what is an endangered species?...to 20,000 termites a day. • they have sticky tongues to help them...

Post on 06-Jul-2020






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What Is an Endangered Species?

An endangered animal is:• a species that is threatened with

extinction;• a species with a small habitat;• a species that has a small population.

An orangutan is an example of an endangered animal. It is thought there are only around 7500 left in the world.

Photo courtesy of berniedup (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Bilbies are nocturnal.

• They don’t need to drink water as they get moisture from their food.

• Like kangaroos, bilbieshave a pocket to carry their babies in.


• Dugongs are vegetarians; they only eats sea grass.

• They are also known as ‘sea cow’.

• Dugongs have lungs instead of gills so need to come to the surfaces every 6 minutes.


Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Eastern quolls are usually the same size as a small cat.

• They have been extinct in mainland Australia since the 1960s but are found in Tasmania.

Eastern Quoll

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Despite its name, fire coral is actually not actually a coral. It is more closely linked to families such as jellyfish.

• If touched, the pain from a sting can last between two to fourteen days.

Fire Coral

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Hawskbill turtles are the smallest species of turtle.

• Their shell is made from keratin which is the same material as our nails and hair.

Hawksbill Turtle

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• The insect was named after the island it was found on.

• It is also referred to as, ‘land lobster’.

• Lord Howe Island stick insects are wingless and nocturnal.

Lord Howe Island Stick Insect

Photo courtesy of (@Wikimedia Commons) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Wombats poo is cube shaped.

• Northern hairy-nosed wombats are one of the rarest land mammals on earth.

Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Numbats can eat up to 20,000 termites a day.

• They have sticky tongues to help them pick up the termites.

• Their average lifespan is between 4 and 8 years.


Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Red-tailed black cockatoos feed mainly on eucalyptus seeds and grains.

• Both male and females care for their young.

Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Tasmanian devils are carnivores and often eat sick and dead animals.

• In one day, they can eat up to 40% of their body weight.

Tasmanian Devil

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Their diet consists of leaves and fruit from the trees they live in.

• They can jump from around 18 metres to the ground.

Tree Kangaroo

Photo courtesy of (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

• Western swamp tortoises can survive for nearly 70 years.

• They will only come and feed when the water temperature is 14°C and 28 °C.

Western Swamp Tortoise

Photo courtesy of (@Wikimedia Commons) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

How Can We Help

• We could read the ingredients on bottles and try not to use things made with palm oil. Factories which make palm oil are built in many animals’ habitats.

• We can use less plastic. Plastic bits can end up in the sea and hurt or kill living things.

• Grow plants in your garden or a garden box to support the wildlife where you live. This will help lots of species like bees and other insects as well as helping plants.

There are some things we can do to help endangered species.

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