we're all going to die

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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We’re all going to DIE!!!Exploring your digital legacy

Adele McAlear


Renee Wathelet


So, what becomes of your content after you die?


When a friend died unexpectedly last year I couldn't bring myself to delete him as a friend on Facebook, but it is rather disturbing to see his smiling face in my friends list.

My kids think I'm crazy not to press delete, but it seems so horrible. I've been wondering for ages what other people do in the same situation, if there's some sort of netiquette.


“We’re all haunted by our losses,”

“It’s just that Facebook reminds us of that in a very in-your-face kind of way.

I know it’s an idea of popular culture that you get over a loss. But the reality is, you don’t.”

Dr. Susan D. Block, chief of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston

"The bank, the life insurance company, his pension provider – they were all happy to deal with us. All of them except for PayPal. We just gave up in the end. We didn't have what they wanted, and they weren't going to give us access." - Darren Stuart.

Derek K. Miller


Derek K. Miller


cbc.ca/spark | hear the full interview: http://bit.ly/UsS8Xcbc.ca/spark | hear the full interview: http://bit.ly/UsS8X

cbc.ca/spark | hear the full interview: http://bit.ly/UsS8Xcbc.ca/spark | hear the full interview: http://bit.ly/UsS8X

Services to manage your digital legacy

Services to manage your digital legacy


Legacy Locker

Slightly Morbid

Who will be your digital executor?

Who will be your digital executor?

Who will up date your blog so your readers know you’re gone?

Will they be able to update the software like you do with WordPress?

Who will manage your email, Twitter and Facebook accounts?

What about your videos and photos? Will someone know how to backup your YouTube and Flickr content?

Will they remember to pay your hosting fees on time? Will they have access?

Who will be your digital executor?

Who will up date your blog so your readers know you’re gone?

Will they be able to update the software like you do with WordPress?

Who will manage your email, Twitter and Facebook accounts?

What about your videos and photos? Will someone know how to backup your YouTube and Flickr content?

Will they remember to pay your hosting fees on time? Will they have access?

Who will be your digital executor?

Who will up date your blog so your readers know you’re gone?

Will they be able to update the software like you do with WordPress?

Who will manage your email, Twitter and Facebook accounts?

What about your videos and photos? Will someone know how to backup your YouTube and Flickr content?

Will they remember to pay your hosting fees on time? Will they have access?

Who will be your digital executor?

Who will up date your blog so your readers know you’re gone?

Will they be able to update the software like you do with WordPress?

Who will manage your email, Twitter and Facebook accounts?

What about your videos and photos? Will someone know how to backup your YouTube and Flickr content?

Will they remember to pay your hosting fees on time? Will they have access?

Who will be your digital executor?

Who will up date your blog so your readers know you’re gone?

Will they be able to update the software like you do with WordPress?

Who will manage your email, Twitter and Facebook accounts?

What about your videos and photos? Will someone know how to backup your YouTube and Flickr content?

Will they remember to pay your hosting fees on time? Will they have access?

When you're sick in the hospital you have little down time.

You're thinking about saving your life.

Giving up passwords declares defeat in a way.

Do it now!

... Later that night, I visited Steve’s (Facebook) profile — of course he’s grinning in the photo — and I gave him a poke. I think that will make a nice birthday tradition.

Thank you.

Thank you.Contact me: @davedelaney on Twitter

or www.davedelaney.me

Photo and Audio Credits

Slide #2 Local Surfer http://www-us.flickr.com/photos/localsurfer/381011591/sizes/l/Slide #3 John Cooke http://www.flickr.com/photos/john-cooke-uk/3827193913/sizes/l/Slide #4 Tojosan http://www.flickr.com/photos/tojosan/1573553540/sizes/l/Slide #11 Montreal Gazette http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Montrealer+murdered+Mexico+touched+everyone/2007709/story.htmlSlide #12 Facebook http://trendsupdates.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/facebook-03.jpgSlide #15 HORIZON http://www.flickr.com/photos/horizon/199413205/sizes/l/Slide #22 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AGMA_H%C3%A9rodote.jpgSlide #23 Kris Krug http://www.flickr.com/photos/kk/2790475338/sizes/l/Slide #26 Inside Home Recording http://www.insidehomerecording.com/images/derek_effect.jpgSlide #26: Audio excerpt from CBC.ca/spark http://bit.ly/UsS8XSlide #28, 29, 30, 31 Family Guy http://www.fox.com/familyguy/Slide #37 Mrs_Haukaas http://www.flickr.com/photos/magd/2328865424/sizes/l/Slide #38 MommaMia http://www.flickr.com/photos/mommamia/3153760917/sizes/o/ Slide #41 http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2009/01/14/fashion/15spy.ready.html

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