what i learned at drupal con dc 2009

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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Slideshow of what I discovered at DrupalCon


What I learned at DrupalCon...






Themes I noticed...



That is, while there is value in the items onthe right, we value the items on the left more.

• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

• Working software over comprehensive documentation

• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

• Responding to change over following a plan


Companies I noticed...





State of Drupal...




Drupal 7

Projects / Modules I noticed...

Context Module“... allows you to manage contexts for different portions

of your site. Think of each context as representing a "section" of your site.”

• Make the blog section active whenever the user is viewing a blog node type or blog view.

• Configure block visibility by section rather than by path or PHP code.

• Make primary / secondary menu links active based on what section a user is viewing.

• Define section titles or a section body class to use in page.tpl.php

Spaces allows features (a blog, calendar, casetracker, shoutbox, gallery, etc.) to be enabled and customized in

different configurations in different spaces.

Spaces Module

• spaces_site creates a single space that encompasses your entire Drupal site. You can turn enable/disable features for the entire site.

• spaces_og treats each organic group as a distinct space. Features can be made disabled/public/private on a per-group basis.

• spaces_user treats each user's profile as a distinct space. Features can be enabled/disabled on a per-user basis.

Space Types

Spaces FeaturesSpaces features are essentially context definitions with

some additional metadata. Once exported to code, spaces features can be bundled with exported views, implementations of the space settings class, and other

niceties to create packaged, ready-to-go features.

Acquia Search(a.k.a. Apache Solr)

Solr search can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra features and

better performance. Among the extra features is the ability to have faceted search on facets ranging from

content author to taxonomy to arbitrary CCK fields.

SimpleViewsA streamlined interface for building Views.

Administrators make a few simple choices (What kind of content should be listed? Do I want to sort by date,

or by title? etc.) and a view is generated on-the-fly. Because the Views API is used, the resulting views can

be modified using the full Views UI module.

In addition, every content type gets a simple checkbox on its configuration screen: "Make a listing page for this content."

When it's checked, the module... makes a custom listing page, complete with RSS feed, filtered to

just that content type.

Geospatial Web Integration

• More than just Google Maps

• Google Owns the Data

• Can’t Format the Way You Want

• Services to consider - cloudmade.com, openstreetmap.com, mapnik

• Modules to consider - Mapstraction, Nice Map Module

CalaisCalais is a web service that uses natural language

processing (NLP) technology to semantically tag text that is input to the service. The tags are delivered to the user who can then incorporate them into other

applications - for search, news aggregation, blogs, catalogs, you name it.

Full Node Revision Module(?)

Stage content in production site

CaseTracker & CaseTrackerCCK

Case Tracker enables teams to track outstanding cases which need resolution. This module was inspired by the

issue handling in project module, but unlike Project module, which is specific to software development,

Case Tracker was designed to be a generic issue tracker.

Learn (a lot) more...

• Slides - http://www.slideshare.net/tag/drupalcon

• Video - http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=drupalcon%20dc

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