what is anemia

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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What is anemia?

Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count orhemoglobin is less than normal. The normal level of hemoglobin is generally different in males and females. For men, anemia is typically defined as hemoglobin level of less than 13.5 gram/100ml and in women as hemoglobin of less than 12.0 gram/100ml. These definitions may vary slightly depending on the source and the laboratory reference used.

Anemia Symptoms

Some people with anemia have no symptoms. Other people with anemia may feel:


fatigue easily,

appear pale,

develop palpitations (feeling of heart racing), and

become short of breath.

Anemia is treated with iron (ferrous sulphate) supplements, initially taken three times a day. If nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea or constipation occur, the medication may be taken with a little bit of food. Treatment should be continued for three to six months in order for the body to fully replenish its iron supply. As long as excessive bleeding is not present and there are no other complicating factors, the anemia will be corrected within a few weeks. However, if the iron deficiency is caused by blood loss that is not due to menstruation, the source of bleeding must be found and stopped. This may require surgery.

Foods lack in diet to cause Anemia : Include in your diet apples, apricots, asparagus, banana, broccoli, egg yolks, kelp, leafy green, okra, parsley, peas, plums, prunes, purpose grapes, raisins, rice brand, squash, turnip greens, whole grains and yams. Also eat foods high in vitamin C to enhance iron absorption.

Scurvy is a condition where an individual has a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency. The name scurvy comes from the Latin scorbutus, and humans have known about the disease since ancient Greek and Egyptian times. Scurvy commonly is associated with sailors in the 16th to 18th centuries who navigated long voyages without enough vitamin C and frequently perished from the condition. Modern cases of scurvy are very rare.

How is scurvy treated?

Scurvy is treated by providing the patient with vitamin C, administered either orally or via injection. Orange juice usually functions as an effective dietary remedy, but specific vitamin supplements are also known to be effective.

Foods lacking in diet to cause scurvy; Oranges










What are the symptoms of scurvy?

Scurvy symptoms may begin with appetite loss, poor weight gain, diarrhea, rapid breathing, fever, irritability, tenderness and discomfort in legs, swelling over long bones, bleeding, and feelings of paralysis.

Rickets is a childhood bone disorder in which bones soften and become prone to fractures and deformity. Although rare in industrialized nations, it is still fairly common in some developing countries. The main cause of rickets is a lack of vitamin D. Not having enough calcium in one's diet may also be a cause of rickets, as may vomiting and diarrhea. Some childhood kidney and liver diseases can cause rickets, as may a digestive disorder complication that affects calcium and phosphorous absorption.

Signs and symptoms of rickets may include:

Baby is floppy

Bone pain

Bone tenderness

Bones break easily

What is the treatment for rickets?

The patient's dietary intake of calcium, phosphates and vitamin D is increased. This may involve exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet B light), consuming fish oils, and voisterol.

What is kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor is a type of malnutrition that is rare in the United States; it is most common in areas of drought and famine. Kwashiorkor is due to inadequate protein in the diet despite an adequate caloric intake. Symptoms may include irritability and fatigue followed by slowed growth, weight loss, muscle wasting, generalized swelling, skin changes, enlargement of the liver and abdomen, and weakening of the immune system, leading to frequent infections. Once kwashiorkor develops, some of the effects, such as short stature and intellectual disability, cannot be corrected.

What are the symptoms of kwashiorkor?

Early symptoms of kwashiorkor include irritability and Fatigue. As the condition continues, additional symptoms include slowed growth, weight loss, muscle wasting, generalized swelling.

How is kwashiorkor treated?

Treatment of kwashiorkor depends upon its severity. Fluid and electrolyte imbalances may need to be corrected with intravenous fluids.

What is marasmus?

Marasmus is a severe form of malnutrition that consists of the chronic wasting away of fat, muscle, and other tissues in the body. Malnutrition occurs when your body does not get enough protein and calories. This lack of nutrition can range from a shortage of certain vitamins to complete starvation.

Common symptoms of marasmus

You may experience marasmus symptoms daily or just once in a while. At times any of these marasmus symptoms can be severe:

Chronic or persistent diarrhea



Unexplained weight loss

How is marasmus treated?

A nutritious, well-balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, and protein will reduce the risk of malnutrition and any related marasmus.

Rolling Calf

Be careful how you stroll around the Jamaican countryside at night, because you really don't want to meet a rolling calf. A huge, calf-like creature which rolls along the road, blocking the way of night-time travellers, and chasing them with a wicked intention. It has blazing red eyes that gash fire, and a chain that it drags behing it, making an unnerving clanking noise.

To escape a rolling calf, the victim can do a number of things - drop objects for it to count (most supernatural creatures in Jamaican folklore can be escaped in this way), get to a cross roads (road junction) before it, open a pen knife and stick it in the ground. A rolling calf is also terrified of being beaten with a tarred whip held in the left hand.

Rolling calves are always male. They are believed to be the spirits of people (particularly butchers) who were wicked and dishonest during their lifetimes.

Poem: Mawga Dawgs

By Margaret Juliet Bailey

Being a good neighbor

is not all it is cracked up to

be, some people take advantage

of your generosity,

That's what happens wen fi "mawga dawgs"

we feel sorry,

They call on you all hours of the night,

hoping to get them out of their

baby-sitting plights,

Free of charge and with an open heart,

you oblige them by playing the good

neighbor part, yet, with each opportunity

they get, they drive a dagger through your heart,

Talking behind your back, flipping the coin,

and confusing facts,

That's what happens when you try fi have

"mawga dawgs" backs,

Your compassion and kindness make it

unconscionable to say no,

But, when you have outlived your usefulness

They blatantly tell you where to go,

"Mawga Dawgs" are wicked to blow-wow!

Regardles, that you have played Florence Nightengale

in their deepest, darkest hours, and never asked for any

kudos or flowers, the selflessness rarely gets you any gratitude

and respect,

"Mawga Dawgs" will turn around and call you an ungrateful wretch!

However, when the situation is reversed and you try to enlist their

help, you have to dig deep into your pockets till it hurts and leaves a welp,

"Mawga Dawg" always tink a ongly dem wan need help,

Being a good person always gets you punished for being kind,

'Cause wen "mawga dawg" get dem chance dem a go mek yu ta-ta

and you business grind!

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