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Basic Requirements and Formatting Guidelines for Peking University Graduate-Level Dissertations(Chinese version is from page 5)

1. Basic dissertation requirementsPHBS full-time master degree students should submit dissertation in English and Chinese with at

least 10,000 words (10,000 words in English and 10,000 words in Chinese. It must be 35 pages or more for English version, printed double-sided onto A4 paper. It must be typed in Times New Roman, size 12 font, and the lines spaced by 20 pounds. Your dissertation must have an abstract both in Chinese and English. For International students, full dissertation in Chinese is not required. It is still required to submit Chinese abstract, which has at least 1000 characters.

A Master’s dissertation should provide new insights or conclusions into a research topic which has demonstrated importance in terms of the economic construction and social progression of society. Dissertations are a demonstration that a Masters candidate has developed a firm grasp of basic theory and has engaged in significant academic research by employing expertise in a specific area of study.Dissertations are to be conducted under the guidance of an instructor, but research is to be conducted solely on an individual basis.

2. General format of dissertation

Dissertations should normally be composed of the following sections:1. Cover (see Appendix 1)2. Copyright 3. Title: Should accurately and concisely summarize the entire paper. Should not exceed 20

words.4. Chinese Abstract: Summary of 1000 words or more briefly describing the purpose, content,

methods, results, and conclusions of the paper. Should highlight innovative methods and/or conclusions. Ensure that the use of language is accurate, and list keywords pertaining to the dissertation on a line at the bottom of the page (3-5 words).

5. English Abstract: Should have a subject line at the top of the page, with the contents identical to the Chinese abstract. Directly below the title, include your name, then the faculty advisor’s name, formatted as “Directed By…” On the bottom of the page, list 3-5 English keywords (see Appendix 2). Times New Roman, The spacing of 20 pounds

6. Table of Contents: Provide an outline for the remaining sections of the dissertation.7. Introduction: Discuss the research subject matter, the development of your thesis of the course

of your research, and how the research applies to contemporary economics and social progress, domestically and internationally. In addition, include a review of results, the theoretical methods used, and problems arising from the research.

8. Text: The main body of the dissertation. Though no strict structural outline is required, it is recommended that you follow commonly accepted standards of writing for academic papers.

9. Note: Please use footnotes and endnotes in compliance with any internationally-recognized formatting style (for example, APA or MLA), and be consistent with the use of one formatting

style. The use of any external research, results, or opinions without proper references will be considered plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly.

10. Conclusion: The paper’s conclusions must be clear, refined, complete, accurate, and must highlight the paper’s primary insights. Please clearly delineate the boundaries of your own research and that of others in the field of study.

11. References: References may be organized pertaining to different formatting styles. Rather than translating into Chinese, please keep all foreign language references in their original language. (see Appendix 3)

Literary journals generally formatted: Author, title, journal name, year, month, volume number, issue number, page number

Literary books generally formatted: Author, title, publishing unit, date of publication, edition, page number

12. Appendix: Include information on formulas used in the body of the paper, and expand information on charts and data included in the text to help provide a better understanding of their import. If necessary, also include information on how specific symbols or abbreviations were used to complement the full text.

13. At the end of the dissertation, include any acknowledgements or postscripts if necessary. 14. The originality statement for your dissertation and the authorization instructions given to you

by your faculty advisor.15. Back Cover

3. Dissertation printing and binding requirements

1. Please use standard English character fonts when printing your dissertation. Please use the school’s “Master’s Dissertation” or “PhD Candidate Dissertation” cover supplied by the university. The cover must be carefully and correctly completed, with your academic instructor’s signature on the cover in order to receive approval. These standards are subject to change, and students should formally submit a proposal before making changes to the accepted layout.

The dimensions for the cover paper are 285mm x 205mm, whereas the internal paper size is 240mm x 150mm.

2. All papers require clear, neat writing and proper punctuation. If portions of your dissertation are difficult to understand due to language or grammar problems, you will be asked to rework your paper.

