wednesday, december 4, 2019 volume 92, number 6 daily ... · women’s pairs bo fu and hanxiao li...

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Daily BulletinWednesday, December 4, 2019 Volume 92, Number 6

92nd Fall North American Bridge Championships | Editors: Paul Linxwiler and Chip Dombrowski

Goodwill MessageYou’re on lead, be nice: Others will follow suit.Sandy DeMartino, ChairAileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee

Pre-registration required for Reisinger

Teams that wish to enter the Reisinger Board-a-Match Teams must pre-register no later than 9 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5. See TD Matt Koltnow outside Yerba Buena 9 on the lower level.

Hall of Fame nominees for 2020

Larry CohenMarty Bergen Marty FleisherLynn Deas

Sam LevThe ACBL Hall of Fame Committee has

announced the nominations of eight members for the class of 2020.

The candidates, all Grand Life Masters, are listed in alphabetical order:

continued on page 5

Gaylor Kasle Ron Smith Howard Weinstein

Beginning with the Spring 2020 NABC in Columbus, the ACBL Educational Foundation will fund a complimentary teacher breakfast at each Spring and Fall NABC on the Monday morning of each tournament. The purpose of these breakfasts is to offer a networking opportunity for teachers, while offering a sample of award-winning teaching materials facilitated by American Bridge Teachers’ Association Master Teachers. Pre-registration on

ACBL Ed. Foundation funds Teacher Breakfasts at NABCs in 2020

the ACBL site is required, and the first 20 teachers who register will receive a sample of the teaching materials used. Teachers can register online for the Columbus Teacher Breakfast to be held Monday, March 23, from 9 to 11 a.m.

The Ed Foundation has been supporting bridge activities for decades. Its mission is to get more and more people playing bridge, not only by growing the number of competitive bridge players, but by introducing the game and enriching the lives of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

continued on page 5

Jones, Gelfand take 10K IMP titleAaron Jones and Peter Gelfand won the 0-10,000

IMP Pairs, narrowly edging out runners-up Ron Feldman and William Schreiber.

Jones, of North Bethesda MD, and Gelfand, of Corralitos CA, posted a four-session total with carryover of 80.92 IMPs, while Feldman, of Redondo Beach CA, and Schreiber, of Valley Glen CA, finished with 78.60 IMPs.

The winners, who qualified ninth after Monday’s opening round, scored 46.33 IMPs in the first final session and 27.67 in the second. Their carryover was 6.92 IMPs.

Jones previously won the Lebhar IMP Pairs (in 2015), and he was second in the 0-10,000 Swiss Teams here in San Francisco on Sunday. Gelfand

Winners of the 0-10,000 IMP Pairs: Aaron Jones and Peter Gelfandcontinued on page 9

Soloway SF match-ups: Spector vs. Blass npc,Rosenthal vs. NickellThe quarterfinal round of the Soloway KO Teams

featured three matches that were initially close and one blowout.

The No. 1 seed captained by Warren Spector dominated their match against Juan Carlos Ventin, winning it 146-51 in three quarters of play. Spector won the first quarter by 34 IMPs and then expanded their lead to 67 IMPs at halftime. Things continued to deteriorate for Ventin in the third set, prompting their surrender.

Blass npc and Lebowitz had a close first half in their match, but Blass pulled away in the third quarter to lead by 38 IMPs. Blass stayed firmly in control in the fourth quarter to advance 166-119.

When Andrew Rosenthal’s squad met Pierre Zimmermann’s team, their match was extremely close through the first three quarters, but Rosenthal took over in the fourth set to win 146-119.

continued on page 9

Polish duo sets pace in Mini-BluesKacper Kopka and Krzysztof Cichy of Poland

topped Tuesday’s qualifying round in the Mini-Blue Ribbon Pairs, limited to players with 6000 masterpoints. The leaders scored 63.89% in the first session and 69.31% in the second session.

In second are Steven Forsythe and Sandra Forsythe of Centerville OH, while Leila Sink, of Los Gatos CA, and John Hoffman, of Mountain View CA, are in third place.

Fergani, Pollack lead Blue Ribbon Pairs

Canadians Kamel Fergani and Frederic Pollack paired 65.48% and 62.32% efforts in the qualifying sessions of the Kaplan Blue Ribbon Pairs to lead the contest going into today’s semifinal round.

In second are Stefan Skorchev of Sofia, Bulgaria, and Baptiste Combescure of Paris, France.

Third place is occupied by Richard Pavlicek of Fort Lauderdale FL and Jim Munday of Southaven MS.

Chinese duo lead Women’s Pairs

Bo Fu and Hanxiao Li of Shanghai lead the Whitehead Women’s Pairs after Tuesday’s qualifying sessions. They were consistent, scoring 63.78% in the afternoon and 63.97% in the evening to take a carryover of 77.51, a little more than three boards on a 25 top, into today’s final.

Li Yiting of Herndon VA and Laura Dekkers of the Netherlands are in second with a carryover of 65.71. In third are Emily Harrell of Birmingham AL and Christina Madsen of Denmark.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 2

Bridge Bucks and check cashing

Bridge Bucks and check-cashing services will be available on level B2 from 9:30 to 10 a.m. and noon to 1 p.m.

Check-cashing limit is $500.Players may purchase Bridge Bucks using all

major credit cards.

Don’t miss these free lectures by some of the best-known players in the game! Talks will be held in the SoMa Room, level 2. Speakers and topics are subject to change.

Wednesday, Dec. 49:15 am GS Jade Barrett Law of Three Even and Three Odd6:45 pm Donna Compton Guard the 4

Thursday, Dec. 59:15 am Bruce Greenspan Top 10 Tips6:45 pm Jennifer Kuhn Finesses

Friday, Dec. 69:15 am Jennifer Jones Tips for Success at Bridge6:45 pm Adam Parrish When to Bid Notrump



Wednesday, December 49 am–noon Club Director Refresher Course, session 2. A continuing

education course for club directors to increase their skills. Participants must attend both sessions. Fee: $15 covers both days. (Pacific D, level 4)

10 am–noon Unit/District Disciplinary transition meeting. District and unit presidents, district recorders and disciplinary chairs are invited to meet with National Recorder Robb Gordon to discuss the transition to district control of the disciplinary process. (Pacific F, level 4)

10 am–6 pm World Computer Bridge Championship. (Sierra H, level 5)

Thursday, December 510 am–6 pm World Computer Bridge Championship. (Sierra H, level 5)

Friday, December 610 am–6 pm World Computer Bridge Championship. (Sierra H, level 5)

HOSPITALITY AND ENTERTAINMENTFood will be served after the evening session through Saturday, Dec. 7.

Wednesday, Dec. 4 Clam chowder soup.

Thursday, Dec. 5 Cheese and crackers.

Friday, Dec. 6 Beard Papa fresh cream puffs.

ParkingParking is difficult in San Francisco. The

Marriott offers valet parking only, for $79.99 a day. There is a municipal parking garage on Mission between Fourth and Fifth streets. Rates are $3/hour, with a $34 daily maximum.

STEM contacts neededThe ACBL Educational Foundation is

searching for ACBL members who have may have contacts with national STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) accreditation bodies. The Ed Foundation’s plan is to create bridge modules that can be integrated into STEM curriculums at schools in the U.S.

Members with information or leads should contact Project Committee Chair Barbara Heller at

Disciplinary transition meeting

District and unit presidents, district recorders and disciplinary chairs: You are invited to meet with National Recorder Robb Gordon to discuss the transition to district control of the disciplinary process. The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4, in Pacific F on level 4. Bring your own coffee.

Convention card reminder

Each player is required to have a convention card filled out legibly and on the table throughout a session. The convention card must include the first and last name of each member of the partnership, and the cards must be identical.

If a director determines that neither player has a substantially completed card, the partnership may play only the Standard American Yellow Card and may use only standard carding. This restriction may be lifted only at the beginning of a subsequent round after convention cards have been properly prepared and approved by the director. Further, the partnership will receive a 1/6-board matchpoint penalty for each board played, commencing with the next round and continuing until the restriction is lifted. In IMP team games, penalties shall be at the discretion of the director.

If the director determines the partnership has at least one substantially completed convention card but has not fully complied with ACBL regulations, the director may give warnings or assign such penalties as he deems to be appropriate under the circumstances.

The objective of these warnings and penalties is the encouragement of full compliance with ACBL regulations.

Player MemosPlayer Memo stations are located on the “upper”

B2 Level in the Marriott next to the Fedex office and on the lower level opposite Salon 6.

Some “Recorder Reminders”:When filing a Player Memo, please include

names and compass locations, and please include the name of any tournament director involved.

When an irregularity occurs, call the director. Do not make your own ruling or allow partner or opponents to do so.

Once hands are removed from the boards, all calls, questions, comments and plays will be in English. Exceptions may be made if all four players at the table agree to use some common language understood by all four players.

Restrictions for certain events in 2020

Players should be aware of the following decision by the ACBL Board of Directors which will take effect in 2020.

Any player who has won a contest that carries ACBL Grand Life Master eligibility (most open NABC contests or equivalent events such as world championship titles or the U.S./Canadian team trials) will be treated as if they possess at least 10,000 masterpoints (if they haven’t already acquired that total) for the purposes of flighting, stratification and KO bracketing. Essentially, anyone who has won an open NABC title can’t play in a masterpoint-restricted event, including the so-called “10K” events at NABCs, where participation is limited to players with less than 10,000 points.

Additionally, the ACBL Seeding Committee has updated the eligibility points of many players, especially those from outside North American, which may alter player seeding points for top-level events. Email notifications of these changes will be sent to players in January.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 3Daily Bulletin

The only suit with a loser(s) is spades, and it is an equally divided suit. Your first thought should be to postpone playing spades as long as possible. However, it would be ideal if you could force West to lead a spade smack into your A-Q, wouldn’t it? Perhaps a loser-on-loser play is in your future? Win the ♥A, ruff a low heart high, draw trumps, cash three clubs ending in dummy, and lead the ♥10. Unless something has really gone crazy, East won’t have the ♥Q (remember what West led), and you can discard a spade, giving up the lead to West. Upon winning the trick, West must either return a spade into the A-Q or give you a ruff and sluff. Either way, you have the rest.

If West happens to give you a ruff and sluff, ruff in dummy, the hand with the longer remaining spades, and discard the ♠Q from your hand, the hand with the shorter remaining spades, the tried and true way to handle a ruff and sluff.

The full deal:

♠ 6 4 2 ♥ A 10 2 ♦ K J 10 9 ♣ K 9 2 ♠ K 10 7 3 ♠ J 9 8 ♥ K Q 9 8 ♥ 7 6 5 4 3 ♦ 5 2 ♦ 7 ♣ 10 5 3 ♣ J 7 6 4 ♠ A Q 5 ♥ J ♦ A Q 8 6 4 3 ♣ A Q 8


By Eddie Kantar North (Partner) ♠ 6 4 2 ♥ A 10 2 ♦ K J 10 9 ♣ K 9 2 South (You) ♠ A Q 5 ♥ J ♦ A Q 8 6 4 3 ♣ A Q 8

After you open 1♦ as South, partner gives you a limit raise (in theory showing five diamonds) you land in 6♦. Yes, partner owes you a diamond, but has compensating values, like perfectly fitting honors in

hearts and clubs. In any case, you don’t plan to say word one – unless you go down! If you make the hand, you will praise partner for breaking the rules. It’s important to be covered.

West leads the ♥K. Trumps are 2-1. Plan the play.

Debbie and Jack Grasham came from Brookings OR, a small town on the coast near the California border, where the local club has doubled in size in the past year. “Our table count at the end of the July was bigger the whole previous year,” Debbie said. “We’ve been teaching Learn Bridge in a Day.” The Grashams started playing duplicate bridge around the time they moved to Brookings 10 years ago. It’s their second time at an NABC, having been to Reno in 2016. They have family in the city, just 4 miles from the hotel, so San Francisco was an easy choice for them. After playing in the Gold Rush Pairs on Monday, they were playing Tuesday in 299er gamers.

