welcome to turner field. rules 1.you need to have a set batting list of your players (boy, girl,...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1

WELCOME TO TURNER FIELD Slide 2 RULES 1.You need to have a set batting list of your players (Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl order) 2.The player that is batting gets to decide if they want to run a SINGLE, DOUBLE, TRIPLE, or HOMERUN. 3.You have 30 seconds to write your answer on the board and raise it up. (You may discuss with your teammates, but the person batting must write the answer and have the board). If you dont answer it in 30 SECONDS then the other team can get a chance to answer. 4.You can STEAL a base, but you have to answer a 3 rd base question. If you get it wrong youre OUT! Slide 3 Slide 4 VS. Slide 5 1 ST BASE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 ND BASE 3 RD BASE HOME RUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 123456123456 Slide 6 QUESTION 1 1.Give me three characteristics that all plants have. Answer Slide 7 ANSWER -Multicellular -Autotrophic -Have organ systems -Eukaryotic Home Slide 8 QUESTION 2 Write two land adaptations of plants. Answer Slide 9 ANSWER -Waxy cuticle -Thick cell walls made of cellulose -Roots -Seeds -Leaf shapes HOME Slide 10 QUESTION 3 3. What is the difference between vascular and non vascular plants? Answer Slide 11 ANSWER -Vascular have xylem and phloem and which gives structure to the plants. -Vascular plants dominant life stage is the sporophyte. HOME Slide 12 QUESTION 4 1.What is the most successful group of plants? (Give me the phylum name) Answer Slide 13 ANSWER Anthophyta HOME Slide 14 QUESTION 5 5. Label the three male parts of the flower. Answer B C A Slide 15 ANSWER A: Stamen B: Anther C: Filament HOME Slide 16 QUESTION 6 6. What is the term used for naked seed? Answer Slide 17 ANSWER Gymnosperm HOME Slide 18 QUESTION 7 7. Xylem and Phloem are part of the vascular tissue. What is each part responsible for? Answer Slide 19 ANSWER Xylem: Water Phloem: Nutrients, Sugar HOME Slide 20 QUESTION 8 8. What is the difference between a monocot and dicot? Answer Slide 21 ANSWER -Monocot has one seed leaf, usually have parallel veins, flower parts are in multiples of three and scattered vascular tissue. -Dicots hae two seed leaves, netlike viens, flower parts in multiples of four or five, and ringed vascular tissue. HOME Slide 22 QUESTION 9 1.What is the term that describes a seed that is enclosed by a fruit? Answer Slide 23 ANSWER -Angiosperm HOME Slide 24 QUESTION 10 10. List three common name examples of nonvascular plants. Answer Slide 25 ANSWER 1.Liverworts 2.Hornworts 3.Mosses HOME Slide 26 QUESTION 1 1.What two phases do plant life cycles alternate between? Answer Slide 27 ANSWER -Sporophyte phase (2n spore producing plant) and Gametophyte Phase (n gamete-producing plant). HOME Slide 28 QUESTION 2 2. What do plants do when conditions are hot and water is lost through the leaves by transpiration? Answer Slide 29 ANSWER -Guard cell deflates and closes the stomata. -P. 653 HOME Slide 30 QUESTION 3 3. What does thigmotrophism mean? Answer Slide 31 ANSWER -Movement of plants through touch (like Venus Fly Trap) HOME Slide 32 QUESTION 4 4. Give me two examples of plants that are gymnosperms. Answer Slide 33 ANSWER -Ginkgo, Cycads, Conifers, Gnetum, Welwischia, Ephedra HOME Slide 34 QUESTION 5 What are the three parts of a female flower parts called? Answer A B C Slide 35 ANSWER A: Stigma B: Style C: Ovary HOME Slide 36 QUESTION 6 6. What goes in the blank? Anther: Male gametophyte in a flowering plant. __________: Male gametophyte in a non- vascular plant. Answer Slide 37 ANSWER Antheridium HOME Slide 38 QUESTION 7 7. What part of the plant are you looking at? Answer Slide 39 ANSWER The stem HOME Slide 40 QUESTION 8 8. A carrot is an example of a(n) ____. Answer Slide 41 ANSWER Taproot