3. Charts, notes, references, and formulas should all use Arabic numerals. Additionally, diagram names and descriptions should be located directly below the diagram, and table names and description located directly above the table. For formulas used in the dissertation’s text, please use brackets to delineate the numbers and do not use a dotted line in mathematical formulae.

4. Your dissertation must be bound on the left side, and should be clean and easy to use.

4. Cover sample (you could get it from print room)1. Please submit 4 paperback editions of theses to administrative office one week before the

final thesis defense. The name of your thesis supervisor should not be put in the thesis, if

not, the result of your thesis defense is void and you will be regarded as cheating and be charged 1500RMB for the second defense application. These theses are only used for reviewing by defense committee members.

2. Please print and bind 4 copies of theses (PKU Library 1, University Town Library 1, Education Academic Office 1, and Business School 1). The title of the thesis and the student number should be printed on the spine.1)Cover (see Appendix 1 and use Chinese Title)2)Copyright (in Chinese, which can be downloaded from Portal of Peking University)3)English Title 4)English Abstract 5)Chinese Title 6) Chinese Abstract7)Table of Contents (in English)8)Introduction (in English)9)Texts (in English)10)References11)Acknowledgements12 ) The Originality Statement for Dissertation and the Authorization Instructions (in Chinese, which can be downloaded from Portal of Peking University) 13)Back Cover

3. Every student obtaining a master’s degree should submit electronic version just the same as the printing version according to the requirements of School library and University City Library.

Cover sample( you could get it from print room)

For international students

硕士研究生学位论文题目: Chinese Title\ English Title

(Number 1 or 2,)姓 名: Name

学 号: Student ID

院 系: 汇丰商学院专 业: 金融硕士/西方经济学

/企业管理研究方向: (research


Finance or None

导师姓名: ***(only name)二〇二〇 年 一 月

北京大学汇丰商学院硕士研究生学位论文的基本要求与书写格式(2018 年 3 月修订)

一、 学位论文的基本要求因汇丰商学院全日制项目实行全英文教学,为适应我院国际化教学的培养目标,在取得北京大学校学位委员会的批准后,汇丰商学院在校全日制学生向北京大学提交的正式毕业论文语言应为中英文双语,中英文须各达到 10,000 字以上,英文部分正文页码要求为 A4 规格纸张单面 35 页以上,同时英文字体格式为 Times New Roman,中文字体格式为宋体,字号为小四,行距为 20 磅。论文必须附中英文摘要。页边距:上、下、左、右、装订线的页边距分别为: 3.0cm, 2.5cm, 2.6cm, 2.6cm,0cm。(双面打印,书脊上须印论文题目、2020 和学号)。


学位论文应当用规范英语进行撰写,中文摘要采用简体中文撰写。学位论文必须是一篇[或一组(3 篇以上)相关论文组成的一篇]系统完整的、有创造性的学术


学位论文一般应依次包括下述几部分:1. 封面(参见附件 1),封面仍用中文填写。2. 版权声明(中文),可从校内综合信息门户下载。3. 题目:应准确概括整个论文的核心内容,简明扼要,让人一目了然。一般不宜超过 20 个

字(中英文)。4. 中文摘要:留学生中文摘要要求在 1000 字以上,应简要说明本论文的目的、内容、方法、

成果和结论。要突出论文的创新之处。语言力求精炼、准确。在本页的最下方另起一行,注明本文的关键词(3-5 个)。

5. 英文摘要:英文摘要上方应有题目,内容与中文摘要相同。在英文题目下面第一行写研究生姓名,专业名称用括弧括起置于姓名之后,研究生姓名下面一行写导师姓名,格式为 Directed by...。最下方一行为英文关键词(Keywords 3-5 个)。参见附件 2。

6. 目录:既是论文的提纲,也是论文组成部分的小标题。

7. 序言(或序论、导论):内容应包括本课题对学术发展、经济建设、社会进步的理论意义和现实意义,国内外相关研究成果述评,本论文所要解决的问题,论文运用的主要理论和方法、基本思路和行文结构等。

