what kind of teacher do you like best? discussion

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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What kind of teacher do you like best?


Lesson 65

My Teacher

Helen Keller

Helen Keller was a famous American writer and lecturer. In 1887 Annie Sullivan came to look after her and became Helen’s teacher and lifelong companion. Helen Keller made rapid progress at school and in 1904 graduated from Radcliffe College with honors. She published many books and lectured to raise funds for the training of the blind and for other social causes. The most important of her books was The Story of My Life written in 1920 in honor of her teacher.


Annie Sullivan was born on April 14, 1866, to Irish parents. When she was nine years old, Annie went to a town called Tewksbury because her mother had died and the rest of her family did not want to care for her. Annie sometimes threw temper tantrums. She had to live in the poorhouse. While she was there, the illness that had been in her eyes since she was three caused her to become blind.

1. Some people thought the writer was simple-minded because_________.

A. she was young and stupid

B. she couldn’t learn to speak

C. she was deaf and blind

D. she couldn’t read and write

2. The _____ of the teacher left a deep impression on the girl.

A. patience B. imagination

C. cleverness D. energy

3. The writer had great difficulty in________.

A. spelling the word ‘water”

B. telling what water really was

C. understanding why her teacher spelled water into her hand

D. both B and C

4. As the writer learned more and more, _______.

A. she could speak B. she enjoyed learning

C. she could ‘hear” sounds

D. she became a teacher, too

5. The teacher put the writer’s hand on her face and spelled laugh so that_____.

A. the girl could put the meaning of the word and the action together

B. the girl could learn how to laugh

C. the girl do as her teacher did

D. the girl could know what her teacher was like6. “a born teacher” in paragraph 2 means___.

A. a person who has a natural ability as a teacher

B. a person who would like to be a teacher

C. a clever teacher

D. a person with patience and imagination

8. Which word(s) in paragraph 4 show (s) that

the writer was eager to learn more?_________.

A.  Reach out B.   Beg for

C.  Joy D.  Touch

7. The sentence “she reached my understanding” in paragraph 3 means______.

A. the writer understood what the teacher was doing

B. the writer understood herself

C. Annie Sullivan understood the girl

D. Annie Sullivan made the girl understood

10. Helen Keller wrote this story mainly to________.

A. do honour to a woman who was both her teacher and friend

B. tell about some of the events in her life

C. try to persuade us to be kind to deaf-blind children

D. thank her teacher for a gift she had given her

9.  The writer understood the meaning of the word

“water” ___.

A.  in the room B.   in the garden

C.  at the well D.  in the park

1. I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. You must have a little _______.

A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest

2. Old people like to _______ back upon the years when they were young.

A. look B. take C. give D. keep

3. Edison is _____ inventor.

A. considering a born B. said to be a born

C. considered to be a bearing

D. believed a bearing

4. Every time___ he thought of his past, he couldn’t help bursting____.

A. when, out tears B. that,into crying

C. which, into cry D. / ,out crying

5. She _____out for the book, but it was too far away.

A. reached B. turned C. got D. brought

6. ___her hands and fingers, Helen hears the sounds that one hears on the farm.

A. Have been used B. Used C. To use D. Using

7. 这是玛丽第一次到中国来。

This is___ ___ ___ ___ Mary has even been in China.

8. 突然有人从后面揪住了她的头发。

Suddenly someone ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ from behind.

9. 歌手们的演唱给听众留下了深刻的印象。

The audience ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ of the singers.

the first time that

took her by the hair

were struck by the performance

根据下列要点写一篇美国残疾女作家海伦 · 凯勒( Helen Keller) 的生平简介。字数在 110 个左右。

1. 1880 年出生于美国,出生后十九个月因病丧失视力、听力和 说话能力;

2. 七岁幸遇盲人教师 Miss Sullivan, 在其帮助下学会读写和讲话;

3. 二十四岁时,以优异成绩毕业于雷德克利( Radcliffe) 学院 ;

4. 写有《我的一生》、《让我们拥有信念》等多部著作;

5. 倾毕生精力为本国和当今盲人、聋哑人工作;

6. 给许多人包括残疾人和健康人以鼓舞。

graduate from…with honours


devote all her life to


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