wee jasper/cavan service directory and community news - issue #1 may/june 2010

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Wee Jasper/Cavan Service Directory and Community News - Issue #1 May/June 2010


    For Sale

    SUBURU FORRESTER 1998. Manual, 6 stacker cd player, elec windows, a.c., centrallocking, roof racks. Good condition. Drives beautifully. Ready to register. $5000 ono.

    Phone 62279626.

    EGGS - Fresh farm eggs available $3.50 per dozen.

    Phone 62279229

    PEACOCK FEATHERS - varied lengths. Eye, swords and swallowtails. Suitable forarrangements. Bulk lots available suitable for events. Priced from $1.10 ea.

    Phone 62279229


    Carting Hay at Sunny Corner, Wee JasperJim Gardiner, Phyllis Davis and George Davis

    Photography by Flo Gardiner (now Davis) 1936

    W E E J A S P E R / C A V A NIssue 1

    May/June 2010

    Services Directory& Community News

    Welcome to the first issue of the Wee Jasper/Cavan Services Directory & CommunityNews!

    The purpose of this newsletter is to allow the people of our area to draw on the vastvariety of goods and services within our local community, supporting each other andbuilding a closer network.

    Please note that this is a trial version of what is hoped to be a bigger and better newsletterin the future. BUT this newsletter depends on you! Without your input and support itcannot continue.

    So, on that note, your first mission is to let me know if you think its a good idea! Please

    drop me a line at birni@cybergal.com or a text on 0428 288242. Tell me what you wouldlike to see here. Any and all suggestions are welcome.

    Let me say it againwithout your support this newsletter is unable to continue!

    birni@cybergal.com0428 288242

    Next issue proposed July 2010Cut off date June 15th, 2010

    Inside next issue (or what we hope you will give us!):

    Advertising an affordable way to advertise your business for

    local custom!

    Classifieds for all of your traditional classifieds including for

    Local news & events calendar news of happenings in ourlocal area and events for all to know about share it here!

    Rumour has it do you know a rumor? No names mentioned,keep it friendly!!

  • 8/9/2019 Wee Jasper/Cavan Service Directory and Community News - Issue #1 May/June 2010


    Advertising Prices

    * Please note that all costs quoted are valid as at 01 May 2010 and cover ad in one issue(bi-monthly). Costs will be reviewed periodically as this newsletter evolves and costingsare finalised. Please be patient.

    1/4 page = $15

    1/2 page = $28Full page = $55

    Advertisements must be emailed to birni@cybergal.com before closing date to ensureinclusion in issue.

    Ads will be published in duo-tone (two colors only). Preferred format is .jpg or pdf.

    Classifieds advertising

    Classifieds (for sale, announcements, positions vacant, etc) notices will be charged atflat rate of $5 per ad (maximum 6 lines). $1 per line thereafter.

    Please note that it is intended that classifieds are notfor use for what would be deemedbusiness type advertisingplease use advertising section for such.

  • 8/9/2019 Wee Jasper/Cavan Service Directory and Community News - Issue #1 May/June 2010


  • 8/9/2019 Wee Jasper/Cavan Service Directory and Community News - Issue #1 May/June 2010


    Upholstery CourseUpholstery CourseUpholstery CourseUpholstery Course

    Wee Jasper 13 May - 10 June 2010

    Under the Community Engagement Participation in a Vocational LearningEnvironment Program TAFE Outreach are hosting an Upholstery Course in WeeJasper.

    The course is open to all members of the Wee Jasper, Cavan and Mullion Communities and it's free.

    WHEN 13 May 2010 for 5 consecutive Thursdays, final class 10 June

    TIME 11am to 2.30pm

    WHERE Wee Jasper Memorial Hall


    A piece of furniture for repair e.g. covered dining chair, footstool, ottoman - ifunsure ask Steve

    Your lunch

    You will start a simple project that will teach you the techniques to move on tobigger things. You'll learn some tricks of the trade and some common pitfalls to lookout for. A complete list of material and tool requirements will be given to you whenyou book in e.g. scissors, fabric, tacks, hammer etc.

    COST No charge - it's FREE

    TO BOOK Steve Howarth 6227 9626 steve@weejasperreserves.com.au

    Helen Cathles 6227 9634 weejasper@bigpond.com

    The course will be a great opportunity to get together, have some fun, learnsome new skills and sit in comfort again!

    Your instructor will be Steve Howarth. Steve is a fully qualified Upholsterer

    who began his career in Upholstery in 1986 in Sydney. He has worked for

    major furniture manufacturers and designers in Sydney, London and

    Aachen, Germany. His work has been exhibited in Harrods, London and has

    featured in Australian style and home magazines.

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