wednesday evenings beginning september...

Post on 08-May-2020






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Inside This Edit ionFrom the Co-Rectors 2Health Ministry News 3Adult Sunday School 3Whole Church Family Night 4Children + Youth News 5August/September Events 6LiftUp Golf Tournament 8Buildings & Grounds News 8The Essential 100 Bible Study 9Life at Holy Trinity 9Chef Wanted 10Blessing of the Pets 10Cursillo News 10Birthdays & Anniversaries 11Chapel Revitalization Brochure 11Trivia Nights! 12

T R I B U N EAUGUST/September 2019

H o l y T r i n i t y E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h





for all


Schedule: 5:30 - 6:00p Evening Prayer (once the historic chapel is completed) 5:00 - 6:00p Bell Choir Rehearsal

5:30 - 6:00p Treasure Kids Club (Session 1) 6:00 - 6:45p Buffet Dinner available in the Parish Hall 6:30 - 7:00p Treasure Kids Club (Session 2) 6:30 - 8:00p Faith Builders Nursery Care 6:30 - 7:30p Family Choir 6:45 - 8:00p Youth Group, Adult Bible Study


Enjoy a delicious meal with

your church family!

Sign up for dinner in the Narthex starting August


For more details about Whole Church Family Night (WCFN), see page 4.


TRIBUNEH o l y T r i n i t y E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h FROM THE CO-RECTORS

A young man named Gary worked at a zoo. As the assistant to the veterinarian, one of his jobs was to catch dangerous animals and hold them while the vet treated them. In doing this, they always worked in pairs, to back each other up for safety. One Friday afternoon a beautiful young woman came into the animal health center at the zoo; she was doing some research on apes. She asked Gary if he would please net some of the gibbons for her. The problem was that they all looked the same to her and for her research project she needed to be able to tell them apart. So if Gary would just catch them, she would paint some paste on them in different places so that she could identify each one. Well, at first, Gary said he couldn’t do that. He explained that he wasn’t permitted to enter the gibbons’ cage without his partner and that the partner had already gone home for the day. But, the young woman was so beautiful….. he finally agreed to do as she asked. He entered the gibbons’ cage and netted the first one easily. But just as he tied the knot on the net, the other two gibbons attacked him from above, swinging quickly across the cage on the high branches. They scratched him and pulled out large hunks of his hair. Finally he was able to escape into the next cage, with the pretty young woman swinging the door shut behind him. As he looked into the mirror later, looking as foolish as he felt, he realized why it was always important to have a back-up person.

Fortunately God has designed a plan for humans to back each other up in life. The world can be a dangerous place and we need each other. Jesus said to his disciples, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35) The kind of love Jesus is talking about here is agape love, which is based in how we act toward one another.

Following Jesus, being a Christian, means that we

are called to back each other up in life. Jesus calls us to love one another in action. As I thought about that command over the last few days I found myself focusing on the phrase “one another”. We could call God’s back up plan “one anothering”. As I searched the rest of the New Testament for this idea, I found at least 35 more verses in the various epistles that talk about how we can live out this command to love one another. They talk about how we can care for one another, instruct one another, welcome one another and so on.

One of the best ways I know of to live out this idea of “one anothering” and actually back each other up in real life is to be part of a church family. A member of Holy Trinity stopped by my office the other day and was commenting on the vast number and variety of programs, groups and Bible studies that are offered.

“And yet,” she said, “there is always a sense of being a family.” I think what she meant by “family” is that we are there for one another in our church. We back each other up in all kinds of circumstances. We care for one another with prayer, a text message to ask how things are going, a hug, and a smile.

August and September will be great months in the life of the Holy Trinity family. We are seeing excellent progress on the revitalization of the Historic Chapel. In August, Sunday

School and Youth Group are starting with exciting plans for faith building activities for our young members and their friends. Whole Church Family Nights will be back for the Wednesdays in September and October. This is a wonderful time to invite a friend to church!

What’s in it for you? The joy of bringing someone new into our church family where they can be part of God’s back up plan to be present for one another.

(continued on page 3)

One Anothering



Adult Sunday School classes will begin again on Sunday, September 15 at 10:30am in the parish hall, led by Jack Bottomley. They will pick up their study of the Book of Hebrews. For those who might be new to the class, and for those who have perhaps forgotten, there will be a thorough review of our study to date.


