weekly newsletter – 25 march 2009 / issue number: 433-12-2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    PCC, Your Perfect Cycling Companion

    This issue

    Note from the Editor P1

    The week ahead M+D P2

    The week ahead T+G P3

    The week that was P4

    Interstate 2009 P7

    Upcoming Events P8

    Spare wheels project P9

    Club membership P9

    Pedal to Crank: The Interviews P10

    Contributions this weekArticles

    Malcom Beaumont / Yellow Manta


    James Yap / Jon Zafrul / Bok

    /Malcom B

    A Note from the Editor

    What a weekend it was, be it if you were recceing, playing

    mud or just melting rubber on tarmac, it was full of activities.

    The Roadies continue to crank out the miles as they whacked

    out Bentong with another very interesting ride coming up this

    weekend. Im even tempted to join them, but blasting past in

    a bike weighing twice as much with rubber 3 times as wide

    wouldnt be too flattering. So I guess, Ill just stick to

    recceing for the Presidential coming up in June.

    Muddies went in two separate groups on the weekend, one

    hitting the first ride + camp for the year, and the other

    working out more ways to make Presidential more enjoying

    for all. Heeding requests to make it easier on the legs and

    lungs this year, we decided to add a few more hills in.

    Looking at the Telemung ride photos, didnt the news report a

    croc around that area a while back?

    All in all...enjoy your rides, and dont forget Earth Hour at

    8:30pm this Saturday. Should be an interesting hour, I

    wonder how many January 2010 babies we will have next



  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    Upcoming M+D Rides

    Date Ride Distance

    29 March Kajang Perdana or KLMBH @ BTP 23km

    5 April Sg. Pusu 25km

    12 April No ride

    19 April Earth Day at KDCF trail opening

    The week ahead M + D Sunday ride 29 March 2009

    Mud + Dirt by The English Nose

    This weekend, were heading from Kajang Perdana over the hill

    towards Nirvana memorial park, but avoiding the actual park as it

    will be busy with all the Ching Ming.

    Starting at the good old Kajang Perdana Shop lots and doing some

    of the old Presidential loops, be prepared for a good hill climbing


    Date: 29 March 2009

    Time: 7:30amMeeting Place: Phoenix Toll on the Cheras Expressway, Kajang-bound. Pay toll and park by the roadside for

    convoy to Kajang Perdana at 7:45. Those who know the place can meet us there at 8:00am.

    Park outside 7 Eleven. Ride starts from here.

    Route Details: A combination of single tracks, plantation tracks and forest trails and a bit of tarmac. Theres 1

    gruelling hill to conquer with a fantastic view at the top. Some of the downhill sections can be

    quite rocky so beware. Suitable for all level of riders as long as you are fit. Bring 3-litre water

    packs and plenty of titbits.

    Ride Leader/Contact: Pete (012 227 4443)

  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    The week ahead T + G Sunday rides 29 March 2009

    Tar + Grime by The Don

    Leaping for Air in Pee Dee...

    Single-filed riding when we leave MTDC. Roads are narrow and quite a few

    cars. But it should taper off once we turn right. From Lukut to Kopitiam,

    traffic will be moderately heavy, so please ride single-filed & predictably.

    Remember to bring spare tubes, a hand pump, tyre levers, 2 water bottles

    (loaded w hydrating salts), muesli / energy bars, money, & handphone. Sun

    block is recommended. Its gonna be hot so do come prepared. Remember,

    its a self-supported ride.

    Date: 29 March 2009

    Time: 7:15am (please be ready by 7am)

    Start/End: Bangi MTDC car park to Kopitiam in front of Le Paris Hotel, Port Dickson

    Route Details: Mostly flattish secondary roads before Salak Tinggi with low vehicular presence. Salak Tinggi

    Petronas will be our first regrouping and refuelling point. After Salak Tinggi, expect some climbs

    as we head on to Lukut town. Lukut is our second regrouping point, and after that we shall ride in

    a group to our destination. We will refuel at the Kopitiam before starting on the return trip. Its

    not an easy ride by any means. Fitness-challenged riders should opt to turn back at Salak Tinggi

    town. 45km / 125km.

    How to get there: Take the KL-Seremban Highway , exit at Bangi toll. Go straight past first roundabout, turn right at

    next roundabout and make a right at traffic light junction. MTDC carpark is about 500metres

    from the junction on the right. Park there outside the security booth.