QUALIFIERS IN THE KAPLAN BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 72.0 Tables / Based on 144 Tables Carryover 1 Kamel Fergani, Montreal QC; Frederic Pollack, Laval QC 814.23 2 Stefan Skorchev, Sofia Bulgaria; Baptiste Combescure, Paris France 801.10 3 Richard Pavlicek, Fort Lauderdale FL; Jim Munday, Southaven MS 799.44 4 John Ramos, Los Angeles CA; Finn Kolesnik, Ventura CA 765.73 5 Geoff Hampson, Las Vegas NV; Eric Greco, Northville MI 764.49 6 Iftikhar Baqai, Irvine CA; Mitch Dunitz, Sherman Oaks CA 758.01 7 Jon Bartlett, Happy Valley OR; Howard Epley, Kent WA 749.98 8 Alon Birman, Tel Aviv Israel; Dennis Bilde, Copenhagen Denmark 745.75 9 Prahalad Rajkumar, Chennai India; Richard Popper, Wilmington DE 744.29 10 Saul Gross, Miami Beach FL; Juan Castillo, Fort Lauderdale FL 742.98 11 John Lusky, Portland OR; Allan Falk, Okemos MI 742.75 12 Guy Mendes De Leon, Amsterdam Netherlands; Thibo Sprinkhuizen, Rotterdam Netherlands 739.88 13 Debbie Rosenberg, Sunnyvale CA; Max Schireson, Stanford CA 739.01 14 Uday Ivatury - Christal Henner, New York NY 738.10 15 Sanna Clementsson, Stockholm Sweden; Alexander Sandin, 733.75 16 Ron Gerard, White Plains NY; Adam Wildavsky, New York NY 732.66 17 David Gold, London England; Zia Mahmood, New York NY 730.62 18 Haig Tchamitch, Paradise Valley AZ; Philippe Cronier, Paris France 729.82 19 Ava Grubman - Elliott Grubman, Brooklyn NY 727.78 20 Bruce Rogoff, Boca Raton FL; Alexander Ornstein, New York NY 726.35 21 Jacob Freeman, Toronto ON; Daniel Lavee, Thornhill ON 724.36 22 Gary Cohler, Delray Beach FL; David Berkowitz, Boca Raton FL 723.65 23 Laurie Vogel - Iulian Rotaru, New York NY 721.20 24 Victor Melman, Boca Raton FL; Miroslaw Milaszewski, Lubin Poland 720.72 25 Anne Brenner - David Caprera, Denver CO 719.63 26 Michael Pauly, Frankfurt Germany; Nikolas Bausback, Darmstadt Germany 718.68 27 Viktor Aronov, Sofia Bulgaria; Ahu Zobu, Tarabya Istanbu Turkey 716.25 28 Jovanka Smederevac - Alexander Wernle, Vienna Austria 715.31 29 Alessandro Gandoglia, Rome Italy; Irene Baroni, Moniga Italy 714.55 30 Paul Cornelius, Mountain View CA; Mukund Thapa, Palo Alto CA 714.43 31 Martin Fleisher, New York NY; Chip Martel, Davis CA 711.69 32 Jay Barron, Tulsa OK; Carlos Pellegrini, Buenos Aires Argentina 710.45 33/34 James Tritt, Orange CA; Tom Trachuk, Walnut Creek CA 709.61 33/34 Alex Perlin, Metuchen NJ; Walter Lee, Sudbury MA 709.61 35 Wenfei Wang, Shanghai People’s Republic of China; Morris Chang, Santa Clara CA 709.33 36 Makiko Sato - Dawei Chen, Tokyo Japan 709.12 37 Chris Compton, Dallas TX; Dick Jones, Sacramento CA 708.94 38 Anant Rathi - Ankur Rathi, San Francisco CA 703.69 39 Brian Platnick, Evanston IL; John Diamond, Boca Raton FL 700.65 40 Jiang Gu, Mountain Lakes NJ; Glenn Robbins, New York NY 700.27 41 Steven Smolen - Robert Balas, San Francisco CA 700.00 42 Thomas Turgeon, Memphis TN; Sandy McCay, Naples FL 699.35 43 Stanislaw Pajak, Starachonice Poland; Janusz Gawecki, Kielce Poland 699.10 44 Tezcan Sen - Bulent Kaytaz, Istanbul Turkey 699.04 45 Laurent Thuillez, Villiers St. Frederic France; Romain Tembouret, Asnia¨res France 698.51 46 Rita Bichara, San Francisco CA; Metin Guven, Istanbul Turkey 697.72 47 Howard Liu, San Lorenzo CA; Eugene Hung, Sunnyvale CA 697.48 48 Jeff Aker, Briarcliff NY; Douglas Simson, Columbus OH 697.04 49 Samuel Marks, Atlanta GA; Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC 695.93

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50 Gonzalo Rubio, Santiago Chile; Alexis Pejacsevich, Buenos Aires Argentina 695.91 51 Linda Lewis - Curtis Cheek, Las Vegas NV 695.84 52 Leszek Rabiega, Watsonville CA; Edward Wojewoda, Tempe AZ 695.12 53 Eusebio Menezes, Cupertino CA; Rajeeva Sharma, San Jose CA 692.80 54 Olivier Giard, Toulouse France; Christophe Grosset, Issy-Les-Moulin France 690.66 55 James Melville, Springfield IL; Vladislav Isporski, Sofia Bulgaria 689.99 56 Robert Munson, Danville CA; Michel Schneider, Pittsburg CA 687.28 57 Peter Gill, Sydney Australia; Iain Sime, Edinburgh 685.52 58 Ami Zamir, Hod Hasharon Israel; Asaf Yekutieli, Tel Aviv Israel 684.54 59 Karen McCallum, Exeter NH; Victor King, Hartford CT 683.20 60 Nils Kvangraven, Kristiansand Norway; Terje Lie, Vestfold Norway 683.14 61 Christopher Earl, Oregon House CA; Mark McCarthy, San Francisco CA 683.02 62 Clark Millikan, Santa Clara CA; Arif Janjua, Saratoga CA 682.39 63 Tracy Capal, Manchester UK; David Sherman, London UK 680.94 64 Tim Benoit, Esbon KS; Ron Ashbacher, St. Louis MO 680.68 65 Steve Zolotow, Las Vegas NV; Kit Woolsey, Kensington CA 680.60 66 Sun Xudong, Shang Hai People’s Republic of China; Richard Chan, Markham ON 680.51 67 Jo Ginsberg - Len Vishnevsky, San Francisco CA 680.34 68 Saleh Fetouh, Buffalo NY; Deana Liddy, Omaha NE 679.80 69 John Kissinger, San Clemente CA; Lee Maddocks, Modesto CA 677.76 70 Ishmael Del’Monte, Las Vegas NV; Eldad Ginossar, Chicago IL 677.43 71 Owen Lien, Oak Park MI; Eric Leong, Oakland CA 675.15 72 Glenn Milgrim, Ransomville NY; Barry Rigal, New York NY 674.46 73 Alan Watson, Lexington MA; Rick Roeder, La Mesa CA 674.12 74 Robert Cappelli, Sanibel FL; Robert Bitterman, Sarasota FL 674.03 75 Jason Rosenfeld, Seattle WA; Drew Becker, Chicago IL 673.74 76 Samuel Ieong, Mountain View CA; Pedro Ieong, Homantin Kowloo Hong Kong 672.45 77 Stan Tulin, Boca Raton FL; David Bakhshi, London England 672.21 78 Tien-Chun Yang, San Jose CA; Ethan Liu, Fremont CA 671.42 79 Sidney Brownstein, Santa Monica CA; Ed Davis, Seal Beach CA 671.08 80 Farid Assemi, Fresno CA; James Slinger, Corralitos CA 670.40 81 Fred Stewart, Bloomington NY; Steve Beatty, Mill Creek WA 670.04 82 Yan Wang, Richmond Hill ON; Edward Xu, North York ON 669.46 83 Gary Soules, Elk Grove CA; Edward Nagy, Danville CA 668.38 84 Lynn Deas, Schenectady NY; Peter Weichsel, Carlsbad CA 666.86 85 Rodrigo Garcia Da Rosa, Argentina; Rita Shugart, Pebble Beach CA 665.42 86 Ranald Davidson, Delray Beach FL; John McAllister, Keswick VA 665.29 87 Russell Samuel, Coram NY; Barry Samuel, Santa Rosa CA 665.21 88 Doug Baxter - David Lindop, Toronto ON 664.83 89 Roger Lee, Las Vegas NV; Wei Wang, Shanghai People’s Republic of China 664.72 90 David Gurvich - Rachael Moller, New York NY 663.85 91 John Hodges, Santa Clara CA; John Twineham, Coos Bay OR 663.41 92 Alexander Kolesnik, Los Angeles CA; Ira Hessel, San Antonio TX 663.28 93/94 Chris Moll, Durham NC; Paul Munafo, Huntsville AL 663.09 93/94 Mihaela Balint - Itamar Ginossar, Bucharest Romania 663.09 95 Bruce Tuttle, Berkeley CA; Bill Heid, Santa Fe NM 662.92 96 Tom Bishel - John Bishel, Columbus OH 662.28 97 Jeffrey Pugh - Jennifer Stern, Saratoga CA 660.03 98 Patricia Tucker, Atlanta GA; Kevin Collins, Dunwoody GA 659.81 99 Maya Alela, Kayenta AZ; Bharat Rao, Berwyn PA 659.64 100 Kenneth Zuckerberg, Acton MA; David Moss, New York NY 658.61 101 Larry Sealy, Owens Cross Roads AL; Wafik Abdou, Bakersfield CA 657.86 102 Aran Warszawski, Rehovot Israel; Dan Israeli, Tel Aviv Israel 656.86 103 Michael Polowan, New York NY; Bob Hamman, Dallas TX 656.35 104 Richard Oshlag, Memphis TN; Tom Kniest, Brentwood MO 656.31 105 Nicole Curetti - Jean Le Poder, Marseille France 656.02 106 Grant Vance - Jessica Lai, Oakland CA 655.87 107 Muh-Sha Crawford, Virginia Beach VA; Andrew Gofreed, La Plata MD 654.88 108 Lauritz Streck, Berlin Germany; Florian Alter, Leipzig Germany 654.59 109 Jonathan Fleischmann, Bloomfield MI; Robert Katz, Ann Arbor MI 653.69 110 Christopher Rivera, Sunnyside NY; Edmund Wu, San Francisco CA 653.10 111 Gary Macgregor, Portola Valley CA; Mike Cailean, Santa Clara CA 652.32 112 Bernard Yomtov, Cambridge MA; Allen Hawkins Jr, Birmingham AL 652.07 113 Bjorgvin Kristinsson, Columbia Heights MN; Daniel Hoekstra, Portland OR 652.00 114 GS Jade Barrett, Elk Point SD; Kenneth King, Pleasanton CA 651.81 115 Tom Carmichael, Marysville WA; Ari Greenberg, San Francisco CA 651.48 116 Robert Lebi, Toronto ON; Dan Jacob, Vancouver BC 650.50 117 Billy Miller, Las Vegas NV; Edward Zuckerberg, Los Altos Hills CA 650.24 118 Virgil Massey, Driftwood TX; Charlene Sands, Pflugerville TX 649.92 119 Peter Zelnik, Austria; Thomas Burg, Vienna Austria 649.27 120 David Grainger, Etobicoke ON; Greg Hinze, San Antonio TX 648.84 121 Kay Enfield, Santa Fe NM; Allan Graves, Saint Johnsbury VT 648.07 122 James Perkins, Los Angeles CA; Wayne Karson, Culver City CA 647.64 123 Jack Waller, Dana Point CA; Frank Xie, Sunnyvale CA 647.30 124 Qiang Zhang, Dublin CA; Xiao Hu, Kunming People’s Republic of China 646.01 125 Jeffrey Miller, Peoria AZ; Phil Warden, Madison WI 645.52 126 Qucheng Gong, Newark CA; William Zhu, San Francisco CA 644.46 127 Michael Christensen, Seattle WA; Stanford Christie, Kirkland WA 643.65 128 Michael Becker, Boca Raton FL; Howard Weinstein, Rancho Mirage CA 643.45 129 Joann Sprung - Danny Sprung, Las Vegas NV 643.33 130 Michael Mikyska, Los Angeles CA; Billy Cohen, Sherman Oaks CA 642.90 131 Mark Perlmutter, San Diego CA; Crispin Barrere, Berkeley CA 642.89 132 John Paxton - Gary Orser, Bozeman MT 642.64 133 Freerk Polling - Betty Parker, Palm Bch Gdns FL 642.38 134 Sophie Dauvergne - Bernard Dauvergne, Ramonville France 642.24 135 Joe Grue - Gillian Miniter, New York NY 642.16 136 David Hoffner, Galloway NJ; Philip Goulding, Wexford PA 641.68 137 Paul Meerschaert, Long Lake MN; Serdar Ogut, Darien IL 639.76 138 Richard Wegman, Longboat Key FL; Robert Bell, Silver Spring MD 638.92 139 Michael Kamil, Austin TX; David Treitel, Miami FL 638.88 140 Weishu Wu - Alberto Feilhaber, Irvine CA 638.45 141 George Whitworth, Coarsegold CA; William Rudman Jr., Castro Valley CA 637.87 142 Jacek Sikora - Marcin Osmanski, Gdansk Poland 637.67 143 Mikhail Krasnoselskii - Sergey Orlov, Moscow Russia 637.52 144 Brian Senior, Nottingham England; Nigel Bird, London England 636.73

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 5Daily Bulletin

continued from page 1

Hall of Fame

Marty Bergen, Palm Beach Gardens FL – 10 North American championsips, including two Reisingers, two Blue Ribbon Pairs, a Spingold and a von Zedtwitz Life Master Pairs, and 10 second-place finishes.

Larry Cohen, Delray Beach FL – 35 NABC titles, including five Blue Ribbon Pairs, four Spingolds and three each in the Vanderbilt, Reisinger and von Zedtwitz, and 28 second-place finishes; a silver medal in a World Open Pairs and a bronze in the World Team Olympiad. He was Player of the Year in 2002.

Lynn Deas, Schenectady NY – 27 NABC wins, 14 second-place finishes including the von Zedtwitz Life Master Pairs and nine world championships made up of seven Women’s team events (three in the Venice Cup, two in the World Bridge Games [formerly Olympiad], one in the McConnell Cup and one in the SportAccord World Mind Games) and two in Women’s pairs events (World Bridge Series and SportAccord World Mind Games); plus four silver and three bronze medals.

Marty Fleisher, New York NY – eight NABC wins, including two Vanderbilts, a Spingold and the Platinum Pairs, and nine second-place finishes; and a world championship in the 2017 Bermuda Bowl. He was Player of the Year in 2013.

Gaylor Kasle, Boca Raton FL – 12 NABC titles including a Vanderbilt, 10 second-place finishes, two world championships and a silver and a bronze in Senior team events.

Sam Lev, New York NY – seven NABC wins including two Reisingers and a Vanderbilt, 11 second-place finishes, a gold medal in the mixed teams at the World Team Olympiad and two bronze medals in Senior team events.

Ron Smith, Chicago IL – 10 NABC wins including a Reisinger and a Blue Ribbon Pairs, 15 second-place finishes including three Spingolds, and a bronze medal in Senior teams.

Howard Weinstein, Rancho Mirage CA – 10 NABC wins including two Reisingers and a Vanderbilt, 13 second-place finishes including four Reisingers, two silver medals in the 2007 Bermuda Bowl and the 2019 Mixed Teams and two bronze medals.

BallotsBallots will go out early next year to about 375

electors. Voting ends in February. Induction for those elected will take place at the 2020 Summer NABC in Montreal.

You ought to be in picturesPlayers who attain the rank of Life Master in San

Francisco are invited to stop by the Daily Bulletin office to get their photos taken.

The office is located in Foothill F on the second floor of the Marriott.

Players who attain higher ranks such as Bronze, Silver or Gold Life Master are also welcome to get their photos taken.

The office is open at noon each day.

