· web viewfine motor . cut pictures from a newspaper, magazine, food ad, etc or draw some simple...

Post on 18-Jun-2020






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Myron L. Powell Preschool Home LearningMonday May the 4th be with you….

* If you see a picture of a camera in the first column, PLEASE take a picture of that activity and send it you your child’s teacher. However, I’ll take any other pictures you wish to send, too. I’m just missing those smiling faces!

Sign-InHave your child write their first name with his/her favorite writing tool.Have them write their last name if they can.


Click on this link to find the assigned book for the day. It’s Raining, It’s Pouring with different types of weather.



What is your favorite kind of weather? Why?

Discuss then have your child draw a picture about his/her favorite type of weather. Write the words for your child’s story, or help him/her spell them out.


Alphabet Puddle Jump – Use small paper plates or puddle shapes cut from paper (fold one sheet into quarters then cut 4 at a time). Write one set of letters Aa through Mm on each puddle. Make a path or place them on the floor for your child to walk across while they say each letter.

Math Activity

Use one or two of the puddles from the above activity. Flip them over. Roll a die or use number cards to 20. Have your child roll/pick a card then place the correct amount of counters for raindrops on each puddle. Ask which has more/less? How many more/less?

Fine Motor

Cut pictures from a newspaper, magazine, food ad, etc or draw some simple pictures (your child can do this, too). Then have your child use a pencil, marker, etc and draw a line around the outside of the picture.


Watch Grover, the weather man from Sesame Street here:youtube.com/watch?v=oKsyGOSplzl


Have your child write the letters from today’s Puddle Jump activity on their white board. Ultimately, your child going to kindergarten should be able to write them if you just say the letter, but s/he can copy them if not. S/he could also write them in a plate of shaving cream, salt, etc instead of on the board.


https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/Scroll down to Earth and Sky, find Spring Senses. Please read and find other things outside that your child can see, feel, and hear.

Play Activity

Our students love sensory bins! Use this site for suggestions on making a sensory bin for your child. Leave it out for as long as your child is interested.


Myron L. Powell Preschool Home LearningTuesday May 5th

* If you see a picture of a camera in the first column, PLEASE take a picture of that activity and send it you your child’s teacher.

Sign-InHave your child write their first name with his/her favorite writing tool.Have them write their last name if they can.


https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/ Click on this link to find the assigned book for the day.Scroll down to … Earth and Sky then find/read Soho Explores the Sun. This is a book with “facts.”


Use the letter puddles from yesterday and turn them upside down. Have your child pick one, name it, then say a word that starts with that letter. Can your child say another word that rhymes with the word they just said? It can even be a made up word – a “silly rhyme”.


Use a kitchen towel, wash cloth, scarf to do these two activities. Your child has seen them before in class.Rain on the Green Grass


Math Activity

Sunray Patterns – use half a paper plate or draw a semi-circle on the edge of a sheet of paper. Cut strips of paper (2 colors is plenty, but 3 would be ok) about a ½ inch wide. Have/help your child cut those strips into pieces about 2-3 inches long to be sun rays. Start a pattern with the rays and have your child finish it. See if s/he can make their own pattern. AB – ABB – ABC patterns are all good!

Fine Motor

Draw/trace a circle in the middle of a yellow sheet of paper and another circle about the size of the paper. Cut out the bigger circle. Have your child snip/cut from the edge of the bigger circle to the edge of the small circle then stop. See this link for a visual: adabofgluewilldo.com/sun-scissors-skills


Maisy’s Wonderful Weather Book by Lucy Cousins read my my teacher friend


Use small marshmallows, play dough, raisins, cut fruit, etc and toothpicks, straws, chenille stems, etc to make letters.


If today is not sunny, switch this activity for another one from this week. Use a piece of dark construction paper. Place it out in a spot that will be sunny for a long time today (at least 3-5 hours). Put some things on top of it and leave them there. You might want to spell your name with plastic letters or use pebbles to make a picture or a design. What happened?

Play Activity

Go outside and play in the sunshine! Make some shadows, feel the warm rays on your face, enjoy!

Myron L. Powell Preschool Home LearningWednesday May 6th

* If you see a picture of a camera in the first column, PLEASE take a picture of that activity and send it you your child’s teacher.

Sign-InHave your child write their first name with his/her favorite writing tool.Have them write their last name if they can.


https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/ Click on this link to find the assigned book for the day.

Scroll down to Earth and Sky and find/read Cloud Questions


Fold a piece of paper into quarters and draw 4 different clouds you see this week.


This activity is similar to the puddle jumping one, but with clouds. Make cloud shapes out of paper or paper plates. This time put numbers 0-20 on them. Use beanbags or rolled up socks to toss onto the clouds. Name the number your beanbag lands on. Use two beanbags/socks and either talk about more/less again or add them together to get a bigger number.

Math Activity

See today’s Movement activity. I combined the two.

Fine Motor

Add something to your sensory bin that your child has to squeeze in order to pick the items up. It could be a pair of tweezers, some kitchen tongs, or even a clothespin.


Click on the picture for my story. Enjoy!