    Ride Leader/Contact: Don Chan (017-883 0538)

  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    The week that was (22 March 2009) T+G

    Impromptu Saturday M + D rides

    Spare PartsChoy with his ever willingness to ride, be it morning, noon AND night will be taking calls with his mistress

    Rachel from the Yeti Clan by his side, he would certainly ride anything and everything as often as he can. So contact him

    for the Saturday Goodness at +60123955255. All levels and ride suggestions are always welcomed.

    Weekday T + G rides


    Ride distance: 25km (TTDI Damansara Heights TTDI)

    Time: 830pm (check in 15mins before)

    Meeting place: In front of KSH (Taman Tun Dr Ismail)

    Contact person: Kevin (012 354 7181)


    Ride distance:

    Time: 700pm (70km) / 830pm (35km)

    Meeting place: Putrajaya Mosque Car park

    Contact person: Vong 016 287 2066

    Ride Guideline: Well maintained flat to undulating roads.

    Objectives: Improving endurance,leg strength and road bike skills (eg.

    Drafting technique, signalling, road safety)






    Its Sunday again, so that means up at the crack of dawn andanother ride with PCC! Its now a couple of months since I have been

    riding with this jolly bunch and I am now getting more comfortableriding with a group of 50 or more. Over the last couple of weeks I have

    successfully managed 100+ km rides, including last weeks 130 km

    marathon. So I thought this shouldnt be too bad. After all I have

    already cycled up to Genting Sempah and down the other side so I felt

    pretty confident. However on my last outing up this monster climb I

    had turned round at the swimming hole so my total journey was only

    80 km. More of this later.

    Anyway we all assembled at the AWE and Don had us all up and cycling

    just after 7.15. It was a beautiful cool morning; just right for tackling the

    ascent that I knew was coming. It was great to get into the forest and

    start the climb. My legs felt good so I managed quite a pace for me, butboy! By the time you get to the 19km mark you know you are tackling a

    big one. I kept grinding away and eventually was very relieved to see

    the cluster of bikes and chattering riders at the top. A quick break and

    then it was off again on the 35 km sprint to Bentong. Still nice and cool

    but with the sun shining now this was a very pleasant trip - even had

    time to gaze around at the lovely scenery, such a contrast from the city

    which we had left only 30 km behind.

    Managed to stick with a group and the kilometres whizzed by, past the

    swimming pool in no time and on to Bentong, downhill all the way and

    pushing the big chain ring! We made it in good time and headed for the

    Shell station for some much needed refreshment. Had a good break

    and a munch and it was time to start the journey back only 35 km up

    to Genting Sempah, no worries! A nice ride back for the first 15 km or

    so, nothing too strenuous, following the river and again very pretty. Its

    a great feeling to be sucking in all that fresh air while managing to keep

    cool and keeping up a steady pace. Then we started slowly winding our

    way back up the hill still knocking off the kilometres, but I had forgottenhow steep it was to get as you climb and by the time I had ridden 85 km

    I was pretty well out of gas and needed to have a rest. I still have to

    learn to pace myself on the hills in the midday Malaysian sun! Only 4

    km from the top but it seemed an awfully long way still to go. This is

    where Don and a few others stopped and gave me some

    encouragement and assistance, including a good drenching near the

    top where the water tap is (this diatribe is the payoff!). The cool

    mountain water felt so good! So I finally limped into the Petronas

    garage for another refuel. Now I know I only had one hill to climb and

    then a 23 km cruise home. That proved a little tricky and required a bit

    of walking but eventually I made it to the very top.

    The final ride home was then great, there is nothing like belting down a

    hill that you have already climbed knowing you wont have to tackle it

    again, at least until next time!! So we finally made it back to the AWE

    and the nasi goreng never tasted better. So another great day for those

    that like punishing themselves, and no doubt I will be back again to

    master the run to Bentong (and back!!) MB

    BENTONG OR BUST by Malcom B

  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    The week that was (21 / 22 March 2009) M+D

    Telemung Ride-n-Camp by The Yellow MantaDate: 21-22 Mar 2009

    Weather: Couldnt be better!

