welcome to vitÓria - brasil - aiesec brasil

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Booklet of Vitória city - Brasil. AIESEC BRASIL


Welcome to @Vitória

A beautiful is island in the southeast coast of Brazil!

Vitória is the capital of the state of

Espírito Santo, Brazil. Founded in 1551,

it’s located in an island within a bay.

Vitoria’s metropolitan area has a

population of almost 2 million people.


- Population: 327.801

- Weather:Tropical Humid

- Time Zone: UTC 3

- -Daily living cost:

- 4th best city to live in Brazil


- 7th best midsize city to undertake in the

Americas (2015)

Praça dos Namorados

This place is beautiful at any

time of the year, but

especially when summertime

comes and people flock to

the square to do stand up

paddle, walking, cycling and

running . On the weekends

there is a fair with typical

food and crafts.

Ilha do Boi

Boi island is an upscale neighborhood, upper class, in the city of


Despite its name, the current quarter is not an island. With the

city's growth in the first half of the nineteenth century large

areas were grounded throughout the city and the island joined

the Victoria Island.

It is mainly residential, and its largest area consists of upscale

residences, some with their own piers for boats. The

neighborhood also has two small crowded beaches.

The island is also an object of research for biologists from the

Federal University of Espírito Santo.

Penha Convent

Penha Convent is a convent in Vila Velha, Brazil, on the top of a high mountain overlooking the cities of

Vitória and Vila Velha. Founded in approximately 1558 by Pedro Palácios, today it is home to Espírito Santo's Patron

Saint, Our Mother of Penha. Many believers make pilgrimages to this site which is surrounded by a green haven of

forest. Due to its location between two large urban areas, it is also a very much sought-after leisure spot on

weekends and holidays. It is considered one of the main tourist attractions of the Brazilian Southeast state

of Espírito Santo.

Every year, there is an important celebration to the Saint when believers dedicate their miles praying and thanking

the Saint. Some travel from all over Brazil in order to get there.

The men usually start their walk from the Capital Vitoria and finish at the Convent in Vila Velha. The women also pay

their respects and walk from the closest Church (Santuario) up to the Convent. Inside the Convent there are

millions of Thank you Notes from people that claim to have been cured by Nossa Senhora da Penha. They have left

many of their notes along with their old handicapped chairs and much more. The view from the Convent is one of

the most beautiful views. It’s possible to see the Island of Vitoria and the City of Vila Velha and one of the most

beautiful beaches along the coast of Brazil called Praia da Costa, where at the end of the beach, you can also see

the house of the Governor.


Stand up Paddle

Night Life

- Bars

- Night Clubs

- Restaurants

Places close to Vitória

Pedra Bonita Waterfall Guarapari

Forró (Brazilian typical dance) in Itaunas

Azul Moutain

Diving in Guarapari Frade e a Freira Trail

Rapelling in the Moutains

Buddhist Monastery

Paragliding Flight

Typical Foods

We wait for you in Vitória!






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