welcome to our lady of the assumption church · short meeting, lotto drawings and door prizes. the...

Post on 18-Oct-2020






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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Legion of Mary Curia Meeting 9:30am, St. Paul’s Lord’s Day Young Adlt. Outreach 6:30pm, Yth. Office SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Flame Group 10:30am, St. Paul’s Room RCIA 11:00am, St. Anne’s Room Baptism—Mastagni 12:00pm, Church Marriage Course (Spanish) 6:00pm, St. Paul’s Room MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Parish Office Closed 8:00am, Other OLA Basketball 3:00pm, Parish Hall Christian Meditation 4:00pm, Church Sacramento Choral Practice 5:45pm, Church OLA Women’s Book Club 6:30pm, Seton Hall Pastoral Council Meeting 6:30pm, St. Paul’s Room Tiger Den Meeting (Pack 225) 6:30pm, OLA Extension Boy Scouts Meeting 6:45pm, St. John’s Hall TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 OLA Basketball 3:00pm, Parish Hall Young Rembrandt’s Art Program 3:10pm, St. Paul’s Volleyball Sign-Ups 4:30pm, Parish Hall Knights of Columbus Set-Up 6:00pm, St. John’s Hall B&G Meeting 6:30pm, St. Paul’s Room Knights of Columbus Business Mtg.7:30pm, St. John’s WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Legion of Mary Meeting 8:45am, St. Paul’s Room Contractor Interviews 12:00pm, St. Paul’s Room Contractor Interviews 12:00pm, St. Anne’s Room School Thanksgiving Prayer Service 2:20pm, Church OLA Basketball 3:00pm, Parish Hall Girl Scout Informational 3:30pm, St. John’s Hall Safety & Security Committee 7:00pm, St. Paul’s Room THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 OLA Basketball 3:00pm, Parish Hall Cub Scout Pack 225 Meeting 6:00pm, St. John’s Hall Girl Scout Troop 103 Meeting 6:00pm, Seton Hall Liturgical Ministries Meeting 7:00pm, Church Living the Word 7:00pm, St. Paul’s Room FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 OLA Basketball 3:00pm, Parish Hall SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Matthew 25 Ministries Sorting 9:00am, St. Paul’s

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church 8:00am All Souls 5:00pm All Souls SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:00am All Souls 9:30am All Souls 11:00am All Souls 7:30pm OLA Parishioners MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 8:00am All Souls TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 8:00am All Souls WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00am All Souls THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:00am All Souls FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 St. Margaret of Scotland & St. Gertrude, Virgin 8:00am All Souls SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious 8:00am All Souls 5:00pm All Souls

Monday, November 12 Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-2, 3-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday, November 13 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18 and 23, 27 and 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday, November 14 Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-3a, 3bc-4, 5, 6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday, November 15 Phmn 7-20; Ps 146:7, 8-9a, 9bc-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday, November 16 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1, 2, 10, 11, 17, 18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday, November 17 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday, November 18 Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32


Jesus was not impressed by those who call attention to themselves In the Gospel today Jesus tells the crowds to be aware of those who like to call attention to

themselves, who like places of honor and devour houses of widows. He is rather impressed

with a widow who gave to the temple treasury all she had, quietly and out of faith. God is

attentive to widows and orphans. He is their defender and protector. What Jesus is teaching

is that God wants us to come to the aid of widows and not take from them the little that they


Baptismal Preparation Classes November

Our next Baptismal preparation class will be held on Tuesday, November 27 at 7 pm in St. Anne´s. Please call the Parish Office at 481-5115 to register.

PERT CLUB MEETING Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The PERT Club will meet on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, in St. John’s Hall, OLA at 11:00 am, for a short meeting, LOTTO drawings and door prizes. The Thanksgiving potluck luncheon will follow promptly at Noon. The turkey, with some gravy and stuffing, will be supplied by the club. Please bring other supporting dishes to share. BINGO, with cash prizes, will begin after the kitchen crew is finished. The cost for a guest is $3.00. Free to members this year. Bring your own place setting, cup, wine glass and some nonperishable food for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Locker. Kitchen Crew – Please arrive by 9:30 am for decorating. Please call Penny at (916) 489-6005, or George at (916) 483-7194, if you have any questions.

Liturgical Ministries Meeting

Thursday, November 15th, at 7:00 pm in the Church

Fr. Eduino is inviting all Mass Captains, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and Ushers to a Liturgical Ministries meeting on Thurs-day, November 15th, at 7:00 pm in the church. We will be discussing preparations for the upcoming liturgical year and will also be reviewing procedures. Updated copies of the various liturgical ministry handbooks will be available for those who need them, and the new 2019 Workbook for Lectors, Gos-pel Readers, and Proclaimers of the Word will be distributed to all Lectors. We look forward to seeing all liturgical ministers at this important meeting.