    Ride distance: 15km one-way

    Elevation gain: 1500ft

    Trail condition: Wet mostly & muddy in last sectionCampsite:

    Happy campers: Pete, Simon, Fong, Bok, Albert, Vincent Lim & son,

    Lam, Leong, Jon, Nagai-san, James Yap, Danny and


    Hikers: James Bak, Ivan, Annie, Demi, Soh & Selina.

    Day tripper: Yong

    If you pit the two legs of a hiker against the efficiency of a27-speed MTB and the might of a hardcore 4x4, where the elevation

    gains in excess of 1,500ft, who do you think will make it first to the

    waterfall at the end of a 15km trail? A 4x4? Nah. A MTB? Not even

    close. Last Sat, our hiking friends beat us bikers to the waterfall by

    more than an hour!

    I could blame the slowness of the MTBers on the fact that we all had a

    heavy pack to carry on our shoulders. At least 30lbs extra weight for

    each of us. Make that 100lbs each for Vincent Lim and Lam! Being the

    novices that they were to bike camping, they had brought their whole

    kitchen sink along! But then again, the hikers were carrying equally

    heavy packs. Actually it boiled down to the fact that the trail had at

    least four or more horrendous climbs where we all had to get off and

    walk. And of course it helped that you didnt have a bike to push too. It

    helped the hikers too that they drove and park their trucks at least 5km

    further into the trail.

    We started our ride from the grounds of Chow Kai Peng Enterprise just

    about 10am, half an hour ahead of schedule. The first 3km to the

    trailhead was on tarmac which was perfect for a good warm up.

    Fortunately or unfortunately, another 2km of the trail are now tarred

    all the way to the 1st

    orang asli village. So this helped us gain more

    time. Overhead we had a cloudy sky. Perfect!

    We made good progress, stopping intermittently only to let 3 4x4s to

    pass us which we overtook again and again when they came upon

    obstacles like deep ruts and huge rocks which posed no problem to us

    bikers at all.

    Yong and I were the first to reach the campsite after our happy hikers.

    There were no one else there so we booked the whole island for

    ourselves. As before, Danny came in the evening but this time he had

    the company of James Yap and Andrew. But horror of all horrors, they

    told us that they passed a convoy of more than 20 4x4s, all headed in

    our direction! And when they eventually reached the campsite, they

    provided us with great entertainment watching them struggling to get

    the 4x4s one by one across the river and to get to the campsite on the

    other side of the river. It was amazing how they could get all 22

    vehicles into the site which when lighted at night looked exactly like a

    pasar malam in the jungle, all with gen set and karaoke. But thankfully

    they were not loud or noisy to the extent of being annoying.

    At night, we were thankful for a sky full of twinkling stars. As usual our

    President and official firestarter Ivan had a great campfire going while

    we sat around drinking whiskey and brandy and talking cock until close

    to midnight. And boy, was it freezing cold that night! Guess the

    temperature were just in the high teens

    We broke camp at 10 the next morning and commenced pushing our

    bikes up the deeply rutted first 500m. The wreckage of a truck was

    there for all to see, 2 of its doors could still be seen 20 or 30ft down a

    ravine next to the waterfall. Apparently it was climbing out from the

    campsite when it toppled over the side of the trail and into the ravine!

    Nobody was badly injured but we understand the owner had since

    sworn off 4x4!

    At the start of the descent, I warned all the first timers to take it easy,

    especially on the steeper and rocky sections. More so when conditons

    were slippery. Albert drew first blood when he skidded sideways on a

    loose sandy descent. Fortunately nothing serious except for some cuts

    and bruises. Nagai-san wasnt so lucky. He had no more rear brakes

    (pads completely worn) when he hit a rocky descent, slipped into a rut,

    squeezed the front brakes a little too hard and endod. We were told

    he needed 7 stitches to close a deep cut on his right hand but

    otherwise nothing broken. At least he now has the perfect excuse to

    buy a new bike. We wish him a speedy recovery!

    All in all, it was a perfect holiday, thanks to the fine weather we had.

    Now everyone is looking forward to the next ride-n-camp. Vincent Lim

    has promised not to bring his kitchen sink next time. He knows better


  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    The week that was (22 March 2009) M+D

  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    IS 2009

    Yes, Tar & Grimes biggest event is drawing near! The Interstate 09 : Seremban- Gemas- Gunung Ledang- Melaka.Its gonna be different. Its gonna be challenging. Its gonna have something for everyone.

