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Post on 07-Aug-2020






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Page 1 Western Model A News - August 2020

News Western Model A

Model A Restorers Club of Western Australia, Inc.

A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

V O L U M E 4 1 , I S S U E 0 8

Page 2 Western Model A News - August 2020

Inside This Issue

Model A Restorers Club of Western Australia, Inc.

Dean Roberts


Note from the President 2

Secretary comments 3

Editor Comments 4

Events Coordinator 5

Military Museum Run 7

Coffee Run 10

More MARC Memories 11

Club Historical Item 12

Tip of the Month 13

For Sale 14

Sponsors 15

August 2020 Volume 41, Issue 8

Front Cover: Photos of your editor’s car from 1957. Top: editor’s parents toasting the ascent of Mt Kosciusko, Bottom: being unloaded at Wellington NZ.

I was unable to attend the run held last Sunday

as I had already booked a week down south.

From what Alan Jeffree told me it was a

successful day. Thanks to Brett and Paul for

organizing the day. I should also thank Alan for

covering for me.

On the trip down south, Jenni and I caught up with Busselton

members Wes Hartley and Beverley Biggs who were kind enough to

invite us for dinner at their house. Wes cooks a mean rack of lamb

and the desert prepared by Beverley was divine. A most enjoyable

evening. We stayed in Busselton for 2 nights before heading to

Albany via Bridgetown to complete our 6-night trip away. Between

breakfast at Emu Point and spare ribs on Stirling Terrance, sleep-ins

in the morning and just chilling out, it was great being able to have

a break, at the same time as supporting the South West


Whether it’s taking a trip like we just did, catching up with friends

or going to a coffee shop and people-watching, take some time to

go out, have some fun and enjoy yourselves.

Stay safe

See you soon


Page 3 Western Model A News - August 2020

MARCWA (INC.) CLUB CONTACTS ELECTED: APPOINTED: President: Dean Roberts 9295 2588 Editor / Web site: Ian Steer 9457 4968

Vice-President: Alan Jeffree 9275 4106 Printer: Daniel Pinnington 0400 132 445

Secretary: Kathleen Kuenzel 9385 3887 Vehicle Registrar: Kathleen Kuenzel 9385 3887

Treasurer: Anne Steer 9457 4968 Events Coordinator: Ian Paisley 9456 1184

Committee Member: Horace Misko 9256 1895 Regalia Officer: Marilynn Horgan 9447 8237

Committee Member: Ian Steer 9457 4968 Librarian: Dianne Paisley 9456 1184

Committee Member: Marilynn Horgan 9447 8237 Spare Parts Officer: David Bussard 9524 1086

Property Officer: Ray Mahony 9271 7630

Delegate: CMC Toni Mahony 9271 7630

Website: www.modelafordclub.com.au MARC Email: maofwainc@gmail.com

Western Model A News is the official newsletter of the Model A Restorers Club of Western Australia Inc.

Copy deadline 1st of each month to: maofwainc@gmail.com or 7 Gransmoor Way, Willetton WA 6155


Kathleen Kuenzel


You will note in the minutes of the general meeting held on Sunday 26 July, I commented that

although 12 members had resigned following the call for membership renewals towards the end of

2019, we have been fortunate enough to gain 9 new members since that time. I have checked

through past newsletters and realise that many details had not been supplied for this movement in

membership. Two of the resignations were due to the death of spouses and you will have been

notified of those occurrences. For those of you who like to keep your Members’ Directories up to

date, details are as follows:

Resignations: Jefferey Perret, Nam Perret, Maurice Creedy, Frank Lawton, Anne Lawton, Joan

Bathgate, Kaye Gobby, Jahna Trethowan, Beverley James, John Scobie, Elsie Clark, Rosemary Howard.

New Members: (Enter into your directory at page 29. For further details contact the member.) 178 Ray Major – Rockingham, Mob. 0435 616 820, Email: liv2sail@hotmail.com Ray has a 1930 Ute. 180 Doug Maslin – Rockingham, Mob. 0455 970 004, Email: dougmaslin@outlook.com Doug has a

1929 Phaeton. 181 Not for Publication 182 Not for Publication 183 Kim Seinor – Esperance, Mob.0412 072 642, Email: seinors@bigpond.net.au Kim has a 1928

Leatherback. 184 Janette Seinor – Esperance, Mob. 0400 527 557, Email: seinors@bigpond.net.au 185 Rob Lazenby – Herne Hill, Mob. 0427 907 215, Email: rob@drwholesale.com.au Rob is restoring a

1931 Closed Cab Pickup. 186 Denise Liesch – Herne Hill, Mob. 0427 907 214, Email: dliesch@bigpond.com 187 Alan Lewis – Lakelands, Mob. 0474 065 474, Email: zlewis3@bigpond.com Alan is looking to

return to Model A ownership.