QUALIFIERS IN THE MINI-BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 36.0 Tables Carryover 1 Kacper Kopka, Sochaczew Poland; Krzysztof Cichy, Warsaw Poland 270.81 2 Steven Forsythe - Sandra Forsythe, Centerville OH 252.12 3 Leila Sink, Los Gatos CA; John Hoffman, Mountain View CA 247.72 4 Paul Chan - Lily Chan, Columbia MO 244.83 5 Giorgia Botta, Brooklyn NY; Siqing Yu, New York NY 239.07 6 Lorraine Cable, Elmhurst NY; David Yoon, Bayside NY 234.42 7 Jeffrey Ford, Redmond WA; Aaron Mohrman, Seattle WA 233.60 8 Douglas McCormac, North Dartmouth MA; Frank Wharton, London England 233.37 9 Phil Clayton, Frisco TX; Jonathan Cohn, Gillette WY 231.42 10 Avril Shutts - William Bartley, San Diego CA 231.40 11 Edward Alcoff, Fort Myers FL; Lisa Mita, Berwyn PA 230.13 12 Steven Towner, Salt Lake City UT; Richard Towner, Surprise AZ 227.92 13 Dan Wong, Pleasanton CA; Ameen Paul, San Ramon CA 227.39 14 N. (Kaya) Chua, Chula Vista CA; Chuck Zurawski, Baltimore MD 226.97 15 Samuel Asai, Hood River OR; Ed Freeman, Tacoma WA 226.75 16 Ken Imboden, San Jose CA; Paul Nelson, Santa Clara CA 225.91 17 Chuck Greenslit, Framingham MA; Barbara McLagan, Sarasota FL 225.06 18 Bo Liu, Irvine CA; Somers Collins, Little Rock AR 224.99 19 Michael Kruley, Pleasant Hill CA; Jacob Rosenberg, Moraga CA 224.72 20 Ching Chao, Danville CA; Joye Sidoti, Oakland CA 224.44 21 Marc Renson, San Mateo CA; Bob Sanner, Palo Alto CA 224.39 22 Dan Faulkner, Tucson AZ; Bradley Leach, Oro Valley AZ 224.08 23 Nic Hristea - Mark Pinkowski, Chicago IL 223.05 24 Jacqueline Abrams, Naples FL; Melanie Manfield, Chevy Chase MD 222.60 25 Norman Schwartz, Carlsbad CA; Henri Farhi, Chula Vista CA 222.54 26 Ray Robert - Edward Lee, Portland OR 222.51 27 J. Michael Hill - Mae Hill, Columbus OH 222.46 28 Norman Trabulus, New York NY; Charles Bilich, Hewlett NY 222.06 29 David Neuman, San Francisco CA; Peter Lit, Elk CA 221.74 30 Ming Sheng, Northbrook IL; Winston Huang, Los Altos CA 220.85 31 William Strauss, Urbana IL; Marsha Woodbury, Champaign IL 219.68 32 Maureen Weiman - Magnus Weiman, Eden Prairie MN 219.62 33 Mark Krusemeyer, Northfield MN; Randy Okubo, St. Paul MN 218.60 34 William Neumann, Columbia MD; Michael Schrage, Chestnut Hill MA 217.73 35 Dana Brown, Coulterville CA; Jack Verson, San Jose CA 217.58 36 Peter Clay, Wellesley MA; Paul Harris, Waltham MA 217.40 37 Ludmila Antonova, Palo Alto CA; Barry Margolin, Arlington MA 216.77 38 Adam Parrish - Leslie Weisbrod, New York NY 216.33 39 Robert Williams, Halifax NS; Scott Rappard, Dartmouth NS 216.03 40 Alex Stagner, Menlo Park CA; John Rollin, Hayward CA 215.67 41 John Peter Lagodimos - Kathie Angione, Chula Vista CA 215.53 42 Lawrence Sherman - Thomas Herzog, San Diego CA 215.24 43 Ben Tucker, Vashon WA; Robert Bell, New Providence NJ 214.32 44 Scott Nason, Dallas TX; Tomi Storey, Frisco TX 213.88 45 Danielle Cusson, New York NY; Shmuel Greenberg, Israel 213.13 46 Harjinder Ajmani, Kula HI; Buddhadeb Biswas, San Jose CA 212.97 47 Richard Lowens - Elaine Lowens, Little Rock AR 212.95 48 Jane De Briyn, Santa Rosa CA; Cadir Lee, Los Gatos CA 212.86 49 David Weinberg, Reno NV; Han-Yu Chang, Sunnyvale CA 212.84 50 John Wachsman - Rick Jasper, San Jose CA 212.60 51 Brian Eisenberg - Thomas Franklin III, Martinez CA 211.64 52 Cole Powell, Oakland CA; Linda Bandler, Alamo CA 211.31 53 Om Chokriwala, Sherman Oaks CA; Alyssa Kennedy, Marina Del Rey CA 210.31 54 Muffie Gur - Reha Gur, Leonardo NJ 210.24 55 Jill Burtram - Mary Udell, Albuquerque NM 210.15 56 Peter Manzon, Waltham MA; Robert Bertoni, Haverhill MA 209.89 57 John Dickenson, North Wales PA; Susan Morse, Flourtown PA 209.61 58 James Weeks, Palm Desert CA; Neil Stern, Napa CA 209.14 59 Jim Cheney, Hilo HI; Penny Kallaus, Holualoa HI 208.77 60 Linda Nemmer, San Jose CA; Peggy Sprague, Cupertino CA 208.65 61 Marina Seppius - Dmitri Stukalov, Palo Alto CA 208.35 62 Donald Weber - Elinor Hood, Portland OR 207.60 63 Charles Messenger, Salinas CA; Bill Cohen, Pebble Beach CA 207.34 64 Bert Sheldon, Houston TX; Paul Sitz, Ramsey MN 207.05 65 Nancy Munson, Danville CA; Mike Munson, La Jolla CA 207.02 66 Regina Sooey - Bill Page, Jacksonville FL 207.00 67 Richard D’Litzenberger, Leavenworth WA; John Cox, St. Maries ID 206.84 68 Sonja Smith, North Granby CT; Paul Burnham, Wilton CT 206.63 69 Luen-Jyh Luo, Milpitas CA; Tsao-Tung Tsai, Cupertino CA 206.58 70 Leonardo Fruscoloni - John Stimmel, New York NY 206.00 71 Paul Nason, Los Angeles CA; Amr Elghamry, San Dimas CA 205.70 72 Geoff Booth - Robert Sandfield, Houston TX 205.39

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 6

Who was that masked man?

By Barry RigalBrian Senior reported a nice play by his opponent

on this deal from the first qualifying session of the Mitchell Open BAM Teams. Alas, either the player gave him a fictional name, or else Brian’s memory (like so much else) is falling apart at the seams, so the player will have to be protected by the seal of anonymity. Dlr: South ♠ K 8 Vul: Both ♥ 7 6 2 Bd: 23 ♦ A 8 4 3 ♣ A J 7 2 ♠ 3 ♠ A Q 7 6 2 ♥ Q J 10 5 ♥ 9 4 3 ♦ K J 10 6 5 ♦ 9 7 ♣ Q 6 5 ♣ 10 8 3 ♠ J 10 9 5 4 ♥ A K 8 ♦ Q 2 ♣ K 9 4

3NT is not a great spot, but you’d imagine the field will get there after a 2/1 auction, perhaps 1♠-2♣; 2NT-3NT? On the ♥Q lead, declarer will take the first or second heart (maybe the first is best) and lead a spade to the king. If the defenders win and shift to diamonds, declarer will have to duck one trick in each red suit, and he can come to two spades, four clubs and three red winners.

The Lone Ranger in question found himself in 3♣, though, after 1♠-1NT; 2♣-3♣; Pass.

Declarer won the ♥Q lead to play a spade to the 8, took the heart shift (no unblock from West) and played a second spade, as West pitched a diamond rather than ruffing in – which might have worked better as the cards lie. Senior (East), led a third heart, and this position had been reached: ♠ — ♥ — ♦ A 8 4 3 ♣ A J 7 2 ♠ — ♠ 7 6 2 ♥ 10 ♥ — ♦ K J 10 6 ♦ 9 7 ♣ Q 6 5 ♣ 10 8 3 ♠ J 10 9 ♥ — ♦ Q 2 ♣ K 9 4

Either minor is clearly unsuccessful here, but after West led the ♥10, East discarded (a spade is as good as anything), and South has a choice of winning plays. Ruffing in will succeed, but you can’t follow up with the ♣K because after a club to the jack and the ace of trumps, you are in the wrong hand. You could play the ♣K and ♣A and try to endplay West with the ♣Q, but he unblocks it on the second trump. Instead, after ruffing the heart, you play a club to the jack, then cross to the ♣K and lead a master spade, discarding a diamond when West ruffs in. Now you can take the rest.

For those of you interested in Deep Finesse’s analysis of what should or shouldn’t happen, let’s go back to trick two. Lead a spade to the king, not the 8 (to unblock the suit). If East wins and returns hearts, you must duck a low heart, but cover the 9 to keep East off play thereafter. If East shifts instead to the ♦9 at trick three, you can win or duck; but if you duck, you must also duck the second heart. Then if the defenders revert to diamonds, you can win the ace, draw trumps and play on spades. If they knock out your entry by playing a heart, you draw trump and cash the ♦A, stripping East of everything but spades, and when you play a spade you can take two of the last four tricks in that suit.

Masterpoint disclaimerResults reported in the Daily Bulletin are subject

to change because of score changes or corrections. The masterpoint awards as shown are, therefore, also subject to change.

NABC 0–10,000 IMP PAIRS 16.0 Tables / Based on 31 Tables 52.80 1 Aaron Jones, North Bethesda MD; Peter Gelfand, Corralitos CA 80.92 39.60 2 William Schreiber, Valley Glen CA; Ron Feldman, Redondo Beach CA 78.60 29.70 3 Alene Friedman - Michael Rosen, New York NY 76.04 23.47 4 Bob Klein - Erwin Linzner, Santa Rosa CA 73.38 21.12 5 Arjun Dhir, Johns Creek GA; Linda Robinson, Arlington MA 61.93 19.20 6 Anthony Barre, Sunnyvale CA; Donald Dalpe, Fort Myers FL 47.88 17.60 7 Jim Johnsen - Phyllis Yates, San Diego CA 44.83 16.25 8 Richard Reitman, Los Gatos CA; Keith Garber, Las Vegas NV 43.55 15.09 9 Pablo Lambardi, Buenos Aires Argentina; C. Valerie Gamio, Palos Verdes Peninsula CA 29.31 14.08 10 David Sackett - Darcy White, Prescott AZ 20.73 13.20 11 Seth Cohen, Brooklyn NY; Magnus Olafsson, New York NY 20.58 13.52 12 Craig Kavin, Newbury Park CA; Susan Miller, Boca Raton FL 19.08 11.73 13 Frank Treiber III, Toledo OH; Rhonda Monro, Beverly Hills MI 14.51 11.12 14 Larry Leskiw, Martinez CA; John Feo, Kennewick WA 12.49 10.56 15 Yu-Shiang Cheng, New Taipei City Taiwan; Li-Hsiang Kuo, Ann Arbor MI 8.81 10.06 16 Carlos Munoz, White Plains NY; Paul Janicki, Markham ON 8.77

QUALIFIERS IN THE WHITEHEAD WOMEN’S PAIRS 26.0 Tables Carryover 1 Bo Fu - Hanxiao Li, Shanghai People’s Republic of China 77.51 2 Li Yiting, Herndon VA; Laura Dekkers, Netherlands 65.71 3 Emily Harrell, Birmingham AL; Christina Madsen, Hellerup Denmark 53.48 4 Stella Rainey - Libby Fernandez, Tuscaloosa AL 46.03 5 Petra Hamman, Carrollton TX; Kristen Onsgard, Dallas TX 43.47 6 Marjorie O’Malley, San Diego CA; Donna Dulet, Ocean NJ 42.46 7 Irina Kislitsyna, Miami FL; Kamla Chawla, Longmeadow MA 42.07 8 Benedicte Cronier, Paris France; May Sakr, Ardmore PA 39.11 9 Fran White, Fallbrook CA; Christine Denny, Encinitas CA 38.17 10 Tania Reyes Hiller, Bedford Corners NY; Faye Marino, Greenwich CT 35.30 11 Harriel Shea, San Jose CA; Panette Talia, Kelseyville CA 34.66 12 Anam Tebha, Charlotte NC; Arti Bhargava, Mill Valley CA 31.32 13 Nancy Frank, Glencoe IL; Gloria Peston, DoubleBay Sydney Australia 29.82 14 Migry Zur Campanile - Nancy Katz, New York NY 29.19 15 Bing Zhao, Shanghai People’s Republic of China; Yiyi Chen, 28.90 16 Sally Woolsey, Kensington CA; Susan Picus, New York NY 28.12 17 Judi Radin - Jodi Edmonds, New York NY 27.36 18 Janice Seamon-Molson, Hollywood FL; Sylvia Moss, Boca Raton FL 27.13 19 Sharon Goldman, New York NY; Justyna Zmuda, Skwaina Poland 27.04 20 Caru Vidigal - Lucia Menezes, Rio De Janeiro Brazil 26.34 21 Pamela Nisbet, Kanata ON; Julie Smith, Vancouver BC 26.08 22 Ellie Hanlon - Mary Savko, Tequesta FL 23.96 23 Kathleen Byrne - Jane Petering, San Diego CA 22.98 24 Claire Alpert, Miami FL; Sylvie Willard, Paris France 21.50 25 Margaret Peterson, Larkspur CA; Amy Casanova, Portland OR 20.64 26 Cheri Bjerkan, Elmhurst IL; Rozanne Pollack, New York NY 20.09 27 Cecilia Rimstedt, Kungsbacka Sweden; Sally Meckstroth, Clearwater Beach FL 19.81 28 Sylvia Shi, Las Vegas NV; Melanie Tucker, New York NY 17.03 29 Kassie Munoz, White Plains NY; Ritsuko Kai, Chofu-Shi Japan 14.62 30 Harriet Eaton Morris, Ponce Inlet FL; Nancy Mitchell, Jacksonville FL 12.69 31 Joan Jackson, Dallas TX; Peggy Sutherlin, Costa Mesa CA 11.90 32 Dori Byrnes, Morris Plains NJ; Joan Brody, Livingston NJ 11.39 33 Connie Coquillette, Vancouver WA; Lisa Fishman, Beaverton OR 10.57 34 Nancy Boyd, Memphis TN; Bonnie Bagley, Colorado Springs CO 9.99 35 Shao Hong Wu, Guangzhou Guang China; Shelly Dunietz, Santa Rosa CA 9.71 36 Lynn Shannon - Diane Shannon, Campbell CA 9.43 37 Gen Geiger - Gigi Simpson, Sarasota FL 8.56 38 Carol Hamilton - Susan Gilbert, Sarasota FL 8.45 39 Sarita Mathiasen, Albany CA; Shirley Nedham, Orinda CA 8.29 40 Phyllis Harlan, Oklahoma City OK; Shelba Parmley, Fort Worth TX 7.84 41 Judi Callaham, Fair Oaks CA; Carrie Touslee, Roseville CA 7.59 42 Tobi Sokolow - Claudette Hartman, Austin TX 7.49 43 Gail Schargel, New York NY; Sara Kober, Scarsdale NY 6.28 44 Shuai Lan, Los Angeles CA; Yu Xiuting, China 5.22 45 Paula Nataf, Beverly Hills CA; Anne-Laule Tartarin, France 4.94 46 Sandra Stegman, Olympia WA; Regenia Butler, Lacey WA 4.29 47 Kathryn Papermaster, Horseshoe Bay TX; Vera Baum, Los Altos CA 2.45 48 Brenda Pugsley, Carson City NV; Virginia Kellermeyer, Reno NV 1.86 49 Liping Wang - Yang Jinghui, Beijing People’s Republic of China 1.52 50 Tracey Bauer, San Rafael CA; Rhian Davies, San Francisco CA 1.34 51 Maris Zilant - Susan Fuller, Miami FL 0.25 52 Diana Schuld, Glen Head NY; Elaine Said, Nashville TN 0.00

Charity begins at AmazonSmile

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recipient and spend $200, $168,000 would flow to the Educational Foundation and the Charity Foundation!

