what kind of music do you like?. what does music means in our life?

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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What kind of music do you like?

What does music means in our life?

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is a historic theatre in Moscow, designed by architect Joseph Bové, which holds performances of ballet and opera.

It is by far the world's biggest ballet company, having more than 200 dancers.

The Mariinsky Theatre

The Mariinsky Theatre is a historic theatre of opera and ballet in Saint Petersburg. Opened in 1860, it became the best music theatre of late 19th century , where many works of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov received their premieres.

The Mariinsky Theatre is home to the Mariinsky Ballet, Mariinsky Opera and Mariinsky Orchestra. Since 1988, the conductor Valery Gergiev has served as the theatre's general director.

The Royal Opera House

Covent Garden Royal Opera House

Covent Garden Royal Opera House was founded in 1732.

Covent Garden Opera is an historical and spectacular capital city.

It is the home of The Royal Opera, The Royal Ballet, and the Orchestra

La Scala

La Scala (the official name Teatro alla Scala) is a world-renowned opera house in Milan, Italy. The theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778.

Most of Italy's greatest operatic artists, and many of the finest singers from around the world, have appeared at La Scala during the past 200 years.

La Scala is still recognised as one of the leading opera and ballet theatres in the world

Sydney Opera House

The theatre was opened on 20 October 1973 by English queen Elisabeth II.

As one of the most popular visitor attractions in Australia, more than seven million people visit the site each year.

The Vienna Volksoper

The Vienna Volksoper is a major opera house in Vienna, Austria.

It gives about 300 performances of 25 productions during an annual season running from September through June.

The Metropolitan Opera

The Metropolitan Opera was opened on 22 October 1883 with opera «Faust» by Charles Guano.

The Metropolitan Opera (the "Met") is an opera company based in New York City.

The company is operated by Peter Gelb as general manager. The music director is James Levine.

The Metropolitan Opera is the largest classical music organization in North America. It presents about 27 different operas each year in a season which lasts from late September through May.

Tastes differ

Luciano Pavarotti

José Carreras

Plácido Domingo

Дми́:три́й Хворосто:вски́й


Федор Шаляпи́н

My favourite singer


1. Name2. Country of birth

3.The time he lived

4. Facts from his life5. Impressions

Хорхе Blanco (исп. Jorge Blanco ; род. 19 декабря 1991, Гвадалахара, Мексика) — мексиканский актёр, певец, танцор. Наиболее известен ролью Леона Варгаса в сериале «Виолетта».

Сонни́ Джон Мур (англ. Sonny John Moore, роди́лся 15 января 1988 года), более и́звестный по сцени́ческому псевдони́му Скри́:ллекс (Skrillex) — амери́кански́й бростеп-музыкант и́ продюсер.

ГригоYрий Лепc (настоящее имя — ГригоYрий ВиYкторович ЛепсвериYдзе;( 16 июля 1962, Сочи) — росси́йски́й арти́ст-вокали́ст грузи́нского прои́схождени́я, компози́тор, продюсер.

Бор с и́: Гребенщик в (БГ) о:(род. 27 ноября 1953, Ленинград, СССР)

советский и российский поэт и музыкант, лидер рок-группы «Аквариум», один из «отцов-основателей» русской рок-музыки.


Джоэль Томас Циммерман (англ. Joel Thomas Zimmerman), более известный под псевдонимом Дэдм ус (англ. deadmau5, от англ. dead а:mouse — мёртвая мышь) — канадский диджей и музыкальный продюсер.

Michael Joseph Jackson

Майкл Джо:зеф Дже:ксон (29 августа 1958, Гэри́ — 25 и́юня 2009, Лос-Анджелес) — амери́кански́й арти́ст, автор и́ и́сполни́тель песен, танцор, компози́тор, хореограф, предпри́ни́матель.

Nikolay Baskov ( 15 October 1976, in Balashikha Moscow ) is a popular Russian tenor singer. He's famous for performing both classical operatic arias and pop music songs.

род. 27 апреля 1969, Сочи 

российский эстрадный певец, автор песен

заслуженный артист Российской Федерации (2010)

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