We’ll then continue the study where we left off which is chapter 8. Contact Jack Bottomley for more information or with questions (321-622-5649).

H o l y T r i n i t y E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h

What’s in it for your friend? First, they can be part of the Holy Trinity family if they want to be, and second, as our way of saying thank you for visiting, your friend will receive a special gift. We brought back 20 small olive wood Jerusalem crosses from our trip to the Holy Land (see photo on page 2). The first 20 guests to worship at Holy Trinity starting the first weekend in August will receive one of those crosses.

May God inspire you to invite just the right person to join you in worship at Holy Trinity soon!

Rev. Pam and Fr. Steve

HEALTH MINISTRY NEWS The Health Ministry Team is making a transition in leadership. For many of us in this parish, life is marked by transition. We send members on to other places with prayers for travel, guidance, protection, and many other life changes. This time it is your parish nurse in that very spot of life change. I have been thinking about the time to leave for about a year, but it was thinking only, no action. This has changed within the

last two months. God is giving me a new assignment, because he has a wonderful, compassionate nurse for this position. My sadness in saying goodbye is mixed with joy and hopefulness of my new life as a great grandmother to my nine great grandchildren. These little ones are growing up seeing their great grandmother once year. I feel a responsibility to change this. I will be leaving the area to move to North Carolina. I’m excited to think of the new “adventures” and experiences with family. Yet, I’m painfully aware of what I am leaving behind: my church family, friends, the Health Team and church staff that have been so supportive, and of course the beautiful Florida sunshine. So, before I begin to cry just remember how very much all of you and your families have become so much a part of my life. I will continue to pray for you. Change is part of life and we face it together, trusting in the one who holds our future in his hands - our beloved Jesus. My thanks to my church family for giving me the opportunity to be your first Parish Nurse. Loving all of you! ~ Carolyn

Please join us for a reception in honor of Carolyn on Sunday, August 11 at 10:30am in the parish hall.

A Postscript from Fr. Steve and Rev. Pam:We are enormously grateful for the 9 years that Carolyn Wilt has been part of the team as our Parish Nurse at Holy Trinity. She is an amazing person and it has been a great joy to work with her. We are now very pleased to announce that Deacon Stacey Westphal has agreed to accept the position of Parish Nurse at Holy Trinity. We look forward to the ways that Deacon Stacey’s creative skills and talents will add to our already highly successful Health Ministry program.


TRIBUNEH o l y T r i n i t y E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h

Whole Church Family Night (WCFN) is an opportunity for the Holy Trinity parish family to be more whole. You can meet people who attend a different weekend service, spend time with friends, and connect with God in the middle of the week. There will be a gentle 30-minute prayer service (when the Historic Chapel is completed), a delicious meal, and opportunities to go deeper in your faith. And WCFN is for all ages… the “Whole Church Family” at Holy Trinity!

PRAYER SERVICE (5:30-6:00pm): When renovations to the Historic Chapel are completed, we will again offer an Evening Prayer service with scripture, prayer and music. The service will be led by our Youth Group.

TREASURE KIDS CLUB (Session 1: 5:30-6:00pm/Session 2: 6:30-7:00pm): Treasure Kids Club (TKC) is our midweek program for children in K – 6th grade. TKC activities include Bible time, music, and crafts! Parents please bring your children to the St. Francis Garden and the group will travel together to Session 1. (1st and 3rd weeks of the month Session 1: Music, Session 2: Bible and Crafts; 2nd and 4th weeks Session 1: Bible and Crafts, Session 2: Music) TKC is a great opportunity to get your kids involved in a faith community where they can build and strengthen positive relationships with Christ and friends. Contact KC Crawley, for more information.

TRINITY RINGERS BELL CHOIR REHEARSAL (5:00-6:00pm): Holy Trinity’s hand bell choir enriches the worship at the 9:00am service. The rehearsal is in the Lou West Music Room in Pearson Hall.

BUFFET DINNER (6:00-6:45pm): Enjoy a delicious meal and fellowship with your church family in the parish hall. RSVP in the narthex or by calling the church office (321-723-5272).