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Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 7Daily Bulletin


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ACBL Sanction #2011116

Stay in touchIs your email address on file? Is it up to date?

Let ACBL know. Call toll-free in the U.S., 800–264–2743; outside the U.S. 1–662–253–3191 Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time). You may also email or update your info at by logging into MyACBL.

In order to keep the bridge public informed of appeals results in a timely fashion, the NABC Daily Bulletin staff publishes write-ups. Every effort is made to ensure that these reports are accurate and complete. Before they are published in the NABC Appeals Casebook, however, revisions may be made.


APPEAL CASE 1Event: Soloway KO teamsSession: Swiss Qualifying, Rd. 11Subject: ClaimDirector in Charge: Mike Roberts

Nicolas L’Ecuyer Board 16 ♠ A K 9 8 5 Vul: E-W ♥ J 10 9 Dlr: West ♦ K ♣ A K 8 3 Veronique Ventos Jean-Pierre Desmoulins ♠ J 10 6 3 ♠ 4 ♥ 8 6 ♥ K Q 7 3 2 ♦ 8 7 2 ♦ 9 4 3 ♣ 9 6 5 4 ♣ J 10 7 2 Paul Street ♠ Q 7 2 ♥ A 5 4 ♦ A Q J 10 6 5 ♣ Q

West North East South Pass 1♠ Pass 2♦ Pass 2NT Pass 4♣ Pass 4♦ Pass 5NT Pass 6♣ Pass 6♦ Pass 6NT All Pass

Contract: 6NT by NorthOpening Lead: ♥KThe Facts: The director was called when

declarer claimed after trick six. Declarer had won dummy’s ♥A, played three rounds of spades, played the ♦K (overtaking with dummy’s ace) and then the ♦Q.

Declarer claimed 12 tricks. He said he intended to run all of his diamonds; the defenders would eventually get their “high trump.”

The director was called. The defenders suggested that a declarer who thought the contract was 6♠ rather than 6NT might well leave himself with two spades for his last two cards. He would then lose trick 12 to the ♠J and trick 13 to a high heart. They suggested he might even try to ruff a heart in hand which could lead to only 10 tricks.

Declarer suggested he would (attempt to) ruff his last diamond winner. His hand would then have two high clubs and a losing spade for 12 tricks.

Even though the lead would not actually be in hand, he would then be able to lead a club to his hand to achieve the same result.

The table was instructed to record an initial assignment of 12 tricks while the table director consulted with the director in charge of the event.

Director’s Ruling: The director ruled by Law 70D1 that he could not accept declarer’s suggested line of play. Declarer believed he had many winners and just one loser. Law 70D1 says that the director shall not accept from the claimer any successful line of play not embraced in the original clarification statement if there is an alternative normal line of play that would be less successful. Lines of play substantially similar to declarer’s suggested line would lead to fewer tricks. The claim was adjudicated as 11 tricks to declarer and scored as down one, N-S minus 50.

The Review: N-S requested a review of the ruling. North was the only player to speak to the reviewer. He said that he spoke to several expert players, one of whom he addressed in the reviewer’s presence. All of them stated that defending 6♠, not ruffing a diamond winner would be a horrible play that no one at this level would make. As such, North asserted that at some point during the run of the diamonds, his opponent’s failure to ruff a diamond in order to try to cut declarer off from the remaining diamond winners would serve to remind him that the contract was actually 6NT rather than 6♠. He would continue taking winners, eventually taking 12 tricks.

The Decision: The reviewer convened a panel and presented this additional argument to the panelists. The panelists accepted the concept that a defender not ruffing a diamond (against a 6♠ contract) was a bridge mistake. However, Law 70A says that a claim is resolved as equitably as possible to both sides, but any doubtful point as to a claim shall be resolved against the claimer. The panel felt that it rose to the level of doubtful that a claimer who forgot what the contract was would be certain to realize his mistake. As such, the table ruling was upheld.

The panel felt that the appellant clarified his argument in a way which might not have been clear to the directing staff, so the appeal was deemed to have merit.

Reviewer: Matt KoltnowPanel: Matt Koltnow, Kevin Perkins, David


The Ed Foundation believes in supporting teaching activities at all levels to promote the game we love so much. Recently, the Foundation has continued its commitment to teachers with numerous other grants. Participants in Best Practices Teacher Workshops and Learn Bridge in a Day Teacher Accreditation Programs receive a free one-year membership in the ABTA. In fact, all ACBL-recognized teacher accreditation programs are eligible for this membership.

In addition to the above programs the Foundation has following programs in place:1. New teacher startup kits. Participants in ACBL-

recognized accreditation programs can request a free startup kit. The Foundation partnered with Baron Barclay to provide 12 bidding boxes, sets of boards, 12 decks of cards, and a bag to carry these items.

2. The Foundation will also assist in supplementing the ACBL Cooperative Program for teachers. This supplemental support will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

3. The Foundation will also assist units and/or districts in hosting a Best Practices Teacher Workshop. If requested, we will partner in funding the program to those who apply to hold the workshop. This is similar to the funding the Foundation used for the Learn Bridge in a Day program.

4. The Foundation will assist accredited TAP teachers attend the new Best Practices Teacher Workshop. When participants attended the original TAP, they were told that taking the TAP again would always be free to them. With the total revamp of the teaching program by the ACBL, this benefit is no longer in place. The Foundation would like enable TAP teachers to take the new program without paying the entire cost of $125. Therefore, the Foundation will reimburse TAP-accredited teachers in an amount up to $75. Remember, recipients must already be TAP-accredited and must have attended a Best Practices Teacher Workshop and paid more than $50 for the class.If you have any questions or would like to apply

for funds under any of these programs, please contact Betty Starzec at

continued from page 1

Ed Foundation Breakfast

Claiming lost valuablesPlayers who may have forgotten their credit cards

at one of the bars or restaurants in the Marriott should claim them at the front desk of the hotel.

Lost something else of value? Visit the Welcome Desk on the lower level (typically open one hour before game time).

Appealing a ruling Players in NABC+ events who want to appeal

a director’s ruling initiate the process by speaking with the director who delivered the original ruling. The table director will fill out paperwork regarding the appeal, and the appellants will explain what they believe to be wrong with the initial ruling. From there, the case may be handled by a variety of means. When the appeals reviewer receives the case, the circumstances of that particular case will determine whether the case can be resolved by the original staff (in the case of misapplication of Law or regulation, for instance), a panel of directors, or even a committee-type hearing which could include bridge experts.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 8

Gifts for the holidaysPlayers are encouraged to check out the vendors

located on the lower level where you can find all kinds of goodies for your holiday list, including the jewelry vendor who offers amazing gifts below wholesale prices.

Smoking PolicySmoking is not permitted in the playing area

during any bridge playing event at an NABC. This includes electronic smoking devices.

TOM PAJAK TUESDAY MORNING SIDE PAIRS 16.0 Tables A B C 5.63 1 1 1 Jaquett Heck, Hobe Sound FL; Mari Stuart, Greenwich CT 60.00% 4.22 2 Jennifer Beall - Ron Beall, Bellingham WA 59.17% 3.17 3 Gilbert Ramirez, Reno NV; Shmuel Greenberg, Israel 57.78% 3.42 4/5 2/3 Charles Riffle, Emerald Hills CA; Douglas Grant, San Francisco CA 57.64% 3.42 4/5 2/3 Ari Greenberg, San Francisco CA; Thuy Tran, San Franciso CA 57.64% 2.19 6 4 2 James Soller, Houston TX; Robert Dawson, Littleton CO 56.81% 1.76 7 5 Craig Smith, Luzern Switzerland; Kathryn Von Dohre, Concord CA 56.53% 1.48 6/7 3 Wallace McOuat - Claire Young, San Anselmo CA 55.97% 1.08 6/7 Hal Jones Jr., Lorton VA; Sandra Macpherson, Halifax NS 55.97% 1.11 4 Richard Bryant - Kathy Feeney, Tucson AZ 50.69%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY MORNING 299ER PAIRS 26.0 Tables A B C 5.40 1 1 1 Lynne Crawford - Marilynne Solloway, San Francisco CA 61.74% 4.05 2 2 2 Cindy Morris, Kentfield CA; Judy Grossman, San Francisco CA 60.98% 3.04 3 3 3 Marilyn Press, Menlo Park CA; Clive Surfleet, Los Altos CA 60.42% 2.28 4 Stuart Pollak – S. Douglas Weil, San Francisco CA 59.85% 1.71 5 Jean Murphy - Michael Murphy, Charlottesville VA 59.28% 1.97 6 4 Gary Nelson - Alice Nelson, Bend OR 59.09% 1.48 5 4 Johanna Cressy, Black Mountain NC; Judy Huckabay, Fremont CA 57.58% 1.11 6 5 Michael Breslow - Lucille Breslow, San Francisco CA 56.06% 0.64 6/7 Paulette Burkitt - Terry Clougherty, Pasadena CA 55.68% 0.64 6/7 Ronald Gross - Barbara Gross, Livermore CA 55.68%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY MORNING 99ER PAIRS 10.0 Tables A B C 2.67 1 Katherine Schram - Margaret Senneff, Santa Rosa CA 60.42% 2.00 2 1 John Stremel, San Jose CA; Gary Sheerer, Los Altos CA 58.70% 1.50 3 Penny Herzog, San Diego CA; Malgorzata Koziol, Las Vegas NV 57.81% 1.40 4 2 Kathy Nusser, Moraga CA; Margie Durham, Alamo CA 56.30% 1.05 5 3 Peter Hannigan, Alameda CA; Lawrence Currie, Oakland CA 55.70% 0.63 6 Glenys Kaye - James Kaye, Roseville CA 53.92% 0.79 4 Sarah Calvani, Kentfield CA; Pat Applegate, Mill Valley CA 52.66%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY DAYLIGHT OPEN PAIRS 78.0 Tables / Based on 117 Tables A B C 43.98 1 1 Hiroaki Miura - Soma Ono, Tokyo Japan 61.33% 32.99 2 2 Susan Boyers, Oakland CA; Robert Johnson, Hayward CA 60.51% 24.74 3 Alan Tenenbaum - Mary Tenenbaum, Rockville MD 60.46% 18.55 4 Robert Ng, Millbrae CA; David Ng, Hillsborough CA 60.03% 14.66 5 Linda Tipton – V. Jay Tipton, Irvine CA 59.97% 13.08 6 3 Stephen Cooper, Toronto ON; Hank Sigal, Piedmont CA 59.94% 11.00 7 David Johnson - Jadwiga Polujan, Calgary AB 59.76% 9.77 8 Jeff Overby, Boynton Beach FL; David Lodge, Rancho Mirage CA 59.45% 8.80 9 Mel Colchamiro, Merrick NY; Tim Archdeacon, Oyster Bay NY 59.29% 9.92 10 Alex Khrakovsky, Columbus OH; Charles Burns, Vancouver WA 58.78% 7.33 11 Carole Weinstein, Waltham MA; Harrison Luba, Lynnfield MA 58.35% 6.77 12 Paul Hill - Janet Hill, Surrey Hills Australia 58.21% 9.92 13 Phyllis Rakevich, Tumwater WA; Ronald Woodard, Olympia WA 58.08% 5.86 14 Peter Clark, Ottawa ON; Barack Peled, Reisterstown MD 58.02% 5.50 15 Mark Itabashi, Murrieta CA; Paul Lewis, Las Vegas NV 57.53% 9.92 16 Russ Jones, Jonesboro AR; Michael McGuire, Hernando MS 57.03% 4.89 17 Stephen Goldstein, Anaheim CA; William Rogers, Santa Fe NM 56.86% 9.81 18 4 Joseph Thomas - Joyce Nakasaki, Redondo Beach CA 56.77% 4.40 19 Fred Hamilton, Las Vegas NV; Rose Boot, Los Angeles CA 56.76% 4.19 20 Ellen Schiller, Greenbrae CA; Ellen Weingart, Kentfield CA 56.74% 4.00 21 James Griffin, Sausalito CA; Richard Riezman, St. Louis MO 56.34% 7.75 22 5 Terry Kee, San Rafael CA; James Kee, Rostock Germany 56.33% 3.67 23 Mark Pensler, Los Gatos CA; Chuck Lane, Los Altos CA 56.20% 9.92 24 6 Katherine Morris - Richard Morris, Beaverton OR 56.17% 5.81 25 7 Gary Waldron - Carol Foster, Laguna Beach CA 56.11% 6.94 26 Raymond Depew - Judith Argento, Naples FL 56.07% 3.14 27 Patricia Dovell, Gainesville FL; Markland Jones, Phoenix AZ 56.06% 5.17 28 8 Robert Raf, West Bloomfield MI; Brian Raf, Portland OR 55.54% 6.70 29 9 Edwin Seputis, Oakland CA; David Pratt, Alameda CA 55.48% 12.00 30 10 1 Burton Voorhees - Kinga Voorhees, Victoria BC 55.22% 3.88 31 11 Arlie Lamb, San Mateo CA; Daniel Claassen, Fremont CA 55.12% 2.67 32 Mark Shaw, Columbia MD; Martin Graf, Chevy Chase MD 55.01% 9.00 33 12 2 Margaret Becker - Judy Kaplan, Saratoga CA 54.88%

