· web viewthe my truenorth. guide to significant and sustainable growth. hi there,

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The Ethical Coaching Company

The My TrueNORTHGuide to

Significant and Sustainable Growth


The Ethical Coaching CompanyHi there,

Allow me to be just a little self-indulgent and share with you a brief story about why My TrueNORTH is unique in what it does, and by doing so, confirm with you this is most probably the very best decision you have made for the benefit of both you and your business!

Let’s assume for one minute your goal was to get to the North Pole! You can’t jump on a flight so you’ll have to trek at some stage. So you plan, plot, gather all the equipment you’ll need, buy a good quality compass, allow the needle to settle on the N and set off. Right?....... WRONG. Follow the needle from the UK and you’ll find yourself in Scandinavia well before you find any pole, because you’re following MAGNETIC NORTH!

In business, we often seek council, support, guidance from others, and regardless of their ‘good intent’ they might ‘mean well’ but often help you towards Scandinavia and not the North Pole! You see, unless we first truly understand WHERE you are wanting to go, WHERE you have come from, HOW you have got to where you are right now and WHAT you are seeking to achieve nobody can truly give you the RIGHT support, guidance, mentorship and accountability to ensure you remain on track to achieve YOUR success.

My TrueNORTH, the Ethical Coaching Company works meticulously with dedicated business owners to provide the RIGHT solution for them to create Significant and Sustainable growth for both them and their businesses.

We are proud to have twice won a Global Entrepreneur ‘Big Impact to Business’ Award, and humbled to have been added to the Smith and Williamson ‘Clear Business Thinking’ Power 100 list.

Welcome to My TrueNORTH, the Ethical Coaching Company dedicated to helping you achieve YOUR Success Summit™

Jay Allen – BSc, CertEd, IACP, IANLPPFounder of the #ADDAZERO Business Challenge


The Ethical Coaching CompanyThis workbook has been specifically designed to help YOU ensure you are on course to hit and smash all your milestone achievements and reach your Success Summit™

There are fundamentally 7 steps, and within the following pages are the step by step guide to ensuring your on the right course.

This is NOT a 5min coffee break workbook. In order to benefit the most from it, you need to set time aside to complete each of the 7 steps honestly and accurately. The more accuracy you apply to each section, the more likely you are of achieving your goals.

1. KNOW YOUR NUMBERSThe first morning of the first day in your business, and for EVERY day afterwards, you NEED to know your numbers. Have you ever got into a car and just driven anywhere until you’ve run out of petrol and been lost in the middle of nowhere? No, that would be crazy! Well starting a business and not knowing what numbers you have to produce is just as crazy.

Once you know them down to laser like precision, then it makes it much easier to plan and achieve your goals. Don’t panic, there’s an exercise in this book for you to work out the basic numbers in your business. Make sure you do them!

2. KNOW YOUR WHYTo many business owners start out with a GREAT idea, either having quit a job, been made redundant or decided to take control of their own destiny, yet far fewer ever realise their goals, and that’s because they have failed to understand and embed their WHY!

This exercise helps you understand the WHY within your business and ensures you have embedded within everything


The Ethical Coaching Companyyou do to ensure your work is meaningful, purposeful and rewarding of your efforts.

3. KNOW WHO YOUR WHO IS?The second exercise you have to do on that first day in business is to know who your who is.

I mean, know who your customers are. Who are your customers? Everyone? WRONG! Everyone is not your customer. When you think about every walk of life in the UK from 16 year olds to 96 year olds, not every one of them is your customer. We are ALL different!

So, you need to work out who your customer is and again we need to get this down to laser like precision. You see, the biggest mistake that most business owners are guilty of (apart from not knowing their numbers!) is writing adverts and marketing to everyone, or writing something that would make you buy it. But the reality is……………. you are not your customer!

When writing an advert or copy you need to write it to your ideal customer so it jumps off the page at them. To understand your customer and how they think, you need to design a customer profile for them. This is like a description of what type of person they are and what makes them tick.

Once you know this you’re laughing. We even name our profiles to make them more real, so we write our marketing to Steve or Sue. There is a customer profile template in this book for you. It is ok to have multiple profiles if you sell to 16 year olds and the 96 year olds, you just have to market to them differently.

4. MARKET, MESSAGE, MEDIAIn that order only!

As I mentioned above, most business owners get this wrong. They start off that first day in business and go straight to the


The Ethical Coaching Company“Message” and write marketing that only resonates with people who think the same as them. Bonkers.