    And its only 64 days left to go..


    1. FULL PAYMENT OF RM 350.00 is required, regardless of whos friend you are or whether you show moreleg than the other guy.

    2. Return bus ride on Monday 4th of May 2009, please ADD RM 50.00 extra to your payment. No extramoney, no seat.

    3. Latest registration date is the 31st of March 2009, or when we have reached our MAX participants.HOW TO REGISTER AND PAY

    1. I only deal with 0s and 1s. I download everything. Weve uploaded it to 2 servers for your convenience.- http://www.pcc-cycling.freeservers.com/IS2009_Form.pdf- http://www.goforth.com.my/IS2009_From.pdf

    2. I havent bought the Internet, so I need a hardcopy (you can submit your filled forms and $ to these guystoo)

    - Bike Pro in Taman Megah (+603 7805 1989) Tan Boon Foo- KSH in Taman Tun, KL (+603 7727 5173) Leong

    3. I only own a fax machine, live too far away and havent bought the Internet, plus I dont like Boon Foo orLeong.

    - Go to the bank, and bank the money into the account stated on the form.- Fax the deposit slip (write your name on it) AND the fully filled out form to +603 9221 1899

    If you have any queries, please forward them to Dennis Soh(016-212 2696), Ivan Chan(012-379 2979) or Don

    Chan(017-883 0538). There will be limited places due to hotel constraints, so we do encourage you to confirm your

    saddle time with us ASAP.

    possible. Its first-come, first-served basis, so do hurry.

  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    IS 2009 - Update

    Accomodation on 30 April 09 at Klana Resort Seremban

    This will be the starting point of Interstate 09. Cars will be parked here in the hotel carpark. The busfrom Melaka will drop off participants here upon the completion of IS09 on May 4th.

    Please be advised we have managed to book some rooms at the above hotel at special rates for PCC members for

    the eve of IS09.

    A double-bed room is RM161 nett, excluding breakfast. Extra beds will be additional. Please call Dennis Soh at 016-

    212 2696 or email him at thsoh76@yahoo.com to book your rooms with him.

    Please make payments to:

    "Soh Tze Hong" Maybank Berhad A/C No : 114133088434 and fax deposit slips to 603-9221 1899.

    Please indicate your name & contact details on fax.

    Link to Hotel website: http://www.klanaresort.com.my/html/intro.html

    Map to hotel: http://www.klanaresort.com.my/html/map.html

    Please direct any questions you may have to Dennis Soh at the above hp no. Thanks.

    Upcoming Events

    Are you ready to rumble?

    The 2009 'Rumble in the Jungle" KLMBH EPIC is here.

    35km of heart stopping, action packed fun and quality Kampung, Palm and Rubber trails. Threecompletely new sections in Batang Kali and Ulu Renning. 100% ride-able trails and climbs hard

    enough to test the strong.

    Hares : Ying How, Scott Roberts, Ai Ling, Reme, Paie, Ajis

    Date : Sunday 26 April 2009

    Time : 9:30am

    Location : Batang Kali to Ulu Renning and back.




  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Spare Wheels Project

    Your friends have heard you rant about the drops and

    the endos and have seen the breathtaking scenery

    from your flickr, Facebook and not to forget the fridge

    door photos.

    They finally want to get off their bum and join you for

    a ride but running behind you, sitting on your top tube

    or dinking them are probably not the best ways for

    them to experience it with you. Of course, he/she

    could be shit hot, then no one would probably say


    In any regards, PCC has the SPARE WHEELS PROJECT

    underway. Currently made up of generous owner's

    bikes, they are available for people to borrow and

    ride. Some of them have been ridden more than the

    villageernever mind. They've been ridden a lot.

    Boon Foo has recently offered his assistance to put

    together a few hard tails, and together with what we

    have now, we should be able to cater for height

    ranging from Snow White's pals to the Yang Mings

    who want to give this ago.