8. 正文:是学位论文的主体。根据学科专业特点和选题情况,可以有不同的写作方式。但必须言之成理,论据可靠,严格遵循本学科国际通行的学术规范。


10. 结论:论文结论要明确、精炼、完整、准确,突出自己的创造性成果或新见解。应严格区分本人的研究成果与他人的科研成果的界限。

11. 参考文献:按不同学科论文的引用规范,列于文末(通篇正文之后)。文献是期刊时,一般书写格式为:作者、篇名、期刊名、年月、卷号、期数、页码。文献是图书时,一般书写格式为:作者、书名、出版单位、年月、版次、页码。12. 附录:包括正文内不便列入的公式推导,便于读者加深理解的辅助性数据和图表,论文

使用的符号意义,缩略语,程序全文和有关说明,其它对正文的必要补充等。13. 作者的致谢、后记或说明等一律列于论文末尾(中英文皆可)。14. 学位论文原创性声明和授权使用说明(中文,可从校内综合信息门户下载)15. 封底三、学位论文的正式打印和装订要求


论文一律用 A4 纸双面打印。打印论文装订后的尺寸为 285mm×205mm(版心尺寸为240mm×150mm)。



4. 学位论文一律在左侧装订。要求装订、剪切整齐,便于使用。四、学位论文应打印和报送的册数

1.答辩前一周,请提交 4 门简装论文按时间要求送到行政办公室,论文全文不得出现导师名字,违反的同学视同作弊,答辩结果无效,是否重新答辩将视情节由答辩委员会决定,并罚款1500元作为第二次申请费。


2. 答辩后,一共向学院提交四本正式装订论文,格式必须准确。书脊处需打印论文题目、年份和学号。整本论文按以下顺序排版:



北京大学汇丰商学院 2018 年 3 月修订

硕士研究生学位论文题目: 论文题目

1 号或者 2 号黑体

姓 名: Name (仿宋 3 号)学 号: Student ID

院 系: 汇丰商学院专 业: 金融硕士/西方经济学

/企业管理研究方向: 数量金融(其他专业空着)导师姓名: 名字

二〇二〇 年 一月For international students

硕士研究生学位论文题目: Chinese Title\ English Title

(Number 1 or 2,)

姓 名: Name

学 号: Student ID

院 系: 汇丰商学院专 业: 金融硕士/西方经济学

/企业管理研究方向: (research


Finance or None

导师姓名: ***(only name)

二〇二〇 年 一 月版权声明








关键词:关键词 1,关键词 2,关键词 3……

① 本研究得到某某基金(编号:XXX)资助。I



Author Name ( Major )Directed by your Supervisor


In environmental economics, environmental resources including environmental quality are categorized as amenity resources. Due to its importance to human welfare, the amenity resources theoretical study and valuation is an ongoing issue at the academic frontier in the environmental economics area.

KEY WORDS: Key word 1, Key word 2, Key word 3, ……





目录............................................................................................................................III第 一 章 引言 ..................................................................................................................1

1.1 Ⅲ 族氮化物( GaN 基半导体)材料的基本性质 .........................................................................11.1.1 Ⅲ 族氮化物半导体的晶体结构 ................................................................................................1

第 二 章 研究进展 ............................................................................................................22.1 环境中黑炭的主要来源 ..................................................................................................................2

第 四 章 图表示例 ............................................................................................................4第 五 章 结论及展望 .........................................................................................................5参考文献.......................................................................................................................6附录 A 附录示例 ...........................................................................................................8致谢.............................................................................................................................9北京大学学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明..................................................................10

注:目录从第 1章开始,前边因页眉需要设置了标题,实际使用时更新后去掉前边部分。使用时请删除本注释。如本示例,更新目录后删除前边三项(摘要、ABSTRACT、目录)即可。



