what is team darden? team darden is a cancer relay for life team for king’s fork middle school....

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 What is Team Darden? Team Darden is a Cancer Relay for Life Team for Kings Fork Middle School. Relay for Life is a special walk that thousands of people in cities across the country take part in to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Slide 3 Have you ever known someone who has or has had cancer? Sadly, many of us have. Last year our Principal Mr. Darden was diagnosed with cancer. He lost his battle to cancer last May. Many of you who never met Mr. Darden might wonder, Who was Mr. Darden? That answer includes a man who wore many hats. Slide 4 Mr. Darden was our Principal. He opened Kings Fork Middle School in 2001. Our school was his lifelong dream and he loved us! Slide 5 Mr. Darden did many things at our school. He was a cook Slide 6 and he was a bus driver Slide 7 and he helped raise money for the Childrens Hospital for the Kings Daughters (CHKD) Slide 8 Mr. Darden was also a very talented musician. Slide 9 Mr. Darden was a great friend. He knew how to have fun! Slide 10 Mr. Darden was a great Principal. Slide 11 So, how did Team Darden start? When our school found out that Mr. Darden had cancer, we got together and started a Relay for Life Team to show him how much we cared and supported him through his tough time. Slide 12 We sold T-shirts, bracelets, collected coins, and put together a cookbook full of over 235 of Mr. Dardens recipes. Slide 13 We posted signs outside of our school to let everyone know about the Relay for Life. Slide 14 We hosted hot dog nights and had a lot of fun. Slide 15 We also had a big banquet the night before the Relay last year. Slide 16 The banquet was to let Mr. Darden know we were still rooting for him! Slide 17 That same night we put together a lot of fun and exciting music and skits for Mr. Darden. Slide 18 Team Darden worked very hard at the Relay. Slide 19 Team Darden walked, and walked, and walked to help fight cancer! Slide 20 We cheered each other on as we walked and walked. Slide 21 Team Darden won 1 st place for the most members on any Relay team EVER! Slide 22 Team Darden also won 1 st place for the most spirited team! Slide 23 As the Relay continued, Team Darden had lots of fun Slide 24 The Relay goes into the night too Slide 25 The most heartfelt event during the Relay is the Luminary lighting. Slide 26 Your participation and support for Team Darden and the Suffolk Rockin Relay gives Hope to others who are battling cancer. Slide 27 This year we have new shirts, new members, and YOU. Together, lets make a difference while helping to find a cure for cancer. The best thing you can do at school is support Team Darden by purchasing a T- shirt, hoodie, bracelet or give a donation. Together we WILL make a difference! Slide 28 Thank you for supporting Team Darden

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