Did you previously enter: 177 Lorenz Kurys-Romer – Wilyabrup, Mob. 0424 704 723, Email: lorenz@kurysromer.com Lorenz has

a 1930 Sports Coupe under reconstruction.


Page 4 Western Model A News - August 2020

Ian Steer


Potentially interesting items out there on the web

Early WA car registration database

The Carnamah Historical Society has been doing some great work transcribing early WA vehicle

registrations into a searchable, on-line database. The index contains 96,429 entries and covers

motor vehicles registered in WA for the years 1915 through 1927-28. It covers cars and trucks for

each year and also motorcycles for earlier years.


Model A dirt track racing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-4hkDO_eEI

Model A “Push Ball”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPmTx5k0JSE and


Model T dirt track racing (skip the 1st few minutes and turn the sound off):


Model T & Pig racing (yep, no typo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-da5z9jp_mc

Triggered by the club’s 40th anniversary celebrations, last month the newsletter featured some

photos from the club in the 1980s. My enthusiastic (caretaker) sub-editor has compiled another

page this month with photos from the early 1990s (and will probably continue for a few months).

If any of the longer-term members have any other photos from the early days of the club and can

send them to me as a reasonably high quality scanned image (eg at least a few hundred kbytes), I

can incorporate them in similar pages in the future. I would be looking for photos that clearly show

the faces of club members - and preferably with cars.

- and more club history on p12

August Birthdays

Michael Bell Peter Eardley Ross Letch

Coral Blewett Peter Forbes Faye Lynch

Pat Bussard Elisia Fowler Doug Maslin

John Cook Jason Fowler Helen Moorehead

Colin Davidson Coral Hall Brett Pollock

Page 5 Western Model A News - August 2020

Ian Paisley


August Event: Mt Augustus run

Date: Monday 17th August

Time: 8:30am

Where: Gingers Roadhouse, Gt Northern Hwy, Upper Swan

Details: 13 day run. Mingenew, Murchison, Gascoyne Jn, Mt Augustus, Meekatharra, Mt Magnet,

Sandstone, Leinster, Leonora, Lake Ballard, Kalgoorlie, Merredin. Staying in caravan parks with

cabins, camp kitchens and all facilities.

Organisers: Wayne Millman & Alan Jeffree

Event: Club Run & meeting

Date: Sunday 23rd August

Time: 9:00-9:15 for a 9:30 departure

Where: Centrepoint Midland Shopping Centre car park (Muzz Buzz Coffee)

Details: Travelling to York. 30 Minute tea / comfort stop at the Lakes BP Road house. Proceed on to York for meeting and lunch in the park below the town. Organiser: Peter Sartori, 0419 220 198

September Event: Club run & meeting - Organiser Needed

Event: York Motor Show

Date: Sunday 13th September

Location: Pioneer Village car park, Armadale

Organisers: York Branch - Veteran Car Club of WA

Details: Enquiries to Gayle Byfield ph: 0414 885 338 or byfield@wu.com.au


Event: Annual General Meeting

Date: Sunday 11th October

Location: VCC club rooms, 265 Hale Rd, Forrestfield

Details: To be advised in later newsletters.

Event: Hubley racing

Date: To be advised

Location: Jeffree’s house

Details: To be advised in later newsletters.

Organiser: Alan Jeffree

Event: Invitation from the VCC Collie Branch to join their 6-day run to Jurien Bay & Koorda

Date: 14th to 19th October

Details: See proposed trip plan on next page

Cont. over

Page 6 Western Model A News - August 2020

Ian Paisley


November Event: Club run & meeting - Organiser Needed

March 2021 Event: National Meet

Date: March 21-28 2021

Location: Ballarat, Victoria

Details: https://www.modelafordclub.org/

Organiser: Model A Ford Club of Victoria

Event: NZ National Model A Ford Rally

Date: March 28 - April 4 2021

Location: Gisborne, NZ

Details: gisbornemodelafordrally@gmail.com

The VCC Collie Branch (through MARC WA member Wayne Millman) has invited MARC WA

members to join them on their proposed 6 day run to Jurien Bay & Koorda from 14th to 19th


Day 1: Collie to Whiteman Park Museum, 226km, overnight in West Swan area.

Day 2: West Swan to Jurien Bay, 235km, largest Vincent motorcycle collection in the world.