FAITH BUILDERS NURSERY CARE (6:30-8:00pm): Much more than just childcare, this class is for those children preschool age and younger and takes place in the church nursery during Whole Church Family Night. The children will explore basic stories of the Bible in a fun, playful environment using Duplo blocks and other fun activities!

FAMILY CHOIR REHEARSAL (6:30-7:30pm): The choir provides musical leadership in the 9:00am service. The rehearsal is in the Lou West Music Room in Pearson Hall. Come and sing to the glory of God!

YOUTH GROUP (6:45-8:00pm): Following dinner in the Parish Hall. Middle and high school students will meet in Lewis Hall. The group will engage in Bible Study, spiritual practices, personal faith questions, and fellowship throughout each month. Students are always welcome to bring their faith questions for discussion with insights from the Bible in a safe group.

ADULT BIBLE STUDY (6:45-8:00pm): Adult Bible Study will take place in the Parish Hall. The Bible study series, “Perseverance: Following Jesus in an Instant Society”, will begin September 4 through October 30. In an age where people are always looking for the immediate--instant access and quick fixes---author and pastor Eugene Peterson says that Discipleship, following Jesus, requires a “long obedience in the same direction.” In his classic work on spiritual formation, aptly titled “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society,” Peterson says that following Jesus in this way requires a deepening life of prayer. There is no better place to look for prayers of discipleship than in the Psalms. During this 9 week study we will draw on Peterson’s book in which he finds encouragement for today’s disciples in the Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134), sung by travelers on their way to worship in Jerusalem. With his prophetic and pastoral wisdom, Peterson shows how the psalms teach us to grow in worship, service, joy, work, happiness, humility, community, and blessing. Discussion materials provided. “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” available in paperback on and on Kindle. For more information e-mail Rev. Meghan Farr at



Sunday School Kickoff: August 11!Join us for activities, door prizes, snacks and most importantly, to

REGISTER for Sunday School!

Who: Parents and Kids ages 3 years through 6th grade

What: Register for the 2019/20 Sunday School Year

When: Sunday, August 11 at 10:30am

Where: Upstairs Pearson Hall

Why: To reconnect with friends, have tons of fun, and commit to a

new year of faith development!

TREASURE KIDS CLUB IS BACK!! Treasure Kids Club (TKC) will kick off on Wednesday, Sept. 4, as part of our Whole Church Family Night. TKC is our midweek program for children in K – 6th grade. TKC activities include Bible time, music, and crafts! NEW THIS YEAR: TKC will be split into 2 Sessions. Session 1 will take place before dinner and Session 2 will follow dinner and will end at 7pm. Parents, bring your children to the St. Francis Garden and the group will travel together to Session 1. On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays Session 1 will be Music and Session 2 will be Bible and Crafts. On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Session 1 will be Bible and Crafts and Session 2 will be Music. TKC is a great opportunity to get your kids involved in a faith community where they can build and strengthen positive relationships with Christ and friends. Contact KC Crawley, for more information. To help us plan, you can download the registration form online at or contact Aaron Cain,

Youth NEWS

EVENTSandSunday, August 11 – Sunday Youth Group Resumes! Join Benjamin and our amazing Youth Ministry Volunteers team on Sunday’s at 10:30am, as we study, contemplate and discuss the Gospel lesson each week.Upcoming Youth Activities:• Wednesday, August 14: Wednesday Night Youth resumes from 6:00-8:00pm! School is back in session, so let’s get going! • Friday, August 16: Youth Lock In and Planning Party! Bring your pillow, sleeping bag, and favorite snack to share. Dinner and breakfast will be provided. 6:00pm Friday - 9:00am Saturday.• Wednesday, September 4: Whole Church Family Night resumes! Plan to join your youth group friends for dinner in the Parish Hall at 6:00pm, followed by youth group in Lewis Hall ending at 8:00pm.• Trunk-or-Treat: Sunday, October 27: This Annual family fun event will be here before you know it, so start thinking of trunk decorating ideas now! It’ll be held in the Thrift Shop parking lot.• Rock The Universe: January 24-26: Mark your calendars now!


