what's really working: integrating multiple technologies for blended learning

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators (LACUE) 2013 Conference (Andrea Keith) Blended learning is the best way to meet Common Core Standards and prepare our students today for the careers of the future. In this interactive session we will discuss the current options and their challenges and look at some real examples of teaching that blends multiple technologies to get a learning experience greater than the sum of its parts. Learn more at https://gaggle.net.


What’s Really Working:Integrating Multiple Technologies for Blended Learning

Presented by Andrea KeithDirector –Client Engagement

What is Blended Learning?

Blended Learning is…

a formal education program in which a student

learns at least in part through online delivery of

content and instruction with some element of

student control over time, place, path, and/or pace

andat least in part at a supervised brick-and-


Rotation Models

Classroom Rotation• Within a course or subject• Fixed schedule or teacher

discretion• teacher/online/group• All students, all stations

Rotation Models

Lab Rotation• Within a course or subject• Fixed schedule or teacher

discretion• Classroom Direct

Instruction/Online lab

Rotation Models

Flipped Classroom• Within a course or subject• Fixed schedule• Remote online

content/classroom guided practice or projects

Rotation Models

Individual • Within a course or subject• Individually customized

fixed schedule set by algorithm or teacher

• Each student/custom stations

Flex Model

• Online in school• Face-to-face support as

needed through small group instruction, projects, and individual tutoring

• Data driven for targeted interventions/supplements

Self Blend Model

• Multiple courses/subjects• Students select from

traditional and online• Online course is often

supplemental or credit recovery

Enriched Virtual

• Whole school experience• Primarily remote online

courses• Flexible schedule for limited

in-school experiences


Overabundance-App Store

Total Active Apps currently available: 990,522

Education Category:107068 active

New Submissions This Month : 22,318 ( 893 / day )

What’s on your iPad?

How You Can Start

• Start small-choose one unit or subject in one class

• Be selective-choose a model that is doable and you can manage

• Plan-for different modalities and ability levels• Solicit help-for small groups or individuals• Train-students need to understand processes

and expectations• Execute-do it!• Evaluate-results, challenges, student response

How Gaggle Can Help

Learn more

• Visit us at Booth 712• Visit our website

www.gaggle.net• Email sales@gaggle.net• Call 800-288-7750

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