what is the linux

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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WHAT IS THE LINUX? Linux (often pronounced LIH-nuhks with a short "i") is a Unix-like operating system that was designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and usually more expensive Unix systems. Linux has a reputation as a very efficient and fast-performing system. Linux's kernel (the central part of the operating system) was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To complete the operating system, Torvalds and other team members made use of system components developed by members of the Free Software Foundation for the GNU Project. Linux is :-

Multiusers Multitsking Client/Srver Platform Open source Nature Free Software Program Facility.

Types off linux:-

RedHat Linux CentOS Fedora Ubuntu


Hardware Requirements :-

PROCESSOR:-Intel Atom 230, Atom 330, Core 2 Duo, Centrino Core 2 Duo, and Xeon; AMD Athlon64/x2, Sempron64/x2, Duron64 RAM:-

At least 500 mega byte HARD DISK :-

50 giga byte

PRE-INSTALLATION STEPS: 1) Download the image from the fedora project website. 2) Burn the .iso image to a CD, DVD or a USB stick. Make sure that you write it

at a slow speed so that nothing gets broken in the process

3) After you've successfully recorded the DVD, remove it from the drive and take it over to the computer where you want to install Linux. I'm assuming you're installing Linux on a new empty hard drive. Don't do this on a computer with data that you don't want to lose.

4) Change the BIOS settings. If you are using a live USB, you might need to go

into your BIOS and change the boot priority in order to boot from your USB. You can access your computer's BIOS by pressing ‘F2’ or ‘Delete’ on most

computers when the computer is booting up. If you are using a CD or DVD, ignore this step as generally CDs are first in boot priority.

5) Install the image to your hard drive If you have made the decision to install

Linux on your system, click on the "Install to Hard drive" icon on the workspace.


1. Select Install or Upgrade Fedora.

2. Language Selection.

3. Select Basic Storage device, if your hard drive is locally attached.

4. Set Hostname for your Fedora installation.

5. Click on Configure Network button if you want to configure network during

installation. Click wired tab and click on Add button. Select Connect automatically, go to ipv4 settings tab and select Method and select Manual in drop down. Fill address box with IP Address, Netmask, Gateway and DNS.

6. Set root password.

7. Select appropriate Partition as per your requirement.

8. Verify File system partition here or you can edit file system if you want.

Format Warning, click on Format if you are OK with it. If you are confirmed, then click on Write Change to Disk.

9. Click on Customize now and select your software’s for installation and then click on Next.

10. Select optional Packages and click on Next install it.

11. Installation started, this may take several minutes as per selection of

packages. Installation completed, Please remove CD/DVD and Reboot system.

12. Screen of GRUB Boot Loader, use arrow keys to select Fedora Linux to boot.

13. Post installation of Fedora 17, Welcome Screen. And License Information.

14. Create non-administrative user.

15. First Login Screen of Fedora 17.

16. Fedora 17 Desktop Screen.

This is end of Fedora 17 Installation and start working .

Linux vs. Windows

Linux has made some serious headway over the past decade, elevating itself from “that open source operating system” to “wow, this thing is actually usable!” There’s been a gentle but definite trickle of users away from Windows toward the freer option of Linux and maybe you’re thinking about making that leap. But should you?

From an objective standpoint, there are real and compelling reasons why you should switch, but I’m not here to convince you one way or the other. Here are some fundamental differences between Windows and Linux. Read through them and be absolute certain that you’re willing to put up with the learning curve because there’s nothing worse than jumping headfirst into something unexpected.

Linux Windows


Linux is an example of Open Source software development and Free Operating System (OS).

Windows is the family of operating system (OS) from Microsoft, which is the most famous OS in the world.


Linux can be freely distributed, downloaded freely, distributed through magazines, Books etc. There are priced versions for Linux also, but they are normally cheaper than Windows.

For desktop or home use, Windows can be expensive. A single copy can cost around $50 to $ 450 depending on the version of Windows.

Package Manager

On Windows, you often need to fiddle with this thing called an installation package.

Linux systems, you won’t have to deal with that anymore. Instead, you’ll have something called a package manager, which is essentially a center for browsing, installing, and removing program packages.


Although hardware manufacturers have made great advancements in supporting Linux it still will not support most hardware devices. However, for the hardware devices that have driver support they will usually work in all versions of Linux.

Because of the amount of Microsoft Windows users and the broader driver support, Windows has a much larger support for hardware devices and almost all hardware manufacturers will support their products in Microsoft Windows.


Although it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all Linux variants, there are vast amounts of available online documentation and help, available books, and support available for Linux.

Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows.

Open Source

Many of the Linux variants and many Linux programs are open source and enable users to customize or modify the code however they wish to.

Microsoft Windows is not open source and the majority of Windows programs are not open source.


Linux is and has always been a very secure operating system. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it much more secures.

Although Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their operating system, their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.


The majority of Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted.

Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it still cannot match the reliability of Linux.

Text mode interface

BASH (Bourne Again Shell) is the Linux default shell. It can support multiple command interpreters.

Windows uses a command shell and each version of Windows has a single command interpreter with dos-like commands, recently there is the addition of the optional Powers hell that uses more Unix-like commands.

Driver Settings

Windows has such a widespread grasp on the PC market, driver manufacturers tend to focus their efforts on that one operating system.

Then again, it depends what you’re going to use while on Linux. If all you need is a word processor, a web browser, some form of instant messaging and email, then it would

Which means companies like AMD and NVIDIA prioritize Windows over Linux? Which means you may end up pulling out tufts of hair in frustration as you try to find the latest compatible drivers for your system.

be passable, if not inconvenient, to have missing drivers. But if you want to play games, you may want to reconsider. Then again, you’ll have a hard enough time playing mainstream games on Linux to begin with.


Very few games available natively. Some games can be played through Wine, but often not all features are available.

Almost all games are compatible with Windows. Some CPU intensive and graphics intensive games are exclusive to Windows PC's.

Development and Distribution

Linux is developed by Open Source development i.e. through sharing and collaboration of code and features through forums etc and it is distributed by various vendors.

Windows is developed and distributed by Microsoft.


Linux typically provides two GUIs, KDE and Gnome. But there are millions of alternatives such as LXDE, Xfce, Unity, Mate, twm, ect.

The Windows GUI is an integral component of the OS and is not replaceable. This is a huge con when it comes to Windows 8 Metro


Linux can be installed on a wide variety of computer hardware, ranging from mobile phones, tablet computers and video game consoles, to mainframes and supercomputers.

On PC's desktops, laptops, servers and some phones.

File system support

Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, Jfs, ReiserFS, Xfs, Btrfs, FAT, FAT32, NTFS


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