Use your white board or sentence strip and write numbers. How many did you do? Don’t stress if your younger child isn’t really good at this. It will come next year. (However, s/he should be encouraged to do 0, 1, maybe 4, 6, 7, 10)


Rain Cloud in a Jar – check this link out – click on the picture. You will need shaving cream, some colored water, an eye dropper or medicine dropper, and a clear container with water. If you don’t have these, I will be doing this at today’s What’s for Lunch Wednesday Zoom meeting. I’ll post a video to my website when I’m done.

Play Activity

Have your child draw a picture of them or just outside things on white paper. Then tape/clip the paper to an easel or other vertical surface. You could tape it to the white board and prop that up. Be sure to put rags or paper towels at the bottom or do this outside. Have them get their watercolor paints pretty wet then place the brush at the top of the paper and let the gravity pull the paint to the bottom like rain.

Myron L. Powell Preschool Home LearningThursday May 7th

* If you see a picture of a camera in the first column, PLEASE take a picture of that activity and send it you your child’s teacher.

Sign-InHave your child write their first name with his/her favorite writing tool.Have them write their last name if they can.


It Looked Like Spilt Milk – this book is similar to Little Cloud.


After reading this, see if your child can tell you some things that were the same or different between the two books. Please fold a paper in half and write the things that are the same in one column and those that are different in the other.


Yoga Day!

Math Activity

Use a deck of cards – just the numbers – or make a stack of number cards to 20. Have each player pick a card from the top of the pile then compare it with the cards from the other players. Whose is more/less or, if you have more than two players, whose is the biggest/highest number and the smallest or lowest one? Play for about 10 minutes.

Fine Motor

Use a spray bottle to squirt onto items outside or in the bathroom. You could use chalk or bath crayons to write on fences, sidewalks, the tub wall, etc to see how many squirts it takes to erase them. You could have your child use watercolor markers on a paper towel or coffee filter on top of a folded newspaper then squirt water on it to spread the colors out, too.


What happens when all those clouds give us lots of rain? Mud!


Have your child draw a cloud near the top of the white board then straight lines down from the cloud to the bottom while you say, “drip, drip, drip….” You can “drip” faster and slower for about 7 minutes.


What are Clouds? This is a quick video on clouds for our little scientists. It covers how clouds are made and different clouds. You’ll need to scroll down just a bit to see it. Can you predict the weather for the next few days by looking at the clouds? Give it a try!

Play Activity

IF you have white paint, use a blue piece of construction folded in half like a hamburger bun, open in up, put a spoonful of the paint in the crease, close it, and have your child rub the paint from the middle toward the edges. OR have your child glue cotton balls onto the blue paper in some sort of design. They can pull the cotton balls apart to stretch them out. When s/he is done, ask them what the paint or cotton balls look like and write it on their paper. Here are some examples – scroll down a bit to see them.

Myron L. Powell Preschool Home LearningFriday May 8th

* If you see a picture of a camera in the first column, PLEASE take a picture of that activity and send it you your child’s teacher.

Sign-InHave your child write their first name with his/her favorite writing tool.Have them write their last name if they can.


Click the picture to hear this story.


Retell and act out The Three Little Pigs. Combine this activity with your Play Activity and make costumes! A lot of our kids like to make headbands from construction paper. We cut it in half or thirds long-wise to make the strips for the bands. They’re very creative with the details. I’d love pictures of this if you’ve made costumes/props!


Today’s movement is the Alphabet Puddle Jump from the other day, only today you’re going to add the rest of the letters Nn – Zz. After you’ve used just these letters, you can mix the numbers with them and make the path longer. You can change the way your child moves around while playing. This is great for reviewing letters/numbers.

Math Activity

Use a napkin or quarter sheet of paper and 10 counters (5 if your child is younger). You may want to do this on a towel or on a rug. Have your child drop the counters onto the paper then count how many are on the paper and how many landed off the paper. Do this several times. Your older child may be able to write number sentences to show the different ways to make 10. For example, 4+6=10. I’d love a picture if your child can do the number sentences. It’s fine if s/he just isn’t ready for that yet.

Fine Motor

Use a turkey baster or empty ketchup-like bottle to squeeze and make air. This is more fun if you set up a race with your child. You can see who can blow a cotton ball across your table faster. You can also have your child bring other items to see if they can be moved with air.


This is one of my favorite books about wind. I would have read it for you, but my copy’s at school. So, here’s a teacher friend and her helper. Click on the book for the story.


Go to pages 15-17 on this link and either print then cut or just measure then cut pieces of paper to use like we use our wooden pieces at school. They don’t have to be exactly those sizes. I would cut 4 of each shape out of any color paper you like. Use them to practice making the letters in your child’s name or any other letters they like.LWT wooden pieces cut outs Pgs 3-4 will tell you the words we use in school.


Make mud – outside if it’s warm enough with water and dirt/sand, inside with chocolate pudding if it’s not that nice outside. If you place the pudding inside a Ziploc-type bag, your child can use it to trace letters, numbers, shapes. Just be sure the zipper is closed well, maybe even taped.

Play Activity

Make costumes/props to help retell The Three Little Pigs story.

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