יהוה הוא“ANY YaHuWaH HuWE

(I Yahuah [am] he),

my name

and my honor I do not give to another!” (YeSHAYaHuW 42:8)

“Not shall you try / test ALePH-TauW YaHuWaH

ELoHeYKeM as you have tried him in Massa.” (Deuteronomy 6:16)

“And not let us try / test ALePH-TauW MaSHYaCH,

as some of them tried and perished from serpents.” (1.Corinthians 10:9)

“YaHuWSHuA Ha MaSHYaCH, the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Ha EBeRYM 13:8)

“…and all drank the same spiritual drink.

For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed

uWe Ha TSuWR Ha HuWE HaYaH Ha MaSHYaCH."

(and the Rock, the he, was the Anointed)

(and the Rock [that] he [was], was the Anointed) (1.Corinthians 10:4)

“So said YaHuWaH,…Is there an ELoWaH beside me?

And not [is another] rock, not I know! (YeSHAYaHuW 44:6-8)


(I Yahuah [am] he)” (YeSHAYaHuW 42:8)

“And the woman said to him: I know that Ha MaSHYaCH commeth,

and when he is come he will announce to us all.

YaHuWSHuA sais to her: ANY HuWE

that is speaking to you.” (YoWCHaNaN 4:25)

“YaHuWSHuA Ha MaSHYaCH, who being in the form of ELoHYM,

thought it not robbery (presumptuous) to be equal to YaHuWaH,

but having poured out his soul and took on the form of a servant

in likeness of the BeNeY ADaM (sons [of] man).

And being found in the outer appearance as a man,

he humbled himself,..” (Philippians 2:5-8)

“And he [Yahushua] said to them:

Ye are from those beneath, I am from those above,

ye are from this world, I am not from this world.

I have even told you that you will die in your sins; for

if you do not believe that

ANY HuWE you will die in your sins!

Then said they to him:

You, who are you?”

(YoWCHaNaN 8:23-25)

The Hebrew ANY HuWE (I am He)

is found in the Aramaic texts as ENA-NA.

“In Semitic thought, the phrase ENA-NA (I am He)

conveys a thought of eternal existence reserved only for ELoHYM.

Normally when an Aramaic speaker wished to refer to himself

he would simply say ENA (I am).

However when it came to addressing the speech of the Almighty

doing the same thing, the [Hebrew] phrase

אהיה אשר אהיה


(I am who I am)

became ENA-NA (I am he). Therefore, by Yahushua saying “ENA-NA” rather

than the conventional truncated “I”, he was deliberately claiming for himself

a title exclusive to YHWH.” (excerpt from “The Real Messiah”).

“ANY YaHuWaH HuWE, my name and my honor I do not give to another!” (YeSHAYaHuW 42:8)

And also the following verses which speak about YoWCHaNaN the Immerser

declare to us, who really came to save us. His Father ZeKaRYaHuW says

about him: “And you also child, will be called prophet of the Highest, for

thou shalt go before the face of YaHuWaH to prepare his ways.” (Luke 1:76)

“For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet YeSHAYaHuW, saying:

The voice of one crying in the wilderness,

prepare ye the way of YaHuWaH,

make his paths straight!” (MaTiTYaHuW 3:3)

“And this is the record of YoWCHaNaN,

when the YaHuWDYM send priests and LeWYYM (Levites) to ask him:

You, who are you?

...He said: I [am] the voice crying in the wilderness:

Make straight the way of YaHuWaH!” (YoWCHaNaN 1:19+23)

“Who does YoWCHaNaN go before: 1. YHWH, 2. Yahushua, 3. Or both?

Clearly the first, for the apostolic writings as also the verses quoted by the

apostles read: “prepare the way of YHWH.”

2. And 3. Are only possible if Yahushua is a part of or a dimension of

YHWH as it can also be seen in the Aramaic texts: “…for unto you was born

today MoWSHYA (the savior) who is YHWH (MaRYaH = Master YaH) in

the city of DauWiD…” The only way to reconcile Yahushua’s professed

identity with the TaNaK is to understand that he is NOT “another ELoHYM”

or a second YHWH, and NOT a “second person of the godhead”,

but instead that he is the literal bodily manifestation and lesser aspect

or dimension of the same One who is worshiped by His people Israel.

And if Yahushua is a “lesser dimension” but not a “lesser deity”,

then that harmonizes both with the scriptures which require that he be YHWH,

and with those which require that the son (BeN YHWH) in his fleshly

occurrence is “lesser than the Father (ABA YHWH).

Father and son are two aspects of the singular Almighty Being

who identifies himself by the name YHWH.

(excerpt from: The Real Messiah)

“He bowed the heavens and stepped down…” (2.SHeMuWEL 22:10)

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