We always start with working out who our “Market” is and you would have done that in the customer profile above. Once you know who the customer is, you can then write your “Message” which is your marketing copy. Once you have done your message, you can then choose what type of “Media” to use to share that message. Media is the different forms of advertising, e.g. newspapers, magazines, Facebook etc. For instance, you’d have a much better chance reaching the 16 year olds on Facebook than 96 year olds!

5. JOIN OUR COMMUNITYRome wasn’t built in a day, and neither shall your business success. However, you can accelerate the speed in which you succeed by surrounding yourself with the right people.“You are the sum of the five people you hang around with the

most”Jim Rohan

Our online Facebook community is the place to mix, share and benefit from being around other likeminded business owners, already working towards their Success Summit™

Visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MTNAddAZero/ without delay to begin mixing with other proactive business owners to ensure you spend some influential time around people who can help you grow and encouraging your success.

6. WORK WITH YOUR COACHJust as in sports, it’s becoming far more recognised that the achieve the ultimate success in anything we do, there is the need for encouragement, support, guidance from someone who understands, shares the journey with you and has the knowledge and experience to help alleviate the hurdles we often face and guide us towards success.


The Ethical Coaching CompanyWithin My TrueNORTH, our Business Success Strategy Coaches are dedicated to helping you identify with clarity your goals and help you every step of the way to achieve them.

7. SPREAD THE WORDWe welcome feedback of any kind, the good, the bad, and the downright ugly! In order for us to continue to provide Ethical Coaching we need to know what we are doing is exactly what you’re looking for to reach your Success Summit™. Therefore, please offer ALL feedback to your coach enabling them to also continue to develop.

If we do something wrong, tell us, in order we can demonstrate exactly how much we value your feedback. When we continue to do things right, please share it with everyone at enable others to learn more about how they too can work towards their Success Summit™.So there’s some important things that you need to be addressing.Of course it’s not mandatory to do the exercises in this book, it’s entirely up to you. Nor is it mandatory to send a copy to


But if you do, you’ll be on the first step to making the biggest difference to both you, your family and your business.

You will automatically have moved into the minority of business owners, those working with the UK’s leading Ethical Coaching Company, to ensure you are on course to significantly and sustainably grow you and your business.


The Ethical Coaching Company

1. KNOW YOUR NUMBERSYou know one of the biggest mistakes that a large amount of business owners do is not knowing their numbers. What are your goals, how much money do you need to bring in to break even, what profit did you make last week?The first thing I want us to do is work out what has happened over the last 12 months or the last financial year. Have a look through the records and fill these out below: Annual Turnover = £       (a)

Annual Profit = £       (b)

Number of customers =       customers

Number of staff =       employees

How many hours each week are you working?       hrs

How many days holiday did you take last year?       days

Do you work on weekends/late nights/bank holidays –

Taking everything into account, on a scale of 1 to 10(1 being terrible and 10 being amazing) how do you feel you and your business are doing at the moment?


The Ethical Coaching Company


Now we know what has happened in the last 12 months or financial year. Now let’s have a look at why you’re actually doing this. You know, why are you actually working for yourself? Have you set yourself any goals? Let’s have a look at what goals you can set and work out to the nearest pound how much they will cost yearly. Personal financial goals and business costs. Work the totals out separately.


Description Yearly CostYour household outgoings – mortgage/bills/fuel etc.      Your personal spending money      Annual family holiday – Disney? Caribbean?      New Car(s)      Private health insurance – Family of 4 = £2000 pa      Private schooling - £16,000 per child      Husband/Wife not having to work      Home help – Cleaner/Ironer/Gardener      Weekends away      Home renovations      Savings      Memberships e.g. Gym etc.      Anything else?      TOTAL PERSONAL (c)      Business expenses – Premises/Bills etc.      Staff costs      Vehicle costs      Affiliate costs      Accountants      Marketing & Advertising Costs      Training      Memberships      Anything else?      TOTAL BUSINESS (d)      

The Ethical Coaching Company

NOW WHAT?.....

So now we know what you need to bring in for your annual personal goal and your annual business expenses. Write that personal goal figure below and then divide it by 12 to get the monthly required figure.

What was the total of your personal annual goal (c) = £       What is this monthly =      

Remember this is a NET figure. Don’t forget the dreaded tax man! We need to work out how much this will be GROSS. So how much you actually need to earn to pay yourself this figure.

Go to www.thesalarycalculator.co.uk and click on Required Salary in the red column on the left. Then enter the monthly required take home amount that you worked out above into the monthly box.