AUGUST 2019THURSDAY, 8/1 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 8/2Assistant Rector’s Day OffSATURDAY, 8/3 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 4:30p BP Screenings (Narthex) 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite II SUNDAY, 8/4 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 8:15a BP Screenings (Narthex) 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 8/5 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH) 6:00p Yoga for Health (LH) 6:15p HTEC Foundation Board (LH)TUESDAY, 8/6Co-Rectors’ Day OffWEDNESDAY, 8/7 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 9:15a Small Group Healing Prayer (Church) 10:00a Linen Guild (LH) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR) 6:30p Buildings & Grounds (LH)THURSDAY, 8/8 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH) 1:00p Devotion & Bible Study (TTE) 5:30p Finance Meeting (LH) 6:30p Vestry Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 8/9Assistant Rector’s Day OffSATURDAY, 8/10 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite II

SUNDAY, 8/11 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:30a Reception for Carolyn Wilt (PH) 10:30a Sunday School Kick-Off (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Sunday School (LH) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 8/12 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH)TUESDAY, 8/13Co-Rectors’ Day OffWEDNESDAY, 8/14 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:30p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 6:00p Youth Group (LH) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR)THURSDAY, 8/15 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH) 6:00p Health Ministry Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 8/16Assistant Rector’s Day Off 6:00p Youth Lock-in (LH)SATURDAY, 8/17 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite II SUNDAY, 8/18 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:00a Holy Eucharist (Buena Vida) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Sunday School (LH) 10:30a Health Ministry Forum (PH) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 8/19 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH)

TUESDAY, 8/20Co-Rectors’ Day Off 12:30p Friends at Lunch (LongHorn Steakhouse)WEDNESDAY, 8/21 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:30p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 6:00p Youth Group (LH) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR)THURSDAY, 8/22 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 8/23Assistant Rector’s Day OffSATURDAY, 8/24 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite IISUNDAY, 8/25 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Sunday School (LH) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 8/26 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH)TUESDAY, 8/27Co-Rectors’ Day Off 10:00a Prayer Shawl Ministry (LH)WEDNESDAY, 8/28 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:30p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 6:00p Youth Group (LH) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR)THURSDAY, 8/29 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 8/30Assistant Rector’s Day OffSATURDAY, 8/31 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite II

Given by: ______________________________________ Phone:________________________ For Sunday, ________________

(Circle one) In memory of: In thanksgiving for: In celebration of:



If you wish to place memorial flowers on the altar, please fill out this form and return it with your donation to the church office, or you can place it in the offering plate. Suggested donation: $25. Questions? Contact Bonnie Register at 725-4711.

Altar Flowers


SEPTEMBER 2019SUNDAY, 9/1 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Group (LH) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite I MONDAY, 9/2: LABOR DAYCHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 6:00p Yoga for Health (LH)TUESDAY, 9/3Co-Rectors’ Day Off 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a The Essential Bible Study (LH)WEDNESDAY, 9/4 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 9:15a Small Group Healing Prayer (Church) 10:00a Linen Guild (LH) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:00p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 5:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 1 (Pearson) 6:00p Buffet Dinner (PH) 6:30p Nursery Care (Nursery) 6:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 2 (Pearson) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR) 6:45p Youth Group (LH) 6:45p Adult Bible Study (PH)THURSDAY, 9/5 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 9/6Assistant Rector’s Day OffSATURDAY, 9/7 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 4:30p BP Screenings (Narthex) 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite IISUNDAY, 9/8 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 8:15a BP Screenings (Narthex) 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Group (LH) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 9/9 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH) 6:00p Yoga for Health (LH)TUESDAY, 9/10Co-Rectors’ Day Off 9:30a St. Catherine’s Guild