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 9Daily Bulletin

2.51 34 Eileen Paley, White Plains NY; Louis Shen, Fullerton CA 54.80% 2.44 35 Robyn Hedly, Denver CO; Margaret Glasner, Yuma AZ 54.60% 2.38 36 Irene Frary - Peter Trenka, New York NY 54.54% 2.31 37 Glenna Shannahan - Stan Fuhrmann, Madison WI 54.33% 3.32 38 13 Robert Haar, San Rafael CA; Anne Stein, Mill Valley CA 54.28% 6.75 39 14 3 Sandra Salasin - Howard Salasin, Dresher PA 54.07% 5.06 15 4 Wendy Lee, East Hanover NJ; Lisa Temple, Westfield NJ 54.00% 4.00 16 5 Richard Kassar, New York NY; Shlomit Rind, Forest Hills NY 53.49% 2.58 17 Martha Welte - John Welte, Buffalo NY 53.46% 3.43 18 6 Lee David Haze, Mountain View CA; Joe Tang, Sunnyvale CA 53.43% 3.00 19 7 Reid Barton, Arlington MA; David Roe, Cambridge MA 53.01% 2.21 20 Robert Crosby, San Mateo CA; Dhirendra Ghosh, McLean VA 52.03% 4.96 21 Kathleen Smith - Clyde Smith, Napa CA 52.01% 2.02 22 Robert Wood, Naples FL; Max Rutherford, Mississauga ON 51.79% 2.67 23 8 Jacqueline Hurlbutt, Avon CO; Karen Johnson, Scottsdale AZ 51.67% 2.58 24 9 Diane Schnarr - Paul Schnarr, Salt Lake City UT 51.64% 1.79 25 Raymond Yuenger, Campbell CA; Lynn Bartz, San Jose CA 51.56% 1.72 26 Robert Michaud, Sun City West AZ; Lynnette Regan, Norfolk VA 51.49% 2.18 10 Kathy Gilman, Shoreline WA; Sharon Kreitzer, Cincinnati OH 51.38% 2.00 11 Raluca Dobrescu, Woodside NY; Brooke Cohen, New York NY 51.35% 1.85 12 Deborah Levine - Gerald Levine, Belvedere CA 51.05% 4.14 13 Bill Yeast, Mill Valley CA; Pat Friesen, San Rafael CA 50.79% 2.27 14 Claire Black Slotton - Michael Koltnow, Davis CA 50.70% 1.50 15 Matthew Quint, San Rafael CA; Ralph Briskin, Emeryville CA 50.41%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY DAYLIGHT GOLD RUSH PAIRS 74.0 Tables 7 3 2 19.96 1 Marcia Taylor, Nanaimo BC; Elaine Marcail Sforza, Las Vegas NV 62.54% 14.97 2 Georgia Lambert - John Mount, Brentwood CA 62.00% 11.23 3 Bob Gagnon - Devra Drysdale, Calgary AB 61.32% 8.42 4 J. Gregg Riehl, Orinda CA; Linda Ingham, Lafayette CA 59.87% 11.48 5 1 1 Susan Papilion, Foster City CA; Marie Parfitt Pattie, Moss Beach CA 59.86% 8.61 6 2 John Snyder - Carol Snyder, Goleta CA 59.57% 6.46 7 3 William Bushnell, Sunnyvale CA; Leigh Cassidy, Los Altos CA 58.90% 5.42 8 4 2 Christian Gilles - James Bechtel, Santa Barbara CA 58.82% 4.07 9 5 3 Robert Goetzinger - Lynda McGuire, Petaluma CA 58.35% 3.63 10 David Sisson, Fremont CA; Thomas Stanley, Occoquan VA 58.06% 3.33 11 6 Bebe Hoppe - JoAnne Robertson, Los Altos CA 58.02% 3.07 12 7 Suzanne Johnson, Mill Valley CA; Judith Leedy, San Rafael CA 57.77% 2.85 13 8 Kristin Steinmetz, Portland OR; Paul Walker, Oregon City OR 57.47% 2.66 14 David Gordon - Rosalind Gordon, Lake Worth FL 56.90% 2.50 15 Jody Newman, Tiburon CA; Lillian Trac, San Rafael CA 56.88% 2.35 16 Gerry Gastelum - Nancy Raiche, Manhattan Beach CA 56.74% 2.30 17 9 Bette Hirsch - Joseph Hirsch, Palo Alto CA 56.52% 2.97 18 Paulette Moe, Ross CA; Carolyn Farren, Larkspur CA 56.44% 2.65 19 Brian Childers, Germantown MD; Mary Baxter, Silver Spring MD 56.41% 2.42 20 10 Ken Pelowski - Lori Mirek, Atherton CA 56.33% 2.12 21 Carol Ramberg - Irene White, Fair Oaks Ranch TX 56.09% 1.74 22 Thomas Busch, West Lafayette IN; Tony Mason, Oakley CA 55.95% 1.69 23 Susan Glasspiegel - Robert Glasspiegel, Simsbury CT 55.85% 1.84 24 Lee Stem - Laima Stem, Mississauga ON 55.79% 1.61 25 Barbara Boyle - Siesel Maibach, San Francisco CA 55.68% 3.05 26 11 4 Douglas Leggett - Debra Leggett, Sacramento CA 55.50% 1.43 27 Susan Montgomery - Joann Goodspeed, New York NY 55.46% 2.03 28 12 Alan Woodberry - David Ehlers, Orinda CA 55.44% 1.33 29 Miriam McPhaul, Mill Valley CA; Lani Valentine, Belvedere CA 55.18% 1.98 30 13 Sidney Landman, Clayton CA; Irwin Javinsky, Moraga CA 54.71% 2.41 31 14 5 Linda Fong - Julie Wong, Tiburon CA 54.30% 1.64 32 Andrea Johnson, Tiburon CA; Gwen Toso, Corte Madera CA 54.03% 1.61 33 Dwight Curry, Lincoln CA; William Georgi, Stayton OR 53.93% 1.70 34 15 Karen Klug - Norman Jacox, Portland OR 53.92% 2.42 35 Melvin Rosen, Mill Valley CA; David Ganz, Novato CA 53.69% 1.08 36 Dee Fulton, Holualoa HI; Niel Thomas, Kamuela HI 53.54% 1.48 37 16 Kathy Wheeler, Half Moon Bay CA; Stephanie Youngquist, Palo Alto CA 53.51% 1.28 17 Bob Gleason, San Carlos CA; Ayako Narumi, Belmont CA 53.45% 1.21 18 Herbert Nakagawa, Honolulu HI; David Ouyang, Waianae HI 52.80% 1.29 19 Susan Dietz, San Jose CA; Linda Kenigsberg, Saratoga CA 52.73% 2.45 20 David Newell - Cynthia Marks, Safety Harbor FL 52.44% 2.07 21 6 Kirsten Beda - Brigitte Sandquist, San Francisco CA 52.29% 1.82 7 David Rogers Oliver Jr. - Linda Bithell Oliver, Trinidad CA 52.22% 1.61 8 Skip Seroy, Lafayette CA; Dean Ruddell, Martinez CA 52.21% 1.45 9 Leslie Zimring - Michael Zimring, San Rafael CA 52.02% 1.55 10 Marjory Greenwald, Palo Alto CA; Lorie Pelc, Los Altos CA 51.66% 1.16 11/12 Jeremy Bowman, Vancouver BC; David Allen, Edmonds WA 51.48% 1.82 11/12 Jeanne McEwan - Robert McEwan, Moraga CA 51.48%

TUESDAY AFTERNOON SIDE PAIRS 24.0 Tables A B C 7.37 1 1 Walter Maxymuk, Moorestown NJ; Gene Keidan, Sarasota FL 63.77% 5.53 2 2 Naresh Kapila, Auburn Hills MI; Martha Hawley, Carmel Valley CA 62.68% 4.15 3 3 Maja, Marina CA; Sharon Larson, Carmel CA 61.59% 3.11 4 4 Jerry Thorpe, Tacoma WA; William Golush, Denville NJ 60.60% 2.33 5 5 Neil Joseph Smyth, Santa Cruz CA; Roger Smith, Modesto CA 59.24% 1.53 6/7 6/7 John White - Lynne White, Lincoln CA 57.61% 1.99 6/7 6/7 Charles Riffle, Emerald Hills CA; Douglas Grant, San Francisco CA 57.61% 3.33 1 Rochelle Alhadeff - Francine Effren, Saratoga CA 55.43% 2.50 2 Robert Dawson, Littleton CO; Mark Langer, Racine WI 54.44% 1.87 3 Sol Weinstein - Ann Weinstein, Yonkers NY 54.26% 1.40 4 Richard Bryant - Kathy Feeney, Tucson AZ 51.54% 1.05 5 Cynthia Tingey, Fresno CA; Enaid Savage, Guanajuato Mexico 50.72%

continued from page 1


Second in the 0-10,000 IMP Pairs: Ron Feldman and William Schreiberwon the Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs earlier this year and has two previous second-place finishes in 10K events.

Feldman and Schreiber won the qualifying round on Monday and had a carryover of 17.00 IMPs, but their final session scores of 41.87 and 19.73 left them just short of the winners.

A close match was also in the works when No. 3 Nick Nickell met Peter Crouch and company, with Crouch leading 79-76 after three quarters. But Nickell’s fearsome reputation as fourth-quarter wizards was once again on display, as they posted 50 IMPs in the last set, while Crouch could only manage 16. Nickell goes to the semifinal round, 126-95.

continued from page 1


Notice of binding arbitration

By becoming an ACBL member or renewing your membership in the ACBL, you expressly agree to waive your right to have disputes between you and the ACBL resolved in a court of law and agree to accept the use of binding arbitration before the American Arbitration Association. The binding arbitration provisions are available for review at

NABC results by email/text

Want to be notified when results and the Daily Bulletins from the NABC are posted online? Want to see your results in the events you played in? ACBL Live does just that.

With the ACBL Live notification system, you will receive emails and/or text messages after each session with links that go directly to the information you’re looking for. The email/text message will contain your score for the session and a link to your results. (These results will also be available on your MyResults page at MyACBL.) Players will also receive a notification to indicate when the Daily Bulletin for that day is available.

This service is automatic for members unless they have specifically opted out. To receive text messages, go to MyACBL at and select Update My Information to enter your email address and/or cell phone number.

Also at MyACBL, visit the Privacy Settings tab to make sure you’ve selected the Subscribe setting for General Email Communication and Cell Phone Text Communication to receive these notifications.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 10

As Americans celebrate Thanksgiving and we all look forward to year-end holidays, it’s time to plan 2020 tournament bridge. Expect another great year at Mid-Atlantic Regionals, perennially the best and biggest throughout the ACBL. Hospitality is our calling card, and we find a way to schedule what players want – regardless of ability and experience.

• Myrtle Beach, SC - Dec. 30-Jan. 5, Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes (843) 449-8880. Ring in 2020 with your bridge friends and walk the white sands along the Atlantic Ocean. Co-chair: Blondelle Grant (843) 240-5236,

• Williamsburg, VA - Feb. 3-9, DoubleTree by Hilton (757) 220-2500. Colonial Williamsburg, in addition to a popular biennial regional, offers fine restaurants and traditional Virginia hospitality. Co-chair: Sally James (423) 667-4869,

• Hilton Head Island, SC - Feb. 24-March 1, Marriott Resort and Spa (843) 686-8400. Finally, we’re going annual at this popular venue (more than 3,000 tables). The beachfront resort has a $119/night bridge rate - with no parking, internet or resort fees. Co-chair: Tom Schlossberg (843) 368-6690,

• Gatlinburg, TN - April 20-26, Gatlinburg Convention Center. Join us for another edition of America’s Favorite Regional and Springtime in the Great Smokey Mountains. Choose from a menu of new game times and virtually any event. Co-chairs: Julia and Pete Misslin (423) 884-3550,

• Raleigh, NC - May 18-24, Hilton North Raleigh/Midtown (919) 872-2323. A big biennial tournament, so book early to enjoy the host’s $85/night bridge rate. We’ve tweaked the schedule to end Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Co-chair: Barbara Hudson (919) 413-7677,

• Reston, VA - June 29-July 5, Hyatt Regency, Reston Town Center (800) 233-1234. Enjoy the Fourth of July near the nation’s capital. Fun, excellent restaurants within walking distance of hotel. Chairs: Marty and Ross Bley (240) 441-9885,

• Columbia, SC - July 27-Aug. 2, DoubleTree by Hilton (803) 731-0300. Very accessible venue, near Interstates 20, 26 and 77 and a short ride from the airport. Enjoy scenic walks along the Congaree, Broad and Bush rivers. Co-chairs: Lee and Chris Webb (803) 331-6894,

• Baltimore, MD - Aug. 17-23, Hilton Inner Harbor (855) 672-1138. Great new site, as we move from the country to the bustling city. Enjoy waterfront nightlife and virtually any kind of food - including, of course, Baltimore seafood. Co-chair: Mary Jo Chiesa (410) 353-7953,

• Atlanta, GA - Sept. 1-7, Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel (770) 953-4500. The annual Labor Day regional moves to a new site near The Battery and Sun Trust Park, home of the Braves (and away from Perimeter Mall congestion). Co-chair: Jack Feagin (404) 966-8469,

• Charlotte, NC - Oct. 26-Nov. 1, Hilton Charlotte University Place (704) 547-7444. Great location near UNC-Charlotte, and with a large pond and boardwalk lined with restaurants. Discover why this is the ACBL’s sixth largest regional in 2019. Co-chair: Arnold Hoffmann (980) 254-7576,

• Chesapeake, MD - Nov. 9-15, Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort (888) 421-1442. Book early, as rooms always sell out at this gorgeous retreat on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Co-chair: Shawn Stringer (301) 275-6363,

• North Charleston, SC - Dec. 28-Jan. 3, Embassy Suites & Convention Center (843) 747-1882. This biennial event is the league’s largest New Year’s regional. With hotel rates of $107/night, the host will sell out early. Co-chair: Ray Benton (843) 209-1471,

Fliers on information tables.Online:,

From Districts 6 & 7 in the Mid-Atlantic

EntriesA valid ACBL player number is required to play

in all events at the NABC.All North American championships with no

upper masterpoint limit $30 per player per session(For team events, this means $120 per team per

session for four-person teams, $150 per team per session for five-person teams, and $180 per team per session for six-person teams. Only ACBL members current on their dues and service fees are eligible to play in NABC+ events. $1.50 per person per session benefits the International Fund.)

