welcome to a community webquest. overview for the teacher children will learn about community...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Welcome to a Community Webquest

Overview for the Teacher

Children will learn about community helpers by visiting various websites on the Internet.  This is a Social Studies webquest for Kindergarten students with the assistance of their teacher.

NOTE: to get to the web links, right click and go to open hyperlink


We have been learning a lot about the buildings and places that make up communities and about the people who live and work in them.

Examples…Images from http://www.clipsahoy.com/webgraphics3/aw5284.htm

Can you match the community helper to their place of work?


…Introduction continued Today as a class, we are going to go on a

virtual tour of a community called ‘Hartman’s Heroes’ using the World Wide Web. Together during our pretend ‘field trip’, we will meet a few community helpers that are sometimes forgotten. It is your QUEST to become experts on these about these forgotten community


Your Task

As a new citizen of Hartman’s Heroes, you will need to record the names of the people you meet. On your Community Helper Placemat, you will draw a picture of each person you meet and the name of their job in each section. Seniors are to include a sentence explaining the importance of that community helper. You will then orally present the information you learned about one the people you met in the community of Hartman’s Heroes.

Your Task…

Pay close attention to the information that is being displayed and think about the following questions:

What is the community helper’s job?

Where does this community helper work?

What are some of the tools they use?

Why is this community helper important?


Images from http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/category/art0002.html

• Becoming an expert about community helpers means that you will have to do a little bit of research to find out more about the people in your community.

• You will use the internet to learn more about the community helpers in our neighborhood. After each site you will have a task to do – look for the stop sign to find out what your task is.

• You will learn the names of 4 different community helpers and be able to describe what they do.

• Together we will find out what each community helper does, what their jobs are like, and what tools they use to do the job.

• Next you will create a placemat about these community helpers. You will draw a picture of the community helper and write their name. Senior Kindergartens should try and write a sentence explaining why they are important people in the community.

• You will then choose your favorite community helper and create a

presentation to show what you have learned.


Do you know these community helpers?

These are who we will learn about today!!!!


Images and information from http://www.apprenticesearch.com/fpTrades/Motorcycle.asp

• Diagnosing problems and locating failures within the electrical system, engine, power train, suspension or frame

• Communicating with customers and service managers about the functioning of the machine

• Dismantling, adjusting repairing or replacing mechanical and electrical system parts and components

• Performing routine maintenance such as cleaning and adjusting the carburetor, adjusting the clutch, brakes and drive chain, and replacing worn parts

• Rebuilding or replacing parts • Assembling new machines

Places of work…http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/mechanics_6.html

Auto Body Shop

Tools used by Mechanics http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/mechanics_6.html

Task: Mechanic

Write the word

M E C H A N I C …on your placemat

Draw a picture of what a

M E C H A N I C does as a community helper and where they work on your placemat.

Sanitation Workers’Jobs


• A waste collector is a person employed by a municipality/local authority or by a private company who goes to houses and/or businesses collecting and taking away waste from waste containers and sending it for recycling or to a landfill, incinerator or other waste facility

• Waste collectors are exposed to many on-the-job hazards, such as chemical burns, disposable needles, broken glass, falling objects from overloaded containers, diseases that may accompany solid waste, dog-attacks, pests (ants, flies), dust, inclement weather, traffic and foul odors.

• A waste collection vehicle (WCV), or colloquially called a 'Garbage Truck' or 'Dustbin lorry' is a truck specially designed to pick up smaller quantities of waste and haul it to landfills and other recycling or treatment facilities. They are a common sight in most urban areas.

Place of work…Images from http;//www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/garbage.html

Streets of communities Landfills

Task: Sanitation Worker

Write the word

SANITATION WORKER …on your placemat

Draw a picture of what a

Sanitation worker does as a community helper and where they work on your placemat.

Construction Workers http://www.apprenticesearch.com/fptrades/Nativeresidentialconstrn.asp

»reading and interpreting blueprints, plans and diagrams

»loading and unloading, moving construction materials to work areas

»using and maintaining power and hand tools

»performing plumbing work from rough in of plumbing to installing sinks/drains

Places of work… Images from http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/construction.html

• Construction Sites

Task: Construction Worker

Write the word

CONSTRUCTION WORKER …on your placemat

Draw a picture of what a

Construction Worker does as a community helper and where they work on your placemat.

Place of work… Images from http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/category/socs0008.html

Grocery Stores Supermarkets

Task: Grocery Clerk

Write the word

G R O C E R Y C L E R K …on your placemat

Draw a picture of what a

Grocery Clerk does as a community helper and where they work on your placemat.


As you have learned there are many people in communities that help us. Now that you have finished your walk, let’s see if you can match the jobs with the pictures.

community helpers

You have finished your walk through the community! Well done!

Images from http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/category/stud0011.html

These community helpers are now better known and appreciated – they thank you for that!!!!

Conclusion http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/57/84/23438457.jpg

Without each and every job, a community would fall apart. Thanks to everyone for the job that they do!

EvaluationCategory Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge of content (e.g. placemat shows each community helper has a different kind of jobs, works at different places and uses different tools)

demonstrates limited knowledge of the different roles community helpers have (few community helpers; placemat has limited detail)

demonstrates some knowledge of the different roles community helpers have (several community helpers completed; some detail for each)

demonstrates considerable knowledge of content (several community helpers completed; considerable detail for each helper)

demonstrates thorough knowledge of content (all community helpers completed; each helper is described in thorough detail which includes place of work and tools)

Understanding of content (e.g. orally describes the roles people have, where they work and what tools they use)

demonstrates limited understanding of the different roles community helpers have (limited detail; few community helpers described)

demonstrates some understanding of the different roles community helpers have (describes 1-2 community helpers with some detail)

demonstrates considerable understanding of the different roles of community helpers (describes 2-3 community helpers with considerable detail)

demonstrates thorough understanding of the different roles community helpers have (thoroughly describes all 4 community helpers)

Expression and organization of ideas and information (e.g. completion of placemat)

expresses and organizes ideas and information in placemat with limited effectiveness (information for each community helper scattered; unclear)

expresses and organizes ideas and information in placemat with some effectiveness (some community helper information scattered; some what organized)

expresses and organizes ideas and information with considerable effectiveness (most community helper information in own section; clearly organized)

expresses and organizes ideas and information with a high degree of effectiveness (all community helper information in own sections; clearly organized)

Application of knowledge and skills (e.g., student apply information read to complete placemat)

applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with limited effectiveness (limited use of information in placemat)

applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some effectiveness

applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with considerable effectiveness

applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with a high degree of effectiveness

Further Questions for students to Ponder…

What would happen if some jobs were not filled in a community?

Why is it important to learn about the different jobs in a community?

What were your favorite/least favorite parts of this assignment?

Additional ideas for teachers

Here are some additional ideas for further exploration of community helpers. Take your class on a field trip to different places in the community: fire station, hospital, grocery store, etc. It is also fun to bring in community helpers as guest speakers! Have your class dress up and perform different roles of community helpers. You may want to invite parents to watch as well.

Resources http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/category/stud0005.html














Additional Resources for teachers

• http://www.first-school.ws/theme/cp_comhelpers.htm

• http://www.hud.gov/kids/

• http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/bll/nina/index.htm

• Bob the Builder's Official Website

• http://www.wikipedia.org/

The End

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