WEDNESDAY, 9/11 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:00p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 5:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 1 (Pearson) 6:00p Buffet Dinner (PH) 6:30p Nursery Care (Nursery) 6:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 2 (Pearson) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR) 6:30p Buildings & Grounds (LH) 6:45p Youth Group (LH) 6:45p Adult Bible Study (PH)THURSDAY, 9/12 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH) 1:00p Devotion & Bible Study (TTE) 5:30p Finance Meeting (LH) 6:30p Vestry Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 9/13Assistant Rector’s Day OffSATURDAY, 9/14 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite II SUNDAY, 9/15 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:00a Holy Eucharist (Buena Vida) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Group (LH) 10:30a Adult Sunday School (Pearson) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 9/16 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH) 6:00p Yoga for Health (LH)TUESDAY, 9/17Co-Rectors’ Day Off 10:00a Daughters of the King 12:30p Friends at Lunch (Coasters Pub)WEDNESDAY, 9/18 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:00p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 5:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 1 (Pearson) 6:00p Buffet Dinner (PH) 6:30p Nursery Care (Nursery) 6:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 2 (Pearson) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR) 6:45p Youth Group (LH) 6:45p Adult Bible Study (PH)THURSDAY, 9/19 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH) 11:00a St. Margaret’s Guild (LH) 6:00p Health Ministry Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 9/20Assistant Rector’s Day Off

SATURDAY, 9/21 8:30a LiftUp Golf Tournament (The Majors) 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite IISUNDAY, 9/22 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Group (LH) 10:30a Adult Sunday School (Pearson) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 9/23 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH)TUESDAY, 9/24Co-Rectors’ Day Off 10:00a Prayer Shawl Ministry (LH)WEDNESDAY, 9/25 7:00a Holy Eucharist (Church) 10:30a HE/Healing (Church) 11:30a Bible Study (LH) 5:00p Handbell Rehearsal (LWR) 5:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 1 (Pearson) 6:00p Buffet Dinner (PH) 6:30p Nursery Care (Nursery) 6:30p Treasure Kids Club, Session 2 (Pearson) 6:30p Family Choir (LWR) 6:45p Youth Group (LH) 6:45p Adult Bible Study (PH)THURSDAY, 9/26 9:30a Staff Meeting (LH)FRIDAY, 9/27Assistant Rector’s Day Off 9:00a Newsletter Folders (LH)SATURDAY, 9/28 3:30p Accidental Grace Practice 5:00p Holy Eucharist - Rite II SUNDAY, 9/29 7:30a Holy Eucharist - Rite I 9:00a Holy Eucharist - Rite II 9:15a Children’s Chapel (Nursery) 10:30a Sunday School (Pearson) 10:30a Youth Group (LH) 10:30a Adult Sunday School (Pearson) 11:15a Holy Eucharist - Rite IMONDAY, 9/30 9:10a Flower Arranging (FR) 11:00a Bible Study (LH) 1:00p Exercise Class (LH)

GUIDE:(Pearson) = Pearson Hall

(LH) = Lewis Hall(PH) = Parish Hall

(FR) = Flower Room(PR) = Prayer Room

(TTE) = Trinity Towers East(LWR) = Lou West Music Room


TRIBUNEH o l y T r i n i t y E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h

From Your Buildings & Grounds CommitteeThe Building & Grounds Committee is looking for members of the congregation with certain skills and time to help with some projects that we are anticipating coming up in the future. We are looking for people with experience in electrical, plumbing, painting, carpentry, cabinetry, landscaping, etc. We will be creating a database of members willing to donate their time/skill for these upcoming projects.

If you would like to add your name to our database, please send an e-mail to Milt Miller at or Art DuBois at Please provide us with your particular skill(s) and the times that you might be available (i.e. weekdays, weeknights, weekends, etc.). If you don’t have one of the skills listed, but would still like to help out with some future projects, we would certainly add your name to the database also.

We will soon be having a workday to clean up the fencing around the Thrift Shop. We will be straightening many of the fence posts, removing the barbed wire from the top of the fence, etc. Watch the announcements in the weekly bulletin for the date for this upcoming work party.

The Thrift ShopServing the community since 1956

We will be happy to pick up any large, unwanted items. Please call 321-727-2797 for free pick up. Please bring in small items. All donations support our local outreach programs. The

shop is open Monday - Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm.

Thank you!

. . . to know Christ and to make Him known.


Life at HT SMALL GROUP HEALING PRAYER will meet on Wednesdays, 8/7 & 9/4 at 9:15am in the church. You are invited to come and join in praying for healing for yourself or someone you love.

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will meet on Tuesdays 8/27 & 9/24 at 10:00am in Lewis Hall. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, we’ll be happy to show you how!

MOVEMENT CLASS continues to have fun while getting fit! Won’t you join us? Mondays at 1:00pm in Lewis Hall.