第一章 引言①

自 20世纪 50 年代后期集成电路问世以来,固体电子器件的小型化和集成度便在高速、低能耗、和高存储密度的要求下持续迅速地提高。半导体集成电路经过近几十年来的发展,在 Moore 定律“大约每 18 个月芯片的集成度增加一倍”的预言推动下,硅基微电子芯片的特征线宽已经从 Intel第一代处理器的10μm 缩小到了 2011 年应用于第三代 Core 处理器的 22nm[1, 2] ,目前正在向14nm 工艺发展。随着器件的缩小,尺寸限制所带来的量子效应也趋于明显。当器件尺寸达到与电子的费米波长相比拟的长度时,离散能级以及干涉、隧穿等量子效应就会对器件中的电子输运产生决定性的影响。这些小尺度下的新现象和新效应既是对传统半导体器件的挑战,也为开发新型器件提供了机遇。如何突破传统器件的设计思路,利用这些量子效应来实现更高效、低能耗的计算,成为了物理学中的一个研究热点[3-5]。


1.1 Ⅲ族氮化物(GaN 基半导体)材料的基本性质Ⅲ族氮化物是一类具有宽带隙、强极化和铁电性的半导体材料。常见的Ⅲ族氮化物如

AlN、GaN 和 InN都是直接带隙半导体……………….………….

1.1.1 Ⅲ族氮化物半导体的晶体结构………….

① 第 1章用了“顺序编码制索引文献”样式,采用后全文都只能采用这种方式。4


第二章 研究进展①

2.1 环境中黑炭的主要来源环境中黑炭 (black carbon)气溶胶的主要来源包括各种化石燃料和生物质燃

料的不完全燃烧过程 (Penner et al., 1993; Bond et al., 2004),这些不完全燃烧在自然界和人类活动中都会发生,因此,环境中黑炭气溶胶的来源十分广泛。对当今大气环境中的黑炭,其主要来源是人类相关的燃料燃烧活动 (段凤魁 ,

2007),此外,一些自然过程也会产生黑炭,如森林火灾、草原火灾等。根据过去的排放清单研究,大气环境中黑炭气溶胶的来源主要包括:1) 有机燃料的燃烧,主要包括能源行业、工业部门、交通运输行业、居民生活中煤、石油、天然气和各种生物质燃料的使用。通常而言,燃烧效率越高,产生的黑炭气溶胶的量越低;2) 工业炼焦,主要包括炼焦过程中的炼制过程、焦炉加热系统以及焦炉煤气的泄漏等等;3) 工业制砖,主要包括制砖过程中物料破碎输送、坯体人工干燥和烧成工段等过程;4) 垃圾焚烧,包括生活垃圾和工业废料的燃烧过程;5) 天然火灾和野外农业废弃物燃烧,包括森林、草原火灾和秸秆的燃烧。目前大部分研究表明,民用取暖和做饭过程中的燃料燃烧和城市柴油车是黑炭气溶胶大气排放量最大的源 (Streets et al., 2001, 2003, 2013; Bond et al., 2004,

2006; Cao et al., 2006; Klimont et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2011)。……

① 本章为“著者-出版年制”索引文献示例,实际写作时只能选择本章和第 1章索引文献方法之一,不得混用。



第四章 图表示例①

图 3.15 全球NAT-CO2-2007清单与 PKU-CO2-2007比较的空间示意图

表 3.5 室外细菌气溶胶香农-维纳指数(H)和均匀性指数(E)Stage 1 (>7.1 μm) Stage 2 (4.8-7.1 μm) Stage 3 (3.2-4.7 μm)

Con Low Medium High Con Low Medium High Con Low Medium High

H 2.52 2.58 2.57 2.24 2.48 2.21 2.21 2.36 2.66 2.65 2.64 2.53

E 0.87 0.88 0.93 0.85 0.9 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.9 0.9 0.85 0.88

① 图标题在图下方,表标题在表上方。图表序号分章设置,如图 3.15 表示第三章第 15幅图。6




第五章 结论及展望




[1] Intel Corperation, http://download.intel.com/pressroom/kits/IntelProcessorHistory.pdf.