Have spoken to the owner and will open it for us. 2 nights in Jurien Bay

Day 4: Jurien Bay to Koorda. Koorda has the last operating Drive-in in W.A. Koorda CRC

operate the Drive-in and will show movies on the Saturday evening for us. Overnight in Koorda.

Day 5: Koorda to Bailup Ford Motor Museum then onto Midland overnight.

Day 6: VCC Clubrooms then back home to Collie.

lf members don't wish to do all of the run they can join up at any stage and depart when they


Will require numbers to book accommodation in advance (looking at caravan parks with onsite

cabins). Numbers are needed by the end of July.

Please contact Wayne Millman (0408 477 472) if you are interested.


Page 7 Western Model A News - August 2020

Anne Steer


Cont. over

What a beautiful day, and what a great location Brett Pollock and Paul Kelly chose for the July Run on

Sunday 26th July.

A very good crowd of members had assembled at Pioneer Village Carpark in Armadale by 9.30. There

were only about 7 Model A’s, with many members for various reasons, coming along in their modern

cars. Brett arrived in Glad, towing his newly-

completed teardrop caravan. There was some

conjecture whether Brett had brought the caravan

in order to show off the great workmanship, or

whether he had brought it as a contingency plan in

case Glad broke down! As it turned out, neither of

the 2 cars which broke down during the day,

belonged to Brett!

We bid farewell to Reg and Coral, who had come

to Armadale just to say ‘hello’ and headed down

South West Highway to North Dandalup. From there, we turned left up Del Park Road and through

the forest until we reached Dwellingup. At Dwellingup, we descended the scarp, meandering

through lush farmland until we once again joined South West Highway near the Coolup turn-off.

It was great to have Des join us from Leschenault, and Wayne

had travelled up from Collie. As we all gathered at the turn-off

news came through that Troy had broken down further north

with a broken distributor rotor cap. Ian S. had a spare cap, so

Gary volunteered to take the cap back up the highway in his

modern, to Troy. Once we had all reassembled, the convoy

completed the last few kilometres to our destination. Driving

through more beautiful green farmland, past the old Brownes

dairy and a few water-soaked paddocks, we duly arrived at

Craig Grantham’s farm.

Craig had very kindly offered his farm for our meet. On the

farm is his Murray Military Museum which is a fantastic, privately owned collection of over 30

military vehicles and war memorabilia.

Page 8 Western Model A News - August 2020

Anne Steer


As the club members inspected the contents of the museum, we were all in awe of the time and

commitment that must have gone into collecting and organising such an amazing collection of

military history.

With Big Boss Dean having a well-deserved break down

in Albany, 2IC Boss Alan then ran our meeting as we all

basked in the beautiful winter’s sunlight. Lunch

followed and members slowly started heading home, and to watch the football.

Luckily not everyone had gone home. As Ian S. went to start his Coupe, the starter motor spun, but

didn’t engage. More tries - nothing. More than one person suggested that we could just get Craig to

make a bit more room in his Museum and roll Ian’s car back to become the newest addition! But no,

out came the crank handle. Nothing. Hmm, final resort was a push-start. The Model A spluttered

into life and Ian and I headed home, hoping that we could make it. We decided that perhaps we

didn’t really need to stop at a petrol station and fill up with fuel!

We got home with no further issues. A quick starter motor extraction revealed the problem to be a

broken Bendix spring.

So ended a wonderful day. May thanks to Brett and Paul for organising the run. Many thanks to

Craig Grantham for his hospitality in allowing us to visit his farm and share his private museum.

If this was a scene from Ultra Lube in

Midland, would that be our president

in the white coat on the left ?

Page 9 Western Model A News - August 2020


Page 10 Western Model A News - August 2020

Ian Steer


Alan & Edith organised a coffee run to Mid-Century Café & Collectibles in Yokine on Wednesday July

22nd. The weather was very kind, and 23 people turned-up, including a handful of Model A’s. The

venue was a very interesting place with little areas decorated as various rooms in a 1950s Australian



Read the story behind Darlene Mallett’s 1929 Flare Side Light Delivery ute:


Page 11 Western Model A News - August 2020


The 10th Anniversary Run 1991

The 10th Anniversary Run 1991

Reg Blewett - Busselton 1990 Colin Davidson - Leeman 1991

All Ford Day 1991

Page 12 Western Model A News - August 2020


New member Doug Maslin spotted this issue on his car recently - be on the lookout!

from the Western Model A News, June 1985


Page 13 Western Model A News - August 2020

Jim Cannon, former MAFCA Technical Director


Many of us like to install a fuse on our Model A to prevent a small electrical problem from becoming

an even bigger one. You’ve all seen them, the little fuse holder that mounts to the side of the starter

switch, holds a little glass fuse, and connects to the solid yellow wire. A great idea, but it has a few

weaknesses. First, an open fuse holder like this will eventually corrode as it is exposed to the

elements. Oil mist and road grime will collect in it and give you a bad connection. Vibration from the

engine will loosen up the little metal clips that the fuse snaps down into. With time, this little fuse

holder becomes a trouble spot in your electrical system. I’ve seen it several times on tours.