What is the GROSS salary you need to earn -       (e)

What was the total business costs       (d)

Add these two figures together =       (f)

This figure (f) is your annual required turnover to achieve your financial goals that you worked out before. Work this out into greater detail. Divide by 12 to get your monthly. Then divide (f) by 220 days to get the daily rate and further divide that by 8 to get the average hourly rate.What is this monthly -      What is this daily -      What is this per hour -      

Congratulations This already is more than 80% of UK business owners have done towards their numbers.


The Ethical Coaching Company

Clarity is so important in business


The Ethical Coaching Company


Now let’s work out what the gap is between the turnover that you’ve done to the turnover that you need to reach your goals.

What was your last annual turnover (a) -      What is your goal turnover (f) -      What is the difference -       (Subtract a from f)

This is your gap. This is the figure that you need to achieve extra to meet those goals that you set out.

What is the gap monthly -      Weekly -      Daily -      

How are you going to fill this gap? It can be done with knowledge and hard work. Don’t worry, once you have a clear written down goal, it is much easier to achieve than “finger in the wind” targets.


The Ethical Coaching Company

How much is each customer worth?We can easily work out the average customer value to us per year. If you have a massive difference in values e.g. one client is worth £35,000 and another is worth £30, then you may want to do two calculations on large customers and small customers.

But the easiest generic way that I recommend is to take you last financial years turnover and divide that by the amount of customers you had in that year. Simples! It’s the law of averages. You now have an average customer value.

So what is this?

My average customer value is £       per year.How many more customers so you need then to make up that gap figure on the previous page? Easiest way is to divide the gap figure by this average customer value figure above and hey presto, that’s the amount of customers you need extra per year to hit those goals.

How much are you going to spend to get them?

If you work out your average customer is worth £3000 per year to you, how much is this in a lifetime? If you think they would stay a customer for 10 years then their average lifetime value is £30,000. Get it?

Average lifetime value of a customer is £      So how much are you going to spend to try and acquire these new customers through your marketing? Let’s say you decide to spend £300 on per prospect and your biggest rivals ABC Ltd are going to spend £500. Who is going to win the customer? Yep, ABC Ltd. I’m not saying these figures are what you should be spending, but I am saying don’t put a budget on your marketing.


The Ethical Coaching Company


The Ethical Coaching Company

I should be spending £       per prospect to try and win their custom.

I need       more customers every year to close my gap.

This equates to 0 every month

That means I need 0 more customers each week

Can it be done?


The Ethical Coaching Company

2. What is your WHY?If you’ve ever spent time around kids, you’ve been subjected to a barrage of the most classic of childhood queries: “Why?”

Even from a young age, we know intuitively that the motive behind an action is the most important piece of any story. When it comes to your business -- whether you’ve already launched or if you’re still in the whiteboard phase -- knowing your “why” will help you stay committed to your dream and help others get on board, too.

The right reasons“He who has a why can endure any how.” -- Frederick Nietzsche

There are many reasons why people become entrepreneurs: personal satisfaction, creative independence or financial autonomy -- the list goes on. Yet all of these have one thing in common. At the core, they all are about freedom.That freedom can come in many different forms: the freedom to make changes without waiting for corporate green lights, the freedom to offer a product or service that does business differently or maybe the literal freedom to actually make that dentist appointment once and for all.

What is it that drives you? The reason probably isn’t money -- at least it shouldn’t be.

"If money were no object, what would you do?"

Money isn’t enough“The siren call for many entrepreneurs isn’t money, it’s freedom. The freedom to chart your own path, the freedom to build what you want with the people

you love.” -- Andrew Wilkinson, Founder of MetaLab and Flow

As the owner of your company, you can set your own targets and standards. And while the freedom of not having anyone standing in your way can be invigorating, the stress of knowing there is no one to blame for any failures can be too much to bear. This is when your “why” becomes imperative.www.MyTrueNORTH.BizIwantto@addazero.co.uk

The Ethical Coaching Company

If you aren't 100 percent committed to making your vision a reality, you won’t be impassioned enough to nurture your business through its inevitable growing pains. Businesses rarely make money right off the bat, so the dream of money alone will not be reason enough to see it through. Don’t trade in the shackles of your corporate day job for a gilded cubicle of your own making.

If a salary is just a means to end, how do you know when you’ve reached it? Is it after five years? 10? Or when you finally make a down payment on a house? The more material possessions you acquire -- a car, a house, that summer home by the sea or the boat in the bay. The more that steady, safe salary becomes a crutch. So ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”

Once you find an answer that speaks to your soul, the next question should be, “What am I waiting for?”

Find your story. Find your coverage“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing, and then do them

so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” -- Maya Angelou

The great thing about passion is that it's infectious. And a great story doesn’t have to be dramatic, just genuine.