Other North American championships $22 per player per session (For the team events, this means $88 per team per session for teams of four, $110 per team per session for teams of five, and $132 per team per session for teams of six. Only ACBL members current on their dues and service fees are eligible to play in these events.)

Regional championships $20 for ACBL members, $24 for inactive members per player per session

(For multi-session team events of three sessions or more, the entry fee is $80, $100 or $120 for teams of four, five or six, respectively. For team events of one or two sessions, the entry fee is $80.)

Events with a masterpoint limit of 300 or lower $15 for ACBL members, $19 for inactive members per player per session

Screen fees $10 per session per pair and $20 per session per team is added to events when screens are in use.

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY AFTERNOON 299ER PAIRS 26.0 Tables A B C 5.40 1 1 Gretchen Shively - Chuck Shively, Seattle WA 62.50% 4.05 2 2 Dianne Giancarlo, Atherton CA; Pamela Mann, San Francisco CA 61.93% 3.04 3 Charlene Friedman, Menlo Park CA; Cynthia Yock, Atherton CA 61.55% 2.63 4 3 David Soshnik, Clayton MO; Chuck Yokota, St. Louis MO 60.04% 2.53 5 4 1 Vincent Wu, Burlingame CA; Liz Koh, San Mateo CA 59.28% 1.48 6 5 Sandy Warren - Catherine Warren, Berkeley CA 59.09% 1.11 6 Naomi Spiegelman, Mill Valley CA; David Gelles, West Richland WA 58.71% 1.90 2 Wil Dopkins, Carmichael CA; Don Garka, Livermore CA 57.39% 1.51 3 Chuck Silva, Lafayette CA; Wendy Schwartz, Walnut Creek CA 57.01% 1.07 4 Marilyn Press, Menlo Park CA; Clive Surfleet, Los Altos CA 55.87% 0.80 5 Lynne Crawford - Marilynne Solloway, San Francisco CA 53.98%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY AFTERNOON 99ER PAIRS 10.0 Tables A B C 2.67 1 Malgorzata Koziol, Las Vegas NV; Allan McAllister, Oakland CA 77.64% 2.00 2 1 Arlene Holt, Sonoma CA; Mary Francis, Somoma CA 58.71% 1.50 3 Glenys Kaye - James Kaye, Roseville CA 57.82% 1.13 4 Jim Taylor, Santa Rosa CA; Mark Rudow, Santa Rosa CA 54.98% 1.20 5 2 Polly Bell - Deneys Purcell, Los Angeles CA 54.46% 1.45 6 3 1 Carol Lashman, Redwood City CA; Nancy Hoeck, Burlingame CA 52.68% 1.09 4 2 Carole Seed - Mikki Kindelberger, Stockton CA 50.04% 0.82 3 Wally Manheimer - Eileen Manheimer, Allendale NJ 45.65%

NABC Electronic Device Policy

Except by permission of the director in charge, any electronic equipment or device capable of receiving or sending an electronic signal, or capable of communicating in any way, may not be operated or functioning in any manner in the playing area during a session of play. Any such equipment must not be visible during the session and must remain off at all times.

The above restrictions apply to all players, captains, coaches, kibitzers and play recorders except those persons granted permission by the ACBL, and are in force throughout any playing session or segment of play. Further restrictions and requirements apply in events involving live internet and/or vugraph coverage.

A violation of any of the above restrictions will result in an automatic penalty, pursuant to Law 91 of the Laws of Duplicate Bridge.

NABC+ events• First offense of any kind (ringing, answering or

initiating a call, texting or browsing) in a session: One full board, 12 IMPs or 20% of the maximum available VPs per match, at the respective form of scoring.

• Second offense in the same session or third offense within the event, disqualification of the pair or team from the event.

Other events• First offense, in the same session – ringing

only: one-quarter board, 3 IMPs or 1 VP, at the respective form of scoring; first offense in the same session – answering or initiating a call, texting or browsing: one-half board, 6 IMPs or 2 VPs, at the respective form of scoring.

• Second offense in the same session: two full boards, 20 IMPs or 50% of the maximum available VPs per match, at the respective form of scoring.

• Third offense in the event: disqualification of the pair or team from the event.

Kibitzers violating this policy will be removed from the playing area for the remainder of the session.

This policy applies to all events at NABCs.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 11Daily Bulletin


16 Demirev w/d17 Korbel 147

9 Fleisher 11024 Ventin 130

8 Hill 10525 Cayne 132

5 Kasle 12028 Xu 141

12 Rippey 12221 Lebowitz 126

13 Ginossar 10220 Blass npc 210

4 Tulin 8229 Onstott 84

2 Lavazza 24431 Questembert 60

15 Rosenthal 16918 Levine 87

10 Zimmermann 20723 Mandala 90

7 Gupta 13026 Street 136

6 Zagorin 4527 Zhao 130

11 Crouch 14922 De Leon 120

14 Lall 13219 Pavlicek 90

3 Nickell 13530 Molenaar 82

1 Spector 12916 (17) Korbel 87

9 (24) Ventin 1138 (25) Cayne 70

5 (28) Xu w/d12 (21) Lebowitz 130

13 (20) Blass npc 1514 (29) Onstott 68

2 Lavazza 10015 Rosenthal 121

10 Zimmermann 1287 (26) Street 80

6 (27) Zhao 6811 Crouch 128

14 Lall 903 Nickell 143

1 Spector 46 91 1468 (24) Ventin 12 24 51 w/d

5 (21) Lebowitz 45 81 100 119 4 (20) Blass npc 34 90 138 166

2 (15) Rosenthal 33 78 91 1467 (10) Zimmermann 14 72 95 119

6 (11) Crouch 20 48 79 953 Nickell 26 54 76 126

1 Spector 16232 Pellegrini 123

32 TablesWarren Spector, Palm Beach FL; Gavin Wolpert, Palm Beach Gardens FL; Vincent Demuy, Palm Beach Gardens FL; John Kranyak, Las Vegas NV; John Hurd, New York NY; Joel Wooldridge, Astoria NY vsJosef Blass (npc); Jacek Pszczola, Chapel Hill NC; Jacek Kalita, Warsaw Poland; Michal Nowosadzki, Wejherowo Poland; Sjoert Brink - Sebastiaan Drijver, Geneva Switzerland

Nick Nickell, New York NY; Ralph Katz, Burr Ridge IL; Jeff Meckstroth, Clearwater Beach FL; Eric Rodwell, Clearwater FL; Robert Levin, Henderson NV; Steve Weinstein, Montclair NJ vsAndrew Rosenthal - Aaron Silverstein - Chris Willenken - Jan Jansma, New York NY; Boye Brogeland, Flekkefjor Norway; Christian Bakke, Bergen Norway

80.00 5/8 Pierre Zimmermann - Geir Helgemo - Franck Multon - Tor Helness, Monaco; Michal Klukowski, Poland; Piotr Gawrys, Warsaw Poland 80.00 5/8 Peter Crouch, Surrey England; Simon Cope, Hertfordshire UK; Espen Erichsen, Tunbridge Wells UK; Fredrik Helness, Oslo Norway 80.00 5/8 Laurence Lebowitz, Boston MA; Adam Grossack - Zachary Grossack, Newton MA; Michael Rosenberg, Sunnyvale CA; Johan Upmark - Fredrik Nystrom, Stockholm Sweden 80.00 5/8 Juan Carlos Ventin, Barcelona Spain; Frederic Wrang, Stockholm Sweden; Antonio Palma, Evora Portugal; Diego Brenner, Barcelona Spain; Miguel Villas-Boas, Salvador Brazil



1 Spector 4 (20) Blass npc

2 (15) Rosenthal3 Nickell

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 12

MONDAY-TUESDAY DAYLIGHT KO 1 9 Tables 35.14 1 Robert Hollman, Santa Barbara CA; Bruce Ferguson, Palm Springs CA; Neil Chambers, Schenectady NY; John Schermer, Seattle WA; Veri Kiljan, Tilburg Netherlands; Luc Tijssen, Tilburg Netherlands24.60 2 Hilda Setton, Italy; Pierre Franceschetti, Paris France; Quentin Robert, Paris France; Julien Bernard, Le Vesinet France; Nicholas Lhuissier, Rueil Malmaison France; Jerome Rombaut, Hem France 17.22 3 Ruth Fleischmann, New York NY; Mustafa Cem Tokay, Manhattan NY; Gokhan Yilmaz, Istanbul Turkey; Omer Ekinci, Astoria NY 14.60 4 Giuseppina Di Dio - Gianni Balbi - Franco Caviezel, Venice Italy; Peter Schneider, New York City NY

MONDAY-TUESDAY DAYLIGHT KO 2 12 Tables 18.80 1 Lynne Koeppel - Betty Levin - Jess Jurkovic - Robert Barrington, New York NY 13.16 2 Brian Samuels - Jan Samuels - Kip Kado - Barbara Shukov, Los Altos CA 7.52 3/4 Steve Chen - Sarah Chen - Charlie Chen - Andrew Chen, San Jose CA 7.52 3/4 Cyndy Sidore - Dennis Viner, Princeville HI; John Tippet, Fort Collins CO; Loring Harkness III, Kilauea HI

MONDAY-TUESDAY DAYLIGHT KO 3 12 Tables 13.32 1 Brian Castle - Patrick Staley, San Diego CA; Linda Atkinson, Encinitas CA; Ramey Farah, La Jolla CA 9.32 2 Jon Rayden - Donald Cohn - Buz Battle, Los Altos CA; Richard Herzog, Los Altos Hills CA 5.33 3/4 Dale Berger, New York NY; Bonnie Apfelbaum, Greenwich CT; Nance Lodge, Rancho Mirage CA; Barbara Astrin, Encino CA 5.33 3/4 Lily Lister - Lamya Abougoush - Frances McDonald - Nancy Engbloom, Calgary AB

MONDAY-TUESDAY DAYLIGHT KO 4 14 Tables 10.95 1 Xuyang Zhang - Suhang Li - Ziqian Wang - Yufan Chen - Jiayi Shi - Shuoming Ma, Shanghai People’s Republic of China 7.67 2 Robert Barnes, Concord CA; Furqan Naeem, Pittsburgh CA; Clare Smith, Walnut Creek CA; Jeanette Bartz, Clayton CA 4.38 3/4 Peter Krag - Ashish Gupta - Andrew Hong, San Francisco CA; David Gelles, West Richland WA 4.38 3/4 Mary-Jill Clemens, Moraga CA; Karen Corburn, Brentwood CA; Yilmaz Ozturhan, San Ramon CA; Bill LeMaire, El Sobrante CA

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY MORNING NEWCOMER PAIRS 9.0 Tables A B C 2.03 1 1 Nancy Hoeck, Burlingame CA; Carol Lashman, Redwood City CA 66.53% 1.53 2 2 1 Richard Jacobs - Bruce Pollock, Piedmont CA 61.37% 1.14 3 3 Sandra Fricke - Christine Ely, Half Moon Bay CA 59.19% 1.15 4 4 2 Cynthia Peterson - Frannie Prewitt, Larkspur CA 59.06% 0.64 5 5 Carole Seed - Mikki Kindelberger, Stockton CA 58.06% 0.86 3 Laurie Kahn - Wendy Grossman, Greenbrae CA 56.35% 0.65 4 Phelps Witter, San Francisco CA; Thomas Greer, Moraga CA 54.59%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY AFTERNOON SIDE SWISS TEAMS 22 Tables A B C 6.83 1 1 Louis Golm - Linda Golm - Bette Meers-O’Hara - Michael O’Hara, San Francisco CA 57.00 4.48 2/3 2 Gary Near - Louis Lipset - Don Friedman - Robert Byrum, San Francisco CA 55.00 4.48 2/3 Giuseppina Di Dio - Franco Caviezel - Gianni Balbi, Venice Italy; Peter Schneider, New York City NY 55.00 3.26 4 3 Lily Lister - Lamya Abougoush - Nancy Engbloom - Frances McDonald, Calgary AB 54.00 2.16 5 Will Sutherland, North York ON; Alan Schneider - Sherie Schneider, Beverly Hills CA; Viktor Anikovich, Los Angeles CA 50.00 2.45 6 4 Frank Mainzer, San Francisco CA; Kathy Sanders, Mill Valley CA; Jerry Mednick, San Rafael CA; Cindy Blum, Novato CA 49.00 2.66 5 1 Mary-Jill Clemens, Moraga CA; Yilmaz Ozturhan, San Ramon CA; Bill LeMaire, El Sobrante CA; Karen Corburn, Brentwood CA 46.00 1.38 6 Steve Chen - Sarah Chen - Charlie Chen - Andrew Chen, San Jose CA 44.00 2.00 2 Claire Zimmerman - Thomas Zimmerman, Pearland TX; Cindy Schaefer - Alan Schaefer, Houston TX 39.00 1.31 3/4 Gale Gropp, Bellingham WA; Marilyn Knipp, Delta BC; Nanette Hittmeier - Judy Duning, Olympia WA 38.00 1.31 3/4 Thomas Riley - Nancy Thomas, Concord CA; Ray Bauer, Clayton CA; Pete Davis, Lafayette CA 38.00

VendorsPlayers are invited to check out the vendors on

the bottom level of the Marriott. Whether you’re in the market for bridge-related books, software, dealing machines, jewelry or clothing, you’ll find it there.

Email usGot a hand you’d like to share or a nice story?

We’d love to see it: You’ll also find our email address on the front page of the paper under the “Daily Bulletin” between the date and the editors’ names.