    In all SERIOUSNESS, if you have someone who wants

    to join us for a ride, please do not hesitate to drop us

    a line and we WILL do our best to get them a bike for

    the next suitable ride. Take note that there will be a

    $15.00 charge to cover expenses such as ferrying thebike around, washing it and of course its ongoing


    Rob (012 6191 308) / Peter (012 227 4443) /

    Alvin (012 3070 830) / Adrian (012 383 2618)


    Be a member of PCC. Sign up at our site at http://pcc-

    cycling.freeservers.com by downloading the form and mail the

    completed form to pcc_news@yahoo.com. or sign up by

    simply joining our yahoo groups site at

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcc_newsletter which also

    automatically subscribes you to our weekly newsletter Spokes

    n Nipples.

    Membership is FOC, no subscription fee. All

    that is required is your commitmentto Ride!!

    (bicycles that is) Welcome onboard and

    have fun.

    The Spokes & Nipples is the official newsletter of the Pedalholics Cycling Club. Unofficially, its the medium by which members and regulars will kay

    poh amongst themselves! Target is to publish it every Wednesday but do not be surprised if you receive it only on Thursday or, worse still, Friday. After

    all, we got another job to tend to which unfortunately demands more priority from us.

    We welcome ride stories and articles from everybody as well as your feedback but do try to submit them to us at pcc_news@yahoo.com before noon

    each Wednesday; otherwise well pin the blame on you if the newsletter is delayed! And of course, like they always say, we may edit all articles

    submitted for publication. Just to make sure you say nice things we like to hear! The Spokes & Nipples is distributed via the eGroups.com portal. If

    this newsletter has come to you unsolicited and it irks you like heck, please unsubscribe through the address listed below. Otherwise, we welcome you

    with open arms and legs to our little circle and, most of all; we look forward to riding with you!

    Group URL: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pcc_newsletter

    Group Email Address: pcc_news@yahoo.com

    To subscribe: pcc_newsletter-subscribe@yahoogroups.comTo unsubscribe: pcc_newsletter-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com

    PCC Website: http://pcc-cycling.freeservers.com

    PCC Forum: http://pcccycling.forumup.com

    PCC on Facebook: PCC Malaysia Group

  • 8/14/2019 Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009


    Weekly Newsletter 25 March 2009 / Issue Number: 433-12-2009

    PEDAL TO CRANK Get to know your PCC Riders....

    1. When did you start riding and who got you involved?

    Cant really remember when..I think I was brainwashed sometime in year 2004 by my outdoors gang

    from FYC.

    2. Why did you start riding?

    It started out as one training session for the AXN urban race. Later, we decided to try mountain biking for

    real instead of cycling on the road. Then, we suffered some permanent brain damage-which is why Im

    still riding after 2 young kids and 1 big one.

    3. Why do you continue to ride?Aside from the brain damage, you mean? I did stop riding for 2-3 years during my stint as a baby factory.

    After a lot of encouragement from my factory materials supplier and a desire to relive the good old days,

    I started biking again.

    4. What (or who) do you ride now ? (i.e MTB / Road or both). Give us the juicy details of your ride...

    Now Im riding my spanking new (bling bling) white Yeti 575, hereforth (albeit temporarily) known as

    Rachels sister. Why bling bling? Come for a ride with me and you will be able to see for yourself. Why

    Rachels sister? Go ask Choy.

    5. What and why (is it) your favourite trail?

    So far, that would be Broga. Nice views, good company, delicious food and the luck of having good

    weather for my first time there.

    6. What type of rider would you consider yourself?The scared-of-pain type. Prefer cross country trails that dont require too much technical skills so that I

    can enjoy the ride without being too preoccupied with the fear of falling.

    7. What is your dream bike?

    Hmm...a beautiful light bike with long travel to give me THE experience in mountainbiking. Eh, kinda

    sounds like my Yeti.

    8. What is your favourite ride food (include drink)

    Dont eat much during the ride but the post ride binges are quite indiscriminate.

    Anything good goes. For drinks, plain water is the best. Though Ive been

    known to fantasize about ice kachang when the weathers hot.

    9. Do you fantasize about riding when you are not?Dont do that normally but since I got my new bike....

    10. Do you or did you sleep naked with your bike?

    No more room in the bed, kids occupy too much space.

    Tey Kiat Hong

    After taking some time off, Kiat Hong is now back as one of the now regulars at PCCs M+D rides. Fuelled by

    determination, sustained by stubbornness to give up, shes one of the girls that certainly doesnt mind mud on the faceinstead of blush and mascara. Heres a little bit about her...

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