LIVING THE WORD Every Thursday

7:00 pm Rectory

Holy Land Sales

This weekend

Church Portico

Lighthouse Catholic Media

Dear Parishioners, Lighthouse Catholic Media is a ministry of Augustine Institute that seeks to use media and the New Evangelization to help us all grow in faith. They offer CDs (and many other things) for purchase to help enhance our faith. We are blessed at OLA to have two kiosks (by the front doors and by the eastern doors) displaying many awesome audio CDs. They are available for purchase for only $3! The kiosks are secure. All you need to do is drop your money in for whichever CDs you would like to purchase! We have just replenished our collection of CDs including a couple of new Spanish CDs. You can also check out the books that Lighthouse Catholic Me-dia offers at lighthousecatholicmedia.com.

Thank you for your support of this faith outreach!

Saturday was a big day at OLA. We had our Outdoor Work Day and our Harvest Feast! We really appreciate all of our volunteers who worked outside and/or inside for both events. The Harvest Feast was a joyous occasion with great food and even greater company and our parish grounds look beautiful.



OLA youth group is sponsoring a toiletry drive year round for St. Vincent de Paul. You ever wonder what to do with all your hotel shampoos and soaps? Donate to us! We are in need of any and all travel soaps, shampoos, con-ditioners, lotions, etc. Baskets will be in the back of the church labeled Soap for Souls. We appreciate your generosity.

Meetings are held in the Youth Room (Seton Hall)

Grades 7 & 8: Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Grades 9 - 12: OLA’s Life Teen Mass every Sunday at 11am followed by group meeting from 12-1:30pm

For more information about Youth Groups, please contact OLA´s Youth Minister,

Johann Rubia-Miller at (916) 481-5115 or Email: youth@olaparish.net

School Tour

You are welcome to contact Jane Ricci for a per-

sonal tour and to receive information on our Pre-

school – Eighth Grade programs at your conven-

ience. Jane can be reached at 489-8958 ext. 202 or

development@olaparish.net. Check us out at

www.school.olaparish.net or on Facebook.

OLA Youth Choir and Music Ensemble for Advent and Christmas

All parish and OLA school children (grades 1-8) are invited to participate! Singers and instrumentalists welcome. We will be serving at the 9:30 am Mass for the Second Sunday of Advent (December 9) and at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass (December 24). We are hoping for a large ensemble this year, and we need everyone's help to make that happen. Please encourage the youth in your life to participate! The participation of our youth in the liturgy is a special gift. In addition to learning beloved Advent and Christmas songs, participants will also learn the structure and sequence of the Mass and the basics of vocal technique and healthy singing.

Practices are from 6:00-6:55 on most Wednesday evenings beginning November 7th through Decem-ber 19th. (No rehearsal the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, 11/21.) Please contact our Music Di-rector, Casey Oliver, with any questions at 481-5115 or worship@olaparish.net.


Eucharistic Adoration & Fellowship 1st Thursday of every month

7:00 pm - Church

For more information, contact Malcolm MacDonald at mmacdonald.ardeanery@gmail.com

“The greatest love story of all time is contained in a tiny white Host."

-Ven. Fulton J. Sheen.

A Loving Message From Our Principal

“May I be at peace.

May my heart remain open.

May I be aware of my true nature.

May I be healed. May I be a source

of healing in others.

May I dwell in the breath of God.”

~ Saint Teresa of Avila

Blessings on our work and on each other,

~Nicole Grant

T his Sunday’s Gospel passage is composed of two parts: one that describes how not to be followers of

Christ; the other offers an example of a Christian.

Let’s start with the first: what not to do. In the first part, Jesus accuses the scribes, the teachers of the law, of having three defects in their lifestyle: pride, greed and hypocrisy. They like “to have salutations in the market places and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts” (Mk 12:38-39). But beneath such solemn appearances they are hiding falsehood and injustice.

While flaunting themselves in public, they use their authority — as Jesus says — to devour “the houses of widows” (cf. v. 40); those who, along with orphans and foreigners, were considered to be the people most vulnerable and least protected. Lastly, Jesus says that the scribes, “for a pretence make long prayers” (v. 40). Even today we risk taking on these attitudes. For example, when prayer is separate from justice so that God cannot be worshiped and causing harm to the poor. Or when one claims to love God, but instead offers him only grandiosity for one’s own advantage.

The second part of the Gospel follows this line of thinking. The scene is set in the temple of Jerusalem, precisely in the place where people are tossing coins as offerings. There are many rich people putting in large sums, and there is a poor woman, a widow, who contributes only two bits, two small coins. Jesus observes the woman carefully and calls the disciples’ attention to the sharp contrast of the scene.