This email address won’t be checked with any regularity when the NABC is not in session, so please continue to use our office email addresses for non-tournament–related correspondence.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 13Daily Bulletin

The Life of a Player MemoBy National Recorder Robb GordonOur Code of Disciplinary Regulations (CDR)

defines a Player Memo thus: “A written document informing the recorder about an incident. The player memo is not necessarily a complaint, but it may be used as the basis for a complaint.”

I put “written” in bold type because no action can be taken by the Recorder unless there is some writing. We have electronic Player Memo forms that you can complete online at These are submitted directly to the Office of National Recorder. If you prefer a paper form, you can (i) print a PDF from that link above, (ii) request it from any tournament director, or (iii) obtain it at the designated Player Memo stations at the NABCs.

But if you have access to none of these, you can simply write your concern in your own words – preferably sent by email to The reason we like the form is because it requests information that we need, and having it on the form saves time.

Most of the time, you will play and have no difficulties with anybody else except for technical stuff that is handled by the tournament director. But when there is an incident at a tournament involving bad behavior or ethical issues such as unauthorized information, it is important to fill out a Player Memo. This is the only way we know that a few of our members have issues.

Two very important tips: 1. When there is a problem, whether rude behavior,

a break in tempo, or other issues, call the director. Many times, the director can adjudicate a situation before it becomes something bitter. If something occurs away from the table, calling a director might not be possible.

2. Just because you have called the director does not mean you shouldn’t fill out a Player Memo. But when you do, please know or learn the director’s name. If you fill the Player Memo out at the tournament, give it back to your table director so that he/she may make comments while the incident is fresh. If the Player Memo is filled out at the tournament

and the Recorder happens to be present, the Tournament Director-in-Charge might simply hand deliver it. Otherwise, they will just transmit it to us via You may also do this.

The Office of National Recorder will docket the form and forward a copy to the Recorder in the unit or district having jurisdiction (only the district after Jan. 1, 2020).

You will receive a confirmation of receipt from us if we are the initial recipients. If you don’t receive this, there is a problem. Please contact

If the player making the report has filed “confidentially” there is little we can do but file the Player Memo, but assuming confidentiality is waived, we will begin investigating. We will not accept Player Memos that are unsigned, but we will protect your identity if you so request.

In the course of the investigation, we generally contact the (i) subject (there are times when we do not do that right away if we think there is actual cheating) (ii) the Tournament Director if we know who he or she is, and (iii) witnesses. Sometimes (at major NABC events for example) we can consult the video recording of the table if this is necessary. We will also review a player’s file to see if there are additional Player Memos from the past five years that suggest a pattern of behavior.

Having gathered the evidence one of three things will happen:1. The Recorder will determine that there has been

no CDR violation and will just file the document.2. The Recorder will determine that there was likely

a CDR violation, but nothing provable or serious. The Recorder will counsel the subject.

3. The Recorder will determine that there is prima facie evidence of a CDR violation(s) and will file a Recorder complaint with the charging party (usually a district president, or the ACBL executive director). At that point, the focus moves to the charging

party. He/she will review the complaint and the evidence and confirm that he/she has jurisdiction over the matter and whether the evidence points to violations of the CDR. If so, then the charging party will write a “Charge Letter” and forward it to the relevant disciplinary chair who will form a committee and arrange a hearing date and location.

To put all this in perspective, through Sept. 30 this office received 216 Player Memos in 2019, and 26 of these resulted in charges being brought.

Because our office is a clearinghouse for all Player Memos, we no longer need to have players slipping “under the radar.” But it only works if you help!

MONDAY ZIP KO 6 Tables 2.99 1 Roger Lee - Daniel Korbel - Joshua Donn - Sylvia Shi, Las Vegas NV 2.09 2 Eric Schwartz, Arlington MA; John Ramos, Los Angeles CA; Harrison Luba, Lynnfield MA; Jeff Jacob, Vancouver WA

MONDAY-TUESDAY MORNING COMPACT KO 10 Tables 8.22 1 Julian Standen - George Jeffrey - Ronald Mulcare, San Francisco CA; R. Rozen, Bel Tiburon CA 5.75 2 Lakshmi Vora, Bloomfield Hills MI; Vishwas Gadgil, Troy MI; Deborah Goldsmith, San Diego CA; Naresh Kapila, Auburn Hills MI 3.70 3 Peter Clay - Kathleen Clay, Wellesley MA; Harold Nordstrom, Reading MA; Susan Lincoln, Boxford MA 2.88 4 Susan Morse-Lebow - Monique Thomas, Los Angeles CA; Samantha Macdouglas, Canoga Park CA; Sheila Leventhal, Palm Beach Gardens FL

TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY MORNING COMPACT KO 1 9 TablesPhyllis Landry, Orleans ON; Margaret Taylor - Patti McCabe, Ottawa ON; Shawn Cantlin, Tracy CA vsToyohiko Ozawa, Kawasaki City Japan; Midori Horikawa - Ishino Hiroko, Tokyo Japan; Ayako Nagayama, Portland OR

Alfred Lee, Foster City CA; Ken Gee, Regina SK; Cliff Campbell, Thunder Bay ON; Jan Zadroga, Todz Poland vsNorma Shaw - Michelle Rosenzweig - Cheryl Miller - Carole Bennett Cardinal, Santa Barbara CA

TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY MORNING COMPACT KO 2 9 TablesPatricia Young - Vilas Bankar – L. Mizrahi - Rebecca Pilshaw, Bakersfield CA vsHelen Spalding - Daphne Bransten, San Francisco CA; Christiane Turner, Ketchum ID; Linda Bucklin, Mill Valley CA

Charlene Friedman, Menlo Park CA; Cynthia Yock - Dianne Giancarlo, Atherton CA; Pamela Mann, San Francisco CA vsDeborah Drysdale - Eddie Tsaowu, San Francisco CA; Vincent Wu, Burlingame CA; Liz Koh, San Mateo CA

Age requirement for Senior events

You must at least 60 years old to play in ACBL Senior events through 2019.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 14

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY OPEN PAIRS 24.0 Tables / Based on 63 Tables A B C 35.92 1 1 Yi Ouyang, Albany CA; Kun-Chieh Wang, Sunnyvale CA 60.55% 26.94 2 Joann Glasson - Bob Glasson, Pennington NJ 57.89% 20.21 3 2 Bruce Blakely, San Rafael CA; Patricia Irwin, Mill Valley CA 57.77% 15.15 4 Ulf Nilsson, Dalby Sweden; Joan Cremin, Paradise Valley AZ 56.81% 11.97 5 Bryan Storey, Frisco TX; Norman Beck, Dallas TX 56.08% 10.26 6 Donald Kersey - Paddy Allan, Kingston ON 55.71% 8.98 7 3 David Taylor - Sue Anderson, Seattle WA 55.28% 7.98 8 Richard Williams - Jody Williams, San Carlos CA 55.12% 7.18 9 4 Phillip Frankel - Leslie Reynolds, McKinleyville CA 55.08% 6.53 10 5 Henryk Szejnwald - Richard O’Brien, Los Altos CA 55.07% 5.99 11 Terry McHenry, Sarasota FL; Peter Jargowsky, Boca Raton FL 54.71% 5.53 12 Maximo Crusizio, Argentina; Lisi Covarubias, Albany CA 53.99% 8.08 6 1 JC Chupack - Scott Chupack, Seattle WA 53.86% 3.93 7 Will Williams - Laurie Carr, Honolulu HI 53.54% 6.06 2 R. Shenkin - Susan Shenkin, West Chester PA 52.25% 4.55 3 Marilyn Schapiro, New York NY; Judy Gruenberger, Encinitas CA 51.77% 3.41 4 Harold George, Wichita KS; Anthony Crocker, Glendale CA 51.37% 4.22 5 David McGraham, Vancouver WA; John Wood, Blaine WA 48.99%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY GOLD RUSH PAIRS 12.0 Tables / Based on 11 Tables 7 5 3 5.51 1 1 1 Hai Zhu, Mountain View CA; John Micco, East Palo Alto CA 59.81% 4.13 2 2 Roy Tsai - Jung Hu, San Jose CA 59.20% 3.10 3 3 David Puryear - Kathy Puryear, Mountain View CA 58.23% 2.32 4 Steven Smith, Corralitos CA; Carol Avenmarg, Aptos CA 56.29% 2.11 5 4 Conrad Larkin - Harley Conner, Santa Rosa CA 56.03% 1.68 6 Carol Morse, Glen Ellen CA; Brooke Farkas, Sonoma CA 55.25% 2.20 2 Patricia Albo - Jim Albo, Mill Valley CA 47.00%

TUESDAY EVENING SIDE PAIRS 12.5 Tables A B C 4.98 1 1 Michael Kelley - Martina Kelley, Lake Zurich IL 63.29% 3.74 2 2 1 Sharon Larson, Carmel CA; - Maja, Marina CA 61.55% 2.45 3/4 3/4 Brian McGuire, United Kingdom; Marcello Golfieri, Mountain View CA 57.58% 2.45 3/4 3/4 Terrance Hill - Paul Hochfeld, Corvallis OR 57.58% 1.88 5 5 Sylvia Riewerts, Milwaukie OR; Joe Rottmann, Vancouver WA 56.99% 1.34 6 6 Isabelle Bello - Mejio Thizy, Paris France 54.90% 2.40 2 Michael Ravera - David Sisson, Fremont CA 52.65% 1.80 3 Arlene Geisler - Kenneth Geisler, Clarkston MI 52.45% 1.35 4 Dolf Daam, Victoria BC; Eileen Rush, The Villages FL 50.95%

PEGGY TATRO TUESDAY EVENING 299ER PAIRS 8.0 Tables A B C 2.70 1 Nancy Leonard - Jo Lepley, Santa Barbara CA 65.18% 2.27 2 1 Maxine Reagh, Sebastopol CA; Cathy Wagener, Petaluma CA 63.10% 1.89 3 2 1 Jane Maloney, Incline Village NV; Christian Goetze, San Francisco CA 61.31% 1.14 4 Brad Hanna - Jeanette Hanna, Clackamas OR 59.82% 0.85 5 John Snyder - Carol Snyder, Goleta CA 56.85% 1.24 3/4 2/3 Rita Vachani, Lexington MA; Jory Agate, Cambridge MA 50.60% 1.24 3/4 2/3 Laurie Vree - Kim Morris, Santa Rosa CA 50.60%

MONDAY-TUESDAY KO 1 9 Tables 43.40 1 Gaylor Kasle, Boca Raton FL; Piotr Tuczynski, Poznan Poland; Joshua Donn, Las Vegas NV; Michal Kwiecien, Lublin Poland; Wlodzimierz Starkowski, Poznan Poland; Bartosz Chmurski, Lomianky Poland 30.38 2 Justine Cushing - Melih Ozdil, New York NY; Sadik Arf, Saratoga CA; Apolinary Kowalski, Warsaw Poland; Jacek Romanski, Lublin Poland 17.36 3/4 Rose Meltzer, Chapel Hill NC; Nikolay Demirev, Arlington Heights IL; Andrzej Knap - Arthur Wasik, Madrid Spain; Piotr Nawrocki, Warsaw Poland; Piotr Wiankowski, Gdansk Poland 17.36 3/4 Shen Qi, Shanghai People’s Republic of China; Di Zheng, Los Angeles CA; Wei Zhang, Suzhou People’s Republic of China; Liang Li - Wen Hu, Nanjing People’s Republic of China; Zuo Xiao Xue, Horn Lake MS

MONDAY-TUESDAY KO 2 14 Tables 18.75 1 Anne Wilson, San Jose CA; Carolyn Drozdiak, Los Gatos CA; Marilyn Bowie, Reno NV; Diane Weissman, Fountain Hills AZ 13.13 2 R. Carmel Bailey - Candace Flemming - Helen Prowse - Kathryn MacIsaac, Halifax NS 7.50 3/4 Chuck Reppas, Leavenworth WA; Kit Morse, San Mateo CA; Ralph Lipe - Lynda Lipe, Bellevue WA 7.50 3/4 Kathie Hoehne, Anchorage AK; Shirley Liss, Fairbanks AK; Terrance Hill - Paul Hochfeld, Corvallis OR

HARVEY BRODY TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY KO 1 14 TablesPaul Street, Delray Beach FL; Nicolas L’Ecuyer, Montreal QC; Thomas Bessis, Paris France; Frederic Volcker, Issy Les Moulin France; Tom Hanlon, Dublin Ireland; Cedric Lorenzini, Cachan France vsJoyce Hill, St. Augustine FL; Kevin Dwyer - Shan Huang, Melbourne FL; Kevin Bathurst, Palm Beach Gardens FL; Justin Lall, Little Elm TX

Mike Levine, Boca Raton FL; Eddie Wold, Houston TX; Simon De Wijs, Doorn Netherlands; Bauke Muller, Zwaag Netherlands; Mike Passell, Plano TX; Marc Jacobus, Las Vegas NV vsMike Rippey, Orinda CA; Kamil Nowak, Kielce Poland; Leonardo Cima, Roma Italy; Giovanni Donati, Italy; Tarek Sadek - Walid Elahmady, Cairo Egypt

HARVEY BRODY TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY KO 2 14 TablesRobert Perlsweig, Pacific Plsds CA; Pam Wittes, Venice CA; Robert Kent - Ellen Kent, Chicago IL vsRebecca Clough - Roger Clough, Culver City CA; Subba Ravipudi, Downey CA; Gale Senter, San Clemente CA

Nancy Jonske, Portland OR; Roger McNay, Beaverton OR; Charles Swart, Alameda CA; Phil Feldman, Los Angeles CA vsGeeske Joel, Palo Alto CA; Daniela von Arnim, Hockenheim Germany; Roland Rohowsky, Nueruberg Germany; William Watson, Sunnyvale CA

HARVEY BRODY TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY KO 3 14 TablesN Dennis Berg - David Roe - Hal Saunders - Dawn Ligon, Santa Barbara CA vsCarol Reiss, Albertson NY; Ann Goldberg, Fort Lauderdale FL; Jan Frey, Lake Worth FL; Anne Stuckler, Bayside NY

Ivy Steinberg - Allan Quaile, Stouffville ON; Brenda Griffiths - Doug Darnley, Pickering ON vsS. Andrew Sass, Fremont CA; James Coke, Shingle Springs CA; Susan Bogan, Fair Oaks CA; Karl Zaman, Strongsville OH

Use of the bidding box – Alerts and Announcements

When using bidding boxes, the ACBL requires that players tap the Alert strip and say “Alert” at the same time.