YOGA FOR HEALTH will meet on August 5, and September 2, 9 & 16 from 6:00 - 7:15pm in Lewis Hall. Beginning in October they will meet every Monday. Suggested donation: $5. For info and to sign up, call Peggy Snead at 321-242-9425.

REV. PAM’S BIBLE STUDY meets on Mondays at 11:00am in Lewis Hall. They continue their study of Genesis. Questions? Ask Rev. Pam.

FR. STEVE’S BIBLE STUDY meets on Wednesdays at 11:30am in Lewis Hall. They continued their study of Galatians. All are invited! Questions? Ask Fr. Steve.

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL continues their study of the Book of Hebrews after the 9:00am service in the parish hall. For more information contact Jack Bottomley at 321-622-5649.

FRIENDS AT LUNCH will meet on Tuesdays, 8/20 (LongHorn Steakhouse in Palm Bay) & 9/17 (Coasters Pub & Biergarten) at 12:30pm for lunch. Check the weekly announcements for the restaurants they will be visiting. All are welcome to join us! Questions? Call Nina Keck (321-723-7523).

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING will not meet in August, and will resume their monthly meetings on Tuesday, 9/17 at 10:00am in Lewis Hall. If interested, please contact Dinah Beverley at 321-724-2879.

HOSPITAL VISITS: If you or a loved one enters the hospital, please call the church office to let us know so we can place your name on our hospital visitation list.

SEND ME, LORD: For help with meals or transportation from one of your brothers or sisters in Christ, call the church office: 723-5272. You can also call if you would like to volunteer for this ministry.

ST. CATHERINE’S GUILD hopes everyone is having a good summer. We will not meet in August, and our September our meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10 at 9:30am in Lewis Hall. We will have refreshments and our speaker will be Diane Young, the President of the Genealogical Society of South Brevard. We invite everyone to attend. Questions? Call Regina Crowe at 802-3456.

LINEN GUILD meet on Wednesdays, 8/7 & 9/4 at 10:00am in Lewis Hall. Questions? Call Dorothy Forde (321-951-7469).

RECENT NEWCOMERS: Holy Trinity would like to welcome our recent newcomers: Janelle Feldhuhn, Linda Guinn, Solomon Jordon, Janet & Marty Merkt, Herb Moscrip, Anthony & May Rodriguez and their children Anthony II, Xavier and Dora; Patricia Rogers, and Corianna Thompson.

ST. MARGARET’S GUILD will not meet in August, but please join us on Thursday, September 19 at 11:00am in Lewis Hall for our fall kickoff meeting! Come and meet some lovely ladies and help us plan for the year. The meeting will take about 15 minutes. Then we will have our famous potluck luncheon for everybody to enjoy. St. Margaret’s Guild has some dandy chefs! If you haven’t sampled our tasty goods, please come and join us for a taste bud sensation. Bring a tantalizing dish to share or libation. Don’t want to cook? Bring something that you purchase. Don’t want to bring anything? Just bring yourself! If you have any questions, please call Barbara Dillery at 321-676-2062.

STOCK CONTRIBUTIONS: Holy Trinity is grateful for contributions of stocks. If you would like to make a stock contribution contact Keith Cain in the office (321-723-5272)for information. Also, to be certain that your stock contribution is received in a prompt and efficient manner contact Keith to inform him that you intend to make a stock contribution.

The Essential 100 Bible StudyFirst Tuesday of every month at 11:00am in Lewis Hall starting September 3

Join Rev. Meghan as we study the big picture of the Bible following the E100 Essential Bible Guide. Incorporating videos from the Bible Project as well as study and reflection questions, we will work our way through 100 key stories in Scripture to understand both the text of the Bible and our own connection to each story. There will be time for coloring and journaling in each session. All materials provided. Sign up in the narthex or church office beginning August 4. Questions? Contact Rev. Meghan ( or 321-723-5272).


TRIBUNEH o l y T r i n i t y E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h

A coed two day Cursillo will be held at the Canterbury Center on October 4-6, 2019. The cost is $90 for the

weekend, and this is the last of the low-cost weekends. The weekend is open to couples, and single men and women. If you have any interest please contact, Chuck Pierce (the Elder) or Cheryl Stephens. Information about what is happening at Cursillo is available at or on Facebook (Central Florida Cursillo Group).