It is possible to purchase a moulded fuse holder with a waterproof cover

that snaps securely over the fuse (see photo). It uses a blade-type fuse

that can be obtained in any amp rating you need. They work on 6 volt or

12 volt cars. You splice it in to the wiring harness and solder the

connections (not just crimp them on). Cover with woven loom to hide

everything except the fuse itself and it disappears (mostly).

Much better.

I’m often asked where to put the fuse. If you only put it on the solid yellow wire at the starter switch,

if it ever blows while driving, your engine will die right there. This might be at a very bad time to have

no power, when you really need your engine running. It could be dangerous. Most shorts that would

cause a fuse to blow are in the lights or the horn. I recommend putting fuses in the two solid yellow

wires coming off the generator (alternator) that go to the headlight switch and the horn. If one of

these fuses blows, you won’t have lights or a horn, but your engine will still run. Figure out how much

current your lights draw and put a fuse about 25% bigger than that on that wire. The same with the

horn wire. If you accidentally use too small a fuse, it will blow and you replace it with one of a slightly

higher amp rating.

Once you have installed these two fuses, then you add a third fuse to the yellow wire coming off the

starter switch. Use a fuse amperage here that is a bit bigger than the ones you used for the lights and

horn. This becomes your protection against a really big problem in all of the wires besides lights and

horn (like ammeter and associated wires). This fuse should not blow if you have a short in the lights or

horn, so the engine will keep running and you can limp home (without horn or stoplights - be careful).

But if you have a major short, one capable of starting a fire, the 3rd fuse will blow and save your car.

This is one of my more complicated Tech Tips. I hope it helps your car stay safe and reliable. I’m

always open to feedback.

Have a Model A Day!


Page 14 Western Model A News - August 2020


1929 Phaeton - $8,500 ono • Reasonably complete • Original mechanicals • Only rust is in one back door (rest is rust free) • All panels very repairable Contact: Andrew Gower, email: gowerind@hotmail.com, phone: 0408 448 180,

1931 Deluxe


• Done approximately 1000

miles on recon engine.

• 4 new Firestone

whitewalls on blasted and

painted wheels.

• New battery.

• All good, runs well.


Barrie Byers

0409 298 225

Page 15 Western Model A News - August 2020

Cont. over


1928 Phaeton Alan Porter is selling his Model A. Everyone knows it as Benny’s car, as he refurbished it. The only car that club has full history. It has new tyres all round incl spare, new battery and cooling system done up recently. A RHD Canadian import sold in Northam to an accountant. ph: 0458 806 807









18 Rio Street, Bayswater

PHONE 08 9272 4566 FAX 08 9271 5717

Rebuilding Oldies Better Than New

Recommended by MARCWA members

Please support Our valued suppliers


New bronze timing gear $100

Used distributor cap ( Good spare)

Gear box reverse idler gear and shaft (New)


2 Sets of 2 Oil pump bushes (New) A-6612 $6.00

per set

Radiator Crank hole cover with rivet (New) $2.00

1 Radius ball cap sets complete with bolts (Uses

rubber ball) $10.00 per set

Complete set of used gear box gears Including

cluster $180.00

Peter Sartori, ph 0419 220 198

Page 16 Western Model A News - August 2020


Halogen Bulbs 6v & 12v Tungsten Bulbs 6v & 12v Indicator Stalks

Flasher cans 6v & 12v Tail lights Indicator Lights (over 30 different types) Fuel Pumps 6v & 12v Wiper Motors 6v & 12v Wiper Blades

Cables (Cotton Covered, Metal Covered, PVC)

High Tension Cable (Cotton Covered, Black PVC)

Spark Plugs 19” and 21” Model A Tyres Tubes Rust bands

and All Things Vintage

Bob Beames 6 Rio Street, Bayswater WA 6053

Mob: 0419 276 411 Ph: 9272 6411 Fax: 9370 1506

Email: bobbeames@westnet.com.au www.vvclubeelect.com.au




Keith & Glenys Eastwood

129 Balance Road

Ballan 3342


Ph (03) 5368 1088

Fax (03) 5368 1007

Mobile 0402194723


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