When making an Announcement, use the Announcement word (such as “transfer”) and tap the Alert strip at the same time. A player who Alerts or Announces a bid must make sure his opponents are aware that an Alert or Announcement has been made.

Buy your NABC entry online

Don’t wait in line! Buy your entries in advance for all national-level events at

Entries must be purchased by 10 a.m. the day of the event EXCEPT for events that require pre-registration, in which case the ACBL deadline, or the earlier of the two, applies.

A nice feature: You can buy entries in advance and be charged for the total number of sessions played after the event is over.

Playing in an NABC+ pairs game? Buy your entry early!

In an effort to speed up the start of all NABC+ pairs events – which require additional time for proper seeding – the ACBL asks participants to please buy their entries at least 15 minutes before game time. This is especially true if you expect to be a seeded pair.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Page 15Daily Bulletin

Tomorrow’s Bridge Events

MonitoringACBL monitors events at North American Bridge

Championships with both visible and concealed real-time cameras in public spaces. The images are recorded and available for later inspection and review by ACBL management and tournament officials, among others, including members of the Anti-Cheating Commission. These recordings are also uploaded to the internet following the NABC.

By general monitoring of the session and participants’ behavior, ACBL has another source of information that may be useful in determining facts and settling issues or disputes arising from some types of ethical and behavioral complaints or actions. Please summon a director if a problem occurs at the table. This procedure is intended to assure everyone that the playing field is level and that misbehavior will not be tolerated.

Thursday, December 5, 9 a.m.Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members* OtherThursday-Friday Morning Compact Knockout Teams 1-2 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24Wednesday-Thursday Morning Compact Knockout Teams 3-4 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24Unit 512 Wine Country Thursday-Saturday Morning Side Game 1st single session Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24

Thursday, December 5, 10 a.m.299er & 99er Pairs single $15 $190-20 Pairs single $15 $15

Thursday, December 5, 10 a.m. & 3 p.m.Daylight A/X Open Pairs (unlimited/6000) 1-2 Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24Daylight B/C Open Pairs (3000/1500) 1-2 Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24Daylight Gold Rush Pairs (750/300/200) 1-2 Golden Gate A, Level B2 $20 $24Thursday-Friday Daylight Knockout Teams 1-2 Golden Gate B, Level B2 $20 $24

Thursday, December 5, Noon & 7 p.m.SOLOWAY KNOCKOUT TEAMS 1-2 F Sierra J, 5th Floor $30 + screen fee of $20/team/session

Thursday, December 5, 1 p.m.Wednesday-Thursday Side Game 3rd single session Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24

Thursday, December 5, 1 & 4:30 p.m.0-10,000 FAST OPEN PAIRS 1-2 Q Yerba Buena 10, Bottom Level $22 — 2 qualifying & 2 final sessions.

Thursday, December 5, 1 & 7:30 p.m.KAPLAN BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 1-2 F Yerba Buena 7, Bottom Level $30 + screen fee of $10/pair/sessionSENIOR MIXED PAIRS 1-2 Q Yerba Buena 9, Bottom Level $30 — 2 qualifying & 2 final sessions. Contestants must be 60 or older.0-6000 MINI-BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 1-2 F Nob Hill, Bottom Level $22 —Scott Ewing Memorial Open Pairs (unlimited/3000/750) 1-2 Yerba Buena 6, Bottom Level $20 $24Harvey Brody Memorial Compact Knockout Teams 1-4 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24Cure Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Wednesday-Thursday Knockout Teams 3-4 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24

Thursday, December 5, 3 p.m.Afternoon Side Swiss Teams single Golden Gate B, Level B2 $20 $24299er & 99er Pairs single Soma, 2nd Floor $15 $19

Thursday, December 5, 7:30 p.m.A/X/Y Evening Swiss Teams single Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24B/C/D Evening Swiss Teams single Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series 4th single session Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24299er Pairs single Soma, 2nd Floor $15 $19

Thursday, December 5, 11:30 p.m.Zip Knockout Teams single Soma, 2nd Floor $16/team/match

Note: Pre-registration for the REISINGER BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS required by 9 p.m. Thursday.

Unless otherwise noted, strata breaks for all stratified events are: A (3000+), B (750-3000), C (0-750). Three-flight events are divided A/X (6000+/0-6000); B/C (1500-3000, 0-1500); Gold Rush (300-750/200-300/0-200). Two-flight events are divided A/X/Y (6000+/4000-6000/0-4000); B/C/D (1500-3000/750-1500/ 0-750) if no Gold Rush OR A/B/C (3000+/1500-3000/0-1500) and Gold Rush (300-750/200-300/0-200). In B flights, no single player may be over 3000. In Gold Rush events, no single player may be over 750. BOLD, UPPER CASE = NABC+ events. UPPER CASE = NABC events.*Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current.

International FundIn NABC+ events, $1.50 (per person, per session) of each entry fee will be allocated to the ACBL International Fund. These funds are used to underwrite part of the expenses of ACBL players who participate in international competition.

LEE POLLAK TUESDAY EVENING A/X/Y SWISS TEAMS 12 Tables / Based on 27 Tables A B C 7.89 1 Sooja Kwon, Seoul South Korea; Yas Takeda, Hacienda Heights CA; Daniel Takahashi - Kyungwon Yoo, Las Vegas NV 57.00 5.92 2 Mike Cappelletti - Allison L. Cappelletti, Delray Beach FL; Yasuko Shrenzel, Honolulu HI; Radu Nistor, Woodside NY 50.00 4.44 3 1 1 Mindy Foos - Michael Fleisher, Campbell CA; Daniel Blaettler, Melbourne FL; Thomas Trudeau, San Antonio TX 46.00 3.33 4 Erez Hendelman - Terri Asiel, New York NY; Fred Chasalow, Belmont CA; Michael Heymann, Fort Worth TX 44.00 2.56 2 2 Hiroyuki Hagihira, Meguro-Ku Tokyo Japan; Emi Sakata, Japan; Junko Tsubaki, Tokyo Japan; Yumiko Oda, Tokyo Japan 41.00

LEE POLLAK TUESDAY EVENING B/C/D SWISS TEAMS 15 Tables B C D 5.00 1 1 1 Ed Gould - Cornelia Gould, Indian Wells CA; Edward Easley, Sacramento CA; Miriam Steinberg, Carmichael CA 61.00 3.75 2 2 2 Donald Thomas - Gary Miyata - Jewel Daniels - Roz King, San Diego CA 60.00 2.46 3/4 Donna Darvey, Rancho Mirage CA; Kathy Twomey, Bloomfield Village MI; Ilene Grabel, Palm Desert CA; Sally Craig, Port Moody BC 50.00 2.46 3/4 3 Frederick Steele - Russell Gowen - Deepak Ramanathan - Brian Wallace, San Francisco CA 50.00 1.58 5 4 3 Gloria Hersch, Healdsburg CA; Margaret Evenson - Betsy McCormick, Portland OR; Abbe Cohen, Santa Rosa CA 49.00 1.16 5 Susan Campbell, Graton CA; Eleanor Wales - Nancy Johnson, Santa Rosa CA; Patricia Hertz, Sebastopol CA 47.00

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 Daily BulletinPage 16

Tom PajakIf Tom Pajak were a

baseball player, he’d handle all nine positions flawlessly and be revered by

teammates and opponents alike. Unanimous MVP, with a smile for everyone and remarkable

aplomb in all situations. That sums up Tom’s service to Unit 502 (and the larger bridge

community) over several decades, even serving as president of District 21 for the past two years.

The Unit 502 board voted unanimously to honor Tom with this token of our thanks and admiration.

The Monday-Wednesday Morning Side Game Series is named in honor of Tom Pajak.

Terry Terzian 1957–2019Terry had been teaching

bridge since the 1970s. He was a noted bridge personality in the Bay Area and helped many players tour the world on his cruises. He loved ice skating and tennis in addition to bridge. Through his travels, he brought much joy and interesting adventures to students, partners and friends. He is truly missed.

The morning Intermediate/Newcomer games are named in memory of Terry Terzian.

Today’s Sponsors

Today’s Bridge EventsWednesday, December 4, 9 a.m.

Event Session Sold Entry/player/session ACBL members* OtherWednesday-Thursday Morning Compact Knockout Teams 1-2 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24Tuesday-Wednesday Morning Compact Knockout Teams 3-4 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24Tom Pajak Monday-Wednesday Morning Side Game Series 3rd single session Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24

Wednesday, December 4, 10 a.m.Terry Terzian Memorial 299er & 99er Pairs single Soma, 2nd Level $15 $19Terry Terzian Memorial 0-20 Pairs single Soma, 2nd Level $15 $15

Wednesday, December 4, 10 a.m. & 1 p.m.Fast Open Pairs (unlimited/3000/750) 1-2 Golden Gate A, Level B2 $20 $24

Wednesday, December 4, 10 a.m. & 3 p.m.Daylight A/X/Y Swiss Teams (unlimited/6000/4000) 1-2 Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24Bracketed B Teams (0–3000) 1-2 Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24

Wednesday, December 4, Noon & 7 p.m.SOLOWAY KNOCKOUT TEAMS 1-2 SF Sierra J, 5th Floor $30 + screen fee of $20/team/session

Wednesday, December 4, 1 p.m.Wednesday-Thursday Side Game Series 1st single session Nob Hill, Bottom Level $20 $24

Wednesday, December 4, 1 & 7:30 p.m.KAPLAN BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 1-2 SF Yerba Buena 9, Bottom Level $30 —WHITEHEAD WOMEN’S PAIRS 1-2 F Yerba Buena 9, Bottom Level $30 —0-6000 MINI-BLUE RIBBON PAIRS 1-2 SF Yerba Buena 9, Bottom Level $22 —Frank Lowenthal Memorial Open Pairs (unlimited/3000/750) 1-2 Yerba Buena 6, Bottom Level $20 $24Harvey Brody Memorial Open Swiss Teams (unlimited/3000/1500) 1-2 Yerba Buena 7, Bottom Level $20 $24 Gold Rush Swiss Teams (750/300/200) 1-2 Yerba Buena 7, Bottom Level $20 $24Cure Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Wednesday-Thursday Knockout Teams 1-2 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24 Harvey Brody Memorial Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout Teams 3-4 Yerba Buena 8, Bottom Level $20 $24

Wednesday, December 4, 3 p.m.299er & 99er Pairs single Soma, 2nd Level $15 $19

Wednesday, December 4, 7:30 p.m.Evening Board-a-Match Teams (unlimited/3000/750) single Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24 Open to Swiss drop-ins and new entrantsWednesday-Thursday Side Game Series 2nd single session Golden Gate C, Level B2 $20 $24299er Pairs single Soma, 2nd Level $15 $19

Wednesday, December 4, 11:30 p.m.Zip Knockout Teams single Soma, 2nd Level $16/team/match

Note: Pre-registration for the REISINGER BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS required by 9 p.m. Thursday.

Unless otherwise noted, strata breaks for all stratified events are: A (3000+), B (750-3000), C (0-750). Three-flight events are divided A/X (6000+/0-6000); B/C (1500-3000, 0-1500); Gold Rush (300-750/200-300/0-200). Two-flight events are divided A/X/Y (6000+/4000-6000/0-4000); B/C/D (1500-3000/750-1500/ 0-750) if no Gold Rush OR A/B/C (3000+/1500-3000/0-1500) and Gold Rush (300-750/200-300/0-200). In B flights, no single player may be over 3000. In Gold Rush events, no single player may be over 750. BOLD, UPPER CASE = NABC+ events. UPPER CASE = NABC events.*Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current.

International FundIn NABC+ events, $1.50 (per person, per session) of each entry fee will be allocated to the ACBL International Fund. These funds are used to underwrite part of the expenses of ACBL players who participate in international competition.

Frank Lowenthal 1939–2018 By Gary MacGregor Frank Lowenthal was

my friend and frequent bridge partner for 30 years. A confirmed overbidder, he often looked truly pained when forced to use the pass card. His favorite event was the IMP Pairs (license to overbid?). Most of all, Frank hated missing slams.

Born in Nazi Germany in 1939 to Jewish parents, the family was lucky to escape and emigrate to New York City. Frank attended City College of New York, later earning a doctorate in mathematics from Stanford. He taught at several universities well into his 70s.

Loving travel, he and his wife, Ann, visited almost 100 countries. He was a lifelong, passionate fan of the New York Yankees. He is missed by his family, friends, and his bridge partners.

Today’s regional Open Pairs is named in memory of Frank Lowenthal.

Harvey Brody 1939–2018Harvey Brody loved San

Francisco, and lived here for almost five decades. He was born on Sept. 16, 1939, in Kalamazoo MI and liked to joke that he flunked out of the University of Michigan three times because he found bridge to be so much more interesting than his classes. Eventually, he got his degree in finance, and moved to San Francisco where he worked as an accountant until he became a full-time bridge pro in 1988. He amassed over

19,750 masterpoints and earned the title of Grand Life Master when he won the Lebhar IMP Pairs at the 1991 Las Vegas NABC. When diagnosed with ALS two years ago, Harvey handled it his way, and passed quietly in his sleep in January 2018. The Tuesday-Wednesday Knockout Teams are named in memory of Harvey Brody.

Cure Myalgic EncephalomyelitisReferred to by CDC as “America’s hidden

health crisis,” myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome affects between 1 and 2.5 million Americans and has a disease burden comparable to that of HIV/AIDS and breast cancer. The difference is that people are generally aware of HIV/AIDS and breast cancer, but most have not heard of ME/CFS and have no idea how devastating it is, nor the large number of people afflicted, including many in our bridge community. Roughly 25% are homebound or bedbound, and up to 75% cannot work. For years ME/CFS was thought to be psychologically-based, but in 2015 the National Academy of Medicine stated in no uncertain terms that the disease is physically based. The lack of coverage in medical school curricula has resulted in a generation of health care professionals who are largely ignorant of ME/CFS. Consequently, most patients are not diagnosed, and harmful treatments still persist. Research funding by NIH is pitifully low and would need to be increased 14-fold to be on par with diseases of similar burden. Politicians are equally unaware and are slow to react because of the lack of concern among the American public.

Cure Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is the sponsor for the Wednesday-Thursday Knockout Teams.

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