what is terrorism? united states and the war on terror and foreign policy

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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What is Terrorism?

United States and the War on Terror and Foreign Policy

Terrorism and Conflict

Terrorism Middle East Terrorism State Sponsored Terrorism Non-government Terrorism Osama bin Laden Al-Qaeda 9/11


An attack on government or civilian populations by a non-government entity

Sometimes state-sponsored Roots in Middle East 1920 United States campaign in Saudi Arabia with oil

production Great wealth for leaders, but not all benefited Middle East governments influenced by western

views Many felt views were against the teachings of Islam

Background of Terrorism

1949 state of Israel and Palestinian conflict State sponsored terrorism by such nations as

Libya, who paid, hired and trained terrorists New Terrorism supported by individual wealth Osama bin Laden rich Saudi Arabian family Al-Qaeda “the base” in Arabic

Background to 9/11

1996 al-Qaeda Jihad 1996 Embassy Bombings 2000 Millennium Plots Bombing of U.S.S. COLE

Background to 9/11

Kenya and Tanzania

1996 al-Qaeda or another name “World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders”

Bombed U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania

Kenya killed 212 and wounded 4,000

Tanzania killed 11 and wounded 85

“Operation Infinite Reach” in Sudan and Afghanistan in 1998 to find al-Qaeda

2000 Millenium Plots

“Attempted bombing of LA International Airport

Failed bombing plot of U.S.S. THE SULLIVANS

Failed Jordan bombing plot Successful bombing of U.S.S. COLE in

October 2000

September 11, 2001

Turning point after Cold War U.S. complacent after Cold War ended 4 planes involved: 2 crashed into the

World Trade Center Towers, 1 crashed into the Pentagon and 1 went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania

Over 3,000 people were killed

Response to 9/11

Citizens viewed it national emergency, united together

Election of 2000 had divided nation Willingness to cooperate, generous Massive world support Confusion of Ethnic backgrounds, race and

religion Small group attack, not thousands

Purpose of War on Terror

Response to September 11 attacks Eliminate international terrorism Global military, political, legal and

ideological struggle against terrorists and regimes that support them

Focus on Islamic militants and al-Qaeda


Defeat terrorists: Osama bin Laden and their organizations

Identify, locate and destroy terrorists and organizations Deny sponsorship, support and sanctuary to terrorists:

end state sponsored terrorism, establish and maintain international accountability, strengthen weaker nations and work with willing and able states

Disrupt material support of terrorists Diminish conditions that terrorists exploit Defend U. S. citizens and interest at home and abroad

New Kind of War

Cut off terrorist funding: freeze assets Fight terrorism at home: Department of

Homeland Security, USA Patriot Act Bioterrorism strikes America soon after

9/11 with Anthrax in the mail

War on Terrorism

Operation Active Endeavor October 2001 Operation Enduring Freedom: Afghanistan

2001-Present Philippines 2002: 80% complete Horn of Africa: 2002 Trans Sahara Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003-present

Why a War in Aghanistan?

Taliban government in Afghanistan was friendly to al-Qaeda

U.S. supported Taliban in 1980s against the Soviet Union

Taliban after 9/11 unwilling to help U.S.


Sunni Islamic political movement Governed Afghanistan from 1996 until

2001 Regrouped in 2004 as an insurgency

movement at the local level Headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar 2008 severed any ties with al-Qaeda

Present Afghanistan

President Obama does not call it War on Terror, but “Overseas Contingency Operations”

States U. S. at war with al-Qaeda

North-West Pakistan Areas

Why War in Iraq?

Get rid of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that Saddam Hussein had developed

Saddam Hussein was taken out of power

USA Patriot Act

Sharing information between federal law enforcement agencies and intelligence services

Investigate suspected terrorists Fear of violation of 4th Amendment of

search and seizure

Axis of Evil

President Bush named countries that supported anti-U.S. activities as part of this in 2003

Iraq, Iran and North Korea North Korea fringe nation wanting to develop

nuclear buildup Iraq at time had WMDs Iran had taken U.S. hostages in 1979 before

and believed to support terrorist activities

Prevented Terrorist Attacks Since 2001

2003 Plot to crash a plane into U.S. Bank in LA

2003 Plot to bomb Brooklyn Bridge 2004 Plot to bomb financial buildings:

International Monetary Fund, World Bank and Washington DC sites and NY Stock Exchange

2004 Plot to bomb Columbus Shopping Mall in Columbus OH

Prevented Terrorist Attacks Since 2001

2006 Plot for transatlantic aircrafts: 10 from UK to US and Canada flights using liquid explosives

2006 Plot to bomb Sears Tower in Chicago, IL 2007 Plot to bomb Fort Dix, NJ: major troop

processing point 2007 Plot to bomb JFK Airport in NY 2009 Plot to bomb plane on Christmas Day

Criticism for War on Terror

Many view it as US effort to control Middle East oil and dominate

Effectiveness is still ongoing Fall of Taliban government Destruction of al-Qaeda camps War in N-W Pakistan still ongoing New government in Iraq

U. S. Foreign Policy

U. S. Foreign Policy

Largest economy of around $14.3 trillion ¼ of global Gross Domestic Product Defense budget of around $711 billion 2/5 of global military spending President is in charge of Foreign Policy Secretary of State is the Foreign minister and

key state-to-state negotiator Secretary of Defense is military strategist

Secretary of State

Hilliary Clinton State Department policy is to create

more secure, democratic and prosperous world

Benefits for American people and international community

House of Representatives

Controls funding Policy to prevent spread of nuclear

technology and hardware, encourage positive relations between countries, safeguard American businesses abroad

Promote international education and protect American citizens at home and abroad

Foreign Policy

U. S. tended to promote isolationism through 19th Century

20th Century global policy essential and international cooperation

NATO is largest military alliance with 28 nations

Current International Concerns

Oil Foreign Aid Military Aid Missile Defense War on Drugs Terrorism Often requires covert operations as well as



Photos: Microsoft Clip Art, Wikipedia www.ushistory.com History Channel Library of Congress

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