what’s your character? what’s your character? what's your character? what’s your...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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What’s Your Character?What’s Your Character?

What’s Your Character?

What’s Your Character?What’s Your Character?

What's Your Character?What's Your Character?

What’s Your Character?

A character is……somebody in a book, play, or movie.

Character is also……the set of qualities that make

somebody distinctive (especially qualities of mind or feeling).

(from http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_1861695812/character.html)

This week’s character trait is

Empathy• Definition: The ability to feel another

person’s emotions as your own (from Webster’s

School Dictionary, 1986)

• How do you treat people when you understand how they feel? (Pair & Share)

• Think of a time when you were empathetic to someone else’s feelings.

Do you have empathy???

Take a look at“Don’t Laugh at Me” by Mark Willis.


Do you “see yourself” in this video?

The facts about bullying…• U.S. public school students (12-18 yrs.)

reported that 32.0% were bullied at school (2009).

• Let’s break it down!21% were made fun of, called names, or insulted. 18.3% were the subject of rumors.11.4% were pushed, shoved, tripped, spit on.6.2% were threatened with harm.

Every number was higher in middle school!!!! (Some were doubled!)

(U.S. Dept. of Ed. Institution of Ed. Sciences http://nces.ed.gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2009/tables/table_11_1.asp)

Using what you have learned about empathy and yourself,

create a product that celebrates our diversity and discourages


Ideas: t-shirt design, poster/flyer/sign, bumper sticker video/commercial, song or rap,

button, hat design

Your Challenge:Your Challenge:

Be a GRIZZLY HERO! The next time

someone is being bullied, you have the power.

Will you laugh at them, or show your empathy and TAKE A STAND,


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