Holy Trinity Episcopal ChurchBible Verse for 2019: We know that all things work

together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Our Mission: To know Christ and to make Him known.

Our Vision: Every member in ministry.

CLERGY The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer Bishop The Rev. Stephen Easterday Co-RectorThe Rev. Pamela Easterday Co-Rector The Rev. Meghan Farr Assist. Rector for Pastoral Care The Rev. William G. Lewis Rector Emeritus The Rev. Stacey Westphal Deacon

STAFFBarbara Bayley 7:30am OrganistDinah Beverley Kitchen SupervisorAaron Cain Children’s Ministry AssistantAmy Cain Substitute SecretaryKeith Cain Financial Administrator Justin Clermont Worship Leader, TKC Choir Dir.KC Crawley Director of Children, Youth and Family MinistriesEloise Evans Family Choir DirectorBenjamin Kubwimana Youth Ministry AssistantSharon Lester, Cheryl Stephens Parish SecretariesPatti Loyd Connections CoordinatorDale Pierce Facilities Manager David Vogeding 9:00 & 11:15am OrganistCarolyn Wilt, RN Faith Community Nurse

HOLY TRINITY VESTRYMike Crews ‘21: Sr. Warden

Milt Miller ‘22: Junior WardenFrank Christopian ‘22: Clerk

Kevin Bartczak ‘20: Treasurer, Thrift Shop, HTEAGail Pearson: Assistant TreasurerArt Dubois ‘20: Special ProjectsJay Olsson ‘20: Health Ministry

John Seybold ‘20: Sound SystemKevin Arter ‘21: Hospitality

Linda Edwards ‘21: NewcomersTed Peters ‘21: Family Ministry

Jeanne Hakkila-Wills ‘22: Thrift ShopScott Morgan ‘22: Stewardship

WORSHIP SCHEDULESunday: 7:30am Holy Eucharist Rite I 9:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II 11:15am Holy Eucharist Rite I

Wednesday: 7:00am Holy Eucharist 10:30am Holy Eucharist & Healing

Saturday: 5:00pm Holy Eucharist, Contemporary

and Pet Adoption Event! Saturday, October 5, 10am - 12pm

in the St. Francis GardenBring Fido, Fluffy, Mr. Ed, and all other pets to Holy Trinity’s annual celebration of the goodness of all God’s creatures. This year we will be joined by Aloha Pet Rescue and Adoptions who will have rescues available to adopt! More information about this fun-filled celebration coming soon! If you are interested in helping plan and organize the event, please contact Rev. Meghan.

JOB OPENING — Chef for Wednesday dinners. Holy Trinity is in search of one or more chefs to prepare dinner on Wednesday evenings in September and October for Whole Church Family Night. Necessary skills include familiarity

with commercial kitchen equipment and ability to cook for 100+ people. If you or someone you know is interested in preparing dinner for some or all of our WCFN meals, please contact Rev. Pam or Fr. Steve.




AUGUST Birthdays

AUGUST Anniversaries

1 Joe Glover2 Ann Terry Hugh Blankenship Frank Walbert Mike Lipgens Karen Flynn3 Jack Ryals Maureen Hamilton Sandy Hillyer Craig Mormile KC Crawley Matthew Cahill Malachi Jacobson4 Dion Khan5 Alberta Jackson Gill Streatfield Scott Morgan Ashlyn Butts Ryan McGill Sasha Karlsson Kaylee Henderson6 Faith Jorgensen Ramon Rivera Winston Scott7 Carla Hughes Lillian Pierce8 Evelyn Bryant Roxanne Deane Jeesh Chittoor Preston Kennedy9 Pat Franck Evelyn Cruz10 Ruthann Hansen Megan Henritze12 Brooke Altonaga Finnegan Ochipa

15 Phyllis Carr Abby Nunez16 George Libak Scott Ferguson Addison Ochipa18 Maria Stacey Gordon Patterson Nora Kirschner Sharon Luttrell Stacy Purdy20 Ann Perrine Debbie Harper Alex Monacella Ethan Abraham Bud Smith Dennis Stitzel21 David Botto Claudia Castillo Fragela22 Ken Schneider Trey Huy23 Bobbie Haney24 Rick Welch Peggy Snead Nikki Donahue25 Niffie Smallidge Gerda Finkenthal26 Brooke Walker Lorna Johnson Anna Pollard28 Arland Adams Vicky Collins30 Alice Billingsley Mario Bien-Aime31 Dick Lorelle Prody Borboroglu