The wealthy contributed with great ostentation what for them was superfluous, while the widow, Jesus says, “put in everything she had, her whole living” (v. 44). For this reason, Jesus says, she gave the most of all. Because of her extreme poverty, she could have offered a single coin to the temple and kept the other for herself. But she did not want to give just half to God; she divested herself of everything. In her poverty she understood that in having God, she had everything; she felt completely loved by him and in turn loved him completely. What a beautiful example this little old woman offers us!

Today Jesus also tells us that the benchmark is not quantity but fullness. There is a difference between quantity and fullness. You can have a lot of money and still be empty. There is no fullness in your heart. This week, think about the difference there is between quantity and fullness. It is not a matter of the wallet, but of the heart. There is a difference between the wallet and the heart.... There are diseases of the heart, which reduce the heart to the wallet.... This is not good! To love God “with all your heart” means to trust in him, in his providence, and to serve him in the poorest brothers and sisters without expecting anything in return.

Faced with the needs of our neighbors, we are called to deprive ourselves of essential things, not only the superfluous; we are called to give the time that is necessary, not only what is extra; we are called to give immediately and unconditionally some of our talent, not after using it for our own purposes or for our own group.

Let us ask the Lord to admit us to the school of this poor widow, whom Jesus places in the cathedra and presents as a teacher of the living Gospel even to the astonishment of the disciples. Through the intercession of Mary, the poor woman who gave her entire life to God for us, let us ask for a heart that is poor, but rich in glad and freely given generosity.

Questions of the Week

Theme: We must give to God until we have given enough. Breaking Open the Word Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel, the short form Step One: Listen to the Word What image lingers for you from this reading? What single word or idea struck you in it? Step Two: Look into Your Life Question for Children: What part of your own possessions are you called on to share? Question for Youth: When you think of your own life, do you consider yourself to be rich or poor? How do you spend your money? Is there anything you should be doing differently? Question for Adults: When do you know that you have given away enough?

Something to think and pray about this weekSomething to think and pray about this weekSomething to think and pray about this week

I n a way, it is we who have to make the Gospels meaningful, because their meaning is not meant to

be contained in the covers of a book, however well read. The Scriptures function fully as revelation when we reveal the love of Christ in what we say and do. The Bible, without readers who love, is just a book on the shelf. The Scriptures testify to a love called for whether we’re simply passing strangers on the sidewalk, liv-ing next to neighbors, attending to the needs of a friend, or involved in an ugly dispute with someone we passionately dislike. The span of time, whether seven seconds or seventy times seven years, makes no difference. Love is eternal; it is unconstrained by time.

- Excerpted from Living by Faith, Dwelling in Doubt by Kyle C. Rupp

Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center Institute For The Study Of The Passion

The Advent Series Reflections on the Gospel of St. Luke Presented by: Fr.Tom Bonacci, C.P.

As our Series comes to a close, we prepare for the new liturgical year and its readings from the Gospel of St. Luke. We begin our exploration of Luke by revisiting the beloved narratives concerning the Birth of Jesus.

Thursday, November 15, 2018, 10am – 12noon Preparing for the Gospel of St. Luke

Thursday, November 29, 2018, 10am - 12noon

Preparing for the Gospel of St. Luke

Revisiting Mary and Elizabeth

Thursday, December 6, 2018, 10am - 12noon

Revisiting the Manger

$12 per session or $30 for the three-week block paid at first session. * You are invited to join us for the community Mass at 9am, Thrusday. Payment and registration will be taken at the door. For more information please call 916 725-4720 Ext. 301 or register online: www.ChristtheKingRetreatCenter.org


Learning to Sign Prayers. Beginning on November 11, 2018 we’ll have monthly, 30 minute learning sessions, with the Deaf Catholic Community at St. Elizabeth of Portugal Catholic Church ,1817 12th Street, Sacramento CA 95811. Join us for 9 am Interpreted Mass and then come to the Church Hall for Coffee and pastries. ASL Sessions will be casual, all are invited. Our first session will be The Lord’s Prayer. Questions?, Please contact Jo Kristine Clark at Office/Voice phone: 916-733-0138 or Text: 530- 902-4254. You can also go to the Deaf Ministry's Diocesan website https://www.scd.org/family-and-faithformation/deaf-catholic-ministry, or visit our Facebook page: Deaf Ministry - Diocese of Sacramento.

“Preserving our Religious Freedom with a Civil Voice” Conference. Bishop Soto invites Catholics in the Diocese to join him and attend the first of a three-event series on “Preserving our Religious Freedom with a Civil Voice” on Friday evening, November 16, 2018 at the Chapel on Temple Hill, 2100 California Circle in Rancho Cordova. Attached is a flyer with more details on the first of these events. To register please go to: https://scd.formstack.com/forms/interfaith_1conference or call Laura Rios at 916-733-0244.