With so many social marketing campaigns, customers want to feel like they are supporting a cause, not just buying a product. If your audience knows that you love what you do, not only will they be more confident that you’ve made the best possible product, they’ll want to support your enthusiasm by giving you their business.

Your story is also your link to your core principles. If you set out to make a product with all natural ingredients, keep that in mind as your business begins to grow. Don’t compromise the integrity of your product or you'll undermine your customer’s trust and everything you’ve accomplished.


The Ethical Coaching Company

Not every passion is a potential business, and that’s OKPerhaps you love yoga and your friends are always saying you should become an instructor. That’s great if you really enjoy the idea of teaching others. But if the reason you like yoga is because it allows you a quiet escape from the rest of the world, then there’s nothing wrong with keeping it all to yourself.

Not sure what your passion is?"There is no passion to be found playing small -- in settling for a life that is less

than the one you are capable of living." -- Nelson Mandela

Do some market research. Poll your closest friends and family (only people you trust to give you an honest answer) and ask them what they think your strengths are. Not only can it be a huge confidence booster to hear how wonderful they think you are, but they may come up with skills you didn’t even realize you had.Another thing is to ask yourself what sorts of things people ask you for help with. Does your tech savvy make you the first-person people call when they’re thinking of buying a new computer? Do you frequently help family members write letters or improve their CV? Maybe you are the best at finding great airline deals or your broad perspective means people consult your opinion before making a big financial decision.

Whatever it is, think about those things you do for free and extrapolate out to see where a potential business could be born.

“What's my purpose in life?” Write down an answer. Write another one and keep writing answers until one of them makes you STOP. That’s your purpose.

Passion is contagiousWhen your enthusiasm is palpable, people want a ticket on your happy train. The key to harnessing that passion is understanding your “why.” Why are you passionate about


The Ethical Coaching Companywindsurfing? Is it because it helped you lose 30 lbs, get off all your medications and have a new lease on life?

That’s your “why,” and that’s the story you need to share with your customers. You deserve a life you love, so get going and dream on.

What is your WHY?


The Ethical Coaching Company

3. WHO IS YOUR WHO?You can’t say everyone is your customer as they are not. This means that you can’t market to everyone. You have to market directly to your idea customer. This requires you to have a Customer Profile. Make up a character of your ideal customer or use one of your existing customers, the type you would love more of.

1. First get clear on the basics…

Gender Age Lifestyle      



2. Then probe a little deeper…

These ‘motivational’ type questions enable you to understand at a more profound level the type of person you wish to attract and influence, so see if you can determine…

What they desire, want, aspire to?     

3. What problem have they got that you can solve?

Their Fears, Frustrations and Challenges?     

What keeps them awake at night?     

What do they Like and Dislike?     

What type of conversations do they have around the kitchen table?     

What do they read?     


The Ethical Coaching CompanyWhat Social Media channels do they use?     

How do they relax?     

What objections could they have to buying?     

How do they make decisions?     

Now you know exactly who your idea customer is, how they think, what they do, what they love and hate and most importantly how you can help them. This is the first part of Message – Market – Media.

Tripe MMarket – Message – Media, the most important business lesson ever and good news! You’ve already done the first part of this, the Market. It has to be done in this order. By completing the customer avatar exercise on the previous page, you have worked out who your market is. Hoorah!

MarketWho is your market? (You’ve already done this)

MessageNow you know who your market is and how they think, what are you going to tell them? The way you write your marketing will differ to each type of customer. We always start with a great headline. Write a headline below that would speak directly to your ideal customer avatar. Maybe a question would be good.


MediaNow you know who your customer is and what you’re going to say, we now work out how we tell them. This is the media.


The Ethical Coaching CompanyThings like newspaper adverts, websites, Facebook and leaflets.

Great job, you’re doing brilliantly, now let’s look at how to keep in touch with ‘em

There are 131 different forms of media. Write down which types of media you think your avatar will see your marketing.


The first 7-8 should be quite easy! But easy isn’t going to get you noticed these days, so spend some time and be creative by finding ANOTHER 7-8!


The Ethical Coaching Company

4. YOUR DATABASENow you have some people to communicate with, its time to work out your marketing strategy to communicate with them!

First Name Last Name Email AddressDave Smith dave@smithandco.comSarah Jones Sajones@hotmail.comAmanda Kissuncuddle Amandak@cuddle.net

Any other details you have like phone numbers, address or

dates of birth add them in too. Also put a column in to say if they are past customers, present customers or prospects as it’s nice to segment your list.

There are literally hundreds of different email marketing / Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs available ranging from FREE to hundreds if not thousands of pounds. You need to determine the functionality you require from your CRM and which software best suits your requirements and budget.