HOME Slide 42 QUESTION 9 9. If monocots do not have wood then what supports palm trees? Answer Slide 43 ANSWER -Rely on overlapping leaf bases, thickened enlarged cells. And prop roots to stay up HOME Slide 44 QUESTION 10 Are pine trees monocots or dicots? Answer Slide 45 ANSWER Pines are conifers meaning they are neither monocots or dicots. They have gymnosperms. HOME Slide 46 QUESTION 1 1.What is a disadvantage if the stomata is closed due to loss of water? Answer Slide 47 ANSWER -There might not be enough CO2 for photosynthesis to occur. -P. 653 HOME Slide 48 QUESTION 2 2. One thing on your bucket list is to make the worlds tallest plant. You decide to try this over your spring break. What hormone could you use in order to try to cross that off of your bucket list? Answer Slide 49 ANSWER Gibberellins p. 680-681 HOME Slide 50 QUESTION 3 Give the phylum name that is vascular, does not have protected seeds, and have needle-leaved plants. Answer Slide 51 ANSWER Phylum: Coniferophyta HOME Slide 52 QUESTION 4 4. Name four blanks of your choice. Answer E D B C A F G Slide 53 ANSWER A: Xylem/Phloem B: Stomata C: Lower Epidermis D: Spongy Mesophyll E: Palisade Mesophyll F: Upper Epidermis G: Cuticle p. 655 HOME Slide 54 QUESTION 5 5. I am a non-vascular moss. What Phylum am I? Answer Slide 55 ANSWER -Phylum Bryophyta HOME Slide 56 QUESTION 6 6. Which plant tissue is responsible for photosynthesis in leaves sclerenchyma, parenchyma or collenchyma? Answer Slide 57 ANSWER Parenchyma p. 640-641 HOME Slide 58 QUESTION 7 In terms of being adapted to land, what are the most successful plants and the least successful plant phyla? Give me a phylum name for both. Answer Slide 59 ANSWER -Anthophyta and Bryophyta HOME Slide 60 QUESTION 8 What is the Latin word for Hepato? Answer Slide 61 ANSWER Liver. HOME Slide 62 QUESTION 9 When you are eating a fruit what are you eating? Answer Slide 63 ANSWER A mature ovary. HOME Slide 64 QUESTION 10 Does it make sense that Spongebobs pineapple house grew underwater? Explain the science behind your conclusion. Answer Slide 65 ANSWER If a plant were to grow underwater it would have too much moister in its roots which would lead to decrease in O2 for the plants. The plants will then have excess CO2, Nitrogen which would suffocate the plant. HOME Slide 66 QUESTION 1 1.You need to ship fruits across the globe. You dont want the fruits to ripe during that time, what hormone would you want to slow down to prevent this from happening? Answer Slide 67 ANSWER Ethylene must be filtered out. Ethylene controls fruit ripening. p. 681 HOME Slide 68 QUESTION 2 How could have a cuticle evolved through natural selection? Answer Slide 69 ANSWER Cuticles are waxy particles that prevent water loss. Some plants that are living in the dry environments could have had a mutation that created this cuticle which helped them survive and reproduce. HOME Slide 70 QUESTION 3 You have a vine growing sideways, twisting along the railing. What type of tropism is this plant showing? Answer Slide 71 ANSWER Thigmotrophism p. 682-683 HOME Slide 72 QUESTION 4 What three tissues make up the simple tissues of a plant? Answer Slide 73 ANSWER Dermal: covers the plant Ground: makes up most of the plant Vascular: transports fluids throughout the plant p. 642 HOME Slide 74 QUESTION 5 Explain how tree rings form. Answer Slide 75 ANSWER Tree rings form due to uneven growth over the season. During the spring you have your plenty of water which lead to new xylem cells that are wide and have thin walls. This results in the light color. During harsh weathers there is not enough water so the xylem cells are smaller and have thicker walls so they have a darker color. HOME Slide 76 QUESTION 6 What environments would you find non- vascular plants? Answer Slide 77 ANSWER Small, inhabiting shady, moist areas. HOME

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