[2] Intel Corperation, http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/presentation/revolutionary-22nm-transistor-technology-presentation.pdf.

[3] I. Žutić, J. Fabian and S. Das Sarma, Spintronics: Fundamentals and applications, Reviews of Modern Physics 76 (2), 323-410 (2004).

[4] R. Hanson, L. Kouwenhoven, J. Petta, S. Tarucha and L. Vandersypen, Spins in few-electron quantum dots, Reviews of Modern Physics 79 (4), 1217 (2007).

[5] D. Loss and D. P. DiVincenzo, Quantum computation with quantum dots,Physical Review A 57 (1), 120 (1998).

注:以上是“顺序编码制”索引文献时参考文献著录法(对应第 1章示例)。各项著录信息未核准,仅为样式参考。“著者—出版年”制索引文献著录方法如下(对应第二章示例):

段凤魁, 贺克斌, 刘咸德, 董树屏, 杨复沫. 2007. 含碳气溶胶研究进展:有机碳和元素碳. 环境工程学报, 1: 1-8.

Bond T.C.; Bergstrom R.W. 2006. Light absorption by carbonaceous particles: an investigative review. Aerosol Science and Technology, 40: 27-67.

Bond, T. C.; Streets, D. G.; Yarber, K. F.; et al. 2004. A technology-based global inventory of black and organic carbon emissions from combustion. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D14203.

Cao, G. L.; Zhang, X. Y.; Zheng, F. C. 2006. Inventory of black carbon and organic carbon emissions from China. Atmospheric Environment, 40: 6516-6527.

Klimont, Z.; et al. 2009. Projections of SO2, NOx and carbonaceous aerosols emissions in Asia. Tellus, 61B, 602-617.

Lu, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Streets, D. G. 2011. Sulfur dioxide and primary carbonaceous aerosol emissions in China and India, 1996-2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 9839-

① 全文参考文献索引方式只能选用“顺序编码制”或“著者—出版年制”其中之一,文献列表也应选择相对应的著录方法,此处作为示例列举了两种方式,实际撰写论文时不得混用。



Penner, J. E.; Eddleman, H.; Novakov, T. 1993. Towards the development of a global inventory for black carbon emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 27 (A): 1277-1295.

Streets, D. G.; Bond, T. C.; Carmichael, G. R.; et al. 2003. An inventory of gaseous and primary aerosol emissions in Asia in the year 2000. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, 8809.

Streets, D. G.; Bond, T. C.; Lee, T.; Jang, C. 2004. On the future of carbonaceous aerosol emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D24212, doi:10.1029/2004JD004902.

Streets, D.G.; Shalini, G.; Waldhoff, S.T.; et al. 2001. Michae Black carbon emissions in China. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 4281- 4296.

Zhang, Q.; Streets, D. G.; Carmichael, G. R.; et al. 2009. Asian emissions in 2006 for the NASA INTEX-B mission. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 9, 4081- 4139.



附录A 附录示例




本论文是在 xx老师的悉心指导下完成的。xx老师作为一名优秀的、经验丰富的教师,具有丰富的 xx 知识和 xx 经验,在整个论文实验和论文写作过程中,对我进行了耐心的指导和帮助,提出严格要求,引导我不断开阔思路,为我答疑解惑,鼓励我大胆创新,使我在这一段宝贵的时光中,既增长了知识、开阔了视野、锻炼了心态,又培养了良好的实验习惯和科研精神。在此,我向我的指导老师表示最诚挚的谢意!










论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日


本人完全了解北京大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定,即: 按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版本; 学校有权保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服




学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文; 因某种特殊原因需要延迟发布学位论文电子版,授权学校□一年/□两



论文作者签名: 导师签名:

日期: 年 月 日


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