what is tennis elbow and how to counter it?

Post on 14-Apr-2017



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What is Tennis Elbow and

how to Counter it?

Tennis elbow, sometimes known as lateral epicondylitis is actually a misleading term. In truth, a very less percentage of people, even less than 5 percent of the people suffering from this problem actually play tennis.

This problem arises due to over-exercising in the gym or by typing too much on the keyboard.

The symptoms include a sharp pain at the outside aspect of the elbow over the bone. This article contains information regarding this specific and much common problem and it also teaches some tips to heal this type of injury.

New cellular research has changed the way we treat tennis elbow. Here are some ways you can ace tennis elbow:

Address the underlying cause. If the pain is sport- or activity-specific, you must improve your technique or ergonomic setup. Have your workstation evaluated or consult with a personal trainer to make sure your technique is sound.

Home stretching exercises. Tennis elbow results when the forearm muscles get too tight and cause increased tension on the bony attachments of tendons. Simple stretches to loosen up your forearms can help when the problem is in its early phase.

Put a brace on it. A counter force brace can offload the overworked tendon by redistributing the pressure and can provide immediate relief.

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