“The Four Last Things” Inspired though we are through hope in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, death remains shrouded in mystery. For unbelievers death is simply the end, but as Christians we believe that in death life is changed, not ended. In this talk we will take an unflinching look at the four last things: death, judgment, heaven and hell – something everyone, believers and unbelievers alike, will have to face someday. Speaker: James Cavanagh, Director, Office of Worship. Free. Register here: https://scd.formstack.com/forms/four_last_things or call 916-733-0221


“The LORD gives sight to the blind; the LORD raises up those who were bowed down.” (Psalms 146:8)

Jesuit High School’s 62nd Annual Christmas Tree Lane

Monday, November 26

Tickets are now on sale for Jesuit High School’s 62nd Annual Christmas Tree Lane on Monday, November 26, at the McClellan Conference Center. Gather your friends for fun holiday shopping and entertainment! This timeless tradition features a festive fashion show with Jesuit seniors and their parents, St. Francis senior girls, delicious dining and specialty boutiques. The wonderful new venue allows for expanded dining room seating, enhanced lane shopping, easy parking and much more. Tickets are available for both the Madonna Luncheon and the Dinner Gala. For reservations please visit jesuithighschool.org/CTL. This event will sell out so make your reservation today!

The Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos

Thanksgiving Recovery Retreat

November 23-25 Non-Silent Retreat for Women and Men

Fr. Tom Weston, S.J.

Achieving a sense of thankfulness and tranquility

For more information call (650) 917-4000 or email


To make a group reservation, please call (800) 678-5102

Special Prayer Request from Bishop

Jaime Soto

Bishop Soto asks for your prayers prior to the general assembly of the American bishops be-ginning November 12th, where they will make critical decisions regarding the tragedy of clergy abuse.

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Feast Day: November 13

F rances Xavier Cabrini was the first United States citizen to be

canonized. Her deep trust in the loving care of her God gave her the strength to be a valiant woman doing the work of Christ.

Refused admission to the religious order which had educated her to be a teacher, she began charitable work at the House of Providence Orphanage in Cadogno, Italy. In September 1877, she made her vows there and took the religious habit.

When the bishop closed the orphanage in 1880, he named Frances prioress of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Seven young women from the orphanage joined her.

Since her early childhood in Italy, Frances had wanted to be a missionary in China but, at the urging of Pope Leo XIII, Frances went west instead of east. She traveled with six sisters to New York City to work with the thousands of Italian immigrants living there.

She found disappointment and difficulties with every step. When she arrived in New York, the house intended to be her first orphanage in the United States was not available. The archbishop advised her to return to Italy. But Frances, truly a valiant woman, departed from the archbishop’s residence all the more determined to establish that orphanage. And she did.

In 35 years, Frances Xavier Cabrini founded 67 institutions dedicated to caring for the poor, the abandoned, the uneducated and the sick. Seeing great need among Italian immigrants who were losing their faith, she organized schools and adult education classes.


“I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.” Mark 12:43-44

Jesus gets right to the point – we are all called to give money to support the mission of the Church, regardless of our circumstance. No gift is too small or insignificant! Giving money to support the mission of our local parish is a matter of our faith, just like praying and participating in parish ministries. When you make a financial offering, is it from your “first fruits” or from what is “left over”?


Weekend of November 4

Weekend Offertory: $ 13,082.66

Electronic Giving: $ 2,127.25

Total: $ 15,209.91

Average Weekly Budget Amount: $ 12,500.00

Second Collect ionSecond Collect ionSecond Collect ion The Catholic Campaign for Human

Development November 17/18, 2018

This weekend, November 17/18, the Second Collection will be for The Catholic Campaign for

Human Development (CHDD).

Over 43 million people in the United States live in poverty. This collection supports programs to empower people to identify and address the obstacles they face as they work to lift themselves out of poverty. By supporting this collection you give people a hand up, not a hand out. Learn more about the Catholic Campaign for Human Development at www.usccb.org/cchd/collection.

Christmas Eve Choir Opportunity for Adults

Do you love to sing but just aren't able to commit to par-ticipating in music ministry on a regular basis? If so, we have a special opportunity for you! We are inviting all interest-ed parishioners to participate in the choir for the 6:00 pm Christ-mas Vigil Mass. This Mass has become very well attended over the years, and we would like to have a large choir for this special and beautiful liturgy. Arrival time in the church will be 5:15 pm that evening.

Once you sign up, you will receive music and audio re-cordings to practice with ahead of time. There will also be two evening rehearsals on Wednesday, December 12th and Wednesday, December 19th, from 7-8:30 pm in the church. Please contact our Music Director, Casey Oliver, with any questions or to sign up at 481-5115 or worship@olaparish.net. Thank you so much!

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