Personally, we use GET RESPONSE, it works really well for us as both Email marketing and a CRM, and from as little as £7pcm is a great platform for a small investment. You can view it by


The Ethical Coaching Companyfollowing this link (which also offers you a 30-day free trial! http://gr8.com/pr/t5QnM/d

5. ONLINE COMMUNITYThe online community has been set up to enable you to have 24Hr access to other like-minded Business owners so you never again get that feeling of either alone, uncertainty or unsupported. It is a place where you are encouraged to share, ask, learn, test out new ideas and in return others shall do the same.

It’s monitored by the coaches of My-TrueNORTH and where we also share lots of advice, support, guidance, and details of the many events we are hosting over the year.

If you haven’t already done so, use THIS LINK to join now:


6. YOUR COACHIt’s imperative that you are able to source and work with a coach that you are able to get along with. In order to be as effective as possible, they need to know ALL there is to know about you and your business.

Coaching is a very privileged position and should be treated as such. To go behind the glossy fronted customer service desk and into the engine room of a business has to be done considerately but is necessary if you are seeking the most effective help to transform you and your business.

My TrueNORTH coaches have all been personally selected not only for their background having all run their own successful businesses and coaching practices, but more about the shared ethics of being willing to go above and beyond in the help and support of their clients. For doing the right thing for the client regardless of what that may be and for maintaining a commitment for ensuring everything they do is in regard to


The Ethical Coaching Companysupporting their clients reach their TrueNORTH Success Summit™

It is on these grounds, we are proud to have twice won a Global Entrepreneur ‘Big Impact to Business’ Award and listed on the Smith & Williamson ‘Clear Business Thinking’ UK Power 100.

The great news is, by choosing My TrueNORTH, The Ethical Coaching Company, your in GOOD hands.

The Most Common Challenge

The most common challenge that arises in coachingrelationships is the program going arraybecause of unhelpful mental blockages. It is for this reason alone that this issueis raised even before we get started.

We will both commit ourselves to thiscoaching process and will haveto work as a team to ensureyour goals are realized.

There is one important rulethat we must both agree tocomply by,


Above the line, you can AIM towards your own Success Summit and we can work together to get you there. Below the line, and you make your own bed, it’s time for the partnership to cease as you choose to lay in it!

By playing above the line, we both take ownership of what is happening around us and accept the responsibility and accountability that goes with it.



The Ethical Coaching CompanyWhen something goes wrong (and it might) the easiest thing to do is to blame it on somebody else, find an excuse or deny there is a problem. This ‘playing below the line’ is destructive, does not resolve anything and problems simply get worse.I therefore need your agreement to play and participate 100% ‘above the line’ and permission to hold you to account to the things we agree to do.

Remember, “If you always do, what you have always done; you will always have, what you already have”

This is a long-term commitment that will teach you how to identify in any business, how to systemize it so you can have a commercial profitable and sustainable business that can work without you, During our time together, you shall be using your existing business to learn and develop these skills.

As we work together, I am also going to be ‘unreasonable’. I’m here to make sure you get results, and that sometimes means pushing you outside of your comfort zone. I’m going to expect more of you than you do of yourself. Your key responsibility is to let me know if there are any challenges so we can discuss them.

This is a coaching program, not consultation. In real terms this means you shall still be required to do the work. I’ll share with you the tools and the way to build your business clarity, however it remains your responsibility to put these into place.

7. SPREAD THE WORDWhilst we are on a MISSION to help, guide, support and hold to account Business Owners who are dedicated to the Significant and Sustainable growth of both them and their businesses. We can’t do this effectively without YOU.I sincerely believe the content within this FIRST THINGS FIRST Booklet is the first step to helping you TRANSFORM both you and your business. Yet this is merely the beginning of all we have to offer! SAVE AND EMAIL your completed form back to Iwantto@Addazero.co.uk and request your COMPLIMENTARY SUCCESS STRATEGY Coaching Call with one of our highly trained and experienced coaches.


The Ethical Coaching CompanyDon’t forget to also ask about our ADDAZERO Business Challenge, which has taken almost 3 years of planning and testing, and we know that having completed this exercise, your now ready to take the ADDAZERO Business Challenge!We are truly committed to the ethics to which I have highlighted within and excited about working with you to help you reach your Success Summit™

Web: www.MyTrueNORTH.BizEmail: Enquiries@MyTrueNORTH.BizFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MTNAddAZero/Twitter:Https://www.Twitter.com/MyTrueNORTHUKNotes:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


The Ethical Coaching Company……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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