6 Renny & Lorraine Bertolami11 Danny & Sandy Stone15 Roger & Elizabeth Teurfs16 Vince & Margo Angleton Jason & Tricia Ochipa18 Glen & Janet Gray20 Chuck & Pat Pierce

20 Dennis & Patty Stitzel21 Cliff & Sarah Bragdon Bryce & Ellen Terrell26 Dick & Kathy Rossetti28 Mickey & June Arbogast Gordon & Joy Patterson30 Trevor & Barbara Earle

BaptismJonathan James Allen June 8, 2019


SEPTEMBER Anniversaries

1 Bill DeLoria Marilyn McRae Beth Ringwald Eric Lowe2 Kathy Cole Gracin Borboroglu3 Thomas Foca Mary Pate4 Al Meier John Stockton Ruth Marquart5 Beverly Lewis Ella French Bob Smith Charles Algier- McCarthy6 Jay Olsson Simmie Vaden Lori O’Neil Maureen Biggin Amy Crawley

6 Charlotte Vann7 Roy Wilmot Barbara Earle9 Ralph Alvarez10 Joan Molitor Eloise Evans11 Gary Bishop Cliff Ardinger Ondrea Dana Lopez12 Jessie Armstrong13 Rick Baird Elizabeth Teurfs Jim Biggin Siera Crum14 Mary Carol Poynter Linda Couturier Cathryn Thornton Ricaurte Drummond15 Vanessa White Brenda Lewis Stacey Westphal

17 Phil Drummond Donna Makowski18 Harry Dyson19 Andrew Easterday20 Merv Mayes21 Jason Altonaga Brendan Harris22 Dot Neagle 23 Loretta Foulkes24 Ellen Terrell Betty Shanks Stephen A. Russell Jessica Alvarez25 Anora Dyer26 Joseph Couturier28 Michael Armstrong29 Mary Jo Chisler Thomas Stallard, Jr. Sarah Kimmerling30 Derrick Forbes Rod Borum Chuck Pierce

3 Mario & Maryse Suzette Bien-Aime Bill & Nancy Fletcher4 Derrick & Clarett Forbes Randy & Joanna Jacobson Mike & Paula Lipgens Francis & Kitty McGuire7 Tom Boland & Anne Fay9 Phil & Nance Burroughs12 Andy & Sue Hills13 Merv & Ferne Mayes Roslyn & Frederick Coulsey14 Phil & Sandra Drummond18 Bob & Bonnie Register

19 Dick & Ann Lorelle Dan & Cindy Pegion21 Mike & Mary Breshears Mark & Nora Kirschner22 Winston & Marilyn Scott Bob & Mary Smith23 Art & Sharon DuBois24 Ken & Trish Schneider25 Adrienne & William Roth26 Mark & Sharon Luttrell27 Olivia & Marshall GladnickCharlie & Ruthann Hansen29 Bill & Beverly Lewis30 Niffie & Helen Smallidge

Recent DeathsSylvia Stanford May 28, 2019Betsy Ashcroft June 3, 2019Kris Gaughan June 7, 2019Jon Rezak June 29, 2019Robert F. Marx July 4, 2019 Grant Kilps July 5, 2019

Updated Chapel Revitalization BrochureMany have asked about opportunities to make memorial gifts or thanksgiving offerings toward specific objects in the chapel revitalization project. A brochure with complete details about how to make a gift will be available on August 10 and 11.







Mark your calendars now for the HOLY TRINITY TRIVIA NIGHTS and potluck dinner parties!

• Wednesday, December 4, 6:00pm: Advent Trivia Night• Wednesday, January 22, 6:00pm: Epiphany Season Trivia Night• Wednesday, May 6, 6:00pm: Easter Season Trivia Night

1830 South Babcock Street • Melbourne, Florida 32901 PHONE: (321) 723-5272 • FAX: (321)

TRIBUNEHoly Trinity Episcopal Church

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